post em
not a map, but i portrayed a city like this
Starting our game this Sunday. These are the major areas in our frontier town that the players will be largely based outa.>>94773227Not a fan of some jack-off trying to flip inkarnate maps.>>94773252That one is beautiful.
>>94773585Other half of the city maps.
>>94773588And this is the first map they'll be playing on when the game begins. This is the "hmm what happened" map that has less battling on it which leads to...
>>94773601...the investigating evil fairie-world version of that same map and/or...
>>94773611...the goblin lair minidungeon. This first adventure is just supposed to get the group on the same side and put some cash in their pockets. From here the game is a hex crawl/sandbox.
>>94773220Anyone got any battlemaps with a sci-fi or modern environments, I need some for my stargate game
>>94773873I struggle with modern and scifi maps too. Personally, I use AI to build out a location, toss it into Inkarnate and put a grid and maybe a couple doodads on it. It's problematic because you gotta start with the map for your encounter, rather than the other way around. But it's the best I've got. What's an example you'd want a map for?
>>94773890I just want to build up a roster of locations to use when needed, rather than reusing the few woodland and grassland maps I have found online
>>94773900Gimme an example of what you're looking for and I can give you an example of steps and the output you can expect with them. They're not perfect. But man is it hard to find scifi/modern maps.
>>94773220This bridge looks familiar.
>>94773220I'm not fighting on that bridge
>>94773220Battle maps serve no additional purpose but to slow any combat a crawl, and make game prep take longer.
>>94773912Maybe some asphalt/paved roads, high tech stuff alongside ancient temples, maybe even spaceship interiors
>>94773961Here's just "top down battlemap, asphalt streets in a cyberpunk city at twilight" from Nightcafe's preset for Google Imagen 3.0, tossed into Inkarnate w/ a grid applied.They're not great. But they'll give you consistent style results. Produce a bunch, upscale them, toss them into inkarnate, then expand the image so that the map is zoomed in on the part of the image you like.
>>94773953I enjoy them. And I like prepping for my games. So you're not wrong, but you're not right either because prepping is the part I like. Working them out helps me bring my setting to life and ground it in specifics, in my head.
>>94773873Does it matter what the map was made in? I been running mostly modern games for the last 10 years using different tools for mapping.Stuff like dream maker the SS13 map maker could be helpful if you don't mind how it looks. Otherwise you could rip maps from games like door kickers or hotline Miami if you need just houses or buildings. Lastly Dungeon draft with tyger assets is also a good first step
>>94774009Ok, thanks for the help Anon
>>94774016Other half of that map.
>>94774016Oh okay I get you, its just my time with them led me to despise battle mats entirely and play only those RPGs that support full theater of the mind combat.Enjoyment is the most important thing., you're right about that.
>>94773953I play online. Battlemaps are a necessity because nobody wants to be staring at a screen with some lines crudely drawn on it for hours. We play in owlbear rodeo, and that's basically a tool to upload and rearrange pngs online, so we make the best out of it. Some of my gms even make their own maps using mapmaking programs.>>94773920You are. To protect the city of Randervelt from a giant Demon-god boar. You will also be able to set up ballistas, beartraps and caltrops to prepare for the invasion.>>94773585Hey, as long as it's a map that you can download on the internet for free>>94773601I hate small maps, for battles. This one is only 75 ft in height, and a running monk can cross the entire thing in one turn. This also doesn't let ranged classes keep their distance without awkward movement or crossing the map's borders.Anyways, thanks for contributing to the thread so far everyone
>>94773267>>94773227also this map when filled with npcs
>>94774343>You are. To protect the city of Randervelt from a giant Demon-god boar. You will also be able to set up ballistas, beartraps and caltrops to prepare for the invasion.Nope, not stepping on that. We set up explosives and wait for the boar to blow that miserable bridge.
>>94774431Collapsing the bridge was inevitable either way. In his second phase he turns into a big black blob and the only way to reasonably kill it is to make it fall into the water. But nice setup anyways
>>94774343>No kitchen.>No wine cellar Cmon anon, you were almost there. IMO i would have double doors leading from the entry way into the main hall, then another set of double doors leading into the throne room, not a single door.
>>94774448I'd show this to my players but it'd be a spoiler
>>94774452The map is not mine, But i assume that the vampire feeds solely on human blood. And the cell room is where he does it.
>>94774452it has both though
>Sphere of Annihilation room
an entire fucking hospital
I always found whenever I used inkarnate that it would export the images 50 odd pixels too big, even when it wasn't set to and the maps would be slightly off grid when used in a VTT.
based thread
A useful prop to add to a map, it might represent a camp or a leomund's tiny hut
Small waterfront casino/gambling den. I have a 5 storey one as well but it's too big because each level is A0 paper sized.
>>94787581Some watch towers along a cliffside on the coast
>>94787584Vampire Lair arena
>>94787588A certain village in haunted woods
>>94787592Arena with traps/spike pits
>>94787597Capture the Flag arena over a bottomless pit
>>94787605King of the Hill arena over a bunch of water
>>94787614Canals in a besieged city/ruins
>>94787622Eldritch Boss arena
>>94787631Dwarven/Drow death pit
>>94787637Arabian Nights Inn/TavernThat's probably my last one for now. Hope you guys enjoy them.
>>94787584>>94787588>>94787597>>94787605>>94787614>>94787641i'm saving these
what are some features I can add to a 1920s forest mansion to fill out the open ground a bit? Maybe an artificial pond and garden?
>>94789045Statue garden, manicured lawn, ornamental garden, pool, tennis pavillion, grove, aviary, guest house, banquet hall, groundskeeper shed, stables and garage should prolly be at opposite ends of the property, servant building should definitely not be the first thing people see (guests shouldn't see it at all), flower garden, Pool house, Workshop, Gatehouse, Outdoors Picnic Area, kennels
>>94789045>>94789499The 1920s were also right after the orientalism craze, so you could do a japanese tea garden or reflecting pool or persian garden (orientalism usually meant "middle eastern," but could also mean chinese depending on where you are, or japanese if you're on the west coast of the US).
>>94773267Interesting. I might steal that idea.Btw, where do you make your tokens?
>>94789499>>94789514thanks, I added some of the suggestions and crowded it up a bit. What do you mean that the stable and garage should be on opposite ends? My intention is that it was built as a stable and then recently repurposed as a garage
>>94789809>What do you mean that the stable and garage should be on opposite ends? My intention is that it was built as a stable and then recently repurposed as a garageIt can go either way--I was trying to give you more outbuildings.When cars first started appearing, there was a lot of pushback against them. "They're taking our jobs" was common, and so was "they'll spook the horses ridden by REAL men." So they were kept away from cars especially by rich people for whom riding was becoming a past-time rather than a means of transport. But it was all fads and trends, and your home-builder coulda been pragmatic, on the side of "horses need to be protected from cars" or believed "cars are replacing horses for transport in the world, just like they are in my stables." Either way works.
>>94774343>Some of my gms even make their own maps using mapmaking programsI do that, to the best of my ability, in DungeonScrawl.This is a 1/8th chunk of a goblin city ruled by a mysterious Sage of Transmutation. It's 800x450 ft.
Here's a recreation of the original Deathtrap Dungeon in the same software.Excuse the low quality screenshots. If any of you want the original files, just tell me
An underground cave tunnel.
An underground bridge over a chasm.
An unstable cavern with a camp inside.
A two(and a half)-floor headquarters. It works by just dragging the top floor over the bottom floor, and since they both got vision barriers and elevation levels rigged and attached to them, you can smoothly switch them out without changing the scene.Those are tree shadows hanging in the void, and they match up with the trunks when the second floor is overlaid.
>>94774457>>94774431I dm'ed the game, but my players didn't have time to actually fight the boar. Though they set up their defenses
>>94792190You mean the session ended before the fought the boar?
Do any of you guys print stuff out to use on a table? I want to do that. I have a dry erase battlegrid that we use but I do want to start spicing the settings up a bit. I do have some terrain but a nice map would make things easier just looking for some advice or experience thanks Basketball Americans
>>94789977this is very inspiring but i play in real life and not a computer. but i enjoy how you frame things... that gives me some ideas to better prep. i have a dungeon crawl idea (as my players are simply not that great outside of really organised grid based RPGing) i want to mess with and this is good stuff. thanks man
any good source on isometric (or perspective) battlemaps?
>>94773953Came to this conclusion as well. Its nice to have a map.sometimes for the GM side, but Ive started using zone-based combat where I just place bits of nearby terrain or features out and call it a day. Way, way better.
Little one a made a good while back but have never had a use for
Another one I made, a spelljammer/air ship. Had to resize a little to fit here.
>>94789762nta but TokenStamp works perfectly
>>94773267>>94802108>>94789762That anon is almost certainly using tokenstamp as other anon suggests.
>>94787592Ooh, this one is good - any idea what module it's from? I can always use a dark village in a forest. Pic related is a coastal shipwreck .
>>94799485YesI'm also planning to give them personal quests based on their tarot card readings (abstract character development tasks that will reward them with a skill, a feat and a point of inspiration)And after saving the city and leveling up they'll have to fight DEATH
>>94802121CorrectI like the ability to turn any ilustration into a token to portray any abstract idea for a monster or a character or even a placeIn the city i used medieval / manuscript art to portray a time dial and the points of interest (dwarven blacksmith, fort, inn, library, barber, market and brewery)
Oh fuck, hey? Is this the place to ask for maps? I'll be posting my own stock, but I'd really like something that would fit for a noble estate that's hosting a funeral - not the wake, but the reception. So the part where you mingle and drink. It's for a Rogue Trader campaign, and the PCs are meant to mill and meet various NPCs before the Late Rogue Trader's Will is read.
>>94802336It's from here. You get 50% off if you're subscribed to their monthly releases. It says part 3 but I played it standalone with my group pretty easy.
>>94773227>>94774390I fucking hate how the grid doesn't match the map at all
Any other map requests?For one, i'd like to see some underground cities, big and spacious caves, ancient high-tech civilization ruins and vast landscapes made of evil flesh
>>94804301Eh, it matches it enough for a social encounter
>>94799546Thank you too, I'm happy that something I made inspired someone.
>>94802387>they'll have to fight DEATHJust blow up the bridge between life and death
>>94773220> it is all squares
>>94801231I like that idea, but how do you go about doing it? just labelly different sections "Hill" or "Forest" or "difficult-terrain" or whatever? I feel like its just an over-simplification of a map.
>>94802042I think I remember you posting this before because I have it saved. Hope to find a use for it.
>>94773267If you're using foundry vtt you can also use Tokenizer to do the same thing in game with around the same customization. I've also used it to make funny overlapping imagery of store owners + their business for Pathfinder before
I fucking hate how common it is to publish them with a grid already on it.I have transparent grid sheets so I can make sure everything fits regardless of how big I make the print, and the extra lines make shit look messy.
>>94819714Then make your own battlemaps for your own games, instead of whining that someone else made maps for theirs.
>>94819977Most of these are coming from Patreon or public use blogs.
>>94819714who is guilty of this? If it's free stuff, you can't really complain. But when I've signed up for patreons to get stuff, basically every single creator offered gridded and non gridded (And usually more) options
Anyone got any nighttime jungle maps, a nice bonus if there's plenty of bioluminescent plants around as well.
>>94804320How do you use a map for a social encounter?
I've had moderate success with trenchbroom to make maps
>>94830120I put the npcs on the map and let the players interact with them, from time to time moving aroundI like being able to visualise what npcs are where when there's a lot of them>>94774390like here. players can walk up to the npcs and talk to them. it's that simple.