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Elves should be ambivalent towards humans at best and outright hostile, terrifying and malicious to them at worst. Making elves no different than any other asshole you meet down at the tavern was a complete mistake.
Have you tried not playing D&D?
Have you tried playing?
>fictional thing with a very broad and loose definition should be [thing I prefer] cuz I said so
Do that for your games, then.
>everything should be exactly one way
>stop using your imagination in the fantasy genre
I legitimately hate "elves should".
Just play games with elves, make threads about games. Your opinions don't matter.
Players would complain because. "Its not the way its supposed to be!"
I concur.
There sure was a lot of elf rape in this book.
you'd tell them that's how it goes in this setting, people don't actually care and you'll find out when you finally play a game
Get better players or play by yourself.
What game?
the game of pretending to spam to bump your shitty thread instead of making it interesting
Nta but most RPGs with elves are just copies of d&d.
my players were told at the outset of my campaign that elves were hardcore separatists who had had most of their lands taken from them and violently protected the territories they still maintained and they said, "okay, cool" and one player asked what sort of life an elf in my setting might've had to explain why she's an adventurer and not an elf nationalist in a militia, and we worked together one one
you waited 12 hours to bump your thread asking yourself why you though something
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Then talk with your players about it, rather than random strangers on anonymous Tibetan thangka weaving forum
Broken Sword elves > Tolkien elves
>Players would complain because.
who cares? rule 0, gm is always right

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