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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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I've been designing this game in some form for almost a decade. I'm playtesting weekly. Right now at Saturday noon EST.

It's an abstract strategy tabletop game with army building. Cards can be combined and merged in any order to allow you to build totally unique combinations of abilities.

If that sounds interesting to you and you'd like to help playtest while it's still really rough, fill out the form.
Due to the ... nature.. of the site, I will not post any identifying details of the game since I plan to publish.

Uhm this is /tg/ - settings, worldbuilding and video games. Tabletop games arent the topic here.
What board do I use for ttg?
thats a near meaningless amount of information, anon. Give me a little more to work with
It's played on a cartesian plane, there are no boundaries, and pieces can stack to make large towers, with no vertical limits either. Abilities can chain and combine, and pieces can hold any number of other pieces inside them (recursively, too), for a ton of variation.
>It's played on a cartesian plane
gay. I only play on the interior faces of hypercubes.
>pieces can stack to make large towers
what kind of pieces are we talking? Are they defined by how they move?
>Abilities can chain and combine
what kind of abilities?

Is there a setting, or are these armies being build in a void?
>Due to the ... nature.. of the site, I will not post any identifying details of the game since I plan to publish.

>crowdsource me pls
>erm WOW ok this website is a little problematic tho?
Enjoy your quiet thread.
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>what kind of pieces are we talking? Are they defined by how they move?
Not if you mean how chess pieces move. All the pieces have the same base movement, but some abilities can augment that.
>what kind of abilities?
Usually very simple ones since there are a lot of moving parts, complex abilities would get unwieldy fast. Right now the abilities are just made up of different combinations of simple actions that allow you to do one or more basic actions at once in a specific order. I'd like to add more interesting ones in the future but the base game needs to be nailed down.
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>>Due to the ... nature.. of the site, I will not post any identifying details of the game since I plan to publish.
>>crowdsource me pls
>>erm WOW ok this website is a little problematic tho?
>Enjoy your quiet thread.
It would be pretty ironic if you didn't sage this.
I sort all boards by last reply and consider anons who sort by bump order to be subhuman, so sage is meaningless to me.
>living like this when creation date exists
/v/ or maybe /bant/
>sorting by creation date
Actual masochism.
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Be careful out there guys, I get the feeling OP might be a pedo looking for people who are "really mature for your age"
sent :]
>abstract game
The term you looking for is "half-baked idea of a game"
Did CHatGPT wrote that piece of shit?

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