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File: cyberpunk2020-portada.jpg (121 KB, 624x812)
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121 KB JPG
>Mfw 2020 was 5 years ago.
Yes, we are living in the dark future.
File: Michael_J_Fox_2020.jpg (26 KB, 263x351)
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TFW no under-desk mounted Midnight Lady
Wow. Really!? Has it taken you five years to figure that out?
>corporations rule everything
>world is dystopia, where your every move is watched
>still no cool cybernetics
Worst timeline ever.
Corporations rule nothing. Did you not see Zuckerberg genuflecting to Trump at Mar-a-Lago?
Of course not, Musk is one doing it.
They do, the difference with Trump is he is a political outsider and people like precisely because he's not part of the system.
He won't work with them, he will just do his own thing.
>people like
The tech corps don't. They know how they'll be labelled and targeted if they don't pay him off this time.
Trumps a corpo too, just one who dec ided to change his brand to politics and even then it's just his personal politics he's convinced people to like.
Just look at how the first big decision he's done so far is side with his fellow corpos over the voters.

Except instead of badass cyberware, it's HR roasties. Everywhere.
Trump isn't outsider, he is corpo billionaire with his own skyscrapers, and backing from one of biggest big tech corpos. He is part of the system, just in different flavor.
It's pretty dark.

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