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I’ll be running a one shot for some friends soon focused on rescuing a kid from cultists hidden in a catacomb labyrinth.

I’m taking loose inspiration from Fear & Hunger and VERMIS.

Was looking to see if anyone here might have some fun or interesting ideas I could weave in. Also general One Shot thread for those who want to build an adventure and get input or ask questions.
One shots are a waste of time. Unless you are trying out a new game.
I run them for friends all the time and we actually have fun. Life gets busy. I don’t know what to tell you other than that.
Lie to them to make the dungeon seem way bigger than it is. Whenever they descend a floor, ask them which direction they want to go in and tell them that they won't be able to turn back. Make them go through several points-of-no-return and make a big deal about how they're going to need to escape the dungeon too.
Of course you're just bullshitting but making one of them say "how did you expect us to do this in one day!?" should be your goal
All games are "a waste of time".
I like this piece of advice. I don’t always want to railroad but it’s definitely important to make the world the players in larger than it (at least readily) is
What makes a one shot any more of a waste than a campaign session?
one shots are fun
campaigns often have high points but are overall quite shit
One-shots are more fun with random tables, lots of random tables. Have one.
This is solid bait. 8/10.
You never have to make it up, you can always use a premade map there are hundreds of them. Exploitation always feels more real to players than whatever you pull out of your tepid asshole on the spot. Anyone who can't tell the difference is dumb enough you can legally kill and eat them.
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A friend of mine suggested that dnd 4e might be a good fit to run something like an Isekai themed adventure. how easy would it be to use it to run something like Konosuba? I'm thinking either a one shot using the 4e rules or using elemants from it with the konosuba trog rules.
First post worst post

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