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>GM runs a fantasy campaign
>GM wants to run a sequel campaign
>He wants it to be sci-fi and set in space
Run your own campaign or shut the fuck up and accept that you're getting free entertainment. Goddamn why is OP always such a faggot?
Because they need to generate traffic.
But in case that actually happened: this sounds cool. What game are you guys running? I want to know if it can handle both fantasy and scifi. Please don't say GURPS.
>um the setting was actually star ocean or phantasy star or something I don’t fuckin care
Have you never heard of dragon ball
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>fantasy campaign
>sequel campaign set in space
>not using the same character so you can play up their reactions to being in space and all the new things they can loot
Come on anon, do better.
You should clap your GM on the back and buy him a drink.
so don't play retard
Better than 0
Sounds like your GM has some based ideas brewing in their head. Stop complaining and play the game.
>and none of them do anyway
Old school fantasy always transitioned into sci-fi

- Ultima
- Wizardry
- Might & Magic
- Final Fantasy
Soooo starocean table top rpg?
Pretty fucking based, hope its using a good engine like palladium/rifts

Why not just have fun
Was the first campaign good? And the DM is excited to run again? Sounds like you're in for a good time. Enjoy.
Done this a few times with Warhammer. It's fun, especially if you use some older lore like Amazonian laser guns and Chaos chainweapons.
>GM wants to do something cool
>faggot playoid bitches because anything but the most generic shit possible scares and confuses him
How about you ask him if you're so confused instead of complaining about it to strangers?
>retards high off their own farts still think there's a difference between "sci-fi" and fantasy
>DM asking players what kind of game people want for the next campaign
>5/6 are down for sci fi
>one chick vehemently hates sci-fi for no reason given
>DM ends up making a planescape setting where people travel between "planes" through the "void" using "void ships"
>Chick doesn't complain once
You are thinking of Space Opera chuddite
>fantasy world
>time advances
>and so does technology
>now hundreds of years later it's a science fantasy world
I dunno it makes sense to me mogojyan
Still fantasy, retard.

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