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Previous Thread: >>94545602

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
- The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
- A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
- How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
- GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: How often do you or your players play as non-sapient characters?
>TQ: How often do you or your players play as non-sapient characters?
Are we going by stats or behavior?
>TQ: How often do you or your players play as non-sapient characters?
Literally only once ever. In a game where the party was splitting up so often I assigned them secondary characters so that all the players would be able to participate in each scene, the only character I could find for one of them to play was a dog. Worked out great.
How to balance Elves against Humans and Hobbits in a LotR setting?
Why even ask this in GURPSgen? GURPS is a points-based system, so 'balance' is handled simply by giving each player the same points budget. Elves are balanced against other races through having a more expensive racial template, so they have less to spend on individual capabilities.
Hobbits are roughly -5 ST, DX +1, some quirks, racial talent for sneakiness, resistance to evil (+3) or something. Maybe [-20]
Elves are like +2 DX, +1 IQ, +2 HT, decent appearance, unaging, better senses, access to some magic and cinematic skills (e.g. light walk). Around [100].
As you can see, those aren't massive template costs. You still get enough to make a competent elf at [200] while being able to make a plausible human or hobbit hero on the same budget. The hobbits in the books would probably be lower points than other characters and/or loaded with meta-game advantages like luck, serendipity, destiny, etc.
Also Wealth. Frodo stole what belonged to dear Lotho.
You're under gunning elves and hobbits by a large margin. Elves are immortal, can use magic (at will), don't sleep, and have a host of environmental immunity/supernatural senses, strengths, and other bullshit. Not to mention racial access to weapon categories dramatically higher than other groups. Meanwhile Hobbits have a host of innate magical abilities and they're immune to corruption from evil. IE they can't even BE evil.
>How to balance Elves against Humans and Hobbits in a LotR setting?
You don't, they're broken as hell and either demand a high point campaign or belong in the realm of NPC's.
I want a character who's mildly schizophrenic and constantly sees an imaginary person that talks shit about everything that's happening but someone it drops some information that the character can't possibly know.
Would it be a combination of Phantom Voices and Oracle?
That should work. Oracle can either take an hour of active usage (in your case, it'd be grilling the voice until you weasel something useful out of it) or the GM can use it as a method of dropping relevant info into your lap when necessary (the voice saying something useful of its own accord).
Immortality is just Unaging, which is [15], right? Plus they can just die from losing the will to live, which is either a limitation on unaging or a (probably small) disadvantage.
They are immune to disease, except maybe some supernatural ones. That's worth a bunch of points.
They are significantly more graceful than humans, but that's hard to quantify. Could be anything from +2 to +4 DX.
In addition to their immunity to disease they can endure almost everything better than humans can, so some improved HT or advantages like temperature tolerance could be justified.
They don't seem to be much smarter, stronger, or more strong-willed than humans. They do have extremely keen senses, so either lots of Per or sensory advantages could be justified, but they aren't terribly expensive.
Their magic isn't anything too fancy, maybe low-level magery (and some points in spells) plus Light Walk as a racial skill.
Going by The Two Towers, they aren't able to go without sleep, but they can sleep while engaged in uncomplicated activity:
>he could sleep, if sleep it could be called by Men, resting his mind in the strange paths of Elvish dreams, even as he walked open-eyed in the light of this world.
That seems more like the trick used by cetaceans and migratory birds where you turn off part of your brain while still keeping enough awareness to keep moving and wake up if threatened. Probably Doesn't Sleep with a temporary disadvantage limitation.

I don't think that hobbits are flat-out immune to evil in all its forms. The ring did slowly corrupt them, and Saruman managed to enlist plenty of them in his conquest of the Shire. They are strong-willed and good-natured, but if they couldn't ever fall to evil then they wouldn't be very good examples of virtue to people, which they are clearly meant to be. Regardless, this isn't going to raise their points level much above zero, if at all.
What's the best way to do skill trees in GSC?
Is there a cost penalty for a caveman spending his xp on learning to use a gun?
It's not an iq skill so I'm assuming he doesn't have to raise his tl to use it.
Only if he wants to learn how to fix it with armoury or something. Am I correct?

Also what would I look at for making several characters who speak different languages also all capable of understanding each other despite not speaking any similar languages.
Do I just add a secondary language to them and skin it as them all still speaking their original language but it's understood by them?
Mindlink with telecomms seems like it would get the job done but not really represent what I'm going for.
I feel like it's a better way to do it though.
sorry I meant, I feel like there's a better way to do it, not that it is
Guns is still a technological skill; that's why the skill is written as Guns/TL. So yeah a TL0 caveman will need to buy Higher TL 8 [40] if he wants to dome people with a deagle without a penalty. He'd need at minimum Higher TL 4 [20] to learn the Guns skill in the first place since it didn't exist before then, and he'd still have to deal with -1/TL penalty for using more advanced guns (an abstraction of not knowing how to properly load or maintain the weapon, or handle more modern sights, trigger designs, and safety features). Saddling an Unusual Background on top of the Higher TL advantage is also likely.

So basically you want something like the elf speaking elven, the dwarf speaking dwarven, and the orc speaking orcish, but all of them can understand each other through the magic of "you're all players sitting around a table and speaking english"? If you really don't want them all learning a common language but also wish to avoid the kludge of modified Telecom, you *can* just handwaive it as a GM for the sake of the game. Another options is to have everyone buy Special Rapport with the other PCs, treating the easy communication as a special effect of having such a deep bond; Elwynth Silvertree doesn't know orcish, but she knows Guzmak well enough to tell that he's suggesting a frontal assault when he says "G'nurshk kalk au tabul" and laughs.
I was comparing armor options in Low-Tech, so I decided to make a small spreadsheet to calculate the DR/Cost and DR/Weight ratios for each armor type. As it turns out, light plate is the best armor per weight, but the most cost effective armor is actually straw.

So where is the new uncucked discord that was promised last thread?
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Your question is reminding me that I dream of one day running a game set in pic related, with a party of TL4 Englishmen fighting aliens and learning their language, how to use their advanced technology, etc. So much fun potential in that campaign.
that sounds perfect for gurps
>Immortality is just Unaging, which is [15], right?
It's closer to one of the undying attributes than simply unaging. They're anti entropy, anti time, immortal beings shining with the light of creation.
>Plus they can just die from losing the will to live, which is either a limitation on unaging or a (probably small) disadvantage.
Would be a quirk at best, and they don't die so much as leave.
>They are immune to disease, except maybe some supernatural ones. That's worth a bunch of points.
Makes certain encounters that would insta kill others possible for them.
>hey are significantly more graceful than humans, but that's hard to quantify. Could be anything from +2 to +4 DX.
>In addition to their immunity to disease they can endure almost everything better than humans can, so some improved HT or advantages like temperature tolerance could be justified.
Immunity from certain environmental hazards. Meaning deserts and icy terrain wouldn't be much of a problem mixed with their specific super elf rations and lack of need of sleep.
>They don't seem to be much smarter, stronger, or more strong-willed than humans.
They can get into Wraith/Balrog/Wizard territory. That alone makes them extremely powerful. If not out the gate than through character advancement.
>Their magic isn't anything too fancy
Scrying, sleep spells, elemental control, supernatural healing, enchanted super weapons, air travel, teleportation, etc. It's not a small deal.
>even as he walked open-eyed in the light of this world.
He's capable of fighting and living without sleep.
>I don't think that hobbits are flat-out immune to evil in all its forms.
The ring needed to transform them into another entity in order to affect them. And, even when Sam was tempted he envisioned himself as a benign force on steroids.
>Regardless, this isn't going to raise their points level much above zero, if at all.
It's a fifty point to hundred point advantage, easily. You're talking near immunity from an effect that is instant death.
oh man
that's gonna be rough when captain caveman encounters guns in the first session
sure he'll figure out some way to deal with it though

I do like special rapport idea and that fits perfectly
Something like the han solo and chewbacca or c3po and r2d2 thing where c3po or solo can speak to and understand their companion but their companion can't really be understood by most and they'll probably need intermediaries to speak to alot of people
that sounds cool af, I'd totally join something like that if someone at my table ran it
Oh my bad, my answer was assuming that someone's building a character and wanted their otherwise-TL0 caveman to start with skill with Guns. If this is happening while a game is running, all bets are off. Grug couldn't use guns without training, as his TL0 background gives him no knowledge to even attempt a default roll, but if some time-hopping dummy wants to instruct a barely-ascendant ape on how to handle a P90 then they absolutely could teach him Guns/TL8. I would probably limit how many points he can get in the skill at like one or two max, as he'll still run into broader problems with using a gun without an understanding of more modern concepts, but yeah a TL0 human could probably grasp the basics of point-and-shoot with enough instruction.
>They're anti entropy, anti time, immortal beings shining with the light of creation.
That's unaging with a flowery description.
>...they don't die so much as leave.
No, the text literally says they die if they get sufficiently sad.
>Makes certain encounters that would insta kill others possible for them.
Normal disease isn't an insta-kill.
>Immunity from certain environmental hazards.
Nothing in LotR suggests total immunity to cold, heat, etc. Maybe some specific super-elves in the Silmarillion might be.
>They can get into Wraith/Balrog/Wizard territory. That alone makes them extremely powerful. If not out the gate than through character advancement.
So, not in the racial template.
>Scrying, sleep spells, elemental control, supernatural healing, enchanted super weapons, air travel, teleportation, etc. It's not a small deal.
Some elves casting powerful spells doesn't mean the racial template comes with them. With magic especially there's a difference between 'one of them did it once' and 'all of them can do it'.
>He's capable of fighting and living without sleep.
Absolutely not supported by the text. Literally just says 'walking' and the context makes it clear he isn't really conscious.

>The ring needed to transform them into another entity in order to affect them.
No it didn't, otherwise it couldn't have transformed Smeagol.
>And, even when Sam was tempted he envisioned himself as a benign force on steroids.
Yes, that's how it gets you. That's what temptation looks like. Also, Sam isn't an average Hobbit; he's specifically the most good-natured character in the story. Every other hobbit would have done worse.
I've been thinking of a reworked magic system for Call of Cthulhu. The original's trifecta of bullshit MP, SP, and POW thrown out with base line skill of Cthulhu Mythos that grows every time you use a magical feat/spell. Permanently reducing your sanity by its steady progression. First beginning with the temporary sanity loss of using magic mixed with a growing awareness permanently lowering it. Than, achieving a "hardening" state like found Delta Green's latest version for stopping the temp loss but not mitigating the overall gain of the mythos knowledge. This would in affect make you jump up permanent designations of magical awareness while circling closer to becoming an NPC as you progress inevitably turns you into a monster. Minus the immediacy and freeing up more "common" uses of magical power. So, you would progress through occultist, sorcerer, and then into wizard, and finally NPC monster. Developing weirder and weirder character flaws, powers, and insights as this occurred spurring you on to get stronger while ultimately killing yourself in the long term or ending up with somebody going off to Dreamlands forever. It supports a more combat heavy campaign and opens up options for more than running away, doing ceremonies, firing guns, and getting into melee.
I like the lore blurbs and wish they'd do more of them. The ones in transhuman space/biotech/ultratech are great.
>Every other hobbit would have done worse.
Frodo and Bilbo both do better, neither ever tries to "claim" the ring until they've been wearing the thing for months/years. Sam starts to get tempted fairly quickly, but still doesn't auto die. Which, word of god angels and every other being in existence automatically does aside from Father Nature.
>That's unaging with a flowery description.
Not really, it has mechanical benefits beyond long term unaging. They don't die. They're like Gandalf. Hypothetically an Elf could "sail back" if he chose to after waking up in the undying lands. Also, it provides a number of supernatural death resistances and low level regeneration.
>No, the text literally says they die if they get sufficiently sad.
Hm, not sure about that.
>Normal disease isn't an insta-kill.
Ring Wraith breath and other undead stuff, is. Or, can be if it takes affect.
>Nothing in LotR suggests total immunity to cold, heat, etc
Doesn't need to be total, it's enough to where common threats don't apply in those environments. You have a character that is by default able to go without sleep, not worry about most weather conditions, doesn't leave tracks, and can see in the dark perfectly. That isn't a small deal for an adventuring team. Even before skills he's a Swiss army blade of useful at will powers.
>So, not in the racial template.
No, it is by definition in the racial template.
>Absolutely not supported by the text
He's tracking two elves, not walking from point a to point b. They don't sleep like humans.
So what are the actual difference between 3E and 4E gurps?

Which one would you say is the best one to start playing and running for a complete newbie to the system??
Most significant ones in 3e:
All attributes cost 10
HP based on HT, FP based on ST
ST progression
Armor has Passive Defense

4e since it is an improvement.
Donate to the project and wait for the update.
Adding to what the other Anon said. 4e is better for newbie GMs for multiple reasons, but one of them is because it has multiple series that collect both player options and relevant rules in one location, letting the entire group easily get on the same page and otherwise making games a lot easier to run. Dungeon Fantasy can be used if you want to do gonzo fantasy and Monster Hunters is there for ultra-high power secret magic games, but I recommend using Action if you want to make use of GURPS's great gunplay rules or After the End if you want to embrace the system's potential for gritty down-to-earth games.
newbie here, so lost on how some telekinetic and psi stuff works
so players can buy telekinesis as an advantage without a talent in psychokinetic?
and telekinesis doesn't require rolling or cost anything?
in the example of grabbing the gun it doesn't show any rolling
it does say some situations may require dx or skill, which sounds fine but weird, I guess it makes sense though if you're grappling someone that if you know how to grapple well you can do it well woth your mind
it also says or strength, and that strength is rolled off TK level, doesn't that make telekinesis absurdly weak unless you buy an absurd amount of it?
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David Pulver really has a gift for microfiction.
>so players can buy telekinesis as an advantage without a talent in psychokinetic?
Correct. Psychokinetics is a 'power' (see GURPS Powers for a lot more on this) which can have psychokinetic abilities. Those abilities are based on advantages.
But you can also just buy the advantages! Or buy them as part of a completely different power (like magic, or force-field projection).
>and telekinesis doesn't require rolling or cost anything?
Generally, telekinesis functions just like using your hands (except they are invisible, invulnerable, and have very long reach). So you need to roll an attack in order to take someone's weapon away.
>it also says or strength, and that strength is rolled off TK level, doesn't that make telekinesis absurdly weak unless you buy an absurd amount of it?
Yeah, you need lots of it if you are going to pull the kind of tricks that comic / film telekinetics do (throwing cars around, levitating people, bending steel bars, etc.) However, it isn't bad value.
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We've got a player in our group whose character can cast body of metal, and wears plate armor. The spell specifies that clothing of six pounds or less is merged in when cast, and his armor is heavier than that. Does that mean he gets both his armor and spell DR stacked?
the way id want to do a "LOTR" campaign (throw the ring into mount doom and yadda yadda...) would be to just have some players play high point characters and others play low point characters. but who the hell wants to play low point hobbits when you could be fucking Legolas.
>They're anti entropy, anti time
Bullshit, go back to read again the source material, the elven feä (spirit) is tied to eä and their hröa (body) is potent enough to last unimaginable (in human terms) time but sooner or later it's destined to "fade" away (leaving only the feä) if the elf in question doesn't move to Aman (or moves under a perpetual sanctuary that keeps at bay "marren arda", like the ones controlled by the elven ring bearers). "Unaging" is perfectly fine for simulating lotr elves.
A) The low-point characters should be the chosen ones/drive the plot. The high-point ones are there to protect them.
2) Acts of heroism from the low-point characters are all the more heroic because of their lower point total
D) You really need great players for such a campaign, who will be invested in the roleplay and story and get along well with each other.
3rd) There are in fact players who would like the challenge of the low-point characters, and other players who would like to be the main character (see point 1).
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>lves are balanced against other races through having a more expensive racial template, so they have less to spend on individual capabilities.
GURPS apparently has always been redpilled about why white boi can't dance.
After 2 different campaigns as a player I'm convinced that this is the only system I want to use and play from now on.
However I'm not convinced about the 1 second round, is there any supplement to allow 3 seconds rounds, can I just allow stacking 3 maneuvers for the turn or will this break the game?
>is there any supplement to allow 3-second rounds?
The chase rules (Action 2 p. 31) can be used for abstract combat outside the one-second-round framework.
>can I just allow stacking 3 maneuvers for the turn or will this break the game?
It probably will break the game with "alpha strike" shenanigans.
Three attacks, or two attacks and an All-Out Defense would indeed break the game. It'd also be hard to respond to anyone deciding to Move-Move-Move.

Depending on why you specifically dislike the one-turn second, your best bet is probably to make something a free action or to add in some way around a penalty rather than to give everyone Accelerated Time Rate 2 for free. Some of these are already canon; Move & Attack's penalty and cap can be avoided with a 1FP expenditure, an advantage or technique, or the GM simply not wanting to deal with it as best fits the campaign, and Action has reloading be a free action if you're fully behind cover.

Alternatively, if you want longer turns so people can simply do more in combat, I'd focus on just speeding up play. Faster combat means peoples turns come around sooner, so limited actions per turn don't sting so much. Require players have their actions ready when it's their turn. Use minion rules for PCs so they get downed more quickly, or at least have them flee after a major wound or losing half their numbers rather than fighting to the death. Dispense with unnecessary rolls in combat. Stuff like that.
I wanna play gurps but I'm a little tired of trying to herd my friends into playing rpgs and I don't know where to find other people.
I would try dming for roll20 randoms but I am barely understanding these rules and I'm a pretty incompetent gm in general.
The first step is getting rid of the cuck attitude
Can you give me pointers on that.
1.Throw away the chair from your bedroom
2. Actually read GURPS Basic Set from start to finish
3. Find players/GM (you can try it here)
4. Just play the game and don't worry about making mistakes. Being a good GM takes practice and nobody starts out perfect
>or moves under a perpetual sanctuary that keeps at bay "marren arda", like the ones controlled by the elven ring bearers
>like the ones controlled by the elven
Thank you for substantiating my point. Playing an Elf is like playing a Wizard or a Balrog. Overpowered by default.
First i spelled elven RING bearers, the focus is on the ring thing specifically, without the three not Rivendel nor Lothlorien could actually exist, they're not there because Elrond and Galadriel are simply gigawizards.
Second, just play a silvan elf (the ones that got drunk at the hobbit) of you want to keep low the whole game points budget, noldor and sindar are probably prohibitive in terms of point cost for various reasons but not that much if you make the actual math.
Is Stun Points how you do Aura from RWBY?
>there's a difference between 'one of them did it once' and 'all of them can do it'.
I think this is an important point. Most characters we see are heroic and shouldn't be taken for the average of their race.
Imagine trying to write down human racial template based on Aragorn.
r8 my Cosmo Marine.
Space Knight from Space + Atlas genes from Bio-Tech + Heavy Battlesuit from Ultra-Tech
IIRC, MERP had a 'high man' race based on Aragorn and his relatives.
Nta but the high-men stats are based on dunedain men in general and not aragorn in specific. Why there's so much ignorance on the subject here of all places? Feels weird.
A Superfine Vibroblade Thrusting Greatsword can be used one-handed by your armored supersoldier and is cheaper than scaling a Superfine Vibroblade Thrusting Broadsword up to SM+1 ($27k vs $40.5k). Still costs more than the powered armor, which I guess explains why they're considered powerful relics, but now it's not more than double the suit's cost.

I've waffled a lot on what UT weapon best fits a not!Bolter. Gyrocs work at first glance, but they're weirdly small in caliber (15mm isn't great) and have that annoying damage debuff in normal range bands. I've long obsessed over the shotgun's 18.5mm rounds being so close to the bolter shell's stated 1" diameter, but at the end of the day the rules only cover low-powered plastic cased 18.5mm rounds rather than full-strength 18.5mm rounds, so damage is pretty anemic; even making them ETC Shotguns and loading them with AP rounds won't be enough for them to penetrate most armors. In the end I think the Payload Rifle is the best bet if you want something right out of the book, with larger shells and higher kinetic damage than either of the prior options.

Warheads are also an annoying problem. HEMP warheads certainly have big damage numbers, but I don't think they quite fit the same purpose; bolter rounds penetrate targets *then* explode, making them disastrously effective against living targets, occupied vehicles, and whatever the hell daemons are doing, but HEMP put all of their oomph in the initial impaling "punch" and the explosion is linked rather than follow up, so it's surface level and has to deal with DR separately. APHEX seems to fit the lore a bit better, and brings the Payload Rifle up to 10d(2) with a follow-up of 1d+1 cr ex [1d+1]. That lets them regularly penetrate DR70 armors and deal an extra 3d+3 cr + 1d+1 cut to whatever's inside (potentially much more cut depending on how you want to handle internal fragmentation; the rules aren't clear and there are multiple reasonable houserule solutions).
In FDG, grappling limbs give an extra -2 DX for actions involving that limb. To make torso grapples an active choice rather than the boring default, I'm considering this house rule:
>Attempting a Takedown, Grab and Go, or Frog March without having the torso included in the grab inflicts -2 to the ensuing Quick Contest.
It does seem to accomplish what you want to do, and it doesn't seem especially 'unbalanced', however:
>As someone who sometimes has to grapple people for my job, I'm not sure it's entirely realistic. We usually use limbs for control and I don't think adding the torso would really help. Notably, both the original meaning of 'frog march' (one man on each arm, one on each leg) and the more typical modern version (one person on each side, using both arms to restrain one arm and the inside leg/hip to control the legs, with maybe one other person to handle the head) avoid holding the torso. Of course, you may not care about strict realism, or have expertise which contradicts my opinion.
but more importantly:
>the more details, exceptions, options, etc. you add to a system, the more unwieldy it becomes. This is exactly the kind of rule which gets forgotten in play or makes remembering the rules too demanding.
Shouldn't the battlesuit be scaled to SM+1 as well? Unfortunately, there aren't any official rules for scaling powered suits that I'm aware of, but using the LTC2 rules for weight and cost and scaling the ST bonus in line with typical user ST (i.e. 50% more lifting and striking ST at SM+1) seems reasonable. Assuming the suit adds another +1 on top of that, the sword should probably be SM+2.
I guess some context would be useful here. My group will be using a slightly modified FDG that has a couple of rules ported in from other grappling systems, including the "complex grabs" rule from ANToG that lets you grab multiple locations at once with a small penalty rather than requiring a DWA/Rapid Strike/AOA Double. I was just thinking of why someone would ever opt for, say, a bear hug that traps the target's arms against their sides (so they're grappling both arms and the torso) vs just grabbing each arm if there's no benefit to grabbing the torso and it makes the penalty to hit slightly larger.

Your experience makes sense to me, and I'm shooting for gameable realism. Only "counter" I have is that a -2 for not grabbing the torso should be more than compensated for by adding another human; combined margins and cumulative CP penalties should be more effective at moving someone than grabbing the torso by yourself. Also in any real-world scenario, yeah you'll probably want to focus on the arms anyway, simply so you don't get socked (or worse) when trying to manhandle someone; PCs may be fine eating a hit, but it makes sense a real person would want to avoid it if possible, and adding an extra -4 DX to each arm is probably worth a -2 to moving them.

You're 100% right about it being just another niche addition, though. Got nothing to say against that.
Yeah, bear-hugs are pretty useful and are actually an easier way of controlling both arms than just grabbing each arm with one of yours. Making them viable keeps things similar to reality even if the exact justification doesn't quite match.
We do indeed have a strong emphasis on not getting hit, and as you say numbers and training should make up for any 'penalty'.
Apparently the presence of Napoleon (literally the greatest general in history) on the battlefield was the equivalent of the French having 30% more troops.
In GURPS Mass Combat a 1.3:1 troop strength ratio gives no bonus, but 1.5:1 is +2. This implies that either:
(a) the greatest commander in history only had a skill level about 1 or 2 higher than his opponents (admittedly, he faced some very competent enemies).
(b) GURPS Mass Combat puts more emphasis on commander's skill and less on troop numbers than is strictly realistic.

(of course, it's also possible that the methodology used to estimate Napoleon's effect got it wrong and he was actually a much larger force multiplier than this one estimate says)
I'm learning about bureaucracy just so I know what the Administration skill does. Cool.
>equivalent of the French having 30% more troops
>greatest commander in history
bold claim when Alexander and Pyrrhus exists.
Strategy (Land) skill levels according to GURPS Age of Napoleon:
Napoleon: 19
Wellington: 17
Beauharnais: 14
Ney: 13
Colquhoun Grant: 12
Turchin, P. (2007) War and Peace and War: The Rise and Fall of Empires. Chapter 12.
Guess he got very unlucky rolls during 1812 invasion of Russia.
For a Monster Hunter game, should I give +10 ST for free to all PCs? Is there a better way?
Fuck no, why would you want to do that?
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Because they wield huge weapons that would require at least peak human strength to properly lug around and fight with?
Oh. I thought you meant GURPS Monster Hunters, about hunting vampires, witches, werewolves, etc.
Just give them 100 extra points, maybe earmarked for attributes? If someone wants to play a ST 14 DX 22 lithe twink that uses DB and LBG rather than a strongman with GS or Hammer, more power to them.

Also “free” stat boosts can be annoying if your players want to do something out of the ordinary. Even as something as straightforward as taking Gigantism means extra work that you wouldn’t have to do if you just gave them +100 points and tell them to pump ST.
Speaking of Monster Hunter, how do you handle combat where the average fight for the players' characters is against extremely large monsters?
limb ST. So if someone wants to grapple the arm or trunk of a large animal, animal limb ST is likely to be less than the ST of the whole body
>based on Aragorn
Aragorn is a low powered elf like all "First Men" are. That's my point, elves are not like their D&D or even Warhammer equivalents. They're overpowered by design. They start extremely powerful, and by the time they're done leveling they're borderline celestial creatures. The strongest of their kind almost killed Morgoth.
Stun points, Action's switch on death saves, lots of Luck/Destiny.
Found the problem here, it's amazing how d&d brainrot fucks the perception of everything: first and foremost first era elves are not like third era elves, a big theme about lotr is the down of the dominion of elves (and the waning of "magic") and the beginning of the dominion of mankind, second it's not like that fingolfin "leved up" enough to square with morgoth but malkor himself consuming his own power over the millenia reducing to (sub)maia tier, it could be argued that even sauron was (as individual) "stronger" than morgoth at the time, the fact morgoth still retained his power over his legions and fortress was mainly because of his grip on arda and his empowered (by him) minions due the process of marrening (as explained in "morgoth's ring"). Again, go read again the source material before deciding to have an opinion, let alone a game based on lotr.
Anyone have the googly-eye GURPS book images that one anon made?
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throw this in the mega archive
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>imagine asking for the googly-eye GURPS book pic
When you collate your rules togetehr, do you copy the whole rule sections you are using out or just keep references in to books and pages?
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>no transparency
Thanks guys.
And what about handling the monster's health? While in Monster Hunter you use some big and powerful weapons, it's almost impossible to apply the gurps' equivalent of a major wound/crippling injury in a singular attack to a monster. Fights are all about whittling down the monster's health until it eventually dies. Would it be better to give each part and limb of a monster separate health pools that you can reduce to 0 which it would then count as a crippling injury?
Level up/character points. Semantics, and boils down to the same problem. The Elf has a bunch of extremely potent superpowers and potential for growth far exceeding the other races. IE it demands a high point cost for a racial template. More so than a few gimmicky advantages.
yeah that sounds really fun. as long as you are communicating this to your players i dont see why not. -you could have separate tokens for body parts as they swing around.

another thing is having some of the monsters attacks require a 1 second ready maneuver, similar to unbalanced*
You're still reasoning in d&d terms figuring vertical growth while in gurps you can have horizontal as well. In lotr one doesn't simply unlock new powers without a solid reason, for example Lutien unlocked illusion/enchantment "magic" because she was descending from the line of Melian (a maia) not because she was simply an elf.
What about handling stun buildup with repeated crushing blows to the monster's head? Are there any rules like that already in gurps?
Or what about toppling/tripping the monster? Would that be achieved by tracking attacks to the legs and making the monster fall after hitting it so many times there?
Potential for growth does not really cost significant points on a racial template.
Russians just committed to the bit. They have a habit of doing that when they get invaded.

Any new releases coming up? I thought the extreme weather Tactical Shooting book was good but meta-tech was bad and it feels like it's been on a downward trajectory for non-DF content since Mass Combat ambled onto the scene.
I read that post by Kromm talking about how the recoil stat was tied to the weapon's innate mechanical accuracy and that's why your personal strength won't determine how much recoil penalty your shots have. He mentioned something about the parts sliding together roughly. Isn't that fucking retarded? If I strap even an innately fairly mechanically inaccurate gun down to a sled so it doesn't move at all, the point of impact won't shift meaningfully due to how rough or smoothly it cycles. Am I missing something here?
He is treating recoil as second accuracy stat, and yeah it's fucking retarded and makes no sense outside of abstract gamey mindset.
>and makes no sense outside of abstract gamey mindset
I'm not sure how it would make sense even in that mindset honestly
Whoops, somehow quoted the wrong post.
It lets you have guns that a good at spraying and praying, and guns that are good at precise shots. That's good variety and easy to grasp as long as you don't try to figure out what those numbers are supposed to actually represent.
>Any new releases coming up?
How to be a GURPS GM: (unknown subject) by Sean Punch in late January
How to be a GURPS GM: (another unknown subject) by Sean Punch in February
Magical Styles: Traditional Styles by Phil Masters in March
A DFRPG adventure, Dungeon Fantasy 24, and Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 6, all by Sean Punch sometime after March.
Power-Ups 11 (design your own skill) by Sean Punch, probably late this year.
Hot Spots: Istanbul by Matt Rigsby, probably sometime in 2025.
Infinite Worlds: Gotterdammerung by Bill Stoddard, also probably this year.
Guns, by David Pulver, also probably this year.
Martial Arts: the Bolognese School (i.e. renaissance fencing) by Nathan M. M. Meluvor maybe this year.
Around 14 more titles are currently in the works, which will be several years worth of releases.
If GURPS can’t model reality, what’s the point over playing a more genre-focused system?
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Because it's the best we have.
what the fuck is proofed paper
and why are these values so fucking retarded
Isn't that what the accuracy stat is for? Shouldn't we have a set of cinematic guns stats and a set of realistic gun stats then?
If you were going to nigger rig a rock star reduced based on strength, how would you do it? Every 3 points of strength over or under baseline changes the recoil stat by 1, with a minimum resulting recoil of 1?
Holy shit auto correct fucked me. What I actually typed was this >If you were going to nigger rig a recoil stat reduction based on strength, how would you do it?
That's +3 for the strongest human.
>No Rice

Awful idea. A bench rest and vice can be used to completely remove recoil.
>trying to model reality
(damage in dice dropping extra with PI modifers/strength)x4

That's my extremely rough formula. Critiques are open.
What's the +R in damage here? The current reach of the weapon?
I assume it either stands for retarded, or radiation, but I really have no idea
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It's fucking funny to me how they said this and later went on to quite literally include canon rules for designing player characters with a Ninja Talent.
Have you tried reading the description, you retarded nigger?
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GURPS usually does a better job of genre emulation than supposedly 'genre focused' systems.

>what the fuck is proofed paper
Read the fucking book it's a laminated combination of silk and barkcloth

Yes, it's current reach. See the description for Monowire Switchblades (Ultra-Tech p. 164) you retarded nigger
Isn't that right though? Once Eddie Hall has shot the LMG once and understands what recoil feels like it's not going to overpower his grip.
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What's the power to turn bamboo shoot into an usable arrow?
Don't think there is anything official, but I think a perk might be appropriate:
Improvised Ammunition (cinematic, must specialise by weapon skill)
You can load your weapon with anything that is roughly the same shape and size as the ammunition it is designed for. For example, you could shoot sticks, pipes, or even snakes from a bow.

Alternatively, treat it as a variant of Throwing Art ('Shooting Art' maybe).
>or even snakes
gives "snake shot" a brand new meaning
We Thulsa Doom now, bitches
>new game
>GM says to use custom racial templates
>half the racial skills have 3 or 5 points in them
Should I be worried?
Why would you be?
Yes. Having a bunch of baked-in racial skills is already weird, and putting in 3 or 5 points into multiple skills suggests he doesn't understand how the skills system works. GURPS games are rare enough that I wouldn't immediately drop the game, but maybe ask your GM for clarifications. Maybe he did it on purpose for a reason e.g. 3 points in a skill to represent a race that has a natural predilection to the skill and can reach a 4-point investment with only 200 hours of learning. Maybe he's using Skill Trees with its new pricing formula and forgot to tell you.

But yeah if he just looks at your blanky and doesn't understand the problem, I'd expect a mess of a game. Might still be fun though.
One Player is Gandalf and Gimlo, another is Legolass and Aragorn. The last is all four hobbits
For me, it's Gimlo
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how would you stat this?
Yeah up there with the Breeding Pit Bird from (the next part is not a flub, at least not by me) Lord of Ring: Gollum and Glug from Rings of Power.
Ontologically evil races are retarded. Amazon brought Glug out to show me that in the world of Rings of Power orcs aren't all bad, and I think Amazon has come the closest to convincing me that an ontologically evil race is logically possible. Glug might be the worst written character in human history, he has literally one thing, and it's "Oy, I'm Glug, and I love my family and 'ate war!" and then he kills the man who doesn't want the orcs to go to war, and just follows Saurons army to prepare for infinite wars without a comment. I know I've strayed from me flubbing Gimli's name, but Glug lives rent-free in my head. He has unironically changed my perspective on writing and world building as a whole.
IQ 8

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