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Why some people get irrationally angry at boobplate? I prefer dress armor but I don't mind it.
>I prefer dress armor but I don't mind it
What systems that you play have boob armor and dress armor?
you never describe what your character's wearing?
It's a game called "Fucking your mom in the ass". She gains points jumping on my dick until I defeat her every night.
Any system where you can describe what you're wearing, like >>94767873 mentioned.
Although I'm curious if there are any systems that make meaningful game mechanical distinctions between boob, dress, and conventional plate armor.
I'm pretty sure some Japanese RPGs do
It is pointless to try to reason about irrational emotional reactions. Your question is stupid.
>itt retard arguing with himself and the voices in his head
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It's boob exposing amour like what you posted on the right that I see more issues with than armour shaped like boobs, but it's not completely implausible as a mark of station after armour starts being rendered impractical for it's protective value after it previously was functional like with the gorget.
Every practical argument against female warriors you could bring up is correct. But they did and still do exist. Are they incredibly rare? Yes.
Still real.
I don't know why you must try to try to deny the exitance of real things to justify your enjoyment of sexy ladies as much as I don't know why people would get upset with you for enjoying sexy ladies.
Yeah, and there was probably once a man who could whistle with his ass, so it's only reasonable that every mainstream setting have a full 50% of the soldiers doing that.
It's when a game tries to be taken seriously but gives us something as ridiculous as Bikini Armor.
because it fails to protect the second most important parts of the body
we even know that man's name - Roland the Farter, a jester for King Henry II of England
There was a thread like this months ago and an anon posted a picture that combined the two in OP's image. It looked great. I unfortunately did not save it.
There's a thread like this almost once a week
there was never a unified attractive look shared by everyone, you're confusing the slop tv and movies was willing to serve with popular concensus. Why do you think so many ugly women exist? Because their parents, just as ugly as them, hooked up, and before that others where horny enough for each other to spread what you or I might think is ugly.
Is your argument, then, that PCs should not represent rare or exceptional individuals?
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The only time I don't like boobplate is when it doesnt fit the aesthetic of the world and is there just for guys to thirst over. If the male equivalent is decked out in armor that covers everything and the female equivalent that looks like she is posing for the cover of maxim then I have an issue.
If the woman is attractive, she'll still look it even dressed in full armor.
Needing to to see a woman in what is essentially a swimsuit to consider them attractive shows a lack of object permanence.
I'm very happy that Western tabletop is full of attractive women in full plate, then. Mind posting some examples?
See proposed solution B. Like I said, my issue is a lack of consistency. If youre such a coomer that you need to be inundated with scantily clad women wherever you are regardless if it makes sense for the situation then you should seek therapy.
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I'd say it's more about contextual extrapolation than object permanence.

You are a false faced fuck. Your every word is spoken in bad faith

> We get the man scantily-dressed and the woman bedecked in full plate armor.

Name one RPG setting where this is the case. A real one, not just saying "Mine :)"

> If you haven't realized it yet, the thing people are clamoring for isn't necessarily boobplate, but attractive women in general making a return to tabletop.

No organization, not WOTC or the government or whatever global conspiracy you believe in can prevent you from describing female characters or NPCs as attractive at your table. The fact that you would even pretend that this is a problem that exists shows you as a duplicitous shit.

> The fact that so much fanart portrays the average woman as a voluptuous beauty while official art - well - does not, is very telling of the agenda.

Porn. What you are describing is off-model porn. Which exists, has existed, and will continue to exist for literally everything with a fanbase large enough to support its creation. Even characters that are already extremely attractive will invite off-model power giving them grossly inflated tits and asses, thats just how fan art works.
Again, the fact that you would try and present this as an argument for anything other than 'people are sometimes horny' is a complete joke.
Im not going to argue against that because thats a different topic. Ive definitely gone on long tirades about the hypocrisy of MK11 covering up fighters like jade, kitana, and scarlet because "its not practical" while you got johnny cage, kano, and kotal running around in just shorts/loincloth. The topic of this thread is: Why do people get irrationally angry at boobplate?
How did "nogames" become so popular as an insult? It's like when women call you a "virgin." How do you want me to prove to you that I play games? Please, I love needing to pay lip-service to afford your sage and wise counsel.
Because the board is obviously flooded with people whose interaction with the hobby is only theoretical. Most nogames posters are not people who have NEVER played RPGs, they are just people who USED to play RPGs but have not rolled a character or played a game in any system in 5, 10, 15, 20+ years. They have a fondness for the medium based on distorted memories of no longer current editions they remember from their youth, and with every year the difference between those meme-ified versions and any remotely realistic portrayal of reality get further and further from each other.

Do you know why so many of the DnD complaint threads are identical to the ones that were being made on /tg/ 15 years and 2 editions ago? Its because the SAME PEOPLE are making them, and dnd 3.5 is STILL the only RPG they have ever played. Not that they have had time to play any time recently, you understand. They grew up, they got a job, their friends had a kid so they can't make it to sessions anymore... these things happen. So, unable to actually play games anymore, they stick around here and pretend.

You want a current day example? >>94767057. The OP uses the term 'standard action', despite that not being a thing in 5e. Why? Because thats what was used in DnD 3.5.
Keep horny logical. Boob plate is fine if it fits. Stop making ultra realistic settings then adding in boob plate with a straight face. For both sides.
>The OP uses the term 'standard action', despite that not being a thing in 5e. Why? Because thats what was used in DnD 3.5.
people can play older editions anon, you don't HAVE to update just because hasbro tells you too.
>that PCs should not represent rare or exceptional individuals?
Rare or exceptional individuals can go into battle in a platemail bikini and come out victorious.
Traditional games?
I've seen period medieval fantasy art of female warriors that did actually show boob plate armour, which makes boob plate the historically correct type of female medieval fantasy armour.

How about that?
in which setting?
File deleted.
Sometimes I want it, sometimes I don't. I'm not constrained in my choice.
FATAL, for it is the most historically accurate simulation of lusty infants with giant anuses.
God that's putrid.
Why do you care about mainstream settings when you make and run your own games with your friends?
I like it. It's so absurd it's fascinating to look at. Like two cauldrons welded together.
FATAL is system, not setting
>Why some people get irrationally angry at boobplate?
I think at least part of it is the same reaction you get whenever you get fetish stuff in a game. Some people are too used to this magical realm to notice that someone exercising in a bikini is fetish shit.
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i wouldn't know, there are no women in my setting at all
how do they reproduce?
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Wrong, it's kino.
by anal rape
I never cared much for most of the sexy outfits in P3, just because it wasn't very in character. Mitsuru is too proper and reserved and Yukari is kind of a prude because she hates what a slut her mom turned into after her dad died. The female protagonist in Portable would definitely dress like that, though.
I choose Solution C, where you take the guy from A and the girl from B, but give the girl a magic staff instead of a sword.
They don't, shit's fucked (literally and figuratively)
dreaded yaoi butt babies
"Deny the problem and double down" is certainly a valid answer to someone's complaint but it is not, strictly and logically speaking, a solution.
i prefer the rectum of regeneration
People argue about it for various reasons. We've had this thread countless times, but let's look at the cliffsnotes.
>The impracticality of armor with curvature that would effectively guide blows inward towards the middle of the chest
>Discussion of practical shapes that would be more ideal for permitting of a hypothetical large bust
>Some of the armor shown on fantasy women would only ever be seen as ceremonial
>Horny armor that doesn't cover enough to be of any real use
>Fantasy doesn't have to rely on realism, so style and preference is a consideration
Depends on how boobplate it is and what setting, but generally the more skin is showing the more it strains suspension of disbelief that it's actually armor and not some gacha skimp-suit magical realm. Armor being tailored towards keeping a woman's chest comfortable or even doing a Roman Muscle Armor homage for a character with modest or dare I say realistic proportions is my personal standard, and I've seen enough weebery to accept the cheesecake WoW armor can fit in fantasy settings as a meme. At least I'm not so autistic that art of characters with armor have to have a helmet or else it's Marvelshit or whatever.
Solution D, give both characters both options. Battleskirt armor Valkyrie alongside himbo Conan bod if they so choose.
My friend, youre talking to someone whose favorite character had a drow sex slave that was basically used as a barbarian village's rape bicycle until he bought her. She also had an enchantment that forced her to experience everything that he felt which meant she was routinely forced to endure forced orgasms because my character would fuck any woman he could bed. The original intent of the enchantment was to make her feel every wound I took because I was the party meat shield and made up for my lack of armor with a ton of hit points. The sexual aspect was just a logical conclusion of how such an enchantment would work.

I aint got a problem running with edgy shit as long as it makes sense. You want a hyper patriarchal society with scantily clad women who only fight in arenas as a means of entertainment? Cool. That makes sense. You want a NotChristian theocratic society that has male paladins wearing full plate armor and female paladins who wear chainmail bikinis? Nah, can't vibe with it.

Jokes aside, that's how realistically I would solve the issue. Give both genders the option to choose either one.
It's cheesy and I prefer more grounded armor in settings because it just looks nicer but I won't go into an autistic rage if I see boobplate
>he doesn't like Man-At-Arms or Lockjaw
NTA but a skintight bodysuit that shows off 100% of your muscles is so close to nudity it’s basically honorary. The female equivalent would be sticking Evil-lyn in some kind of fetish catsuit that accentuates her areola.
The problem is the material needs to be so thin to actually show muscle like that. It doesn't really exist in real life
>exercising in a bikini is fetish shit
Anon have you seen what women wear to exercise? These new leggings are so tight you can tell what ply their toilet paper is.
This is a good example of how people are genuinely more on guard about sexuality in nerd shit then they are anywhere else. It's like dudes complaining about jiggle physics. Have you see a big girl run? Those things sling about some.
Most cosplayers just airbrush the muscles on afterwards. There's no true material that does it though, you're right.
That thing with catwomans suit being suctioned onto her body is inventive but ludicrously impractical.
>Some people are too used to this magical realm to notice that someone exercising in a bikini is fetish shit.
Spoken like someone who's never seen the inside of a gym.

I'd say it depends on the system and class. For a barbarian, go nuts, for the paladin you can get away with boobplate that has coverage but shows off the cans like picrel.

There's plenty of precedent for people effective lives may have depended on armour still incorporating elements of fashion into it. Yes it's slightly less effective but not so much that it messes with verisimilitude.
>Most cosplayers just airbrush the muscles on afterwards

Same as movies, they all have sculpted muscles and veins.

>Anon have you seen what women wear to exercise? These new leggings are so tight you can tell what ply their toilet paper is.

It's not as bad here as the US but so many girls at the gym wear crack divers it's insane. Same as outside of the gym. The best is when it's a Muslim girl with a hijab yet I can see her puss clear as day
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My understanding is that chain and lamelar (lorica segmentata) armor can be easily adjusted to a new wearer as long as they are roughly similar body type as the previous wearer, but plate needs to be custom-made for the specific person or it will significantly hinder their movement. And once you're getting it made to order you might as well pay little extra for decoration.
Because puritans need something to be mad about or else they'll realize their entire life has been spent hating things pointlessly.

It's an aesthetic, so it's pure flavor. Any system that has autistic amounts of equipment is dogshit.

I garuntee OP plays more Tabletop games than (you).
I had it be a flavor thing in a high magic setting I ran. Basically, it has a minor enchantment that covers the exposed parts with a very thin layer of magic - not enough to totally block all attacks, but enough to match the normal armor. Adventurers are kind of a big deal, flashy, so you have the no-nonsense types who wear normal armor and the flashy show-off or whores/man-whores who wear the enchanted stuff (yes, the male version is your typical conan/he-man type armor, with exposded abs and pecs and whatnot with some sort of armored hipskirt, boots, and gauntlets. Again it's all about STYLE, because if you aren't dripped out you're drowning.)

It's basically a fashion statement.
Why do you keep spamming this cringepic in completely unrelated threads?
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To make (You) personally mad ;^)
I don't have particularly strong feelings on the matter, but I do think it's silly when you have male and female version of the same class but one is covered head to toe with thick plate armor while the other wears a metal bikini that somehow provides the exact same amount of protection. Are all attacks magically drawn to the armored bra and miss all the exposed skin, or is her skin though enough to turn aside blades and arrows but only if she's wearing a metal bikini?
For characters that are supposed to be heavily armored tanks, the "battle dress" style makes more thematic sense if you want feminine-looking armor. Leave the bikini armor for classes that are supposed to avoid hits instead of tanking them. Or barbarians, since going to battle in your underwear is a time-honored barbarian tradition.
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>Why some people get irrationally angry at boobplate?
It ranges from hyper-focused nerds in armour to the issue of sexualization, which is not exclusive to women; things related to sex are still taboo.
>I prefer dress armor but I don't mind it.
I wouldn't say I have a preference, I like dresses and even sexier things. It just has to be pretty art for me to want to make a sheet and play with it.
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Battle dress is indeed the answer, so long as you do it right. There are a lot of battle dress armor designs that would be totally impractical to try and move and fight in, but others can be surprisingly good. Saber's armor from FSN no just allows her to ride a horse wearing it, but the armor placement actually makes more sense for someone who is doing so (large protection on the legs and lower arms which would be most exposed to attack from someone on the ground, torso protection for obvious reasons, armor is lighter elsewhere to keep range of motion and weight down). Really the only thing she is missing is a helmet, and thats just 'named character' syndrome in any genre.
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Looks like something you'd see in women's wrestling.
>the same class but one is covered head to toe with thick plate armor while the other wears a metal bikini
People say this a lot more than it actually happens. It's mostly a thing in crappy korean mmos. Or they point at the few monhun armors instead that do it, maybe, without noticing the female versions of those armors are super popular.
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I didn't mean it like that, but in the sense that since sex is taboo, it's normal in a hobby like tabletop RPGs for people to find it strange that someone has a sexualized character. As a gooner myself, I know that most people don't even want to come close to, for example, openly talking about watching porn or masturbating, people find it strange to be openly in favor of these things, even less to interact with a person openly like that, and you don't even have to be a gooner.
See you're argument already fails because you're failing to actual understand the point you're arguing against.

You created a hypothetical which, while it could technically exist, there is no evidence of and is incredibly implausible. Female soldiers/warriors/generals on the other hand maybe uncommon but there's countless examples of such. Hell if you are to believe the romans' accounts, germania and Celtics cultures had female warriors.

The idea of female warrirors isn't even a new thing in story telling either, Amazons, valkyries, etc.

You're still treating female soldiers like such and implausible thing that is equivalent to someone being able to play a whistle with their ass despite women being in various militaries and fighting in various conflicts right now and in antiquity.
Anon, I can name 5 historically or mythologically accurate ways to have a party composed ENTIRELY of woman warriors right now, all of which are based on eras or legends that predate the existence of America entirely.

This isn't a matter of culture war bullshit, no matter how much you want it to be. You're just wrong.
are you having fun arguing about female soldiers /tg/?
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I realised I have the same opinion, bikini armour only "bothers" me if it's equated with a guy completely covered.
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The other picture the same artist did in a similar theme
I fail to see the problem.
Armour for the streets.
Armour for the sheets.
I honestly think the left is hotter than the right. Her boobs look weird like that and the left emphasizes her curves more.
she said she had protection, but that was not what I was expecting *Ba Dum Tss*
Nah, you're the no games here. I've got a group of regulars I play with weekly.
>Sunday (2 games on rotation)
Pokerole 2.0 (Player)
Digimon Digital Adventures 1.4 (GM)
>Tuesday (2 games on rotation, though one is more of a playtest)
Digimon Digital Adventures 1.4 (Player)
Digimon Digital Adventures 2E (Player)
>Wednesday (2 games on rotation)
Digimon Digital Adventures 1.4 (Player)
My own homebrew bleach system (Player)
>Saturday (1 game)
Star Wars D6/West End Games (GM)

Tomorrow is the last session of the Star Wars game, but on the 25th I'll be running my own homebrew Bionicle TTRPG in its place with a different set of players.

If you'd like I can sit down and go over all of the games in detail, but you're a nogames faggot so you'd probably just seethe and mald. I'll still do it though cause my friends are great to have at the table. We've got a core group of 9 people with a couple of others who are in and out of games based on when they can attend (usual game size is 5, between 3 and 6 at most, in terms of players). We've been playing for going on 7 years together now for most of them, 6 for the newer members.

So y'know, take your bullshit and cram it back down that shit-spewer you call a mouth.
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> These lady knights, I love them. Nothing like a fine woman in a fine suit of armor. I want someone dressed to stop a sword thrust, am I right fellas?
> So imagine how happy I am when I finally get one who will give me the time of day! We go back to her abode, and I guess she likes armor too because she takes off her helmet... and she puts it on my head!
> And she pulls the VISOR down! No respect, I tell you...
You can have armour as realistic as you want but people only start complaining jf theres a boob shape, then they're suddenly ultra concerned about physics. Makes it obvious that its motivated reasoning.
I just don't like beong reminded women exist, why is that so wrong?
Women aren't a fetish
Because it marks you as a fragile flower deserving of mockery. If you can't stand to be reminded that the majority of human beings exist because you emotionally cannot handle it, you are weak and unfit to survive in the world.
As unrealistic*
I've seen retards complaining about boob shape armour, meanwhile the character has shoulderpads so big they can't even look sideways. But yea i'm sure you totally care about "muh shot traps" or whatever.
The struggle is what makes the rape so satisfying, after all. No one likes a cold fish when they're doing a rape.
We get it, you're hysterical and pathetic and can't even follow basic logic. This is why no one wants you around and why you clearly don't play games.
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>female duty officer
>two gorgets cradling her boobs
>Why some people get irrationally angry at boobplate? I prefer dress armor but I don't mind it.
Clothing is a form of self-expression, group identification, and so forth. Clothes have meaning. A well-fitted suit says you're serious and professional; a t-shirt and ripped jeans says you're casual and maybe out to party. Leather jackets, sunglasses, Hawaiian shirts, we all understand these as expressing something about the person wearing them. If the "statement" the clothes make is not credible - e.g. it's a badass biker outfit but you're a skinny balding dweebus - then we interpret it as the person being dishonest with the statement they're making.

Real, functional armor says you're a soldier. Boobplate says you're a...? Stripper? Even if you were Superman-tier invulnerable and felt like dressing skimpy, you'd just wear something light, maybe a stay and skirt or something, not put a bunch of clanging metal that directly chills your skin.
Left would be better if the curvature of the cuirass accounted for the mass of her boobs; that breastplate is crushing her tits.
They're not people, they're NPCs trying to gain social capital by whining.
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Exposed skin is visual shorthand for heroism. It's been an indicator of a larger than life character that fears no danger since at least pulp comics, and that probably comes from all the naked greek heroic art.

You'd have to be willingly ignoring an entire generations worth of fantasy art to purely equate showing skin = whore.
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me on the left

>pic unrelated
No one really gets "irrationally angry" about boobplate. Except on the internet where getting irrationally angry because you want to make a point is sorta a past-time, and there's nothing we don't get irrationally angry about the second we think we can win an argument.

But lots of ttrpg players are wary of games that display boob-plate in their art. It's a ridiculous conceit solely to feed the libido of teenage boys, or adult men with the maturity of teenage boys. If you pick up a book and see that the publisher is going out of their way to pander to the lowest common denominator? It's a safe bet that the book is going to be either:
A. ridiculous, zany and over the top
B. garbage
Notice that not a single character in that picture is wearing boobplate. They are wearing very light clothing. Boobplate is not light clothing, as the post you are quoting mentioned and explained, you low IQ ape.
That's what makes it hot. Like those vacuum suits.
More importantly: it's from the 80s. Context matters and culture changes. Some 80s RPG has boobplate? Non-issue. Someone publishes a book tomorrow with boobplate? They really did sit down and make the intentional decision to pander to the dumbest kid in class.
>uh it's changed uh that's different, it doesn't count!
These dudes will have excuses for days but sword and sorcery might as well be renamed tits and pecs. They're usually just gay.
>uh that's different
Yes, it is different. Literally. I know your tiny peanut brain just sees "words = bad". The gladiatrix wearing skimpy armor is different because she is engaged in a sport and dressed stupidly because it's what the audience wants to see, like a modern pro-wrestler. There is no reason for somebody going into a dungeon or battlefield to dress like the OP pic. It does not make sense. The clothes contradict the story.
So your argument is that culture doesn't change over time? Because you'd have to be pretty stupid to argue that, but feel free to try.
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Why not both?
>uh it's different!
You'd say the same for everything.
You changed. Your teenage self would call you a fag.
>You'd say the same for everything.
I already explained the issue, in detail. You are merely using your two neurons to spit out "um, you're just a brainless hypocrite" over and over like a retarded troll, which you are. Engage with my original point about the way that clothing purposefully signals something about the wearer or lose your (You)s.
Because they don't know shit about armor. They see unrealistic male fantasy armor with super big pauldrons and are like "ok cool", then they see female armor with any curvature and lose their mind, because muh realism or muh history or muh sexualisation.
They of course don't know that armor besides protecting was also fashion statement, and male plate armor was made to look fashionable, to a point it literally had same design as male clothes of the time. Because females weren't fighting on frontline nobody was designing armor for them, but if baroness would fight alongside her husband on regular you can be damm sure her armor would be as close to newest fashion trend as possible. And yes we would get rich lady knights in boobplates if females would train for and participate in combat. They didn't so everyone is grasping at poor Joan who was put in male armor because no female variant existed, she served more as mascot with banner not fighter, and her wearing male clothing was causing outrage and one of big points of her (sham)trial.
Ah yes, a cuntpiece
This is all make believe and I believe in what makes me hard
Your highness that is an impressive codpiece... wait a second...
If you're the same as your teenage self that's pretty damning. You never developed beyond a literal child being driven insane by stress and puberty? You didn't gain experience and wisdom at all? That's sad, man.
Figthers & Frills.
>I do think it's silly when you have male and female version of the same class but one is covered head to toe with thick plate armor while the other wears a metal bikini that somehow provides the exact same amount of protection.
And this has....what exactly to do with traditional games, where YOU decide the aesthetics of your personal game? I don't think this is even as widespread of a vidya phenomenon for how much you tertiaries clutch pearls over it.

You're not only a nogames, you're a novidya to boot.
>I can name 5 historically accurate ways to have a party composed ENTIRELY of woman warriors right now
Please do lmao
Actual intentionally trained warriors not 'everyone else died so they had no choice' stuff.
Totally makes sense to use your limited wombs for battle in eras where infant mortality crossed 50%.
My homebrew.
It's just tacky as hell, stuff like that doesn't make much sense on a human existing in the same setting as fully armored knights unless said human woman is like a demigod or something.
It's just way too dumb.
Is bumpfag still around?
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That presupposes there is a problem.
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I think there's a way to make boob plate work but only in the exaggerated or weird way a codpiece does it. It'd be exaggerated, malformed, and offputting but as a sick armor freak enjoyer i actually would like that. Pic related is my favorite kind of knight armor, and equally uncanny but practical fit for women would be ideal.
Basically any boobplate can work externally as long as the inside "keel" of the armour is smooth and padding is worn as normal. The problem emerges when the inner keel has a sternum-cracking cleavage crease.
Did anyone ever make armor with a dynamic powered endoskeleton?
It should be more than doable to make any functional boob plate in any shape as long as all forces are accounted for with correct gizmos, mat sci, etc.
I admit I don't know much about reconstruction or folks into it, but for some reason I'm getting a feeling few if any of those people ever made some sci-fi knight battles in "high"-tech armor.
Unrealized potential right there desu
I genuinely hope you realize no one - not even your parents - actually care about you and that ending your life would rid the world over of an insignificant yet incredibly irksome burden and that the world is only made worse - even if only infinitesimally so - by your continued existence.

Nobody loves you, seek salvation in death.
Forced binary detected.

I instead choose to let people do what they want and not morally grand stand on the subject.
The entire point of >>94784731 's post is that the idea of 'realism means boob plate makes the sternum vulnerable' is pretty shaky.

I miss when people here had grade school level reading comprehension. Fucking zoomers I swear to God.
>but if baroness would fight alongside her husband on regular you can be damm sure her armor would be as close to newest fashion trend as possible.
I dunno, given how often 'as flat a chest as possible' was high fashion, would that be so?
Absolutely deranged.
I think that the idea configuration would be a breastplate sculpted such that the metal mammaries are in this particular position

Okay imagine a woman, naked, running as fast as she can so her breasts are sort of flopping to the side in a wing-like fashion. Imagine capturing that in steel plate. That's how I think historically accurate tit armor would look.
What makes you think it's irrational?
>Sword music stops
I like how sometimes the argument is that real women knights/warriors barely or didn't exist in real life, yet obviously that means custom armor made just for them was even rarer if not nonexistent.
It's not like those Greek armor that shows muscles is common and we know men warriors existed so so stuff like boob plate is not going to be common either.
Not even the same guy you loser retard, too stupid to even understand what he's mad about. You are like an animal, not a human.
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Literally the BMW argument.
If I was sexually attracted to BMWs it would be correct too.

I think boobplate would be like the codpiece:a fancy piece of armor with only aesthetics purposes. Aristocrats would be able to afford them. Anyone else would be stuck with unisex munition armor.

If they are combating in significant numbers they get plain unisex armor. Theres enough room for boobs underneath. Grunts dont get to chose what they wear and you want to be as cheap and efficient as possible.
Most people don't think of their friends, family, and neighbors in terms like "limited wombs" for a start. Can you post your deranged incel rants somewhere else? Like your friendless facebook page, maybe? It doesn't have anything to do with this board's topic.
It literally doesn't. Which are you screwing up here? Reading comprehension or basic logic? I even called it a valid answer to help you out and you still fell on your face.
This. People will do shit for Fashion! Plus at the end of the day. If someone can afford the armor in the first place, then they are most likely able to fucking kill you.

Plate Armor is PRICY.
I think you forgot to connect several dots between "has a metal breastplate" to "filthy moneybags rich" to "combat monster"
Most of the seething comes from people who are fundamentally incapable of rational thought.
Seething in general is born of irrationality.
Fuck that. Giant metal clunge.
Military commanders are famous for being very emotionally motivated and not interested in using numbers of human resources the same way they would anything else. If Bethany really really wants to fight the hun, then they'll damn well give her a rifle and training and equipment to her and all her sisters and throw her into the most critical zone, "sausage meat valley".
Why even have female fighters if you're going to remove all feminity and make them into ugly, obnoxious, less competent males?

Either give them sexo outfits or don't have them at all.
Codpieces were just common clothing items in the fourteen to fifteen hundreds. If you had hose, you'd have a codpiece over it. As armor, you also see cloth, and leather codpieces being made in the same style as plate. It's not exactly a prohibitively expensive armor item.
I find angry women in armour attractive, I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me
Good games provide both.
People forget that most games take place in a fantasy setting where a higher-level character is choosing armor based on its magical enchantments and their own personal preferences, not based on the physical practicality of that armor if it were unenchanted.

At least, that's how it works in my setting. If you see a woman approaching you in a chainmail bikini, she's either an idiot or about to kill you with magic superpowers.
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why are you so weirdly offended by that guy's opinion?
I like boobplate because it's FANTASY and realism is for nogames and badgames faggot NPCs.
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>Why some people get irrationally angry at boobplate?
here it's the opposite. if you make even the mildest criticism about the silliness of boobplate the coomers freak the fuck out and start screeching about women warriors and other shit.
>remove all feminity
Don't do that then
You don't need to go full sexo to make them still look female.
Then again the women more likely to actually be interested in combat are ugly tomboys (which moat tomboys are, cute tomboys are mostly a fantasy).
More like "boobplate just has to be made properly"
Stuff cut like a solid steel corset will kill you if you fall off your horse. A generally sound breastplate design with booby accoutrements is fine.
this looks fucked-up, is it AI-upscaled?
I like boob-plate because I find it sexually appealing. Let me be an edgy coomer in peace, thanks
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boobs might not be the only thing that needs extra space
To be honest, these days I run into more people who get irrationally angry at women wearing traditional armour.
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There's only one solution.
>pointy nipple slots
>They really did sit down and make the intentional decision to pander to the dumbest kid in class.
They're not pandering to you if you complain about it, you dumbest kid in class.
I like the bottom right one the most.
The Veil Riders has dress armor based off of old Spanish dueling dresses. You can swish your frills for extra AC
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fixed a fuckup
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You are a fuckup
>I miss when people here had grade school level reading comprehension
Way to admit you're just a tourist glorifying a past you never partook in.
Is that you, Kronan? Heard your son was a woman.
Barbarians and Ballrooms.
Dipshits & Dumb bumpfags?
>Why some people get irrationally angry at [insert literally anything]
Where do you think you are?

Men are effectively biologically immortal. As a man gets into more and more situations where adrenaline is realesed the adrenaline triggers biological functions. One by one his organs divide and regrow into two separate equal organs (Two Spleens, two hearts, two arms on the right, etc)

The order of organ division is mostly random but the brain is the last organ to split. When all other organs are duplicated the man will feel an intense urge to go to a secluded safe spot, like a cave, a bedroom or a vacant privy. Over the course of an four hour process the man will divide into two almost identical men (The process will cause some mutation to maintain genetic diversity)
The thing is that its fucking irrelevant. No one genuinely cares about some abstract structural vulnerability. People only bring it up for ulterior reasons.
>Why some people get irrationally angry at boobplate?
/tg/ is the only place that still talks about this "controversy"
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She then removes her chest plate to reveal a pair of double Ds and the most perfectly inverted nipples one could dream of.
>>"Deny the problem and double down"
>That presupposes there is a problem.
>>It literally doesn't.
It very obviously does, because you state there is a problem to be doubled down on.
Not sure why you would say such a blatant lie.
The whole point of this is not to have it point towards your sternum internally. The spot between your tits can be flat from the inside, not to remove the cups.
Shut the fuck up, fat pseud.
I accept "solution b"!
Besides Conan, what are some examples of this done well?
>Which are you screwing up here? Reading comprehension or basic logic?
Maybe you should start by looking up "presupposes".
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John Carter of Mars, you uncultured philistine.
>>exercising in a bikini is fetish shit
the wording was bad.
watching women excercise is fetish shit, if you record them you'll be considered a creep. People used to watch excercise shows as softcore porn.

But I guess excercising in a bikini could be a fetish thing for women too.
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Wait, if Mars is mostly desert in that series, wouldn't they need to cover up to avoid sunburn? Or do Martians, and John, just not tan or something?
Weaker sunlight on Mars, it's further away.
Still funny how pissed the estate got at sexy covers for Dejah Thoris. They were right, it was impugning her character. Most of the time she was basically nude, no bikini.
You're splitting hairs. The difference between going to battle in a bikini or a metal bikini? If you already don't care about damage and are just wearing whatever for aesthetics who cares if it's metal or not. Because it's a fashion statement.

This is fucking retarded. What's your point? Making boob plate back then was fine simply because the majority didn't care or liked it but now it's chud coded it's bad to do it? So it's all about following social pressure of the day. Here's the reality, the people who bitched about sexualized characters are dumb.
>but now it's chud coded it's bad to do it? So it's all about following social pressure of the day. Here's the reality, the people who bitched about sexualized characters are dumb.
you added that interpretation, so you understand that in the current context there is added meaning that the artist has to consider. Why are you arguing?

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