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Girls get it done edition

Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

Did you get much hobby done over the break?

Why do you like your favourite GWSG?
She’s aware of the tentacle right
Why else do you think she chose to stand there
Are the MESBG Battlehosts getting refreshed? They disappeared from the GW website and are out of stock everywhere since early December.
I almost wish they would have just killed off Kingdom of Khazad-Dum. It makes me sad to look at how reduced it's become, not to mention that finefuckingcast products outnumber plastic or metal ones.
They might be refreshing the Rohan one with the new warriors, maybe, but I don't think they're changing the others, unless there's something we don't know about yet.
And I don't think it's going to get better with the 3rd book. The good thing is that it will give me all the motivation I need to finally start coming up with my own stuff for MESBG, since I only play with family and friends, and they're perfectly OK with me coming up with new stuff for the game, so fuck it. I think there are interesting things to do with dwarves in general. Before The Hobbit, I believe GW wanted to differentiate Iron Hills from Khazad Dum by adding Iron Guard (more aggressive, less armored than Khazad Guard) and Rangers (similarly, mobility and maneuverability vs raw power) with the idea of going for a faster army that challenged a few of the more traditional notions of the Khazad Dum army (which I love, by the way). I think it would be interesting to think about what could be done with a Blue Mountains army.
>MESBG related
Has anyone ever printed the metal miniature scans that are available for LOTR? I'm worried that they might have shittier detail than the originals. When you inspect the 3d model it certainly looks that way, but it seems impossible to actually tell. I've seen some WHFB ones that look almost exactly like the originals
>somewhat related
Any good stl files for a scutum?
>Any good stl files for a scutum?
You can get plastic ones from Victrix, if that works.
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Just getting started playing Warmaster with my girlfriend, and I'm feeling the urge to build a topographical board to play games on. However, whenever I see people play Warmaster online, they've got these classical roundish Warhammer hills on a snooker table. Does Warmaster's ruleset still work if you've got flowing, rolling hills rather than simple hills with clearly defined boundaries?
I got my Cawdor put together. Not primed yet since it's been below 0 and I don't trust a rattle can in those conditions.

I also promptly realized, after building two complete gangs, that I have no real love for these Necromunda projects and am likely to shelve them until I feel better about them. Much like I did with Kill Team when the local community died overnight. Ah well.
Yeah, that's definitely on the table. I was hoping for some kind of custom oval scutum with a boss and without the spine, but the Imperial scutums from Victrix will suffice. I'd like to use them for my MESBG elite orcs in Sauron's armies, using the Medbury "Legionary Orcs" as Black Guard or something like that.
Underworlds 2.0 is so shit.
Not even 3 months of release and lots of erratas (can't you guys proof read and test what you are releasing?) and 4 cards out of one rivals deck were banned (again, can't you guys test shit up?, the edition doesn't even have that much cards to be worried about... 8 decks and they managed to fuck shit up)

IDK why shills try to force 2.0 on us, shit is so bad it hurts.
>4 cards out of one rivals deck were banned
Doesn't WHU 2.0 have fixed decks now? How do bans work?
>poorly designed game made by complete noobs who are also lazy got a lazy and poorly designed reboot.

Shocking. But the number 1 thing that will forever gatekeep people from the game is that shit is just too fucking expensive.
its an uphill battle to maintain any specialist game community. worse if you dont want to do it yourself
That sucks. I love Necromunda, thank fuck I live in a big city so it's easy to join campaigns

Anyone have pet things they use that aren't good? I always use a Chem thrower, cool model and suits the gang despite being kind of shit
To save face they still allow people to play with the deck as it is, but it is not allowed in any constructed format where you create your deck out of a pool of cards (I mean, it is but outside of those 4 cards it is trash that isn't worth spending $20 on)(It might be worth $5-10 tho just to play the deck as it is).
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Heya lads. I hate to do this, really, but I thought I'd ask here because it's a Star Player, and I can't seem to find the model anywhere.

I'm very worried that it is either green-stuffed or a third-party sculpt that doesn't exist anymore, but if anyone would know, it would be here, where you guys might have actually gotten a lot of Bloodbowl games in, and will have seen a bunch of different teams.

I've recently gotten into Blood Bowl, and having an actual Lahmian cheering my team on would be sick as fuck. I love the chunky tassels, and I always find that non-GW models never have that old-looking chunkiness that I like. This model does - but I'm not sure if it's a kitbash, a print, or a custom sculpt with green stuff. Any ideas?
Lol is your local scene just full of tryhards? Me and my friends have a great time but we don't play constructed because we treat it as a beer and pretzels game.
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I finished my mounted King of Arnor for MESBG
I'm just a sucker for Tolkien and the more restrained aesthetic of the metal miniatures of the 2000s
It works ok. as always if you're doing sloped hills you've got to make sure they're not so sloped that models can't stand on them. but WM bases have a pretty low center of gravity at least.
Based and sick conversion job bro!
Punga Miniatures - Vampire Cheerleader
oh my god I actually can't believe that's the model. I had seen their sculpts already, but I couldn't find that model. Probably because they only sell it on their website and you can't buy the STL easily.

Thank you a lot. I had no idea it would be so obvious. I'll make sure to get one, and then paint 'er up and post her here sometime. Thanks a lot, friend.

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