GW gonna be sitting around in 2050 like >HEYYY GUYS ARE YOU EXCITED FOR ABADDON'S UPCOMING 15TH BLACK CRUSADE WHERE HE TAKES 3 MORE PLANETS AND THEN LOSES (but he's secretly winning) [also trans space marines are now canon]>BUY THE NEW MINIS!!!!Just wrap this shit up already and move onto something else man. Make a new setting.>b-b-but Sigmar flopped!!!It flopped because it was a shitty boring concept with a lazy tie-in to the previous content.
>>94752566>GW gonna be sitting around in 2050 likeOf course they will, because retards can't help but gag on GW cock every time they put out a new space marine lieutenant. Why the hell would they stop when they have a legion of drooling retards lining up to hand them almost free money?
Maybe you should play some fucking games in the game setting instead of treating it like a film that's overly long.
>>94752682>nothing must ever happen anyone who claims otherwise is a tourist Great argument. Why do you even care about the state of the setting at all if games are the only thing you're interested in?
>>94752566Do you think they will wait till 2050 with trannymarines?
The story exists to sell plastic army men, not vice versa.
>>94752682/tg/ isn't just for games.
>>94752728The closer they stick to the established baseline, the greater the odds of them producing something I might be interested in including in my games. This should be obvious to anyone that actually plays games.
you missed the general bruv
>>94752743Trannymarines should be the default for both male and female spacepersonrinesas part of the chemtherapy needed to transform normal humans into astartes also atrophies their sex organs because they are just thunder warriors v2 and it's better they leave no genetic legacy.
>>94752743Isn't that already what Emperor's Children and other Slaanesh-affiliated Chaos Marines are?
>>94752566Fuck off retard. Warhammer is a backdrop for your dudes not an ongoing story no matter what GW says
>>94754350What is it with tourists and their obsession with castration? Space Wolves fuck, Salamanders used to sire children, Slaanesh CSM of all types rape and in the Deathwatch rpg seduction worked on Marines unless the character specifically had the chem-geld trait that made them immune to seduction.
>>94752566 30k ended but they still got to tie up the Great Crusade (2 missing primarchs!), Dark Age of Tech and the metal men, Age of Strife and the thunder warriors, and tie up all the loose ends left in Horus Heracy. Oink oink.
It ends when you disengage from the product.
>>94754412You can have it as a backdrop after it ended you know. Plenty of guys still playing fantasy. Literally why do you care if the timeline advanced?
>>94754415They just think if they can insert their coomunist nonsense into entertainment/hobbies it will filter out to wider society via cultural osmosis.Read up on Herbert Marcuse, they are basically following his plans.
>>94754415>Space Wolves fuckLolnope, they just attempt to because they're still retarded viking rapists at heart even if they lack the equipment anymore>Salamanders used to sire children>used toEnough said. There also used to be half-elf ultramarine librarians.>Slaanesh CSM of all types rapeThey also grow tentacles and crabclaws, yet they STILL have to rape via plugging their nervous system into a daemon dog that does the raping for them (this is canon, btw)
>>94752566Why does a wargame even need a meta plot?I belong to the ttrpg crowd on here, so I'm seriously curious.
>>94758567I mean, can the same not be said about TRPGs as well? Why does DnD or Cyberpunk or Exalted feel the need to "progress the plot" between editions as they so often do?
>>94758597Exactly and I hate when they do so. Hence I always play in homebrew settings or use my head canon.I was just thinking that in wargames it would suck even more.
>>94752566Corporations can not create a good setting. Only a company of young hobbyists is capable of doing such things. So next setting after 40k will be created not by GW.(Also, Trench Crusade was not created in a pure heart of enthusiast, it is a product of cold calculation, it's for cash, not for fun, so don't mention TC as a next thing)
>>94754655We won't, ever. Playing 40k is our identity. Nothing will ever make us disengage. I'll be homeless before I stop buying Space Marines.
>>94758612Then yeah, you probably get why they do it (money, advertising, to introduce new concepts/mechanics, for some writer to "make their mark" on the setting, etc) and why most people hate it and accuse those that don't of being secondaries that don't actually play games in the setting and just listen to loretubers gush about the latest plot development instead.Like you said, it's worse in wargames because they'll try to use the plot to justify wiping out models or entire factions just to sell you their replacements.
>>94754415>Lorelet desperately grasping at strawsLol, lmao even. Enjoy your leftist setting, fag.
>>94752566DESU you scream secondary player that only bitches about 40k on reddit and here.40k is not meant to progress, or move in its story. The entire point is that its stagnant. 40k WAS meant to be a setting not a narrative. Players were meant to make the narrative within the 40k setting, but GW changed that.Reminder that the best warhammer ever was, was during the time for like 10+ years they never moved out of the black crusade. In the far future, there is only war.
>>94752566>Just wrap this shit up already and move onto something else man. Make a new setting.Why do you guys need to keep buying and read thw canon? Just don't buy into the new narratives and ignore them if they aren't to your taste.It's what I do.You are the master of your own games.
I don't know shit about wh40k, or warhammer in general.Have they tried making a wh50k or wh400k some other jump into a future so distant that the whole universe is now different? wouldn't that be a great way to make whales buy entire new armies and shit?
>>9475952140k is meant to make money. Any other diarrhea that come from your facehole is immaterial. It's making money, lots of it. Keep bitching, see if that changes anything, lol.
>>94759658>You are the master of your own games.Who, the marinepiggies that trip over each to buy the latest marine lieutenant?The terminally online who's only engagement with the hobby is bitching online?You folks don't know (they) already won.
>>94758567>>94758597Metaplots introduce new facets to the setting and plot hooks for DMs to explore.
>>94760102So far the theory. In practice it's mediocre authors introducing their ocdonutsteels and destroying compatibility between official and individual table canon.And what does this have to do with wargames?
>>94759810>OP accusing others of bitching Nobody forces you to consume GW shit
The arguments against advancing the timeline are always so schizophrenic. It's a TIMELINE. If you don't like what happens later then you can just set your games in the millennium that you liked.Literally people that hate fun and want to push their boringness onto everyone else too.
>>94760776how are you gonna have official canon without metaplots?dumbass, if theres official canon there will always be clashes with table canon, no one gives a fuck.
>>94760815Nobody forces you to be terminally only bitching and moaning about a successful company and it's loyal fanbase
>>94752566As much as I enjoy the story moving, the original concept was a stagnant universe where everything just gets worse. It was a sandbox before as story.Now I admit I'm a lorefag first, so I would enjoy an end times, but I also understand the premise of the setting and feel lucky they even inch it forward.
if it can turn into something as great as age of sigmar than yeah, sure. I encourage it. No one that mattered cried for fantasy when it ended and thanks to that we have the mortal realms. 40k has nothing of note compared to that, let alone the old world.
Not one single good thing has been added to warhammer by advancing the timeline and if anything it's just made the doomsday and inevitable collapse theming pointless and incorrect. Turns out they were just fine to last for hundreds more years.
>>94752566>endthere is no end. it's a setting, not a story. humanity will perpetually be on the ropes, ynnead will forever be just about to save the eldar, the tyranids will forever be right on terra's doorstep, etc etc. it's just meant to sell toys.although, their venture into other media like games and books kinda fucked them over because now they're being forced to turn it into a story. so who knows how it's gonna go.
>>94764265A setting has to move forward. Compare the world of 200 years ago to the world of today.
>>94758629>it is a product of cold calculation, it's for cash, not for fun, so don't mention TC as a next thingAs was Warhammer. Don't be a fool.
>>94761364You provide lore until a specific starting point and that's it. Everything after is for players to fuck around. Like Harnmaster does this or Star Wars after the OG trilogy.
>>94752566>Mooooom, there is factory in England that manufactures plastic sprues and then sell them to whoever wants to buy! I am so angry about this!!! Please make it stop, WAAAAHHHJust kill yourself.
>>94760102In theory, sure.In practice, they tend to shut down old plot hooks and replace them with either the same plot hook but worse or something that's too narratively focused on Big Canon Characters™ to really work as a plot hook, all for the sake of a small bump of advertising hype. Take for example GW's handling of both Octarius War and Arks of Omen. For Octarius, they killed off a beloved fixture of the setting that no one wanted "solved" in a pathetic, deflated conclusion that they couldn't even commit to because apparently the "war" is still ongoing. And for what? Advertising two new Killteams and some sloppy Crusade books?For AoO, it was supposed to be a galaxy-spanning calamity that had everyone reeling, but all it really amounted to is a shitty marketing campaign to advertise two new Main Character™ units that landed with all the fanfare of a wet fart, despite one of them being a returning primarch.
>>9475256640k needs to endWhy can't it just move forward instead? I honestly prefer them not changing too much and then having compelling contained stories we can follow. Considering how bad things get when beloved IPs try to change things and write additional material, isn't this the ideal? You actually have a company who some what try to keep things intact and resembling what you like instead of pulling a star wars disney sequels on you. The fact that you want more and want it to move forward shows that you still care about it, so they haven't fucked it up that way, unlike these other properties where people have just checked out.
>>94767092>instead of pulling a star wars disney sequels on you.Post-8th is as godawful as the rat wars trilogy
>>94752566How would advancing the setting even look like without breaking it? Probably like what they did with Guilliman's return, bringing in bigger threats but that are then matched with a returning hero, bringing some light and some 30k reflection on the current setting. I'm guessing birthing some fourth chaos god while giving the emperor or some other anti-chaos entity greater power over the warp. Or introduce some new xeno races that ally with existing ones, like Tau and eldar. Reintroducing Squats felt like a complete non-event, and if they want them to matter they should go harder on rogue AIs and shit and have them be the only ones with knowledge to stop one that's out there.
>>94767132>Or introduce some new xeno races that ally with existing ones, like Tau and eldar.They did, it was called Votann and they flopped.
>>94767132Segments of the Imperium actually collapsing. The bad guys need to make some progress so we can get to that final battle at Terra.
>>94767343That's just redrawing territories on a map though, and when they take worlds they just aren't interesting anymore. What you'd really need is to make chaos not retarded and actually be something different to the imperium that people, while being completely buttfucked by them would also in a sense offer a different life than the imperium. Having big bad spiky man go around kicking human slaves and bicker with his "brothers" just feels juvenile and stupid. Put Lorgar in charge and have him create these seemingly pristine worlds like a fucked up garden of eden that lives half-way in the warp and not, like some Griffith figure, where the crazy demon stuff is kept behind close doors or comes out in fucked up ways.
>>94767343It's so fucking sad that fucking Wrath and Glory has taken more narrative initiative with the galaxy splitting in fucking half than GW has. W&G's sector is set within Imperium Nihlus and they've used that to introduce a bunch of plot hooks and excuses for mixed-character parties, such as the local Space Marine chapter being so hard-pressed and overwhelmed that they're often forced to supplement Guard battles instead of fight exclusively with their own forces. It's all pretty basic stuff admittedly, but the fact that it shits all over GW's handling - or rather, continued glossing over - of the whole Great Rift thing real fucking pathetic.
>wahhh something big needs to happen now>Why can't this decade old setting not just wrap it up, my attention span just can't handle itPathetic. I can't even blame this on secondaries since most of the 40k material outside of tabletop actually works really well within small scale stories that incorporate into the setting. Early books like Eisenhorn and videogames work perfectly fine with a never or rather hardly advancing timeline. I can only blame this on people who exclusively consume lexicanum articles and youtube short essays on 'lore'. Everything that is not a galaxy ending threat doesn't matter at all. It has to be Avengers Endgame slop or nothing at all. Personally I don't mind the great rift or Rowboat coming back too much. Leaves a huge room for new ideas, armies, conflicts etc. But it actually needs time to make these things into something that matters. Otherwise it just fizzles like a wet fart. Introducing the Lion for example felt completely inconsequential compared to girlyman.
>>94767213That's GWs fault for giving them the most generic sleak shiny hero shooter character design. No grit, no grimdark, just uninspired. Having AIs is cool, but they did nothing with it.
>>94767456>>94767641Also on top of segments of the Imperium collapsing they should start having whole space marine chapters be wiped out so you really feel the loss.
>>94752728You could try a diffrent game with a setting you enjoy OR you could just play the game and idk, come up with your own fluff lore. But you seem happy just trying to start arguements on, maybe make a 40k setting and faction about your fat ass bitching?
>>94767998That also happens all the time, but much like when eldar lose Craftworld Gonnabiteit, it's some no-name chapter that no one cares about and usually didn't exist until that exact entry. They're never gonna touch the big chapters, much less kill off the primarchs or something that would actually make waves.
>death guard are on a major crusade>nothing happens, they get BTFO >necrons and the silent king are here>nothing happens, they get BTFO>leviathan is back>nothing happens, they get BTFO>blood angels apparently got wiped out by the tyranids in recent fluff>they magically reform and have entire armies again because a new model release was scheduled for the year after >lion comes back>instead of utilizing the fractured galaxy in the writing they shoehorn in some gay teleportation ability so he can be anywhere in the universe instantly>angron emerges>gets BTFO instantly what the fuck is the point man? who actually likes these stories? they should just keep the setting truly stagnant instead of these hackjob plots that do nothing at all. It's like pseudo-progression for secondaries to think stuff is moving forward
>>94767456>Put Lorgar in charge and have him create these seemingly pristine worlds like a fucked up garden of edenHonestly, what would that be like?
Just nothing ever happens. The Imperium is supposed to be in a life-or-death struggle getting devoured from all sides but you hardly feel it. The Eye of Terror opening up and cutting the galaxy in two was a cool setup but then like Guilliman came back and secured a corridor through it and Chaos gets its ass kicked yet again and basically it doesn't even matter. They're just doing too well.
>>94768150>reveal/retcon/whatever the fuck you call the Votann>have them be safely tucked within the Galactic Core and completely unaffected by the current GALAXY SHAKING EVENTS™ that GW keeps trying to hype upIt's all so tiresome.
>>94768280This isn't a good thing. GW basically made the dorfs and forgot about them for almost 3 years. Normally if a new army comes into the mix, a whole campaign is made, with some books and new lore to match. GW screwed the pooch so bad with them it's marvellous to behold.
>>94768711>This isn't a good thing.No shit, that's why I said it's all so tiresome. The only lasting impact of the Votann so far is they managed to make Demiurg lame and gay. Poor fucking Tau out here catching strays thanks to the stunty lil fags.
>>94759521they hated anon because he told the truth
>>94759521Well it's already progressed so the cat is out of the bag.
>>94752566You missed the general.
>>94765800nigga is retarded </3
>>94752566>GW gonna be sitting around in 2050 like>>HEYYY GUYS ARE YOU EXCITED FOR ABADDON'S UPCOMING 15TH BLACK CRUSADE WHERE HE TAKES 3 MORE PLANETS AND THEN LOSES (but he's secretly winning) [also trans space marines are now canon]>>BUY THE NEW MINIS!!!!look I'm not going to lie if that's where we're at in 2050 (rather than 2030) Warhammer 40,000 is unironically doing great and we have nothing to complain about.
WWII wargaming needs to endPeople gonna be sitting around in 2050 like >HEYYY GUYS ARE YOU EXCITED FOR HITLER'S UPCOMING BATTLE WHERE HE TAKES 3 MORE CITIES AND THEN LOSES (but he's secretly winning) [also trans nazis are now canon]>BUY THE NEW MINIS!!!!Just wrap this shit up already and move onto something else man. Advance all WW2 wargames to modern day.
>>94752566But it did end in 2017, do you mean 41gay needs to end?
>>94752566Isn't the Emperor supposed to be bigger than the primarchs?
>>94752743arent tyrannies already a faction in 40k?