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Where do you prefer your settings to be on the chart?
>fucking up grimbright and nobledark that badly
If you're going to steal from 4chan of all places, at least pay enough attention to know what you're lifting.
I prefer settings like Trine where everything is bright and fairytale-like. Talking animals and giant cakes and stuff, no real stakes, nothing bad happens. I guess that's noblebright.
Thats a terrible chart. Theres no difference between grimbright and grimneutral, and the entire bottom right is dominated by the interchangeable "complex world" which seemingly means nothing. Not to mention that its really not a chart since the axies arent followed. Its not even that hard to do
>grimdark is where evil prevails in an evil world
>noblebright is where good prevails in a good world
>grimbright is where evil prevails in a good world
>nobledark is where good prevails in an evil world

Either way none of the options really cover what im currently writing - a golden age has gone on too long, and is doomed to fail as its institutions can not adapt to what the world has become
>Either way none of the options really cover what im currently writing - a golden age has gone on too long, and is doomed to fail as its institutions can not adapt to what the world has become

Modern day realism huh
What a stupid fucking chart.
>needing alignment charts to comprehend anything
What games?
>>grimbright is where evil prevails in a good world
>>nobledark is where good prevails in an evil world
the other way around, grim bright should mean that in a grim world something bright happens. And nobledark should mean that in a noble world something dark happens.
I don't like this chart, I don't think it's clear about its own definitions.

Personally I like a world where good wins, good ALWAYS wins. Players might not always win, but their actions might inspire others to succeed. The world can be idealistic or it might be really dark & full of evil, but good always wins in the end. Also, kids never suffer too much outside of specific plot related tragedies, & women don't get raped.
The current setting I'm working on is more of a "true neutral" by this chart's standards. Yes there's big evil fuckers and their nefarious plots but a lot of the conflict in the world is relatively mundane. Plenty of "high highs" and "low lows" so to speak but generally stuff falls in the middle, skewed towards the high middle, considering that things like magic, slight anachronisms, and fantastical resources make life better for the average person than a real 1400s-1600s civilian
...that's noblebright. Star Wars's Original Trilogy is one of the most well cited examples of noblebright, and we see an entire planet get exploded in the first half of the first movie.
No, Noble Bright is Sunday morning cartoon stuff. The world is nice & the heroes are nice.
God I hate these idiot terms. Grimdark is from 40k--not RPG settings. It was an over-the-top, stupid joke for a game where the setting is nonsensical and irrelevant.

Even the Black Company--the best "grimdark" setting--is a hope-filled, colorful romp full of romance and love and brotherhood.
By your definition I'd say it's grimbright. As the end of a golden age makes it a good world that is being ruined by incompetents and greedy people.
I think I prefer his definition. But I don't really like "grim bright", it doesn't sound right. It's too much of an oxymoron. Nobledark evokes a world where noble people stick together to resist the unrelenting advance of dark forces. A "noble world" doesn't mean much. I'd say 40k, as the mainstream sees it, is more Nobledark because, despite what GW says, they sell humans as the good, heroic guys fighting against all sorts of evil.
No, noblebright still contains evil to fight against to emphasize noble virtues. No bad guy means no hero.
Sunday morning cartoon stuff is not noble, it's "comfybright" or something like that where everything is well and no threat is serious and it's all for lulz.
No, they were always incompetent. Its more roman or athenian, like a snail who's shell grows too heavy for it to move, or a carp poisoned by its own nitrogenous waste. Well meaning people made a system in which the world could grow, and the new world has brought new problems that the old ways cannot solve. Erosion is only a part of that process
>on the chart?
Generally, not.
I like settings where the women have big tiddies.
If grimbright is "assholes and dickery in a world that's otherwise pretty ascendant / good", I think cyberpunk is probably the grimbright genre. You have all kinds of technological progress and the potential for a nice society (rather than a world that's in decline and unsalvageable), but human asshole behaviour ends up making it shit for everyone and twisting the technology and capabilities towards evil.
Yeah bro, I don't see "comfy bright" on the chart, perhaps you're just retarded?
>is a hope-filled, colorful romp full of romance and love and brotherhood.

'Love hope and brotherhood' from the perspective of wicked mercenaries who are protecting a literal evil queen
God, I hate 40k fags so much
40k dropped grimdark a while ago, it's grimclusive now
Eh, sure in the first novel. By the 11th it's "defend our found family against literal gods if they decide to fuck with us."
so in other words you're completely off the mark and have no point
I have no idea what your comment is supposed to mean. That's the entire plotline of the last 3 novels, including Port of Shadows.
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'Do not go gentle into that good night' settings are the most kino so long as they aren't nihilistslop
Not every genre fits inside a dogshit 3x3 chart, cunt
Anything but Noblebright or Neutralbright, sounds like they can be interesting.

Personally more to the "grim" side of the chart.
>What games?
-4 STR
Just shut the fuck up retard
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Suck it, faggot
It depends on what I'm in the mood for, but it's most commonly either somewhere in the top row, True Neutral, or Noble Neutral.
You sound a little butthurt
No shit, you insult me out of nowhere for no reason
It wasn't out of nowhere. It was after you said something stupid. It wasn't for no reason, it was because you said something stupid
You're the one who said something stupid AND called me a retard out of nowhere.
Please explain with words, like a human being if you are one, why "comfy bright" not being on the dogshit chart that OP got from reddit makes me a retard.
Just because the chart is dogshit doesn't mean you still can't fit shit on the chart. Deciding to go off chart & make some other definition is stupid. To compare to another dogshit chart, the alignment chart, it's like you decided to say Yogi Bear isn't Chaotic Good he's Toon Good or some shit. Either engage with the construct or not, but don't half ass it for no reason
Now we all know y'all's power combined will produce a doublefaggot. Well done. Solid proof of concept in this thread, you can almost feel the faggotry radiating through the screen. You ladies (male), are giving us all goosebumps...you've definitely got the je ne se qua that'll take the gay bestiality scene by storm, and no mistake!
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/tg/ already made better ones. This fucking TJTREWIN motherfucker fucked up his copy /tg/ definitions. WTF

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