Religious infighting edition>What is Trench Crusade?An alternate weird history 28mm/32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.>What Trench Crusade is notTC not an excuse for you to discuss IRL religion, history that didn't occur in the game, culture war shit, or discord bullshit on /tg/. Keep it on topic.>What's the QRD on the background?The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo diesel-punk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.>How do I get started?All the files are free online, but are split between the website and the discord. They have all been collected here for your convenience:>third party sources for making trenchers:>Trench CompendiumCompendium: Form:>Previous thread:>>94741725 >Thread Question:Do you favor heretic or god fearing side? Tell us why.
Shit, forgot to put /trench/ into the subject. Well, too late now.
I have a crapper full of Fire Forge samurai from the kickstarter a couple years ago and WGA Raumjaeger I was thinking to kitbash to 'my dudes' some glorious nippon catholics. Pic rel has been burned into my mind for at least 5 years now as a project I've wanted to do and now this looks like a good reason to do it. I think my best bet would be to build them as trench pilgrims but I've really only read little bits of lore here and there.
>>94783809Based on your picture I'd say New Antioch are probably a better fit for them since they lean more into a more traditional militarized fantasy with fireteams, good armor, and the easiest to acquire array of powerful guns. Wouldn't even be a huge stretch to make make your group some distant New Antioch aligned outpost that occasionally sends people west to keep precious supply routes open and to exchange information about the far eastern front. I do remember hearing someone talking about making a Japanese warband that was mechanically Sultanate with using their homunculi to represent various yokai if that's a thing you wish to lean into. >I think my best bet would be to build them as trench pilgrims but I've really only read little bits of lore here and there.Trench Pilgrims are flexible enough that you can justify most things with them, but they do tend to lean more into a more deranged fanatic look and melee playstyle.
>>94783809Based. They could have the Shimabara Rebellion samurais their patrons.
>>94783809that looks much more NA than Trench Pilgrim>>94783904Now THIS is trench pilgrim coded
>>94783494>TQGodThe Trench Pilgrims and Iron Sultanate are the only factions that don't bore me
I just realized, what is the point of these? Are these supposed to be to hold the heretic ailettes or what?
>>94784476share the STLs pls
>>94784938Support the small indie company, faggot
Trench Crusade seems really cool but I am spooked by the idea of playing as actual demonic forces. For reference, I like the Black Grail the most, but I feel that playing the forces of an actual shaitan/demon is a bad idea, especially one related to disease.
>>94784999The vibes/magic/juju/fear is only as strong as what you bring into it with you.
>>94784999Huh? so would be fine playing BlackGrail if it wasn't demonic and flood-like?? The fucked-up demonic side is half of the charm
>>94783494>TQThe side of God, heretic/hell seems like your bog standard grimdark faction, Heaven walking that tightrope of damnation and salvation just feels more satisfying to build around on.Speaking of God, is Revelations still canon in TC, what with the final triumph of Heaven over evil or something like that? Or is it an actual tug of war between Heaven and Hell in TC, with a chance that either side can fully prevail?
>>94785061That's a question of faith, innit?
>>94784977they don't sell them after the kickstarter
Working on some TPs, waiting for black grail stuff to arrive. Friend is making NA and heretic ghosts for games.>Trench Ghosts get a "tank" nowWhen are we getting mount options for other leaders, that stuff seems really cool.Also does anyone know of any sources of capriotes? I dont want to have to model pointy hoods if I dont have to.
>>94783494>It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very BlanchitsuAh, so it really was designed with the reddit crowd in mind
>>94783809Well the Japan did fight in WW1. I'm sure Kakure Kirishitan's would make great Trench Moles.
>>94783809I know skullforge are apparently gonna do their own line of japanese styled NA; they have pic related as a free STL you can get if you wanna go down that path.
>>94785491I haven't found anyone selling just capirote heads in the states
>>94785061By all indications, if Heaven pulls the gloves off it'll have Hell crushed within the hour, but that'll end the world so they don't want to do that. Hell is able to chip away at Heaven's superiority, with every day the Hellgates remain open further subverting God's plan.
1.6 changelog is out, and Dragon Hunt got a small 3.1 update, both added to the mega.
>>94786276Martyr Penitents only lose the scars after revival, right? That wording is weird on that errata.
>>94786276have you also uploaded the 1.6.2 changelog also? since that's currently out also
>>94786404Oh, they pin Changelog 1.6 but don't pin Changelog 1.6.2. Annoying. Here it is, and in the mega.
>>94786513>default trench pilgrims can't swap out the catherine wheel for a punt gundamn
>>94783872Well I have enough to do a LOT of models. Maybe I'll save the trench pilgrims for a Shinsengumi group or something.I was thinking trench pilgrims only for the >folded 10000 times baka gaijinswords but now I think you might be right.>>94783904Theirs was some of the iconography I wanted to use. That and the Otomo clan from Shogun 2 with the cross under the clan mon on the sashimono. I don't think my hand is steady enough to do anything super good on the breastplate though.>>94785973Well color me not at all suprised for not being the first one to have this idea. I might find a couple of their STLs down the line but I've never done much conversion work before and I want the practice.
I hope Duncan can make Trench Crusade videos soon.
>>94786209I did like the speculation in the previous thread, how Heaven's still rolling with the free will mandate for mankind, and since it was by the hands of Man that Hell was unleashed on the world then Heaven won't meddle that much.
Trying to attach and align a Shrine Anchorite pelvis to his left leg, and then to his tactical rock is such a pain. There's no monopose indent or sockets to angle the pelvis joints to be at the perfect spot, and I have to do it all at once.
I headcanon all of my Trench Pilgrims with Strong and any kind of armor as wearing salvaged machine armor that they miraculously got to work
>>94783809I plan to do some Japanese dudes at some point but I'm gonna use Iron Sultanate so I can have ninja (assasin) and a gundam (brazen bull)
>>94788737You could have done Pilgrims and had a ninja (stigmatic nuns) and a gundam (shrine anchorite)
>>94789051Yeah either work pretty much the same in terms of good counts as, just depends which rules you want to use I suppose.
>>94789109What if both
>>94787969Why is Trench Pilgrims the only faction with a robot?
Trench Ghost with some kind of cursed barbed wire theme I guess, incl. Barbed Wire Banshee
>>94789184Because it is not a robot but a mecha and it works like a dreadnought but with a volunteer, not a critically wounded guy.The other faction have big dudes buffed with gene magic in armor, they don't beed mecha.
>>94789788Very cool idea and execution on the banshee my dude.
>>94790135>Because it is not a robot but a mecha>it's not a robot but a robot
>>94789788i like how they're all sad
Last night I had a cool Trench Crusade dream where I was a big ripped Satanist soldier with big muscles who got to fuck all the cool Satanist chicks. This is the best dream I had since the one where I was a big ripped Slaanesh Chaos Lord. I love having cool dreams! >>94785061I think the Court lore expands on this a little. Basically, Proper Demons can't just walk onto Earth because that would trigger Revelations, and yes, Heaven would absolutely buttfuck hell. So Hell's strategy is to play the loooooong game, and subvert God's works as much as possible over time in the hopes of changing this outcome. Also, that's why all the demons in the Court list are kind of shit demons. Pit fiends are like 1% demon, 99% mortal, formed from centuries of pureblooded demons breeding with pigs, humans, whatever. A 100% pureblooded demon can't just rock up without triggering the end times, but a demon/mortal hybrid can. This is also in line with "Real Life" lore, Goetic shit, myths of King Solomon etc, where Demons are portrayed as strict legalists who "rules lawyer" their way through problems. (And can be defeated by a better rules lawyer outsmarting them!) >>94787430It's inevitable, seems like all the Youtube Cool Kids are at least taking a crack at it. Duncan's normally a more "Clean, bright" paintjob guy but he's had a couple Blanchitsu style vids.
>>94790784Mecha is differentiated from 'robot' by being a piloted machine, rather than something computer controlled.
>>94791556Yeah I'm gonna need you to describe these Satanist chicks, unless it's just hot women with maybe a pentagram drawn on their forehead or something.
>>94791661According to whom? Both real robots and super robots are piloted.
>>94792009that's just how most people will distinguish robots and mechas in places like tg
>>94792009Mechas have their pilots inside the robot itself, piloted robots have their pilots controlling it from the outside.
>>94791991The crazy thing - I know this sounds super gay - I don't remember what the chicks looked like at all. I just remember me and how good I looked. I remember throwing open my long trench coat and being totally naked underneath apart from a leather fetish collar. Everyone in the orgy hall was super impressed by my entrance, so I had the pick of the bunch.However, I think a woman Death Commando would be pretty hot. Like a "normal" Human but with the long monster arms (grafted on?) and trained to peak physical condition by a flock of serial killers in hell. Athletic! And looking at the helmet, she might have monster teeth like Mortal Kombat Milena. Sexy sexy. Or we've all seen the woman berserker art, that made a real impression on me. Be a real dangerous adventure with her barbed-wire "hair" (I'm sure the mask stays on) and her tendency to KILL. You'd be like the male praying mantis. There's no doubt that Satan's servants are outfucking the Abrahamic faithful.
When the rule for Eire says "cant wear heavy or machine armour" does that include just regular armour, or is it specifically saying you cant use reinforced or machine armour, meaning they can at least wear the cheapest armour.
>>94784999Just give them warhammer cartoony paintjobs.
>>94789184>what is mechanized armor
>>94793739this general sucks ass
waiting for more lore. I need to hear more about the forces of hell.
1.6.3 changelog has already dropped and it's a fucking disorganised mess of text but from what I can gather>Machine Armour stolen by other factions now only get the armour buff and none of the other bonuses like the ignore first OOA>Purchasable abilities clarification added...Guess there were people buying multiple instances of the same goetic power for one model?>Other changes to some goetic powers>Saint Methodius Anchorite weapons have all gotten a ducat price reduction, as well as a new limit 1 upgrade that lets an anchorite potentially be upgraded to an ELITE in a campaign. There are also some other minor changes for gas censers and the wrathful face upgradeThey really need to work on proper formating and clarifiy what's different from changelog to changelog cause this is getting ridiculous. Also still nothing for BG...>>94794862Reinforced armour is neither heavy or machine armour so I'd say it's okay to equip it onto your dudes along with standard armour. I think when they're saying heavy they mean equipment that is heavy, like machine guns or two handed swords and the like.
So what's happening in the setting in Scandinavia? Or Central Asia? Eastern Asia?
>>94798710Central and East Asia apparently do not exist.Scandinavia is presumably exactly the same as it is in the real 1910s since Prussia exists, somehow.
>>94798753Don't exist as in they haven't gotten to it or don't exist as in destroyed as stated in the setting? Like, Genghis Khan would fit the setting very well and lived after this setting's divergence point...
>>94798773Offhandedly mentioned as having existed, but nothing more. I think the writers aren't entirely sure how to tie Asia/America into the setting without straying from its core themes and aesthetics.
Barbed Wire Banshee kinda finished
>>94798710They simply do not matter
>>94798710>ScandinaviaToo cold and boring for anyone to fight over>AsiaSome Muslims are in the Iron Wall
>>94798573I don't think machine armor gets that Tough attribute for New Antioch, just treating downs as minor hits
Is there any hope for muskets? It feels like you'd be better off investing those 5 points on another unit.
So does this mean the Chewa does not get the +1 Dice to hit but other friendly models that hit the enemy unit in melee combat with the Chewa get the +1d Dice
>>94802027If an enemy is in a fight with another model, then your attacking Chewa model that isn't in a melee with that enemy model gets +1 dice to melee. If the enemy is in a melee fight with two other models, then your Chewa that wasn't in melee combat with that enemy gets a +2 dice when attacking that model in melee
>>94802049I'm still confused. So if an enemy is in melee with a model other my Chewa then when my Chewa attacks it in melee that Chewa gets the +1 Dice.
>>94802159I think so, yeah. It looks like it's kind of like an ambush attack? So if an enemy is tied up with one or multiple of your guys, your next guy gets a chance at a strong hit.
Would a big millstone be an appropriate replacement for the big catherine wheel on Anchorites?
>>94802945Absoloutely, thats a good idea actually. Also saw someone suggest a giant tablet with scriptute on it.
Got my Dirge knights, I just need to add the proboscis to them, any suggestions for undead models that are wearing ragged robes? I wanted to play into the "funeral procession" aspect by just having lots of thralls wearing veils and robes for a a lot of the warband, the only units that arent going to be thralls are the 3 knights, a dog and a herald, so I need a lot of them.
What would be the best kind of gun to proxy for a war cross? A blessed single shot shotgun or a musketoon? I'd assume it wouldn't be any kind of pistol since it can't be used in melee, but it's also too short ranged to be a full-length long-arm. The cross ninja stars are cool, but alternatives are always nice.
>>94803696Pistol id say.
>>94798850>writers aren't entirely sure how to tie Asia/America into the setting without straying from its core themes and aesthetics.I think a hindu army could work if done right, the lore is ambiguous on if any religions are completely "true" so it's possible they're getting divine intervention the same way the christians and muslims are. war elephants and guys with extra arms would be cool.also genghis khan like the other anon said
is there some kind of official discord where all of the lore drops?
>>94804223Yeah, the links on their official website, upper right corner of the screen
any news on varangians?
>>94804854Not yet. I hope they get better look, since the one image doesn't go too hard imo.
How much of this is a collaborative writing effort? Franchina's cool and all, but are we supposed to wait for them to drip-feed us the fluff?
>>94805100I can imagine its not easiest to tie in all Francina's art into something coherence with lore. I don't think there's much of coherence in the original art project.
I can't seem to find any proper info on the methamorph guyswhat's the deal with them?
would be fun to see them do something with the taipei rebellion in china
holy shit, what kind of retarded pricing those single stls got
>>94805663Yeah I usually like to support indy dudes but there's a reason I pirated these as soon as they were available.
I made this concept trailer for an imaginary Trench Crusade videogame. Is it kino or not?
>>94805918>muh videogames Kys
>>94805918As a trailer for videogame its not good, since you get no idea what type of game is in question. But I could see it hooking people into the world, and check more Trench Crusade stuff after that.
>>94805918>I made thisCringe
>>94805663Bro, can you hook a fella up? I'm eyeing those STL's but they are just robbery, honestly.
>>94807154shit, I replied to the wrong poster. Meant to reply to:>>94805720
>>94807162nvm, found'em
I like how this generic-ass warmachinehammer dude looks. It comes off as if it snuck into the setting. Very very wip.
New art!>PRUSSIAN FELDKAPLAN"These warrior clerics done thrice blessed armor, wield holy weaponry, and carry sacred reliquaries into battle as they smite their enemies in the trenches"
>>94808602Why is shit always done thrice in these fantasy settings. If you weren't a fucking pussy you'd do it right the first time
>>94808626Thrice for the Trinity. 3 is a sacred number.
>>94808602you missed the funniest part>Many front line Chaplains are repeatedly reprimanded by the Church for their overuse of inhaling “Holy Smoke”, a chemical compound which uses many of the same ingredients as the Martyrdom Pills. But, due to the extraordinary mental and physical toll the war takes on their minds and bodies, the practice persists even though many chaplains are lost to overdosage or have to be retired from active service due to their minds and bodies finally succumbing to the combination of stress, wounds and damage to the nervous system the Holy Smoke causes. The Great Hospice of New Antioch treats hundreds of such cases each year - withered husks of men who rarely regain their sanity.
>>94783494TC question (I asked in wip first).How long until streaking grime (aka instant Grim dark) actually drys? When can I paint over it, or should I matte varnish it first
>>94808602Oh is this one explicitly a woman as well
>>94789788That looks really cool good job anon
>>94808911I got it from their Twitter, where they only post a partial piece of the lore for new artworks.
>>94808939Who gives a fuck.
>>94808973I don't know, why did they mention it on the first one? The author seems to think it's important to point it out.
>>94808991I guess the shitposter is just gonna respond like that to every art that TC releases from now on. The art doesn't even need to feature a woman to trigger it anymore too.
>>94808933I usually wait at least a day before I paint over them with acrylics to avoid cross-contamination on my brushes and smudging it. You don't need a matte varnish like oil paints to seal them in, but it doesn't hurt to varnish anyway for general mini protection unless you need to keep a satin/gloss finish.
>>94808602Cool. I really hope he intends to do art for all the alternate warbands, they look pretty neat so far.>Mechanist pilgrims>Eire, monster hunters with guns>Alba, melee focused NA>Dirge, black grail without the rot>heretics knights of avarice, gold and jewleryI want to see what these are suppose to look like.
>>94809479I have a feeling the massive fucking Anchorite in that art with the Sin Eater is supposed to be a Methodius Grand Anchorite
>>94783494I don't play your game and will not be discussing in your thread.I just want you to know that I will be saving your picture and using it for trolling protties reasons.Thank you very much.
Anyone have any advice for smoothing surfaces for minis? I'm trying to make some capirotes for Pilgrims, but there's some surfaces that aren't looking smooth enough to me yet.
>>94809719jewelers file, fine grain sandpaper
>>94809730Damnit, I knew it'd come to this
>Cavalcade of the Tenth Plague>war prophet cant healthen whats the point
>>94810360Because you can smite a bitch, you dont even need a weapon to roll their war prophet as a damage dealer.
I wanna pick up a bunch of paint for my trench projects. Anyone know good colours they'd suggest? GW, vallejo, anything. Stuff that might be unexpectedly good ideally
I need your help for aesthetics of the Abyssinia variant of New Antioch. Can't think of anything other than "just paint a ww1 mini with dark skin"
Making a 3x3 table
>>94811769Looks gross, well done.
>>94811769>>94811800Looks fucking awesome anon. By the way, Trench Crusade made me really interested in making terrains, stupid noob question but how would you transport a 3x3 table to your LGS?
>>94811795Thx>>94811807I have a hatchback imma just drop the back seats down and load it up like that
>>94811807You could make it modular. Just get some 12x12 MDF boards and but your terrain on there
>>94798878>>94798854I know this is TC and everything is of course grim and grimey, but I half expected some color on her, maybe blood on the cross/wire or maybe a ghostly purple on her face or some harsh orange rust on the wire.The model and the griminess is nice though.
how can the faithful even hope to win?
>>94813296Win? The war is just Gods crucible for the faithful to prove themselves.
>>94813296sealing the gate is the only sure-fire way as it would cut off the heretics completely from their boons and supernatural resources how'd you achieve that when only the most wicked can get close is anyone's guess
>>94813344>>how'd you achieve that when only the most wicked can get close is anyone's guess>in the year of our lord 1945 the forces of the almighty deployed a single, blessed, device above the blighted city of Jerusalem>Trinity >the damned city was bathed in holy light and a great trumpet cried out and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth
>>94813296God has already win, anyone falling short was not faithful and belongs to hell, and will have his judgement at the last day.
>>94813410I mean the church has a space program why aren't they dropping uranium rods on the heretics from space?
>>94813687Its meant to be cool, not smart.Since pious people have rocket technology, but can't really come close to the hellgate, there is no reason why there's not daily missile bombings of heretic regions.Same with the anti-tank swords. If you can make alloy that can pierce armor with human strenght, there's no reason why said alloy is not used more conventional weapons such as anti-tank rifles or rocket launchers.
>>94813782Perhaps said alloy is very difficult to make and thus valuable enough that they don't want to run the risk of it potentially being wasted as a missed/unrecoverable projectile compared to a sword that is 'reusable' and always 'close to home' as it were.
>>94813807That would make sense. If the process of making the alloy takes too much time, or is too difficult, swords would make sense. Since those can be used again and again.
>>94813410I do wonder what would happen in the aftermath of a theoretical win for either side
>>94814462>faithful winGod stops providing such direct support, supernatural phenomenon stop working, probably a massive religious hot/cold war >heretics winGod wipes the slate clean
>>94813782Hell can also manipulate the rules of nature, so the bombings probably don't work near the gate. You probably need an actual human there that can resist hell to take it out.
>>94783494Played my first TC (and first overall tabletop) game tonight. It was a fun experience. Although I originally went in wanting to play Black Grail, I was setup with a small New Antioch team, which turned out to be fun. Ranged based fighting seems very OP in this game, I shredded my opponent (who was Black Grail) without them even reaching me. (Granted, he was teaching me the game so maybe he played easy on me).
>>94816308I dont know how people could play Black Grail without playing the alternate warband that lets thralls use guns, the unit are tough but theyre not so tough that an entire gunline doesnt melt them.
When a Methodius Anchorite has a mortar and the mace, the mace no longer counts as being offhand, right? There's only one melee weapon at that point.
>>94815626They have not-primarchs that can do that
>>94805918Check up on the "trench tales" game.
Finally finished my heretics, really proud of how they came out.
>>94819391There's a few scenes from the Trench Tales trailer in that video
>>94819404Not bad. But do grab your dark mud brown and do a lap around the rims of the bases. The paintjobs at large deserve better footing than the partial primer-and-whatever-leaked-down look you have down there.
This dude's the kind to see you sneeze and say, "Devil bless you."
>>94819445Can't believe I forgot the fucking witch>>94819823Thanks for the advice, I've just painted the rims and they do look better, I had genuinely not looked at them at any point during the process
The baby's a grenade, right? Or a snack? Is it a compass? A radio? A radar? Lucky charm? All of the above depending on how you press its fontanelle?
>>94819445Didnt realize how big the warwolf was, neato.
>>94819404>>94819940Very cool, both you anons.
>>94820011Unholy Icon, but I like to pretend it's an instrument.
1.6 playtest rules came out, and the tank-splitter sword got added.>Tank-splitter sword>15 ducatsIt takes years of gruelling Mensur practice and field drills to acquire the required precision and speed to use thespecialist tank-splitter swords of thre Gardekorps. Despite their great size (often over 6 feet long!) they areremarkably light, and due the large quantities of Orichalcum used in their forging process they are virtuallyunbreakable, and thus often used to disable tanks and other armoured vehicles by either slicing their armour open ordisabling them with an accurate swing to sever their tracks. Before any battle they are treated with specialmetal-melting chemical compound which melts the armour, making it far deadlies weapon against armoured targetsthan those who wear none.>2-handed Melee>+1D to Injury Rolls>CUMBERSOME and CRITICAL>RulesAdds +1 DICE to Injury rolls. If the model the sword hits has armour modifier from any other source than ashield, then the player may set any one dice of the Injury roll into 6 before the Injury Roll is made. Rest of the dice forthe injury tollPrussians onlyLIMIT: 3
Version 1.6 rules. Also added to the MEGA.>>94822285God I really wish they would be consistent with where they upload files on the discord. Putting the new rules in Social Media room and not the Rules and Resources. What utter silliness.
>>94822350Small indie company please understand but like actually tho
>>94822350So, the Methodius Pilgrimage essentially replaces your Communicant with a Hallowed Anchorite and lets your Anchorites take some guns? It's still only 2 punt guns per war band, right? Kind of interesting, but they look like a really expensive variant.
>>94784999Update: I have decided to play as Black Grail but with the "Dirge of the Great Hegemon" sub-faction. Canonically these guys end up losing in the end so there's no need to worry about playing as evil, because I'll know they'll get their just desserts.
>>94823720Didnt they already "lose"? They are Dirge because their lord/hegemon died and now they are factionless like the Trench Ghosts, they are no longer pozzed by Beelzebub as they are now rejected by hell for their failure and heaven doesnt want them. As someone else put it, youre basically playing as Dark Souls hollows, you even get cool knights, more sentient "zombies" and some interesting unique equipment that lets you make your knights have different flavours, but youre still just playing as a world hazard of the setting, which I suppose has its appeal too.>an endless funeral procession that walks around the world singing funeral dirges and throwing themselves at anything they see in an effort to feel something, and to claim relics that give some memory of their lord whos promised land they will never be able to see now.Also hegemons are huge, wonder if well ever get something like this in game along with the paladins, who are apparently of similar size.
Are there any BG bros that would be willing to impart some wisdom? I'm trying to decide if it's more worthwhile to have reinforced armour on both my Tumor Lord & Plague Knight as well as taking some bonus grail thralls or if I should drop the armour and some thralls so I can get both corpse guards. I know having those elites early is important to get those early levels and XP points but I'm terrified of the nightmare scenario where either the lord or the knight suffers an injury that just fucks them for the rest of the campaignI know I could just get rid of the amalgam and get the best of both worlds but the amalgam is too cool to not have from the get go
>>94824993Consider armour as an upgrade for later if youre struggling to find points for it, also try to start with as many elites as possible so they get more XP in a campaign.
>>94824426Great hegemons would be something akin titans, if played on tabletop. Paladins are much shorter.
Muskets can't take special ammo because it doesn't have rifle or pistol in the name, right?
>>94824993I would try to downgrade a couple of things and replace one thrall with a corpse guard, they're elite and thus you can upgrade them as fast as possible.
Painted some heretics, came out nice and simple for some basic mooks. Gonna move on to the war wolf now, really excited for that one, probably my favourite of the official models for HL.
>>94826669Very nice, seems like HL is popular.
someone in a chat i'm in was like "trench crusade is failing, a bunch of staff quit and their admins are driving people away!", i'm pretty sure this is completely made up but does anyone know if this is some kind of line from a sloptuber or something? i can't find anything about it
>>94829172There are people still running with Archcasts hissy fit over not being allowed to steer the ship and they still think thats the case. The discord that the controversy was about doesnt even exist anymore, it was replaced with an official one, but of course, they dont know this.
>>94829389Yeah I checked, the team only had 4 staff members the whole time, and the guy who said it, when I probed, was like 'i just heard it idk' and then said he hated trench crusade for "spitting on his religion", so it's even worse than a sloptuber content
My idea and inspiration for Ethiopian war-band. I didn't want to just paint WW1 models but just black but I didn't want to do Arabian nights but just black.So I looked up different historical photos and mixed and mash them together.I plan on using Roman helmets/face-plate/shoulders, English uniforms and a small diagonal tunic to give it a African flair. I'm debating if I want to trim off the top/sides of the heads and wrap it with a cloth to make it look more like a metal band with a face-plate. Sort of like the official art
>>94826669Salam I like 'em.
>>94829567Could do something like have the shocktroopers have the faceplates and more armour so they are differentiated from the yeomen.
>>94829653I kept looking for more inspiration and found this. Maybe expand the face-plate and add some chest armor. And have full helmets instead of a metal band with head wrappings.
>>94829172seems the truth is trenchbros can't stop winning
>>94786735no mallet for driving stakes into groundno knife for sharpening the flat side after stakes are firmly in groundstakes not double sided in the event you did not want to carry either of these8/10
>>94813673god died on the crosswe all saw ita sacrifice is a sacrificeonly hell and humanity remain
the real tall hats are dumb as hell because you cant hide in your trench with them on. everyone knows where you will pop up.
>>94791556>So Hell's strategy is to play the loooooong game, and subvert God's works as much as possible over time in the hopes of changing this outcome.Isn't God supposed to be omnipotent and omniscient? There's no "subverting" someone like that. You can just play your part.
>>94829567So I've decided to just cut the top and use green stuff for some hair and a ring of animal hair/feathers for that extra bit of African flair.
bones40k made a video about it and it caught my attentionwhat are some good channels for the lore? Just glueboy?
>>94831701Check perry miniatures mahdist and afghan stuff, it might help with heads and some other bits.
>>94803135 Fireforge living dead, just green stuff veils to partially cover their faces.