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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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In a fantasy world with sentient undead and huge dungeon-worthy mausoleums, do you think graveyards could become unofficial city districts in the sense they house an active population and engage in commerce? It might not be legal but the balance of power could be such that rooting them out would hurt the economy too much or get too many people killed, so you have ghouls throwing parties whenever the graveyard keeper chucks a dead beggar into the pit because he couldn't afford a coffin, ghosts and skeletons meandering about, compelled by their unfinished business, freaks coming in looking for stuff sold by the dead, vampires window-shopping the morgue wondering if they could bribe the mortician to let them have that pretty-looking fresh one as a pet. Just a real macabre nightlife.
This is nonsense, did you just feed an image into chatGPT and ask it to make a thread about it?
Traditional games?
>It might not be legal
As if that has ever stopped debt collectors
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Sure, do it in your setting.
It would require the graveyard to be way bigger than the rest of the city.
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not necessarily, it can be small self-contained ghetto
There's this one in Iraq.
That's a pretty cool idea and you should use it in your games. It kind of reminds me of Ghostwalk.

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