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Magistracy Royal Guards edition

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Honor the Eagle!
Thought she was doing a pole dance from the thumbnail.
Could I get some suggestions for Feddie mechs to try out in Ilclan? Individual mechs or combinations that you've enjoyed. My play group has decided to give the era a go.

Glory to the First Prince!
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There's finally a decent STL for the Avatar

Do you guys think the Clanners love Strana Mechty so much because it has Mech in the name?
What's up with those prices, fuck.
Inferno is a very late dark age feddie mech.
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ate Stieners
ate Mariks
ate Kuritans
ate Capellans
and I ate clanners
im not raciss, jus dont like em

luv me autocannons
luv me first prince
luv me federated suns
simple as
Yes. Now help me take some fucking worlds.
So, I'm starting a MechWarrior campaign. In accordance with recommendations here, I'm going 2e, and the players generally seem on-board, but those who have looked at 3e and AToW really want a bit of distinction between different affiliations.

Does anyone have any ideas? The point count is low so it seems hard to add stuff, and I don't want to throw off balance too much.
A good one I take it? I'll give it a look.
Oh, right. It's an obnoxiously high price, but free with membership, becauseyou cant do "only availablewith membership" on a patreon store.

She puts them up on her cults eventually for reasonable costs.
It's pretty basic, but the prime has ReLasers, which are near ilclan tech.
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Task complete by 3152. The Dragon's Tongue is bitten off.

Yeah, seems to be a Sarna error. I've talked with other CDT members and their maps didn't have any rules either. If anyone has edit abilities on Sarna, correcting the page would be appreciated.

And thanks for the reminder about the terrain from other map packs. Good research, anon.
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No. Now pay me.
>random french slut
>for a British faction
You fuckin wat mate?
It's pretty close to a zombie and cheap for an advanced tech heavy omnimech. High armor, meh speed, okayish guns all mounted in the torso (including CT for maximum durability). It's an answer to the recent DCMS offensive.
FedSuns are Anglo-French.

But also Alizee is Corsican, which somehow feels Free Worldy to me.
Any standout configurations?
>Dominant languages
>English, French
The FedSuns have always been anglo-french
That's French with more steps.
Bonapartist detected.
Tip: don't say that to them; on Corsica, it could literally get you killed.
The R stands out just because it's all clan weapons. But it's also 800 BV more than the rest of them. I'd probably stick with the prime. C is funny if nothing else.
Can you guys check if I got this right?

>Suppose there's a mech with 20 armor, 20 structure, SRM6 ammo (3 shots remaining), LRM20 ammo (6 shots remaining), and AC10 ammo (1 shot remaining) on its LT;

>The mech got LRM5 TAC on the LT

>1)if crit on LRM20 ammo: (20x1x6)=120 damage; mech kaboom

>2) if crit on SRM6 ammo: (6x2x3)=36 damage; LT gone and remaining 16 damage goes to the CT structure; roll for CT crit (...or LRM and AC ammo chain-explode for more damage? Not sure)

>3) if crit on AC10 ammo: (10x1)=10 damage; LT suffers 10 structure damage but still there, with 15 armor remaining; roll for LT crit again
Penetrator 6T slaps in any era its available. Sure theres newer ones, but those have tradeoffs I don't find acceptable
1) correct
2) roll for crit in CT and LT, to see if any more ammo goes off
3) correct
In all cases, the mechwarrior takes 2 hits for every bin that cooks off.
Templar Omnis are pretty great assaults too. Especially the R config. 2 CERPPC's and a CLBX10, and 5 medium re-engineered lasers for dealing with pesky armor types that tend to pop up in this era
The Star Adder I is noted to be favored by the FedSuns, and is a pretty interesting loadout. 2 Large Re-engineered lasers, IHGauss, and 4 ERSL's
Oh, and how could I forget about the Sagittaire 14R. An exceptionally vicious Mech with twin LVSPL's, and a CERPPC, and CERML's all linked to a tarcomp. Plus it jumps. If it gets into close range with the bulk of its weaponry it pretty much auto-deletes whatever it looks at
Thank you anon(s?)
Yw, also take a look at the Thunderbolt 9NAIS, good modern general purpose Mech (like all T-Bolts), Davion-exclusive. Has a RAC5 linked to a tarcomp which you can jave some fun with
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Well no Tukayyid then
I was going to buy it at full price the moment it came out on GOG (i don't buy games on DRM platforms anymore).
See, they made the mistake of coming out with the sandbox mode first, tons of people going "what do you mean i have a mostly linear mission track? Mercs wasn't like this."

Plus the limited Mech selection (made sense for story reasons but casuals and secondaries dont care) and general lack of replayability led to a general "meh" from the audience.
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Ok that hunchback is pretty sick.
No. I'm gonna call the dragon a bitch.

The coordinator can eat my ass.
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Kurita love for Hunchbacks is wholesome.
Pic related is for you.
>random french slut
>for a British faction
Should feature a proper degen british whore, like Tony Blair, yes.
What is that mech behind the Hunchback?
In 3025, like decades after the WD made appearance, how widely known the existance of the mechs the Dragoons brought in/made like the Annihilator or Marauder II and stuffs by then? "oh yeah I heard about some weird shits they're using" or still "what the fuck is that????"
>In 3025, like decades after the WD made appearance, how widely known the existance of the mechs the Dragoons brought in/made like the Annihilator or Marauder II and stuffs by then?
By that point, Com* would've managed to deliver their variant of Jane's Battlemechs to everybody who cares.
Everyone who cares about mercenaries knows about them and that they have a bunch of weird old stuff and also new stuff they get from Blackwell like the Marauder II and the Badger.
The TROs are in-universe publications. Check if any of those mechs appeared in a TRO that was published before 3025

Captcha demands a Mechwarrior 2 remaster
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I mean, I saw this in vidya and got curious how 'mysterious' their mechs were to the wider IS in canon BT timeline
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Well, it stands to reason that if you're going to post pinup pics, you want an attractive female in the pic. The problem with your assertion becomes that you've limited your pool to only British women. It's simply not reasonable to expect someone to have to find an attractive British women for their pinup image. If for no other reason than seeing all 3 existing attractive British females would get very old, very quick.

>this is why Davions are memed as redheads. It allows people to find girls who are actually pretty to use in pinups instead of just British women. Redheads are Irish, but that's basically the same as being British for all intents and purposes, right?
So when the Dragoons showed up in 3005 with five pristine mech regiments, some old designs from the Star League Era, and some new designs no one had ever seen before, plus none of their people having any history with anyone, the obvious conclusion was "huh, these guys are from outside known space"

It was pretty mysterious, but one of the first books about them hypothesized in universe that they were the vanguard of Kerensky's returning SLDF. That turned out to be true, though the writers hadn't settled on that yet.
I always figured people grabbed redheads because Hanse was a redhead. And Morgan. And Kim. A lot of the important Davion characters were redheads.
Damnit man I'm trying to wind down so I can sleep, not get wound up and masterbate.
>Redheads are Irish, but that's basically the same as being British
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But which waifu is most appropriate for my French Republic skyfleet?
That text makes a pretty basic mistake that Blackwell is a federated suns corporation that doesn't move to outreach until it's given to the goons after the 4th succession war ends.

The Mad II is supposed to be a kind of standardized frankenmech project that involves adding a bunch of material to a davion marauder.
Retail when? Daddy wants lightning cannons.

Probably this one.

Enjoy your new wife.
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>ywn be issued a uniformed French trollop from the commissary

Someday, but the US stuff with super tech will be wave 2, so even further out. Pick from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia for wave 1
>Italy 1st wave

Oh man, i want my torpedo battleship so fucking bad
So I got the Goliath and the Scorpion, and kind of want to make 'hey I know that reference' lance. What other mechs came from the anime that the Goliath and Scorpion designs are from?
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The 55 ton trio, beemer (mech pajamas), thud
Gee, I wonder if there was an internet accessible repository with this information?

>Fang of the Sun: Dougram
>Shadow Hawk - DIM Dougram
>Griffin - Soltic H8 Roundfacer
>Scorpion - Abitate F35C Blizzard Gunner
>Wolverine - Abitate T-10B/T-10C Blockhead
>Thunderbolt - Ironfoot F4X Hasty
>Goliath - Abitate F44A Crab Gunner
>BattleMaster - Soltic HT-128 Big Foot
If you wanted to make it obvious, I'd use a Shadow Hawk since it's based on the Main Character's mech, but any of these would work.
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Has any of the vehicles there got to BT?
Also, we need Cabarov and Mackerel as mechs
The Daimyo kinda looks like they stuck arms on a Cabarov
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>Didn't get the Cabarov
>Didn't get the Mackerel
>Didn't get Desert Gunner
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Nope, you get Plog's abominations instead
>Irish, but that's basically the same as being British
Thats it, Cinnci is getting the Bomber Harris treatment
3055 Plog was kinda bad, but that also he basing it on original bad artwork of Dana Knutson.
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Yeah I can't really blame Plog for the Daimyo, it's a really odd looking mech and it's hard to improve on without completely changing it imo.
I'm fine with it though, it's not the prettiest mech but I like seeing more variety in mech design.
>>94770837 Cranston, what other of the new novels is missing?

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