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You are out in charge of your favorite game.

How would YOU fix it to not only make you happy but changes that would more or less the entire community would love? You also need to make some profit so it can’t be free.
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Fire whatever retards are keeping Edge from releasing more books.
Im already in charge of my game
my favorite game is some community homebrew project that I took and made my own personal changes to, I have no idea what the community is like outside my group so... I just make public my changes I guess
Excuse me but this is /tg/ - worldbuilding, softcore porn, writing and video games. Tabletop games aren't the topic here.
>softcore porn
You know, any time I ask people who say this to point to any actual, specific examples posted on this board, they either stay silent or they point to something that isn't porn.
You want to be the exception?
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Apply a simple sanity check.
>is anon masturbating to this
If yes, its porn. And when you are, cut that shit out or go to a red board, we dont want to see it
Stop printing so many one-card-combos, break the legs of anyone who tries to print another Circular, and generally attempt to lower the power level of the game like is already being done with Ryzeal. Stop banning shit just to get the next pack out so people who aren't on the competitive level can actually use shit when the prices drop. And fire everyone involved with printing Tenpai.
Oh, and also another wave of Traptrix support.
>walk into GWHQ
>hand the CEO a Jackson
>"you work for me now"
>punch the nearest woman
>sexually assault an intern (male)
>re-issue pewter sororitas
>"I don't even play 40k"
>take my insulin
>The One Ring
Divert funding from other projects into The One Ring, and increase marketing manyfold. Start sending the books into game/book stores again. Begin a line of short adventure modules that can be sold for lower costs, released on a quarterly schedule. These supplement the bigger books which I will also use the increased funding on to improve the release timelines on.
My favourite game is already free.
>lower the power level of the game like is already being done
>with Ryzeal
Consistency and resilience ARE power, Anon. Ryzeal may not be flashy, but it does a couple of things really well and really efficiently. Not being a deck dedicated to wombo combo nonsense doesn't mean it's weaker.

Lower prices around 40% we will have bigger fanbase and more purchases.

Bring back some older editions rules and fully customize armies.

Codex is free and updates online.
You forgot alternate activations
>changes that would more or less the entire community would love?
I don't care what game you have in mind, the only way to achieve this would be to euthanize at least a third of the community. Which portion of the community you'd be bumping off might vary, but no community is homogeneous enough for that to be viable without substantial changes.
>I'm now in charge of GURPS
I let vidya makers use my system with a license and release 4e vehicles. Not much else to change.
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Stop everything they are currently doing and just return it to the way it used to be in the 90's. With a few minor changes.
Get on the horn with DrivethruRPG and get Stratosphere back up and running.
>Hire out some competent writers who know are familiar with the system to write some modules, need a good mix of local, national and cosmic runs.
>Ponder what Greg and John are playing at giving a random ass autistic freight worker full control of their intellecual property.
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>No more female custodes
>Put Cavill in charge of the move under the condition that he play Caiphas Cain
>Make Perturabo come back as a non-chaos aligned independent faction
>Fire everyone at GW who has a nose ring or colored hair.
>Give the Astartes guy total creative control and a budget
>Put Matt Ward in the stockades and use Ian Watson books as toilet paper
>No more female custodes

This isn't canon, never happened.
The 90s is the least traditional version of that game.
Just do what they did with 3E. Publish some quality core content and give people the right to publish their stuff. Then sell accessories like maps, adventure modules, organized play, etc.
so, not much about the game, then?
>wannabe jannie reduced to this
maybe you should just sulk in one of your generals
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- Reformat the core books in order to make them more human readable;
- Add a section in the campaigns one about creatures templates;
- Add LOTS of modular (in terms of potential genres/settings variations) templates (like for historical folks creatures collections) in the various *tech and genre splats;
- Make some fine tuning, like splitting the enhanced defense bonus from the combat reflex advantage, moving the low-tech armor fix in core, switching the default magic system presented in core with the thaumaturgy paths variant, add a discount percentage on STR for for sci-fi high TLs, add the sorcery rules in the traumatology splat, etc...;
- Finally update Vehicles (with more streamlined math) adding also rules for PC bases;
- Release everything under an open game license (variant but essentially the same as the ogl 1.0) and finally have an online SRD;
- Stop Steve from being a retard and allow for vidya licensing;
- Push for more localisations, at lest for the digital version and core physical;
- Hunt down and kill Rice;
- Publish more "powered by Gurps" like transhuman space and dungeon fantasy but make them less retatded (as in including the point costs instead of obfuscating them);
RETVRN to characters and options that don't necessarily have models to start with. Kill any who suggest making monopose troop models. Behead those who insult Orks.

The new buggies being monopose/monobuild was my 40k 9/11.The monopose boyz were insult to injury.
Sell the rights to Onyx, make 5e non canon.
HoI4 reskin to suit VtM/WtA/HtR themes
>PF remaster
Suggest making books, giving an alternative magic system and different feat progression. No longer bound by OGL, we can do that shit.
Just go away from PbtA, release as remaster.

>New Corebook that's well formatted and easy to reference
>cut down on creating subsystems no one asked for (Elflines, Roller Derby, Stickball etc)
>more emphasis on gear porn and character progression
>more in depth combat rules
>rules for military vehicles like tanks, fighter jets, mechs etc
>drop the overly restrictive economy rules and obsession with balance
>improve the netrunning rules to make them less tedious and make quickhacking more robust and useful overall
>go full speed ahead on a proper 2077 splat/edition instead of wasting time on more Red setting books no one cares about
>t. retard
Actual solution:
- publish all the fan-made translations of Lite to their official page
- add autofire rules to Lite
- add official, fixed metric rates for the game
- spend 1-5% of Munchkin income into GURPS marketing
- let it be handled by professional, third party company, not in the house

The key components GURPS is missing is accesability and marketing, not appealing to people that are already playing it.
Nice try Mister M.

If you want my ideas you're gonna have to hire me.
>implying i want it to cater drooling mongs or filthy casuals
While you are the boss, can you shut down the genesys foundry thing on drive-through?
It's simply plagued with people publishing absolute slop of the lowest order while trying to nickle and dime everything.
Most of it is stolen from the Starwars books anyways.
>Just return it to the time that is was so unprofitable it ruined TSR.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see how this plays out.
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Man, it would take a fucking time machine to fix it and the PR fallout at this point
But if we are speaking strictly about fixes
>Put the focus on PULP ADVENTURE and it being an universal setting for such experience, not the fucking (and boring) setting
>Change the name of Specialized Skills into Advanced Skills, solving one of the biggest source of confusion in a single go
>Playtesting it and if it goes well, making Continuous Rules the DEFAULT, rather than optional way of handling things
>If not, then still provide Continuous Rules, properly explained, in the main book
>Publish a "companion guidebook", which is a short starter set, explaining basics of Ubiquity/HEX in less than 30 pages (which is perfectly doable, the book is padded out anyway)
>Add BASIC magic and weird science rules to the main book, so they actually work and align with the content of the expansions
>Implement melee combat from other Ubiquity-based games
>Revisit magic system, making it more in tune of declarative effects than actual spells, with rules
>Revisit expansions, so they are smaller and more narrow in their focus, rather than overpriced things that cover five different things apiece, while you want just one of them
>Unify Talent progression between main book and expansions to be +1/2/3(/4) and +1/3/6(/8), thus improving base Talents and nerfing the absurdities of expansion Talents
>Revisit Talents in general, because numerous Unique Talents are useless precisely because they are unique and nobody sane is going to pick them during char-gen, skipping really useful shit as a result
>Sending Skorkowsky a four pack of his favourite beer and a letter asking if his tips on solving all the pre-existing scenarios can be used; go as far as paying royalties if he'd ask for them
And if we are in dream realm
>Publish Ubiquity itself, as an universal system, covering elements from all Ubiquity games

Nta, but OP asked how to fix GURPS, not how to cement its woes, remember?
I'm already in charge of my favorite game. I'm just still working on it.
* universal system for such experience
How is 2e less traditional than anything that came after it?

The game is more profitable now just because nerd culture has become the trendy thing. Any ruleset would be accepted by the mass of casuals that flocked to the game. Because they don't really know anything and just accept whatever is given to them.
40K, lower the prices its genuinely retarded how they go up each year. Dump Warhammer+ that was a terrible idea and hardly anything actually gets done with it this'll also mean any money that went into it can be put back into the tabletop.

Options people, options no longer will your character units or units be made illegal because the things you modeled on never came in the original box. Competitive players will have their own separate rule set that constantly updates, casual won't be updated as often only if there is something absolutely egregious such as those original combat engineers point values, seriously who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make them originally 35 points.

Editions will last longer no more three year lifespans and four codices will be released at the same time with proper testing to make sure its actually playable.

No statements regarding events unrelated to warhammer, we shouldn't care about racism, if a racist is buying our stuff we'll let them continue to buy our stuff because its his money we care about. This also means no bending to people who have no intention of actually buying minis or engaging in the hobby and just want to grievance monger
>Nigger really this clueless
Nta, but thanks for making it clear you aren't baiting, but are just dumb as fuck.
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>fix it
>changes that the community would love
>make a profit

Kill Carlos, errata existing books, release promised books.
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You know I am right. D&D is more popular now just because the culture has shifted, not because the game got any better. Back in the day it was a hobby for dorks and weirdos who dedicated a lot of their time to it. It got almost no mainstream attention besides the satanic panic (which is what increased its popularity in the 80's).

Nowadays everyone wants to play the game because its the cool thing to do. The only dumb one here is you. You are clearly ignorant about the history of the game.
>Still missing the basic point
Let me spell that out to you, then:
90s DnD was shit. So shit, it managed to turn away its rabidly loyal fanbase.
And you want to go back to it, in some ill-though out idea that the 90s version was good.
Well, shocker: it wasn't and it reflected in the financial situation of the company, you moron.

So unless your goal is to kill DnD, no, returning to the 90s of all time periods is a terrible idea
>Just do what they did with 3E. Publish some quality core content
A decade and change ago you niggers were telling me to fix the game by banning core and now I see this shit.
>You are out in charge of your favorite game.
>How would YOU fix it to not only make you happy but changes that would more or less the entire community would love? You also need to make some profit so it can’t be free.

Fire all woke staff members and hire on replacement writers who will return the entire IP to its tone of 90's edginess and gloom. Intentionally generate controversy from all the firings to get publicity and sell it. Give less than a fuck who I offend from the returned edgy content of the RPG so as to generate even more free advertising.
>90s DnD was shit. So shit, it managed to turn away its rabidly loyal fanbase.
NTA, but I would also like to know why DnD was shit back then. I didn't start playing until 3rd edition.
He's obviously not actually a 3e player

They pushed out books constantly with basically no quality control. If you remember how bad the old 3.0 books (e.g. Song and Silence) or dragon mag were, basically imagine that times 5-20 for half a decade.
>Any ruleset
No, a ruleset too complex or too lethal would absolutely turn them off.
Kill every single Hasbro executive and memory hole all Universes Beyond content, reset the timeline since the begginging of war for the spark (reminder, make war for the spark less dogshit) make a maximum number of times a plane can be "revisited" every 10 years, inject new blood with a vision and ideas into the writing department and force the cards lor to properly relate to the writing of the books.
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> kill foundry and replace with a simple SRD
>start promoting known IPs to use the system (in house or 3rd party)
>put out more Expanded Player's Guides as a showcase for new rules using the narrative dice and push the system wider
>make more dice
>turn 360 and walk away
>axe the reserved list then turn 360 and walk away
Super Dungeon Explore
>release the STLs to backers under some kind of private use license so people can get the minis at long last.
>if the company is truly dead, try to clear debts somehow so I can drop all rules under some kind of copy left license.
>if company is salvageable, start slow by:
>>first reprinting all the resin sculpts in plastic, probably in a kit with new enemies or heros or something so there is added value
>>work up to larger expansion sets of multi hero/set of baddies + map tiles.
>>eventually work to branch out the system into new genres (scifi, zombies, capeshit) so there is new audiences that can cross pollinate between products. big ol base boxes and follow up with expansions if one if the branches does well enough.
I just disagree with you on why it failed. It's easy to say that the game was bad and that's why they failed. But you should actually look at what was going on at the time. By the 90s the satanic panic had cooled, and with it, all of the hype and publicity that was created because of that went away. A huge portion of the fanbase gravitated towards things like Vampire the Masquerade because that was now the cool, edgy, trendy thing at the time.

It was all just about fads. But the core fans of the games, remained fans.

>They pushed out books constantly with basically no quality control
I'll agree that they were totally over inflated at that point putting out far too much. But the failure still had nothing to do with the core rules of the game. 2e is basically the same as 1e but with a number of minor alterations to improve it.

>No, a ruleset too complex or too lethal would absolutely turn them off.
I sometimes hear people say that 2e rules are inaccessible, but it isn't any more inaccessible than 1e was. In many ways it's easier to understand. And that just further proves my point about why it actually failed.
Toss out all Current Year lore and material.
Bro, don't be a fucking retard. I don't mean "core" as in the core books. Core as in sell the system and let people iterate on it.
>but it isn't any more inaccessible than 1e was.
Very low bar compared to modern games though.
>You also need to make some profit
Read the entire OP next time.
Grogs dont spend money.
So what makes it so inaccessible compared to modern games?
Completely overhaul action economy. They tried to simplify it for 6e but they are still trying to use the bases of 4-5e, they need to just completely rework it.
Secondly, get the entire core rules and stats into an easy to use app.
DnDBeyond has done wonders for making absolute retards able to keep track of what numbers they need to roll on their dice and Shadowrun requiring 10+ d5 means almost everyone is just going to have a phone dice roller anyway.
Build an app and they will come.

No changes needed it's fantastic.
Just reintroduce scavvies and ratskins

This show sucks and you're stupid for posting about it. I shoot you in the head for running a marijuana farm then take off on my Taylor Sheridan approved motorcycle into the night to the applause of the entire board.
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>Revisit Talents in general, because numerous Unique Talents are useless precisely because they are unique and nobody sane is going to pick them during char-gen, skipping really useful shit as a result
Most of the Unique Talents can be taken after character creation
I'm not sure if this would really affect anything mechanically, but if I was in charge of CoC I'd lean into the cargo cult aspects of the magical stuff, where it's just super advanced science and stuff from other dimensions as understood by people too primitive to fully comprehend it. I was always a bigger fan of HP Lovecraft the science fiction writer than than HP Lovecraft the supernatural horror writer.
Ah yes, let's revert everything to the time where TSR went bankrupt.
Good plan, dipshit.
>he wants to be spoonfed easy rpgs
I thought people alive in the 90s could read??? Why do I have to do it for you
>It's easy to say that the game was bad and that's why they failed
But it's literally why it failed: they had zero quality control and were pumping shit. Never before or again the quality was so low than during the 90s, not even during the earliest days.
>muh satanic panic
Nobody ever cared, and you are just clueless. Let me guess - "video game crash" was also real, right?

You are a clueless, delusional and yet cock-sure moron.
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Nta, but let me give my 5 cents to it, since I agree with the HEX guy:
The rules need a serious revisit in terms of wording and phasing things. It's a very simple system that has a whole fucking lot of either useless or confusing terminology.
Let's take Unique Talents. Your excrept is of course true. Except for this tidbit finishing the Talent list
>* This Talent is only available during character creation
>Unique Talents are listed in italics
So what's actually an Unique Talent? That's just a Talent that has a single level, no progression, no scaling. Which is covered in the descriptions of each talent anyway. So what's the point of having a term like "Unique Talent"?
And why it's so confusing? It just happens that 2/3 of Unique Talents from the base game and all Unique Talents from the expansions come with *, indicating this is a "only during chargen".

In any sensible system, this would be handled as follow
>There is no * marker
>Unique Talent is one that can be taken during chargen
>If a Talent doesn't have levels, then it simply doesn't have levels, period

Then there is stuff like descriptions of Talents, which are divided into:
>Unique; only available during character creation
Bang, confusion ready to go!

Or shit like this:
Unique; only available during character creation
Prerequisites: None
Your character is exceptionally graceful, limber, and coordinated. Her speed and agility far exceed that of the average person.
Benefit: Your character gains a +1 Dexterity rating. This bonus affects her Dexterity rolls and all Dexterity-based Skills. It also factors into her Secondary Attributes and raises her maximum Dexterity rating by one point.
Normal: Your character’s Dexterity rating is unmodified.

I'm sorry, what's the function of "Normal" section? Why are you informed how the game works without the Talent? Is the idea to help evaluate it? Well, then those descriptions aren't really helping and often lead to confusion, like this gem:
Benefit: Your character receives a +1 bonus on all autofire attacks. This bonus stacks with the normal
autofire bonuses.
Normal: Your character’s autofire attacks are umodified (See Autofire p. 118).

Oh great, so I need to check other chapter in the book how this works "normaly", rather than having a simple info about it in the benefit section

All in all, Talents are confusing in their descriptions, use pointless wording that adds to massive issues down the line, while also being surprisingly long at times without adding any useful informations. I know, because I worked on a fan translation of this game and eventually just threw my hands and wrote an e-mail to Combos asking shitload of questions.
And yeah, Specialized Skills and Skill Specialization are a fucking nightmare in a making. I never met anyone who "properly" did their char-gen due to the confusing nature of those two. Which, you've guessed it, required a whole bunch of extra mails to get things right.

It's a cute little system, but it requires serious editiorial effort and unfucking its wording is like stepping a minefield at times.
>I just disagree with you on why it failed
Cool, you're objectively wrong because it's not a matter of opinion. 2E was not just considered outdated as fuck in the 90s, but TSR was a content mill with fuck all quality control and murdered itself by splitting its own fanbase and swamping them with low quality splats, repeatedly. This is a matter of public record.
And to highlight how useless the whole "Unique" is:
>Advanced: You may purchase this Talent twice, gaining your character an additional +2 Melee bonus.
This is the information you get to any Talent that has levels.

What was the point of calling some of those Unique, again? Especially if they have a hit-and-miss relationship with talents that are actually unique and can be taken only during char-gen?
I agree with most of those listed, but there are few elephants in a room that need to be addressed, too
>Decrease the sudden autism introduced in SotSW expansion
Weird science is an utterly broken system allowing to churm out whatever fucking gear you want, and completely invalidates the point of having Artifact Resource, especially since there is close to no relationship between those two
Same goes with the sudden gun autism, which has two separate issues: GURPS-tier pointless details in a game sold for pulp and, which is much worse, general expansion power-bloat. Basic scope that gives me 8x range? You mean I can simply outshoot anyone before they even get into any kind of range of their own guns? What were you thinking, Mansley?
>Editorial woes of the game are addressed
If it is to be reprinted, it needs a massive editorial overhaul. Many important informations are split, often not just to the 2nd column, but to next page. My absolute favourite is how rules for Total Attack, page 121 (so "right" page, columb B) and 122 (so "left" page after you flip it), bottom of the page, under the pic related, while your eyes instinctively go to column B, thinking this is all there was to read). Not only the whole thing is a confusing mess, it's formatted in such a way, it ends up disconnected. And it's one of the most misunderstood rules as a result.
>Single, coherent list of pre-existing creatures, with rules on how to make your own, rather than rulings
Thanks to the expansion power creep, creatures are all over the place. If you based them on base book, then they are pushovers with expansions. If you base hem on expansion data, then they are virtually unkillable. It's really grating, given the nature of the game
>Less "in your face" lore
The game isn't providing you useful hooks, it's force-feeding you a single, unified vision. This leads to situation where you either embrace the setting fully, or you ignore it fully, no middle ground - in a fucking pulp game
>Keep it pulp, for god's sake
The game is from mid-00s and it shows. You have a minutae combat in it, despite it all being over the top schlock in the same time. So you end up with the same issue as with 2d20 games: you MUST finish everyone to at least 0 HP, or you end up facing unaffected number of enemies.
As much as I fucking hate Broken Compass, its way of handling combat is possibly one of the best and most overlooked things that happened to this hobby for past decade. You don't fight individual enemies with individual HP. You are facing a cluster, becuse it's a pulp game. And you never stop, so the action is going on, rather than reaching a screeching halt to do combat. Sure, Continuous Combat solves most of the problems, but not the basic one: everything is accounted separately
Compare the same situation:
You are chased by nazi convoy, consisting of 2 trucks, motorbike scout and a commander car, carrying 20 soldiers in total
>HEX in default
That's 20 separate targets, along with 4 vehicles. Enjoy your 2 hour combat encounter, even if doing just a single roll for all the grunts and single for the drivers
>HEX with Continuous Combat
That's still 20 separate targets in 4 vehicles, they just move at once, speeding the process
>Broken Compass
That's just 4 targets in total, and your goal isn't to kill every single motherfucker separately, but doing it action-adventure style, removing the fucking danger from the ongoing chase, making it fluid and decreasing the clutter

And the best part is - it can be implemented into HEX, with or without Continuous Combat. All it takes is writing a single paragraph about summing up their HP and defenses, to achieve the same goal.
Otherwise, you end up with those absolutely infuriating situations like random trooper with 1 HP still left, alive, kicking and prolonging the inevitable
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>they had zero quality control and were pumping shit.
Exactly it didn't fail because of the core rules, it failed because the company was overinflated at that point and subsequently crashed.

>Nobody ever cared, and you are just clueless. Let me guess - "video game crash" was also real, right
You are unbelievably retarded. And what you are saying is easily proven false. Just look up how the sales of the game skyrocketed at that time. And the similar decrease afterwards.
gee who would have guessed. If you sensationalize a game and give it a ton of attention then sales will increase dramatically. It doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.

>2E was considered outdated as fuck in the 90s
You are proving my point for me. The so called "fans" didn't care about the quality of the game and were just interested in following the newest trend. That's what you mean when you use buzzwords like "outdated". If a game is well designed then it is never outdated. It's only outdated to cunts who just gravitate to whatever is popular at the moment.

>TSR was a content mill with fuck all quality control
As I have already said. TSR failed to recognize why their sales were drying up, and didn't adapt to the majority of the "fanbase" leaving.
You guys are agreeing with me by bringing up TSR's business practices and not the game itself.
while we at it, can someone explain to my what is the point of called shot vital area?
No one in this thread is more cocksure (and wrong) than you. D&D today is miles lower quality than 90s D&D. It isn't even close. Shittier game design. Shittier art. Way shittier adventures, both in writing and design.
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>Oi mate, I'm gonna miss the point some more, feed me!
Grab one and fuck off already
Honestly, it's hard to compare the two, considering current D&D kind of has the opposite problem to what happened with TSR in the 90s. TSR was a comparatively small company who wound up wasting all their money pumping out tons of specialized material they couldn't possibly sustain to cater to the varying tastes of a larger fanbase than they were used to. Hasbro is a large company that's used to having a massive, international customer base, which means they can't help but appeal to the lowest common denominator. They want to consistently pump out as few products as possible that appeal to as many people as possible. This seems to be working out for them so far, but in the end they're inevitably going to run up against the same wall TSR did, when all the people who came in chasing a fad get bored and leave, which is even more likely given how little of genuine worth their is to convince any of the casuals it's worth sticking with, while at the same time the soulless corporate slop has already alienated all the long term fans who were there at the beginning.
- Reformat the 2 basic rulebooks into 1 book, by actually doing a 'basic' rulebook
- 2nd book is to extend the basic one, mostly for GMs to run multiple genres
- Order skills by a method that makes sense other than alphabetically
- Use the metric system
- Separate attribute point buy from skill point buy
- Return to black and white art
>by actually doing a 'basic' rulebook
That's called Lite
>Order skills by a method that makes sense other than alphabetically
... such us, you dumb twat?
>Separate attribute point buy from skill point buy
So IQ and DX are even stronger?

The only thing you are correct about is metric
Lite is an afterthought and should not be taken seriously
>order skills
go read 3e you dumb twat
>So IQ and DX are even stronger?
No, because disadvantages.

Having 2 'basic' rulebooks tallying 800+ pages combined required for play is an insane proposition for any non gurpsfag and a fundamental misunderstanding of the marketplace.
No cześć

Page 141 has an example for this that spends nearly a page (!) of colourful text to tell you that. Let me cut itt down to the important bits and paraphasing things to make it more readable:

Alex declares that Hardigan is making a called shot to hit a vital area. This means he suffers a
penalty to his dice pool equal to the target’s Defense rating
>normally you only get Passive Defense to account for
but any successes rolled automatically do damage.
The T. Rex’s Defense is 8 (modified for size), which means that Alex suffers a –8 penalty on his attack roll.
Alex’s modified dice pool to attack the T. Rex is 14.
>paraphase here
(Firearms rating is 9, +1 from Skill Specialization in Rifles, +4 from Winchester rifle). The Tyrannosaurus is 50 feet away, so there are no range penalties on the attack roll.
Alex gets to ignore the called shot penalty, so he has a final dice pool of 14 to shoot the T. Rex.

Alex makes his attack roll and hopes for the best. He rolls the dice and gets a whopping eight successes!
The Gamemaster does not make a Defense roll for the T. Rex because of the called shot, so the dinosaur takes the full eight points of lethal damage, reducing its Health from 16 to 8
>He needed to deal 1 more for Stun


And this is the kind of shit I'm talking about about this game being both bloated in pointless shit and also very poor at explaining basic things. This is explained in an example of combat, 20 pages after Vital Area is even mentioned - and indirectly. Instead of
>Ignore Defense roll and instead apply full Defense rating of the target, but if attacker overcomes such Defense, apply full, unmodified attack outcome
In Vital Area description like a normal rulebook would.
This is useful for very tough targets that you would normally merely graze, since you ignore their Defense, on the logic of making it all or nothing attack. If you get over Defense, it deals extra damage, if you don't, you do nothing
>Lite bad
>3e good
>IQ and DX totally balanced
Oh, so you larp as a GURPSfag, but never actually played any
Thanks for sharing
people always complain but nobody actually wants any of this shit. you can tell because there are tons of alternatives available that address every one of these points, have been forever, but people inevitably just buy whatever is most recently posted on GWs site.
>Oh, so you larp as a GURPSfag, but never actually played any
Says the guy that didn't even knew 3e skills were ordered by a different manner.
>Lite bad 3e good IQ and DX totally balanced
None of this was said go fuck a goat
And in case of you were wondering: page 141 is the only place in all Ubiquity-based games, where Vital Area is explained at all. Triple Aces licensed this system to a whole lot of games, but always assumed that the default explanation is clear enough.

Also, for the sake of curiosity
Headshot is -4 to your Attack Rating (a lot, especially for non-combatants), and there is a Defense roll for the target, unless GM specifies differently. However, there is no actual rule as to what happens when you hit a headshot, it's all GM fiat
Vital Area can be technically a headshot, and it can be as "cheap" as -2 Attack Rating, while dealing enough damage to splatter the whole body (especially for small-sized targets)
'nuff shit.
But my absolute favourite is blowgun, which due to bunch of rules on damage over time and toxins and what not does fixed damage. If you get hit, you simply receive X damage, no defense, no nothing. Shit's hilarious and I quickly learned you need to use them for non-lethal damage, or you accidentally cause TPK (in a system with semi-invincible PCs) without even meaning or trying to.
I asked you how would you do it better than alphabetically. Here is a clue, clowny: 3e "solution" makes it twice as long to find things you need and requires memorising how they are grouped, rather than following alphabet.
You would know, if you ever needed to find something more esoteric.
RPG publishers must continue publishing to generate revenue.

The business model is fundamentally flawed. Any RPG you continuously publish books for will up a jumbled, cluttered pile of shit. It's inevitable.

I wouldn't want to be in charge of one of those companies. The only money is in licensing. I'm perfectly happy to be a player, who can pick out the couple books I like and leave the rest alone because they're irrelevant to my table.
OP asked you how would you fix your favourite game, if you were in charge of it.
He didn't ask you how would you run company or how would you care about sustainable business model.
Reading comprehension much?
Stfu dude, you just outed yourself as a fat retard irl cause you're complaining about intelligence and dexterity being OP on a simulationist game.
Literally anything is better than alphabetically, the first skill on 4e 'basic' mind you, is 360 vision aylmao.
This isn't the late 90s and early 00's anymore you can't just pad your books for a doubling money scheme.
>He didn't ask you how would you run company or how would you care about sustainable business model.
He didn't? Let's see...
>You also need to make some profit so it can’t be free.
Hmm looks like you only read the first sentence.

Attention span much?

RPGs become shit because they must make profits.
No. I don't like rats.

>normally you only get Passive Defense to account for
What? Why? Passive defense only. is (mostly) for explosives.

>it deals extra damage
What extra damage? From what?

I still don't understand why you would want to use it, other than to use talent "Accuracy".

You have an attack rating of 10, the enemy has a defense rating of 6. On average you get 5 successes, the enemy gets 3. 5-3=you deal 2 damage.
You are using aiming called shot, vital area.
You have an attack rating of 10, the enemy has a defense rating of 6. 10-6= you get 4 dice.
4 dice means that on average you deal 2 damages.
Posted in the /btg/ earlier, but Battletech's story needs to be more ground-level, focusing more on the experiences of mercenaries and conscripts while taking a more "Dark Souls"-y approach to the wider setting and politics where everything is presented through second hand sources that may not be entirely trustworthy.
>also need to make some profit
>some profit
Thanks for making it clear you are half-illiterate
So your point is that my comment isn't on topic to the OP because he didn't say it had to make "profit" only "some profit?"

Anon I think you might be retarded.
Katowice, then?

>What? Why? Passive defense only. is (mostly) for explosives.
For humans using guns - kinda. Melee gets wonky with it, and non-humanoids get even weirder.

As to why:
You remove their defense roll entirely, and there is no further reduction. Again, this makes sense only against really big/tough/yes targets.
>Without Vital Area
AR is 12, D is 10, of the 1 damage you deal they defend for 5, you ultimately dealt nothing despite hitting the target. In fact, you could have AR of 14 and the target just shrugs it off on regular average. You would need AR of 16 to not be simply shrugged off entirely, allowing you to deal 0-1 damage
>With Vital Area
AR is 12, D is 10, of the 1 damage you deal they don't defend, and you can roll 2. At AR of 14, you would deal respectable damage of d4 on a target that. At 16 AR, you would dead 2-6 damage. Not bad. Not bad at all.
That's what Vital Attack is for.
Accurate is a handy, but gimmick. This works even without it.
In other words: you are trying to use a special attack on random trooper and wonder why it does nothing, rather than asking yourself how you plan to defeat a tank or a charging triceratops.

But generally, just pull the flamethrower and go to town with it, for combo of Touch and Fire damage outweighs any possible considerations when it comes to damage-dealing. And this is one of those games where short range doesn't mean weapon sucks, it just means you let them get close to you for AoE
*on a target that would shrug you off without Vital Area
So it just less risky way to do minimal damage.
I will reduce my AR to almost 0 to maybe deal few point of damage to an enemy who probably have like 15 hp or more.
At this point you can just play on averages and be done with it.
Oh, and speaking about range being a meaningless metric:
I am 100% convinced they wrote shotgun rules the way they did just because of pic related. Sawed-off shotgun is easily among top 5 weapons in the whole game, despite being a two-shot gun with effective range shorter than most of thrown weapons. Yet it only loses with weird science weapons, flamethrowers and LMGs. Which is a big fucking achievement for a discount hunting gun cut down with a hacksaw. And I don't think there is a more versatile weapon than sawed-off, given it can deal non-lethal if you need to, along with getting extra firepower from point-blank slugs, and it still carries two shots, so you don't need to account for reloading (nor you will ever struggle with manual reload).
Really, it's probably one of my favourite things about HEX: shotguns don't suck in it and they are kind of awesome.
>I will reduce my AR to almost 0 to maybe deal few point of damage to an enemy who probably have like 15 hp or more.
>At this point you can just play on averages and be done with it.
Which would mean you would deal 0 damage instead of some damage.
Let me try one more time:
Vital Area is your standard Armor-Piercing attack. It is only ever useful against things that are so heavily armoured, you won't deal any damage to them normally. It's your Halfswording, Pavol
Also, keep in mind another thing:
High Defense =/= high HP. This is extra useful for humans and humanoids, because you deal "only" 4 damage against a guy that has 3-5, but normally they would ignore your attack entire, since they wear armour that bumps their Defense to 9 or above.

And, once more, we are talking about absolutely raw character doing raw attack, without any talents, specialisations or what not, using regular weapon, too. Shit gets wonky when other variables get in play.
>normally they would ignore your attack entire
Maybe, maybe not.
if they have D9 nad I have AR10, then with VA there is 50% chance that I will deal 1 damage
but, if i attack normally, maybe I will roll 8 success and he will roll only 2.
Ok, from the top of my head
>Combat order
>Spending Style
>Different kinds of attacks
>Handful of different Talents than Accurate
All of those things mean you will deal exponentially more damage than just raw comparison.
To say nothing about the fact that when the choice is between dealing -4 damage, or dealing 1 damage, I would still prefer to deal that 1 damage.
>if i attack normally, maybe I will roll 8 success and he will roll only 2.
If you like o take your 12% chance of that happening - go ahead, be my guest. Just don't be surprised when it will be painfully close to average rolls.
Besides, the exact same logic applies to using Vital Area, except the chance is twice as high to get high outcome, because there is NO reductive counter-roll.

I honestly don't get why you are so negative about a purely optional form of attack that, despite being poorly explained, does work and is useful in the circumstances when you must deal full, non-reducted damage.
Make your changes public then
Different anon, but that game was designed by people working in statistics. Good luck rolling anything else than the mean average and nearby values - you will need it. And the more dice you get into it, the closer it will be to the average, since each individual die just shortens the range of impact of a singular outcome. Meaning you have actually higher chances to luck out with an incompetent character than luck out with some min-maxed build.
And then people ask what difference does it make if it's 1d20, d100, 3d6, 5d6 or a whole bunch of d2s.
Roll back Pathfinder 2e, delete it forever. Keep making products for 1e and Starfinder until the end of time.
Also, a male, human and dare I say white Fighter with a longsword and shield as the protagonist sample character.
... game?
>The game is more profitable now just because nerd culture has become the trendy thing.
It only became the the trendy thing because its gray goo levels of dead simple. Any about of complexity would ruin it in the eyes of consoomer nerds who'd just move on to the next fad.
>Anon asks to return to simplier edition
>The only reason the modern one is popular is simplicity
I suggest opening 2e book before spatting utter nonsense
Literally every RPG ever.
Oh, so no game at all. Cool, mate
new world of darkness goes back into production no matter what those stone milking misers at paradox interactive want and regardless of how old world of darkness performs. also get rid of the condition system. no other changes will be necessary
NWoD doesn't have a condition system
Hey I came here to post that
I really like D&D 3.5e as is, imbalances and idiosyncrasies and all.
I guess I'd release all content from 3.5e, with updates for the 3.0 material that never got officially converted, with better editing and organization, consolidation (only have the latest version of spell/feat/etc), integrate all errata, some FAQ, and some homebrew.
Then I'd give it out to the community for free with alternate names for the copyrighted and trademarked material.
I think netrunning needs to be tedious to filter players from all picking netrunner.
>Severe price lowering, stop the gauging
>Roll back the retarded tournamenst detachment retardation
>Rules in line with HH 2.0 and USR's, reactions
>Alternate activation, preferably with force organization involvement
>Yearly in-store campaigns with special shit and narrative driven games
>Wide range of customization
>Release more coherent and regular terrain kits
>Free rules only updates online
>Hire spreadsheet autists to combat the worst overpowered combos
>posable models like they always were
>such us, you dumb twat?
By categories, you complete imbecile. So all athletic skills are together, all combat skills are together, all influence skills are together, etc. Do what GCS already does.
Nta, but GCS has search function. If you are using any other way of finding stuff, then you are unironically retarded
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D&D 3.5

Focus on fixing imbalances to the core game and clearing up some not-so-clear shit. Then, instead of endless splat books, we publish a few high-quality npc-folios and start hammering out some very solid adventure modules, campaigns, wilderness maps, towns/castles/cities, and stand-alone dungeons. They will be highly-detailed and carefully crafted, full of useful material/info for the DM to take as much strain off them as possible. The "community" will be word-of-mouth exchanges about running games with these materials and comparing experiences, tips, and homebrew additions/changes. When people have a shared experience in common, and a standard they're all familiar with, discussion can really take off and it will spread from there. I'm basing this on my experience with the fandom of a certain video game. When a new adventure or whatever comes out, it'd be comparable hype to a video games expansion/DLC/big update/whatever.

I think Greyhawk would be the setting to go with, since its the most basic and standard. If people want to go off into weirder shit, they can, but a fanbase needs a grounded starting point that most people can wrap their heads around without issue.

I think the biggest problem with D&D was that the material was so player-heavy; it took/takes a ton of work as a DM to pump out a high-quality adventure and the only people who get to experience that are the DMs own players, and even then they only see their side of the screen. The few published adventures I looked at were missing details left and right and you basically had to create the adventure yourself anyway, and frankly they werent very good to begin with.
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oh, and minis that cover a broad range of common archetypes and the specific npcs from our folios/modules, and combat grids that go along with said modules, as well as blank ones you can use dry-erase markers on, that are sized for said minis, and perhaps some "obstruction" minis, like barrels/crates/tables/tree trunks/whatever, and clear stands or platforms for characters that are off the ground
Simpler characters does not make 2E a simpler game. I suggest you actually play the games you talk about, or just kys.
>I post
>thread dies
walking shill/bot repellent
Fuck off, bumpfag
not with these results!

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