Rampaging Raid Boss editionPrevious >>94699821>Basics Pastebinhttps://pastebin.com/ZdJtyTrL>Anon's Locals Survival Guidehttps://pastebin.com/xXp5jShL>Fanmade PC simhttps://pastebin.com/u6aKrBSg>Special Booster Ver 2.0 questionnairehttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgFLILW8nPopfh6tcGgYDpZMeCCxmO2f-4mxPQ3TWMeS8DMg/viewform>NewsBanlist, Errata:https://world.digimoncard.com/rule/New and Upcoming Releases:https://world.digimoncard.com/products/Digimon Liberator:Latest web comic chapter is Episode 9 Part 2! Next chapter scheduled for January 16thLatest web novel chapter is Debug 6-2! Next set of chapters sometime in Februaryhttps://digimoncard.com/digimon_liberator/Special Limited Set is out now everywhere!EX08 Chain of Liberation is out now in JP. EN release scheduled for January 10thBT20 Over the X is scheduled to be released January 31st in JP. Part of SB 2.5 in ENSpecial Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20ST20 Protector of Light / ST21 Hero of Hope have been officially announced. Scheduled to release April 18thBT21 World Convergence has been officially announced. Scheduled to release April 18th.Preliminary info for EX09 Versus Monsters. Scheduled for release June 26thhttps://www.primegame.it/Product/145683/Box_Digimon_Card_Game_EX-09_Extra_Booster_Versus_Monsters>TQWhat decks are you going to be running once EX8 releases in EN this week?
Blue hatePurple hateYellow hate
>>94749922This jank-ass simulator has fucking gaslit me into doubting myself, and make me question my own understanding of the game at times, so the conversation struck a cord with me. It's insidious, small triggers that you might overlook not functioning and going unnoticed, or advertised mechanics not working, making you reread the card and prompting the question, if game is wrong, or if you don't understand the very clearly worded text. This shit is giving me fucking trust issues at this point; I think it's awful for testing decks you're unfamiliar with, and although I imagine there's probably documentation on what cards don't work on their discord, I don't like joining hyperspecific servers for one game. Ideally shit would just work, but that's not the world we live in.Updating the game to 1.5.14, and getting around to testing ST17-13, it still doesn't function - it won't work on a non-veemon blue, it won't work on a veemon, it won't work on a black. there are no blue/black level 3s in the card pool, so i can't test it there; you think there would be the case 'oh, yeah, well, it's bugged and only works on veemons lol', but no, that part of the sec effect just straight up does not work.but then again, I haven't tested every theoretically viable level 3, so maybe there are circumstances where it does work.>>94750005It doesn't even work with VEEMON>no, but that's not the RIGHT veemonthis is turning me into a gibbering ape man; I'm going to have a fucking conniption fit.yes, i am carrying this into the next thread \ ^o^ /
>>94750110Breathe guy.
>>94750169I just tested literally EVERY SINGLE Veemon available in the simulator, and not a single one worked. Did you know that there are four instances of Veemon being given the designation of '-021' across the game? BT2-021, BT3-021, BT8-021, and BT12-021; I just thought that was interesting.WHY DOESN'T YOUR FUCKING GAME WORK, HOANG. I UNDERSTAND THE RULES. I AM NOT AT FAULT, YOU FFFFFFUCKERSo anyways, what is the significance of 21, to veemon?
>>94750110Relax.. For future reference you can see their acknowledged buglist here: https://dcgo.online/ (you don't need to join the discord). Whenever you see a fishy card effect not working, just check that list for now on, they're probably working on it. There's no need to flare up trust issues over an independent fan project that has limited dev sources (I don't even know if it has more than a single dev..)
>>94750110My friends and I went back to drasil and haven't looked back. The autosim is poorly made and the guys making it seem to be slow learners.
>>94750246It's a rookie that's commonly blue so it falls on that number due to how colors and levels are organized for card numbers
>>94750253Oh, that's actually really helpful, thank you.>>94750254I've seen it speculated that it's a clout thing, and having too many other people work on it will detract from the status of Hoang's team. The cascading contempt I have for the simulator at the moment, makes me lean towards the more negative perspective.
>>94750259Pretty sure their education on programming is just youtube tutorials for Unity. The amount of stuff they've hardcoded just doesn't make sense otherwise.
>>94750169me when I can't remember Dynasmon's name
I honestly feel like Skadi is a secret meta contender. It can OTK from a rookie on only 5 memory. That's already nice, but if you have 6 memory you can do it through ACEs and blockers.
>>94750246im the guy trying to evolve out of security and I can tell you that I invented a game to be played with the traditional 78 card tarot deck called 'White Jack' which is just black jack but playing to 42 instead of 21. You are doing god's work. Whats your partner line, anon?
>>94750110Hey anon i'm the guy who asked if you had a veemon on board, upon closer inspection I realized that you are in fact correct and its able to digivolve on any valid digivolution target and veemon is not mentioned at all.I have never seen this card played in a deck where the rookies are exclusively veemons, I don't know why you would play this card in a deck where veemon isn't the only valid target, but you are correct in that it could work on other digimon too, sorry this happened, thanks for the new info, hope you can get the bug sorted out, after all no one likes these shitty interactions.Also just to make sure you understand where I am coming from, fuck hoang, fuck his retarded sim, and did you have a veemon on board, a lvl 3 one specifically.
>>94750110Theres a reason why people shit on dcgo and its players. Dont bother with that trash. Quit being a spazz too.
I played dex during bt9 instead of alpha so this is a late nice surprise.
>>94750613https://wikimon.net/Death-X-DORUgoramonI was wondering why it said level 6 or lower with DeathX in name. The fan-translation names vs official is both interesting and irritating.
>>94750647It's not the fan translations that's causing problems this time, it's Japan doing shit like this. The katakana says it's supposed to be pronounced like "dex" despite what it clearly says.
Remember kids, you can't spell "auto sim" without "autism".
>>94751140>Archtypal DeathXfinally
>>94751140This fucking nigger again?
>>94751140As long as they ban the 1st one...
What would you consider the most fun decks in this game?
>>94752280On the 15% of times it works
>>94751140>delete all digimon with the lowest levelSo if it's the only digimon on the field/there is only lvl7 it just kill itself.
>>94752558the protection comes in for that part of the eff, although it's easy to mantain if you trash accordingly
>>94752302Hopefully theyll fix it sooner or later.I moved onto Omnimon and it is basically alter s 2.5 since it doesnt fucking die from afking while youre hoping for your 8 specific pieces. Maxed both decks since theyre my favorite.
Is ShineGreymon Ruin Mode really necessary in 7GDL?I put 1 in my list because every list I see has 1 but I almost never get the chance to use it because most of the time I either never see it in time or it just goes to the trash (and I only run the 1 copy of Calling from the Darkness as my card that recovers from the trash).I was thinking about moving my Ruin Mode to one of my other purple decks.
>>94752730No. It is a winmoar card or for stalling. My friend has played it since release and said it's nice to have but thats about it.
>>94750110>>94750253Speaking of, isnt it about time this piece of shit was removed from the OP?
>>94752280For me it's PawnChesSistermon. There is something comical about losing by deck out because of how much you were drawing.
>>94752558>>94752607Also with the Dorugrey inherit, you're going to be playing a level 3/4 Digimon from trash every time he nukes anything, so you'll be getting free fodder every turn.
>>94753183I don't really think its worth evoing up into him in most cases, if you have the option on board you can just leave your dexdoru on board fighting, which if it goes down, get to slam down either of the deathx (either of which can be better based on the game state).Sure, if your opponent has multiple like lvl 4's and that's their entire board and you can do some brutal shit by evoing up making a difficult to deal with wall, but you also want some dex in trash to deal with, to me, it seems better to use it just off the option rather than evo up.
>>94753224it's 50/50, mostly due to how every digimon you play via dorugrey does something on play, doruga trash 1 (pressumably a dex) and draw 1, same with bt9 dorumon and his trash 1 and draw 2
>>94753224That's fair, I'm definitely approaching it from the perspective of a purple base player, so the option isn't available. I just think it will be nice to have something to digivolve on top of Dexdorugo that gives the stack protection and keywords. As crushing as Dexdorugo's when digivolving is, the stack doesn't do too much after that.
>>94752280Anything involving Zwart meme plays.
So im curious If i play bt17 metalgarutu to warp agumon into war with medievalgallant ex8 on the field, would his effect go off first after my on plays/ondigivolves or will my EOT go first?
>>94754834Play MetalGarurumonIt's your turn, so resolve any "When a Digimon is played" effects, starting with yours. >evolve Agumon to WarGreymon>WarGreymon's [When Digivolving] effectsOpponent's "when a Digimon is played" effects>Mediaeval Gallantmon uses When Digivolving >suspends a Digimon and then deletes up to 8k (plus 3k for each suspended Digimon besides Duke)End of turn effects can then be used
>>94754914Gotcha, so EOT would usually be last. I doubt I'll really run into this scenario but this is a just incase it happens if anyone plays him at locals(i doubt it though). Thank you for clarifying.
>>94754951Yeah you'd just have to make sure you have a Miraculous Knight on the field already to discourage the deletion
>>94755023Yeah that one would work I think. MetalGarurumon wouldn't because if you play WarpGreymon to warp your Gabumon, even though Garurumon can evade your Greymon will have low enough DP to delete
If I use De-Digivolve on a 3 Musketeer digimon that has an option card as its only digivolution card, is the option card trashed as well? I assume it can't remain on the battle area, similar to lv. 2 digimon.
>>94755116>Greymon will have low enough DP to deleteJokes on them, I always draw all 6 of my wargreymons 1 turn in so i'll brick in seconds.
>>94753116Don't forggot Chessluts the main appeal of the deck.
>>94752280Virus Imperial and Megidramon turbo are my picks.Red/Purple is such a goated color pair. All the decks in it are fun.
>>94752280Honestly all the Liberator decks are fun, even if most of them are nowhere near competitive. Would be cool to do an event that requires a certain number of Liberator cards. Not sure how you'd do that in a way that makes Zenith playable though lol
>>94756128They'd have to let you use more than 4 of the Liberator Vemmon, to start.
>>94756307Once Zenith gets a second tamer and full line it will be fine, I guess the question is what proportion of the deck would need to be liberator in order to1) guarantee the decks are actually the Liberator archetypes2) allow the decks with less support to function with their "Muchomon" line/random extrasLike if you set it at 16/55, could you still morph Aquatic into a functional Mirage?
Seekers egg
>>94756620So this lets the level 5/6s use their effect twice per turn (or more, if you manage to end turn, unlink, gain memory, relink normally and end turn relink). Was expecting reduced evo cost when linking similar to promo Yao but I guess the tamer is still a mystery
Huh, the store I usually buy from already has BT22 for pre-order. Unfortunately, it doesn't have any product info that spoils what the set is about.
God I wish ST18 Grandgalemon could cheat out any 3000dp guy.
>>94756832only Shoto gets to be obnoxiously agnostic
>>94756888Please bro plants can be trusted with a tailor made grandgalemon. Make it a Tropiamon or something.We won't be meta Bloomlord is 2 years old haha
>>94756908is this not just ajatarmon
>>94756953It's Ajatarmon but we swap the memory inheritable for the unsuspend when attacking a Digimon.
>>94756820Atleast that means we're living throughout the year. Minimum info is better than whatever the fuck is going on with BSS.
>>94757106What's going on with BSS?
>>94757215Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Theyre getting a single event later but that's all that has been announced in the last several months.
>>94757241Well RIP then. Did it get scalped at launch and just die? I haven't heard much about the game since launch
>Actually having a lot of fun with ImperialdramonThe amount of shit this deck can get away is completely hilarious, never thought I'd enjoy playing a meta deck
>>94757500>>Well RIP then. Did it get scalped at launch and just die?YUP. It got scalped to death. I find it hilarious since people were complaining that itll kill digimon with the constant promotion.After the big money tourney it just quietly died.
>>94757573stupid ass post
>>94757610What's wrong with it
So how has it been 4 years and people still don't understand the most basic concept of the game? The majority of decks want to keep their silver bullet in raising and PLAY threats to the board to force the opponent to leave raising first. This only gets more true the more efficient decks become at going from a rookie to a level 6 in one turn. Yet nobody plays cards that are good for this purpose. Even in Dinomon, for instance, you can see it. Here's a deck that's fucking godawful at leaving raising first. It can kill two or three dudes the turn it comes up and checkmate after that, but it definitely doesn't want to leave raising and swing once and die to the opponent's dedigi or bounce or whatever. So this deck has a PURPOSE BUILT level 5 in ExTyrannomon that can be played for 3, tons of sticking power, threatening, board control. Nobody plays it. They leave raising first and die.I can't tell you how many games I've won by playing fucking Porcupamon. How has it been four years and people don't get it?
>>94757928Sounds fun to me, I'd be fine with using extyrano. Is Dinomon in dcgo yet?
>>94758052Don't think so. Not for a bit after release, right? I still use TTS if I want to play online though so I wouldn't know.
>>94758189>mind link only triggering after playing or evolving something well you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube but it's something
>>94758335Bro this is even stronger
>>94758352It's only stronger if the digimon has an [All Turns] that triggers when a tamer gets tucked. Currently, the only cards that have that do not actually have a way of triggering the tamer unless you have a SEPARATE stack that can blast evo. Practically speaking this is the same as the BT14 Eiji, but trading one more memory and a bit less versatility for the addition of piercing and barrier, which are irrelevant for Takemikazuchi. You could say this allows you to make early Alliance swings more safely, but unless you're playing against a deck that recovers, it's entirely unnecessary.
>>94757928>ExTyrannomonBro. The chances of you actually being able to DigiXros for 3 in a Tyrannomon deck are extremely low unless you're playing 4 copies of ExTyrannomon just for that purpose, at which point you're eating into consistency cards and/or taking way too much space from your actually impactful level 5s. It's cute, but I'll be leaving my level 5s alone until we get a MetalTyrannomon X, thanks.
>>94758551>Do takemika combo>Play kazuchi>Tuck before DNA>Double alliance TKMPiercing is whatever since opponent's board should be empty, but they can OTK easier from 5 security now.
>>94758664I suppose so, but it's not hard to make one super early chump check.Plus you need to actually have another body to suspend for alliance.
>>94758189>Without holding handsChrist Takase, One Fucking Job.
>>94758937Leon's got a hand on Eiji's ass back there
>>94758937Bandai wants to pretend they aren't gay
>>94752280fenrir take is bretty fun, so was royal knights and magna/armors(all v-mon decks really)
>>94750037>TQDinomon and updating fish with the deep savers stuff. Also gonna get my Justimon bits in prep for the coming set.
>>94758551It's stronger whenever you play out a digimon that you want to tuck the tamer under but you've already passed memory. Like dorugamon.
>>94758664could be copium but I see it as gearing up to limit BT14 Bowmon without killing the deck. Instead of getting to do the whole chain you just evolve to Soloogarmon, Mind Link with the other Bowmon, evolve to Fenriloogamon in the trash.
>>94758578I just simmed a few draws and it totally worked out. You probably have a ridiculously excessive number of tamers and mem boosts.
>>94760248What level 4 puppet are you using? Just Namakemon?
>>94760282That's probably the best one since it can unbrick you if you're forced to use it. Other ones could be good too though, itd just be a lot of work to test all of them.
Thoughs in the chaosmon deck?
>>94761131Sepia is unnecessary, just use YellowNot sure whether Armadillo and CodyTK will provide the value you're after
>>94761131If this deck gets a yellow egg in a future set it's going to be so much better. Did you notice that all of its digimon so far besides UltimateChaosmon are Yellow Vaccine?
>>94760248>You probably have a ridiculously excessive number of tamers and mem boosts.>>94760403>>>>>>playing Namakemon because it can "unbrick you"Hello
Help I can't stop putting Medievalgallantmon in all my decks.
>>94762723No. I'm thinking of throwing one in my BWG deck for fun
>>94762723People scoffed when I said he was comparable to DeathXmon in terms of splashability.
>>94762723What's the point of the high cost option cards anymore when Digimon their niche better lol (+ having a body on the field). I guess there's security bombing but if you're not explicitly building your whole deck around that, it's very unreliable..
>>94762759It's real fun. Highly recommend.>>94762779I was a doubter but this man is so versatile.You can actually evo into it for one, 3 over red or green is super cheap for what it does, and while it's not as disgusting into wide boards it's way better into the medium size boards that are more common these days.I'll eventually hate this guy like how I learned to hate DeathX but for now it's a fun toy for a lot of different decks I play.>>94762815This might just be me but I don't think I've seen people play those expensive 5+ cost removal options even before MGallant and Aces showed up to do the job better. It's just Heaven's Judgement that sees play for being super degenerate with all these 3 color digimon running around. I regularly get HJs for 5 -6000ks because there's a Magna X + DeathX on board.
>>94761645If memory boosts also let you play extyranno for 3 I'd play them instead. I'm not even saying run 0, I'm saying I regularly see decks with 12+ boosts and tamers, which is excessive.
>>94762723I might try it on the sim with Alliance (though I think Callismon is the more based choice). No intention to build their real decks so I won't be getting it
>>94762723Too rich for my blood
real, competent decks don't relly on splashable cards. If you are using more than 1 DeathX, Medieval or ShineRM you suck at deck building
>>94763234And I'm saying you're trying to solve problems that you're creating for yourself.Instead of playing bad level 5s that require extra investment to make playable, why not just play only the good level 5s that have real synergy with the deck?
>>94763342A level 5 with armor purge and 1-2 inherits for 3 memory is not bad. It's worth playing a slightly subpar card in order to enable it, because board presence is something the deck needs.You can fit the "good" level 5s and also fit a 6-8 card ExTyrannomon package. I'm just saying your only proactive gameplan can't be "go MetalTyrannomon->Dinomon and hope they can't out my guy". Skadimon in the exact same set can OTK proactively and also remove your dream-scenario Dinomon in like four different ways reactively. Pyramidimon can also OTK and also deals fairly well with a fully-stacked Dinomon. These aren't the top meta decks, they're just the other liberator garbage in the exact same set.
>>94763430>1-2 inheritsWhat level 4 puppet with an inherit are you playing? Followup question: why?>6-8 card ExTyrannomon packageJesus Christ dude.
>>94763430Look how about this: instead of going to all this trouble to support a level 5 that does not impact the board at all, why not just play the Jamming Tyrannomon? It's also a bad card, but it is only 4 to play and doesn't require a huge 8 card engine to make work. Then you can get free checks at security until your opponent commits resources to the board to deal with your measly level 4. And since he's a Tyrannomon, you can go into Tyrannomon X on him too, and then just convert straight into your primary game plan.
Just a heads up: interesting analysis Extyranno-man. A deck needs a niche. Will be trying out your crazy package.
>>94763925Dinomon already has a niche though. It combines control and aggression and lets you go straight from a level 4 in raising to a powerful level 6 for 5 or even 3 memory. Against decks that have no non-deletion removal, Dinomon presents a huge problem that they have to jump through hoops to play around. Against other decks, you have MetalTyrannomon, which offers protection from most everything else.I like ExTyrannomon and would play it in a heartbeat if it were any good, but that card contributes nothing to your wincon despite taking up a massive amount of space.
>>94763836>What level 4 puppet with an inherit are you playing?There are a lot you might play for various reasons. I'm not going to pretend I've tested them all. You certainly haven't, and you don't get to pretend that you're an expert on fucking level 4 puppet inherits in Dinomon. If I name one, you're just going to say it's shit and pretend that my entire argument is that this piece of xros material is the best card ever and is the sole thing you're playing the engine for.>>94763924>but it is only 4 to play and doesn't require a huge 8 card engine to make work.No, it only requires a fucking 4 card engine for a way shittier payoff. What are you smoking? Do you have any idea how much worse a level 4 for 4 memory is as board presence compared to a level 5 with armor purge for 3/5 memory?
People are starting to upload videos of EX08 box openings. The ratios are the same as EX07 (6 SRs, 3 AAs or 2 AA and 1 SEC). I was hoping they would up the ratios a bit. 6 SRs per box when the set has 12 SRs is fucking lame, specially when considering we also got 6 SRs in previous EX sets that only had 8 SRs.
>>94764057Skip the box this time, then? BT19-20 is going to have like twice the SRs per box, right?
>>94764057Yeah SR inflation suuuucks. I can't bring myself to buy EX sets because all the decks are kind of shit, often require 8-12 SRs and there's so much common/uncommon bulk garbage
>>94764082>Skip the box this timeI would but I actually need a lot of cards from this set so I even bought 2 boxes this time. I just think they could be more generous with the pulls.>BT19-20 is going to have like twice the SRs per box, right?If it's like BT18-19, yes, around that but that's because the combined sets have even more SRs, 18 to be exact. They did good with that but they could also improve the EX sets and normal BT sets' boxes as well.
>>94764053>If I name one, you're just going to say it's shitAnd there's a very good reason for that.>and pretend that my entire argument is that this piece of xros material is the best card everNo? I'm going to accurately point out once again that you are trying to solve a problem that you have created for yourself, to no benefit.>a way shittier payoffWhat fucking payoff? A body that does nothing to the board or player at the expense of consistency and/or your actual wincon pieces? All in the hopes that it will bait your opponent into coming out of raising, despite the fact that you can complish the same exact shit by playing a searcher rookie then evolving onto it in the battle area while keeping something in back?>a level 5 with armor purge for 3/5 memory?I like how you tried to sneak that in there. This conversation is about your claim that you can play him for 3. If you want to resign yourself to the incredibly high likelihood that you instead play him for 5, I will point out that that's too much memory to justify even 2 slots in the deck. As I mentioned before, I would love to be convinced that ExTyrannomon is actually the secret sauce for Dinomon, but as it stands, no, that's never going to happen. You have not thought this through, you are just trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I have plenty of round pegs, thanks.
>>94764201I like buying EX sets precisely because they give more copies of the commons/uncommons, and they also have the benefit of getting 1 more AA per box.
>>94764227I guess I don't really care about AAs (especially when they're much more likely to be lower rarity cards), and the playset (or close to it) of Cs and Us in a BT set is more than enough for me.
>>94764221>And there's a very good reason for that.It's because you don't care about the actual subject being argued, you just like arguing in a disingenuous way that makes you feel powerful.>No? I'm going to accurately point out once again that you are trying to solve a problem that you have created for yourself, to no benefit.No, the problem I am trying to solve is the deck's fundamental inability to control the board, which requires solutions that you don't personally like.>despite the fact that you can complish the same exact shit by playing a searcher rookie then evolving onto it in the battle area while keeping something in back?I genuinely cannot tell you how many idiots like you I've beaten by playing fucking Porcupamon. No, please, spend 3 memory to give me a target to delete. You seriously think your fucking searcher rookie is controlling the board? There are decks where the opponent's fucking Ukkomon can deal with that.>I like how you tried to sneak that in there.I'm not sneaking it in there, lmao, I just actually make intellectually honest arguments rather than hardlining and using shitter tactics like you.>I will point out that that's too much memory to justify even 2 slots in the deck. You were JUST suggesting to play a fucking level 4 for 4, lmao. That's not better than a level 5 for 5 with armor purge and an inherit.
When is a ban list going to happen?I'm thinking of potentially coming back into the game and I don't want to come back before then out of caution
>>94762723>Forgot what it does so go check again>Realize it says nothing about suspending *your* digis to reduce the costwtf
What would it take for hunters to ever be playable again considering it can't play around aces
>>94764449>you just like arguing in a disingenuous way that makes you feel powerful.lmaoNo, it's because there are none because there is no synergy there. There is only one green level 4 puppet in the game, which does not have an inheritable. Playing off-color puppets is extra terrible, and the only one with a remotely beneficial inheritable is the black Omekamon, who is a dead card in hand unless you DigiXros with it specifically. You could cut MasterTyrannomon entirely and play KnightChessmon (white) because you could technically evolve on him if you had to hard play him, but reboot would be an active hindrance for Dinomon.>the deck's fundamental inability to control the board???In your mind, how does a digimon with only Armor Purge as a main effect and Barrier as an inherit "control the board"?And between raid and multiple removal effects when performing your primary combo, Dinomon is pretty decent at controlling the board. Do you mean maintaining board pressence? Because Dinomon is pretty good at that too, little bro.>PorcupamonHere we are back on Porcupamon for some reason. Is this the puppet you're using or something? In your mind, how does deleting one rookie for 4 memory constitute "winning"?>hardlining and using shitter tactics like youWork on that insecurity, friend. Just because you're getting flustered, doesn't mean I'm trying to trick you. We were talking about playing ExTyrannomon for 3. I am arguing that that is not viable. Continue from that topic or concede the point.>You were JUST suggesting to play a fucking level 4 for 4If you will refer back to said post, you will note that I also called that tech bad, but pointed out that it would be better than what you are trying to do because it takes up less space and interferes less with your primary strategy.
>>94764543No one knows.
>>94764802I know people complain a lot about the format here and reddit, based on looking on past threads but is the format actually bad or is it just the normal amount of people crying about any given format
>>94764909It's not that the format is bad, it's just that a handful of top decks are uninteractive and certain generic cards do too much for too little.
>Unironically spent one whole fucking hour dealing with this god-forsaken deckHoly fucking shit, Yellow should unironically be guttedIt's not even hard to beat, it's just incredibly unfun to fight against
>>94764966This is why you play Quartzmon.
>>94764909For me, in previous sets if the format was bad it was because they added 2 OP decks and the rest was unplayable fillerNow the format is bad because they've given more tools to the existing OP decks, but the filler is novel and fun so it's sad to not be playing with or against it
>>94764966Is that Diaboromon I see?You shut the fuck up youre just as bad.
>>94764743>No, it's because there are none because there is no synergy there.The synergy is playing a good card named Tyrannomon that xrosses with Tyrannomons.>In your mind, how does a digimon with only Armor Purge as a main effect and Barrier as an inherit "control the board"?If your opponent can't out it, they can't be playing shit to the board. You're threatening Dinomon, RustTyranno, whatever. They have to get rid of it to play to the board, that's literally how the fucking game works.>In your mind, how does deleting one rookie for 4 memory constitute "winning"?Well gee, according to you, the way to resolve the "person who leaves breeding first loses" dilemma is to play a rookie. Therefore, killing your rookie means I fucking win because you now have to leave breeding first.>We were talking about playing ExTyrannomon for 3. I am arguing that that is not viable. Continue from that topic or concede the point.No, we were talking about ExTyrannomon as a tech in general. I think it's best as a package with a puppet to xros with. Do you think ExTyranno IS good, but just NOT with puppets? Because I'd be fine with that. I don't think that's your opinion, though.>but pointed out that it would be better than what you are trying to do because it takes up less space and interferes less with your primary strategy.Your tech takes up infinitely more space than mine does, because mine is actually powerful and can win games, whereas yours really can't.
>>94765509>that picThe opponent hard played shit 99% of the timeAlso the Infermon already give de-digivolving for basically free
I'm looking forward to BT-21 for the Gammamon support
Extyranno seems fine to me, just wish there were more puppets to choose from
>>94765530>good cardNo.>If your opponent can't out itSo board pressence. >Therefore, killing your rookie means I fucking win Boy you are delusional. I play a rookie for 3, choking you to 1. You play Porcupamon, setting me to 3. I play another rookie and evolve Tyrannomon. Choking you to 2 or 1 if I had a Ryutaro in play (very likely if I'm playing chicken in breeding). Now you have a Porcupamon who's threatenning... 1 check at 3k? A DigiXros that cannot kill my Tyrannomon? And becuse I've been adding cards to my hand rather than going -2 to do something that doesn't impact the board in any way, I probably have more options than you in subsequent turns. Do you comprehend yet?>No, we were talking about ExTyrannomon as a tech in general.lolnoWe're talking very explicitly about your proposed 6-8 card do-nothing engine.See >>94763836 >>94763342 and THE VERY FIRST REPLY IN THIS CHAIN>>94758578>Do you think ExTyranno IS good, but just NOT with puppets?No, of course not, because it accomplishes nothing but take up space. It would be one thing if you said you were playing it as a cheeky 2 of. It would still he suboptimal, but sure, if you want to ding your consistency and power to do something you think is fun, go for it. But when you're talking about 8 FUCKING CARDS, that's insane. >Your tech takes up infinitely more space than mine doesIn what universe could that possibly be true? Even if I played 4 fucking copies of jamming Tyranno, that's still 4 copies vs your proposed minimum 6 card "engine". 6 > 4, in case you forgot how math works>because mine is actually powerfulHOW? Just having a level 5 sitting there with armor purge and nothing else is not fucking powerful. Again, we're talking about a deck that evos straight from level 4 to a level 6 for 5 or 3 memory. A deck that already has a GOOD level 5 with Fortitude, which is straight better than Armor Purge.You want to play ExTyranno because you like. That's it.
Why does it feel the new Gallant is literally in every shell but Gallant. Someone post a list.
>>94766294Where's the Digimon? All I see is a city.
>>94766294Goes hard
>>94766294The foiling will make or break this AA.Despite how cool the illustration is, if the foiling is a bad fit you won't be able to make anything out at all.It's a really delicate design that requires careful consideration.
>>94766294Why are we getting promos when we're not even done with card reveals?
Kind of want to see a match between extyranno anon and anti-extyranno anon at this point
>>94766676That isn't a promo
>this deck will actually fuck you up in 2 turns now unless you clear everythingClozefags in permanent suicide watch btw, Yuuki a best confirmed.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra5YXqhKrBk>>94766294>>94766667Kino
>>94767104Pumpkinmon bros, how will we ever recover??
>>94767474By being in the sources of a Digimon that gets deleted
What do you think about my retard.dek? I just want a big number and big Sec. A+. Aside for ST1 Greymon literally everything has +2k dp inherit so swings from lower levels are safer. I was also thinking of adding "A delicate plan". Worst case scenario evolution would be 8k Tyrannomon with Sec. A+2, so still something potentially scary. Best (realistic) case is something like MetalGrey hitting 4 security for 15k dp.Sometimes the level 4s could reach 12k when attacking, and that's hilarious. (like having 2 Soras on the field, or 1 Sora and 1 Great Tornado)It's not meant to be meta, its meant to sometimes work and be funny. How do I make it funnier?
>>94767614list btw4 Greymon ST1-074 MasterTyrannomon BT8-0162 SkullGreymon EX1-0624 MetalGreymon BT1-1144 Sora Takenouchi BT2-0844 Hiro Amanokawa BT8-0864 Agumon P-0094 Agumon RB1-0044 Agumon ST7-022 ToyAgumon EX7-0084 BurningGreymon BT17-0124 Great Tornado BT1-0932 Offensive Plug-In A EX2-0664 Deputymon EX7-010I forgot about the egg, lol. I think BT06-01 DemiMeramon fits well.
>>94766922I meant AAs
>>94767730They do that sometimes.
>>94767614Doubt you'll manage to get past your 3rd turn/10
>>94767614BT10 Canoweissmon is the gold standard for level 5s that get huge DP and extra checks, you could swap Sora for the Security Attack Hiro and use that.
>>94767614Your Lv 6s?
>>94762779seems hyper versatile. My one cope is I wish it was red/yellow/green
>>94766294>>94766667I like the AA. Why are we getting an AA when there are still a bunch of cards left to reveal for bt20?
>>94769308I think it was on the stream and they didn't want to start another "theme" or revealsThat said they absolutely could have just done Ouryuken
>>94767614You can't use both promo Agumon P-009 and Agumon from RB1 because they're the same card, it even says so on the RB1 copy.
>cant decide if i want to build deep savers or just spend that money on medieval gallantLike I still gotta play my blinged out linkz but im waiting for the new (shitty) promo hina.Also, I dont think I have room for gallant in any of my decks honestly but it's one of those "nice to have maybe" cards.>>94769486>because they're the same card, it even says so on the RB1 copy.Cmon man, you know tcg players cant read, luckily theres a billion other agumons so he can just use bt14 agu.
>>94769308>>94766676They're probably waiting on the rest of the virus imperialdramon line to reveal in the webcomic. Not sure about the rest
What are the rates on the hard-colour border foils? Like, even just a guesstimate.
>>94770204They also have the top end of Violet's deck that they're probably holding back for the same reason. And I believe we're still waiting on Dorumon, Ryudamon, and Dracomon (who has to be Red or a SEC to still fit into the set), a couple random extra spots in Black and Purple that I think might be for NSo and DS, the Blue egg for some reason, whatever's between DeathXmon and Ciel (Omekamon maybe?), Oryuken of course, and then some Options and the SECs (I'm thinking Examon X and a new Imperialdramon: Blackguard/Dark Knight Mode).
>>94770210Looking up a name, they're called 'limited foils', for some reason? Limited in what capacity?
>>94770210>>947703522 per box
>>94770210IIRC they were 1 per case before.
>>94770374Certainly not 2 per box.
>>94770210Like the common/uncommons with the solid colour foil borders?they were 2 per box
>>94770374>>94770412>>94770509that's fucking insane.
>>94770632Better than when they tried replacing Rares with them.
Think buying a box of EX08 will be worth it? I want pretty much every card in the set, so I'd be fine with getting whatever from the box, but I don't think there's anything that's going to be grotesquely marked up. MedievalGallant, maybe? I usually buy singles, but I'm tempted because there are so many different ones I want. Like, ~90bux usd, for the one I'm eyeing
>>94770509>>94770374I must be way off
Didn't booster boxes used to be cheaper?
>>94771035Gallant X might be too. NSo and DS are kinda decent so maybe their level 7s and Aces?
>>94771140Yeah packs are $1 more MSRP so that obviously flows onto boxes
>>94771289is the gold apple a reference to something? Usually they use the cheerful apple in art
Has Sistermon Blanc showed up yet?
>>94771289010 will be Ryudamon.
>>94771309Not that I'm aware, the artist might just wanted a yellow apple to go with the leaves
>>94771449It'll probably be Omekamon in that slot.
>>94771309A red apple would kinda mess up the composition, his head would be circled by 4 red splotches of the same size and it would make it kinda read like part of his body.
>>94771289So, uh... ex3 dracomon is the only other useful rookie for the deck, right? Since the other ones only work with dramons and not with exa
Riddle me this /dcg/On webmrelated's interaction, some dude on the comments of the vid says that HM misses the timing to activate his EoT (playing Loudmon from trash), is this true?If yes, can I get an explanation as of why?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdMis9V8WfQ if you wanna see the whole thing. I'm *so* fucking hyped for this deck holy shit.
>>94771289>Trashing a card from hand for a draw + memory in a deck that (currently) doesn't really touch it's trash.Strange decision, but it's playable atleast.>>94771798The Blue flare Dracomon works too but we're expecting a Draco X this set so it'll probably be this, the X antibody and EX3.
>>94771900>is this true?I think so? End of turn triggers get activated on the digivolve so Yuuki triggers, HMD hits the field after that trigger condition is met, it's the reason you can't vortex over and over without first getting memory back from it.I might be wrong though so get a second opinion from a judge or smth.
>>94771900I think it's like how you can't use End of Turn DNA inherit to DNA twice. The effect wasn't present when the end of turn phase started
>>94771944>HMD hits the field after that trigger condition is metOoooooh I get it, yeah that makes sense>>94771959And that means I've been misplaying this for a while but noone knows about it kek.
>>94771900Yes, the end of turn flag was passed before Heavymetaldramon was on the field.
>playing tournament>attack opponent>he says my digimon gets destroyed before revealing sec>rivals' barrage
>>94771798>>94771910Promo Dracomon is probably also fine. But as for Draco X, I'm not sure we'll see it. For it to fit we'd need either it or Ryudamon to be SEC alongside Examon X, or for red Veemon to not get a level 4 for the RP Imperialdramon deck.Based on some recent trends, I wouldn't be surprised to see Dracomon X as a promo