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How much does it cost to open a game store?
Astronomically more than you can ever hope to earn from it.
$200,000 or so.
Roughly a thousand million beers.
It really varies.
30k is roughly the bare minimum. You could go lower, and it really depends on location, but 30k is the low end for a basic retail store. 50k is the average, and may actually be a bit premium for a Game Store, though if we're talking about a game store in a large city it can easily go double or even triple that.

If you want to do something like a large store with plenty of space for tables or something like a cafe-hybrid, that's gonna jump the costs quite a bit.
Renting a spot in a strip mall, or purchasing a building in place with high foot traffic?
At least OP knows how to do step 1 of marketing.
If you already own a store then nothing at all. If you want to register a business name thats 500 a year and rent wont be cheap, and then you need at least a few grand in furniature and another maybe 10 grand in inventory. You're probably looking at 2k to just distribute flyers about it, and of course you need to decorate, you need signage, and you might need food or liquor lisences depending on what else you sell. You feed yourself, make enough to retire on, run the lights and AC, your insurance is probably 20k, and be doing all that after tax.

Most businesses are not profitable in the first year so you should expect to take at least a full year of losses on those fixed and variable costs as well as the costs associated with updating your inventory when new sets release, cleaning and maintnence...

Furthermore most businesses (90%) fail within 5 years so you'd better have an iron clad plan for how you're going to be managing these issues, stock, and retaining customers
This honestly the worst video that gives an idea.
>Furthermore most businesses (90%) fail within 5 years

It's actually closer to 50%, not 90%.
About 15-20% fail within their first year.
About 50% fail within 5.
Lease cost+
Add all that up
Likely 1 or 2 employees or your working 6 days X 12+ hours a day
You will lose money, and deal with cheapass, smelly nerds.
>people at my new LGS are being filtered by an $8 fee to use the tables and full AoS/40k Terrain

Nerds will blow $500 on a coom jar figurine but scoff at supporting the LGS they want to stink up for 7 hours.
If you have to ask you can't afford it.
between 200k and 800k then 5k a month after that, good luck
Retail is a meme, imagine preferring to deal with customers over mailing them their shit. Then the next i can't breathe hits your city and bam your shop's on fire.
More than you are going to ever make out of it back
Also >>94765059
I've known three people with game stores and only one was successful, he had three locations. He said opening a store was "buying yourself a job", a lifestyle and not worth it for money. MTG and ebay secondhand stuff subsidizes everything else, miniatures and books don't sell enough. Do everything yourself, hire family if you can, only hire employees as a last resort and get someone who doesn't play games. You need to be likable and cultivate customers into hanging out there, eventually they'll start to work for little handouts or even for free.
not sure, but the one guy i know who did one locally does retro vidya and CCGs, along with board games, and he said he's done a quarter mil in 8 months. not sure what his overhead is, but he's actually selling shit people want.

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