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opinion on the new dnd book forge of foes

its pretty based
It's D&D, so it's just trash.
You never do take a holiday, do you? Just patrolling the board, non-stop, to make sure you make the same kind of lazy shitpost as early as you can in every new thread that's even loosely related to D&D.
You're the worst troll on this board.
Is it an actual D&D book or third party?
Oops, meant to tag >>94761720
OP asked for opinions, so keep crying.
Your posts are trash no games or brains.
first post best post
You're so used to arguing with yourself to manufacture drama that you can't even tag correctly. Amazing.
subtlest shill on /tg/
Trying to "fix" D&D is like trying to fix a third-degree burn with some sunscreen and aloe.

If you want good monsters to fight, just play a game where the combat system and mechanics aren't complete and utter ass. DnD's gameplay was outdated a decade ago.
It's almost like the general consensus from a majority of people who actually play more than one game is that D&D is just not very good. In fact, it's outright BAD for anything that isn't resource-attrition-based dungeon-crawling (and even this is done better by other systems).

But sure, keep telling yourself it's just one person, fuckin' schizo.
The moment you call someone "nogames" is the moment you immediately concede that you have no counterargument and they have won.
D&D 5E? Nah I would rather play something better. Happy for you though I guess.
Except the actual consensus is that D&D is between good and great, as far as published games go. More than half the people who play RPGs here play 5e, and more than 80%+ play some flavor of D&D in general, and not as their sole game but part of their rotation, so it's not a matter of having nothing to compare it to.

You're trying really hard to create this narrative that /tg/ hates D&D, because you are a bitter troll who thinks spamming lies can fool people if you put enough effort into it.

You are no different than the trolls on /v/ trying to convince everyone that /v/ hates video games.
>I have autism and can't tell anons apart
>that means no one can tell it's always me
Smartest autist.
ROFL even.

Whatever you need to keep telling yourself. Nobody ever has anything positive to say about modern D&D around here. Even the 5e General thread is a doomer circle-jerk of negativity... but just like Warhammer 40k fans and battered housewives, they can't tear themselves away from tge abuse for anything better. It's sad, really.
And, despite that, people still positively discuss the game in dozens of threads.

You're trying to pretend that your shitposts can't be ignored, when that's what most people do. Your shitposts may be as inevitable as your autism is all-consuming, but that's just deer shit in a field, something annoying that people avoid and are no worse for wear when they do.

The board itself has dropped in population dramatically, but the irony for you is that it means that D&D's proportion of discussion has actually increased as a result, because other games struggle to achieve enough critical mass to have even a semblance of active discussion about them. If you think the 5e general is looking grim, wait until you look at the other RPG generals.
Or maybe your posts being called nogames because they are clearly retarded shit from someone who has not played a tabletop game, nogames.
Most people who are disenchanted from D&D have played it, and usually resent it for the false hype and pathetic defenses for it.
Number of threads on /tg/ are no signifier of quality nor appreciation. Even if the general, actual discussion, really digging into mechanics, running games, planning encounters, writing adventures, etc. is overwhelming overshadowed by people complaining about it or vaguely arguing about it. Like you're doing right now. Can't even be bothered to discuss the book OP is shilling. You gotta drop everything you're doing to argue about the meta-topic of whether people like 5e or not.
>asks for opinions
>throw a bitch-fit when given one
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Fuckin A, ‘bout time someone agreed. Pic related is the general monster stats per CR table in the book. I use this screenshot to homebrew my monsters all the time.
Next time you're looking for a hugbox, use a different website, OP.
"Everyone who disagrees with my garbage opinion is trolling or shitposting" is like middle-school grade copium.
it has modern political soapboxing in it, so it's garbage. fuck off shill
based, fuck dnd and fuck fags that play it
I laugh at the fact that people still play D&D and pay for this stuff. Aside from the amusement I get at watching normies being retarded... basically this >>94761720 .
it's woke
Correction, Sly Flourish is woke. But his advice is good and rarely eyeroll worthy unless you actively go looking for his shit takes. Forge of Foes itself is tame compared to shit like Thirsty Sword Lesbians.
Buy an ad.
>But his advice is good
Yeah bro, look out for those GOBLINS MENS RIGHTS ACTIVISTS
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Remember that colonialism is the REAL evil, you fucking chuds
Are you a bad enough feminist to save the village from GOBLIN MEN'S RIGHT ACTIVISTS?
i'm surprised it took this long for somebody to post these. retards can't resist going off topic, i guess
His DUNGEON MASTERING advice you fucking dork.
It will never not amuse me that someone can say something to me that I don't even disagree with but still make me want to shove them into a locker over it, purely because of how they say it.
Shit like this is so condescending and inappropriate!
>defending blatantly woke trash
kill yourself
The faggot who wrote this doesn't even understand how nouns and adjective work, and that's almost as bad as how fucking retarded and preachy theses two paragraphs are.
it is very much on topic.

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