Hey, /tg/. I have an idea for a one-shot, where PCs face a traumatised mental/emotional system. Settlement NPCs each reflect a certain trauma, overseen and guarded by not-defence mechanism (some sort of a powerful wraith). I'm thinking of a lot of symbolism in this case. What would be a cool way for PCs to overcome the challenges of such a settlement and what should these challenges be?Thanks!
>>94758305So like, the PCs are in a metaphorical, metaphysical space representing a single person's emotional state?They've gone into the town of Jimmy's Feels, and each NPCs is one of Jimmy's emotions, good or bad?And there are spooky scaries that are going to harass the players if they try to undo the bad shit?
>>94758305Rip off the pixar films about this.
>>94759137OP here. This. Just that Jimmy is to an extent, fucked.Spooky scaries = defence mechanism.
>>94758305I mean, is this not just Silent Hill?
>>94759579OP here. Damn, you're right. I need to watch the lore.
>>94759535Cool, so what's the overal tone/theme?Is this light hearted or grim or something else?Like, on a scale from Psychonauts to Silent Hill and all the bits in between?That'll inform a lot.Other questions. You don't need to know right now but you should have answers to them when you run the game because they will probably matter>Do the players know what's going on?>Do the players know the specifics?>What's caused this?>>Jimmy directly? Someone cursing jimmy? Is this just what happens sometimes when someone gets really fuckd up?>How fucked up is Jimmy? Is he an unlucky individual who got hit by the "manifest your trauma" beam, or is he as fucked up as a SH protagonist?>Is this going INTO jimmy, or are jimmy's traumas and emotions manifesting in the real world?>If you die in the game do you die in real life?>Do the trauma defense wraiths know what's going on or are they just part of the system?>What does Jimmy know?>Is Jimmy conscious of all this at all?>Can Jimmy communicate with te players directly?>>Or can the players communicate with fragments of jimmy's subconscious but not the whole?When running this sort of game, you do not need exact answers but you need to know the broad shape of it, and once you decide an answer (even if you decide during play), stick to it. If you get an hour into a six hour game and realise that Jimmy's primary trauma was that a priest fucked his mommy while he was hiding in the confession booth, stick to it once you have decided, so you can start hinting to the players.Finally, read and consider the system "Don't Rest Your Head". It's not made for what you're doing, but it's a very good focused nightmare system built around a specific horror scenario (theme and style, not exact setting), and you may be able to tweak bits of its system to work for what you want. I may be able to help with that later once you have more concrete ideas about the setting and plot.
>>94758305You can even draw from it for people or monsters affected by the things you're looking to achieve with your setting, whether it be failed previous "patients" or even something supernatural that was manifested by people's fear/anger/etc.
>>94759579Weird way to spell Wraith: The Oblivion
>>94762523>rap "music">thoughtfulness and emotional depthPick one but only one.
>>94759804OP here. Good points. I guess main point is facing a bit different monsters, monsters representing different trauma. Instead of clearing a goblin hideout, players will enter a SYMBOLICAL (yes, Silent hill is a good comparison, I am just not aiming for as dark a setting) conscous/subconscious realm of a person. Small village in this case is a person. "Jimmy" is a village in this case.I need to do more research on how did creators of Silent Hill get their symbolism.
>>94758305>I want to sell my own 10 candlesSimple - you start with running a KS campaign, then release 10 candles with few names swapped