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board games general, /bgg/ general. "get a new one, this one's dead" edition

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

Previous >>94766475

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

Have you ever bought a game not in a language you know?
do you have any games you regret not picking up when you had the chance?
what game's second edition ruined the game? What game's second edition was amazing?
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>Have you ever bought a game not in a language you know?
Yes, pic.
>do you have any games you regret not picking up when you had the chance?
Not really, if you really want a board game, you can get it at anytime even if it's a rare one
>what game's second edition ruined the game?
Sheriff of Nottingham and Galaxy Trucker looks fucking ugly
>What game's second edition was amazing?
Mansions of Madness
Based bread baker
Too busy atm but I'll respond soon
>Have you ever bought a game not in a language you know?
Board game? No. Bought a video game in Japanese though.
>Any games you regret not picking up when you had the chance?
Nothing comes to mind. Maybe Bloodstones, but that's just kinda something I want to try and not something I really regret. Complex games don't hit the table much because I don't have a dedicated group anymore.
>What games second edition ruined the game?
Sherrif of Nottingham fucked up the game's art a lot. Some people say the same about Summoner Wars and I get the criticism going to a more cartoonish style versus the previous more serious style but the fundamental game was improved a lot so I can't call it a worse game at all.
>What second edition was amazing?
Again, Summoner Wars. There is enough content out for it now and the overall game improved enough the first edition has been outright replaced at this point. Battle Lore second edition was pretty fucking rad as well, but given how FFG just seems to outright hate the Terrinoth setting it needs more content.
My copy of Dragon Eclipse arrived yesterday. Spent around 40 minutes setting up the game storage which was annoying. The game itself will be a chore to reset when it's completed but is definitely doable, unfortunately it's definitely going to be the kind of game that is going to take about a long fucking time to finish (several months from what I can see) and if you got everything for the game it won't all fit in the box. I didn't get everything and it barely fit in the frankly retardedly large box.
>if you really want a board game, you can get it at anytime even if it's a rare one
The Mushroom Eaters
>Have you ever bought a game not in a language you know?
Yeah but only ones without texz or iconography only so it doesn't really count
>Do you have any games you regret not picking up when you had the chance?
Not really. Maybe when the price gets a bit steep, could've gotten TGZ for €60 used and thought it was already a ripoff. Now it's +100. But that is honestly more a principled stance I take than regretting not getting it. In 2 decades of boardgaming there is not ONE kickstarter I regret not backing
>what game's second edition ruined the game?
Mostly art problems; sheriff of nottingham is terribly ugly, skymines is eye cancer. Allegedly the chinatown reprint is worse gameplaywise, but I haven't played it.
>What game's second edition was amazing?
Really dig the 2e of pax ren, visibilitywise and gameplaywise. Shame it came at the cost of portability. Also WotR ofc
>what game's second edition ruined the game?
there are a lot of new releases that have new shit art so they can put a fat black woman in it to appeal to the SUSD crowd
On that topic, I checked out the podcast about the bg industry (Board game insider) which is hosted by one of the play to Z dude SUSD apparently is cooperating with. It's pretty interesting to hear the behind the scenes issues and reasons for decisions, but fucking hell the play to z dude is insufferable. The american equivalent of cucked british, an overly selfimportant faggot dripping with faux excitement and friendliness. It's remarkable.
Thank you for ruining my eyesight
>Have you ever bought a game not in a language you know?
yes, plenty actually, because I search for games everywhere, but all have no text or a very low quantity of text. Some examples: Carpe Diem, Low Lands, Kuhhandel, Elfenland
>do you have any games you regret not picking up when you had the chance?
yes, I came across a very odd game called "Cathedral" iirc, that was an abstract with only wooden pieces, looked sick but didn't have the money to buy it. Since then, I never ever saw that game again, so

please, redpill me on Monster Maker, the art looks like Etrian Oddysey so I'm very interested now. It is playable without japanese knowledge? What kind of game it is?
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Designers /bgg/ generally likes:

Designers /bgg/ generally dislikes:

Designers /bgg/ is polarized on:

Designers /bgg/ inexplicably doesn't talk about much:

Have I missed anybody important?
You missed in generally liked: Feld
>Polaized on lang
I think that is an overstatement. The recent discussions weren't about Lang: good or bad but some anons getting tired of the relentless flak the faggot gets said come on his designs aren't all THAT shit
Herman's pretty well liked I'd say. And I would put Eklund into polarizing.
I played a first game of 1812 the other day. I don't know if anyone has found any way of speeding up the attrition phase? It just seems to drag on depending on how consolidated everything is.
i think most everyone here respects Azul and the games he works on with Kramer
we mention netrunner a lot. Never seen a bad word about Bunny Kingdom either
GWT feels like it's pretty universally liked as well
Nah, Herman is awful. Polarizing is the best he gets.
The whole game was really confusing.
>No trains
>No stocks
>Non-economic attrition
I liked the secret orders, but found it very limiting to get one company and having to stick with it through the whole game. Would rate it just a bit above chesapeake
Just out of curiosity, why do you think so?
Just like with garfield, if you like his games or not you've got to respect the man
>Just like with garfield, if you like his games or not you've got to respect the man
Well not if he keeps eating my lasagna
Never heard of him. I know of Port Royal and Broom Service though.
I've never played RoboRally and I don't care for King of Tokyo. His prolific stuff goes in other threads.
The only recent game of "his" I've bought is Mindbug, for which he was a playtester. His name is on the cover for marketing.
I'm sure he has a rich library of independent designs but they only ones I can name are Azul. I prefer Sagrada.
I like of lot of the games he co-designed with Kramer.
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>Have I missed anybody important?
The two dutch dudes
Fun questions, OP. Gracias.
>Have you ever bought a game not in a language you know?
No, because the FR editions here come with a gnarly translation tax that often adds 10-25$ on the Eng pricetag.
Im sorely tempted to find out how to purchase moon rune Sakura Arms so i can obtain the goddesses Level99 did not localize. But my lack of japanese reading is a significant obstacle. I dont want to order something thats from a previous edition.
>do you have any games you regret not picking up when you had the chance?
Not really, though I sorely regret having sold Blue Moon Legends
>what game's second edition ruined the game? What game's second edition was amazing?
GOSU second edition took a fun if slightly unbalanced tableau building game and gutted the absolute shit out of it.
Summoner Wars 2e is such an improvement over 1e that, despite owning everything for 1e, its not really tempting to revisit it. Especially now that all my favorite 1e factions have 2e versions.
Which one?
I tend to like games that open up the better you get at them. The better you get at the game the more options you get. Herman's games are the opposite, he tends to fill them with beginner traps, options that are there on paper but the more you play, the less likely you are to choose them because they are simply not viable once you know the game. I know some anons here like that approach but to me, it introduces fake breadth and a sign of poor design.
Swap Lacerda and Lang and it's more credible.
I only played Pericles and Churchill by him but these are the exact games you initially describe. You get a lot of tools, and their full usefulness and right use transpires only with a bit of experience.
Who, prey tell, ever mentioned lacerda on /bgg/ without shitting on him or using him as a negative example?
Theres some odd designers that I know /bgg/ likes, but its only for one game.
Ppl love Summoner wars but nobody is ever talking about Colby Dauchs other designs like Battleship Galaxies, City of Remnants, or Crystal Clans.
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Yeah, I was specifically thinking of Churchill when I was writing up the second category. I get why he did it but this illusion of game depth just doesn't sit well with me.
I think Vlaada Chvatil, the Splotter twins, and maybe Wolfgang Warsch deserve to be mentioned
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made my first abstract game
rate / 10 plx
>Theres some odd designers that I know /bgg/ likes, but its only for one game.
I didn't include designers with only one relevant game (or series of games) like Lehmann, Vaccarino, or Friese.

Yes, Chvatil and Splotters should be in the "generally likes" category.

Rate what? That image? 5/10, unclear how to pronounce the name.
i dont know how to play it so i can't rate it
the concept is interesting but i can't play it if i don't know how to
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it bad joke
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Call me a dumbass, I just pledged hundreds of dollars to this
I have loved it since the original DOS game in the 80s, so I won't hate it even if it sucks
the prototype looks ok, but, for me personally, no Mrrshan = no buy

oh wait i just noticed they have them in the expansion box
why the fuck did they kikestarter a game with expansions in mind and not as part of the base game??? are they stupid? or just that greedy?
The second one.
>Are they greedy?
99 times out of 100 it's greed.
The only company that uses backer shit for funding that I respect is Chip Theory Games. They also do expansions and add-ons but they are not necessary for the main game to feel complete at all and you can buy them later. Their campaigns are just to gauge interest in the product as whole and the more money it raises the more shit they shove in the final game (for backers and retail, they don't do FOMO shit). Their games are stupid expensive though and they use dice as a resolution mechanic far too much for a company that spams poker chips everywhere else. When asked why they use dice instead of bag building chip draws the company's response is pretty much "we like dice".
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Excuse me while I shill for a project that I think is a good idea. Any of you who are mildly crafty and care enough to make, for instance, an insert for your board game boxes may be into this.

These guys are making jackets for all your small box games. You print and cut them out, and buy a case for 4x6" photo boxes on Amazon for like $20. Then you can free up a ton of space on your board game shelf that would otherwise be taken up by those small inconveniently shaped boxes. Headed to your friends? You can just grab the case and you have up to 16 filler games ready to go whenever. They've got jackets for almost 1500 games at this point. If they don't have what you want, you can request it and they'll make it for you.


Pic related is mine. I'm about to start a second box of 16. Not that I have that many small box games, but they have labels for other board game accessories as well - things like meeples, dice, tokens, playing cards, card sleeves, plastic bags, dry erase markers, all kinds of stuff. It's great storage for any print n play games as well. Hope someone else gets something out of this.
>Vlaada Chvatil
with how many times mage knight get brought up as the perfect solo game, i'm surprised he isn't on that list
Chvatil's probably my 1 favorite designer who isn't Reiner Knizia. He made both Mage Knight and Codenames - incredible range. He's no one-trick pony. Also made Galaxy Trucker, Through the Ages, and a bunch of others.
is it even good? im too lazy to check gameplay myself especially since archon studio so far never made any good game, did they somehow miraculously remastered the old version of the game and make it better than TI4, or at least playble?
it's a new actions system built on a draft of tech cards that double as action cards and you get to keep them if you have the appropriate tech leveled up. Plus each roung you start with four basic actions cards, and a facion-specific card, so there's quite a bunch of stuff to do per round, but it's also limited and has no faff or stalling that TI4 has
nothing like either of the MoO videogames but that's good for a board game, if i wanted a board game 4X thats like a videogame i'd play SE4X
SE4X irl was too cumberstone and eclipse was the most boring shit i've ever played.
is MoO similar to any of these? Aside from how you perform the actions.
If I ever get into PNP I'll do something like this instead of trying to make cardboard boxes.
>done buying games
>accidentally buy Kemet, HUANG, and Summoner Wars
You're never done buying games.
Even when you think you are, you will spend on organizers and accessories.
Churchill doesn’t apply to the second category at all though? I don’t really know what you’re trying to prove here.
I don’t think you can. Attrition is such a granular system in that game that you just have to bean count your way through it. It’ll probably go faster once you know the table by heart though.
Such is wargaming.
Leder does pretty much the same exact thing, nothing is crowdfunding exclusive. Only discounted.
well yea, not anymore. i'm going to have to spill over onto a 3rd shelf now.....so i may as well fill that one up too. but once that one's full, i'm definitely done.
More people than have praised Lang. I personally think Lacerda stinks, but I understand why Rube Goldberg machine enthusiasts may enjoy his procedural chores and occasionally someone here will say something positive about Kanban or Lisboa. I can't see why anyone likes Lang's mini riddled shite and I have never heard a kind word here other than someone occasionally saying Ankh is okay/good and they've shocked it came from Lang.
Oh, and it's be pray tell, not prey tell unless you we going for a furry retheme—Please don't do it to Tigris and Euphrates, Mr Knizia.
Lang gets a lot of grace from some people for Chaos in the Old World. More than he probably deserves but that’s where it comes from I think.
Okay /bgg/ you win, i'll try a knizia game, how's sumatra? any shorter games?
Only lang games ive seen praise are choas in the old world (the most), then rising sun, then there are a few ankh guys. But most of the time those are lukewarm recommendations.

Personally I dont like his games mechanicswise and his CMON plastic coffin faggotry doesnt endear me either.
thoughts on My City?
It sucks compared to My City.
Fuck Your City.
It's Herman admitting he put a beginner trap in the game so when I say I don't like games with beginner traps, it applies to Churchill.
What sites are best used for cancerous crowd-funded projects that got a single printing and thus can pretty much only be bought secondhand for nearly full price?
FB Marketplace, Ebay, and BGG Market
That’s not a beginner trap though. Delaying D-Day is a viable option based on what’s going on, at least for a limited period of time. You just can’t do it the entire game which is what he was responding to.
did you throw a dart at a dartboard with 1-700 on it?
>a knizia game
>any shorter games?
probably somewhere around 500 of them
can you narrow it down?
>It's not the total price tag that catches my eye but the spread. A near 50% premium on the same item is funny to see in the wild, so anon is likely seeing ads because someone way overstocked on the product
Eh, that's not that weird. If supply is inconsistent, people will just leave overpriced offers out for when the lower end prices are dried up.

You only really see narrow prices ranges for stuff that's easy to find.
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2025...I am forgotten
Through the Desert, Quest for Eldorado, or Tigris & Euphratis if you like board games with boards
Lost Cities if you like smol card games.
Ra or Modern Art if you like auctions
Never heard of it but it looks like an overbuilt optimization puzzle. Sell me on it. What does it have going for it besides aesthetics?
>buy game and sleeve it
>buy two game
Played Unconscious Mind and here are my thoughts
>Multiplayer solitaire, point salad with multiple ways to score points
>Game's owner is a paypig and had deluxe edition
>Unique theme and top tier art direction
>Gameplay mechanics hardly fit the theme
>Exception is with book set collection and citing other players' work
>Lots of downtime between turns
>The dopamine hit in the game is to chain together synergies on synergies on synergies
2/10 Kickstarter high production euroslop whose presentation eclipses the gameplay. Would not play again. Words cannot express how much I hate these types of games. Don't buy this game and thanks for reading my blog.

It's disposable euroslop like most games
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>Please don't do it to Tigris and Euphrates, Mr Knizia.
I rate it in the upper half of games with Dutraits art. Everything the other poster said was true except I like it and didnt paypig for the extra shit, and only play 2-3p so downtime isnt getting used for much beyond "thinking time" although Im sub 10 games
If I can't afford to sleeve a game, I can't afford the game. Sleeves are part of the price tag.
>2/10 Kickstarter high production euroslop whose presentation eclipses the gameplay. Would not play again. Words cannot express how much I hate these types of games. Don't buy this game and thanks for reading my blog.
Please come to my boardgame meetups and yell this at everyone. I don't want to get shunned so I can't be blunt about this myself.
anon, please speak up. do not get stuck in the kickstarter cult of the new slop cycle. I got a guy in my group to stop buying kickstarter slop, and we're all better off
>Have you ever bought a game not in a language you know?
A few Japanese ones like Rhino Hero and Crash Octopus
>do you have any games you regret not picking up when you had the chance?
Not really
>what game's second edition ruined the game? What game's second edition was amazing?
Can't think of anything apart from the ones already mentioned ITT.

You're a dumbass. I've also been a fan since the very first video game captured my little 8 year old heart but I won't be backing this.

3 separate day 1 expansions which include specific mechanics that should be in the base game and fan favorite factions? It's greed.

Based on what I see and my experience with their previous games, fuck no. It's plastic slop taken to the extreme and the gameplay looks mid at best. It looks very similar to their HoMM3 board game which captures the look of the video game its based on very well, but is a boring slog to play and you'll also need a dedicated room to hold all the shit in if you buy everything for the game.
>but is a boring slog to play
Out of curiosity which part of the game did you find a slot? Because in my experience it's a breeze to play after a few games.
All of it? It's not a hard game to understand (despite the terribly written rules) but it's just such a chore to play. Obvious choices abound and if you ever play with more than 2 people enjoy that massive downtime every time there's a combat you're not involved in.
>j-just don't play with more tha-
No, fuck off. The game says 1-3 players (4 with an expansion) and it should be fun at any player count I choose.
>The game says 1-3 players (4 with an expansion) and it should be fun at any player count I choose.
I guess Hansa Teutonica is shit because it sucks at two players, TI4 is the worst game because it doesn't work at 4 and Dune is awful because the box says you can play with 2 players. Or sometimes games don't work at all player counts and that's okay.
Those are all games which are better with more people, Homm3 is orders of magnitude worse with every player added above 1.
Wrong, it's much better at 2 than it is solo.
If the game isn’t fun at those player counts, they shouldn’t be on the box.

Enjoy your slop I guess. I’ll stick to games that are actually fun to play.
>>Exception is with book set collection and citing other players' work
except you get books through collecting papers. Not, you know, based on your experience treating patients.

Honestly I think I would like the game fine enough if they cut out the entire vienna map. Just the worker placement mat+player mat+curing patients.
>buy game
>ask myself, "If I don't sleeve game, will I have to buy 2 game?"
do the cards get shuffled a lot? how often will i be playing the game? is the game super cheap and popular? or will i not be able to find it in a few years? will marked cards ruin the game? is the game a rarity that will shoot up in price down the road?
>either sleeve game or don't, but never buy 2 game
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You forgot my main nigga
Oops, you didn't, haha.
Sorry, I didn't read your post.
did we find a Lang fan?
is that you next to him?
HUANG has improved on T&E in every way and is in print
This is chinese propaganda.
>It is playable without japanese knowledge?
Yes, someone translated the rulebook:
You can even find the translation of the cards on BGG
>What kind of game it is?
It's basically a competitive dungeon exploration card game.
Every players draw cards, you can get dungeon exploration cards (with numbers on them) that let you advance in the dungeon, at 100 you get to the treasure then you can exit the dungeon by going back. You can also get monster cards that you can put on the dungeon of the other players, they will be forced to defeat the monster to advance in their dungeon again. You also get traps, heroes, treasures, etc.
The game is great and many other great games advertise play counts that they suck at.
Lmao even
hexes suck, squares forever
And, T&E has the cooler wildcard points system that encourages conflict. Huang wildcard points are just a rare color of the normal tiles.
>TI4 is the worst game because it doesn't work at 4
some people think TI4 with 4 players is the only good way to play it and i am one of those people
>Based on what I see and my experience with their previous games, fuck no. It's plastic slop taken to the extreme and the gameplay looks mid at best. It looks very similar to their HoMM3 board game which captures the look of the video game its based on very well, but is a boring slog to play and you'll also need a dedicated room to hold all the shit in if you buy everything for the game.
Yeah,i guess you are right, thanks for saving my 300$
HUANG looks better, plays better, scores better, the board is more readable, doesn't feel like such a relic, is more streamlined.
T&E is only better if you're into runaway leaders & unintuitive scoring. or just like having it on your shelf for the name recognition.

also HUANG is available for $40 while T&E can only be found on the secondary market for $120+
From what I can see, no, but I still havent played it, only watched a how to play that explained the actions system
Combat also looks like fresh ass, but that is to be expected from space war board games. Though it is kinda neat how weapons and armor techs immediately impact all combats with any kind of ship, unlike Eclipse where you first use an action to research the big gun then waste an action slapping the big gun on your ships, and also waste another action fitting in the energy reactors needed for the big gun to function. Then your opponent just gets a cool gun as an exploration bonus and it costs less energy too, and you ragequit and swear to never play Eclipse again
Backgammon 2.0 – The TikTok Edition looks better, plays better, scores better, the board is more readable, doesn't feel like such a relic, is more streamlined.
Backgammon is only better if you're into runaway leaders & unintuitive scoring. or just like having it on your shelf for the name recognition.
who's side are you on?
i'd much rather play a modern board game over Backgammon.
not to mention we're talking about a 25 year old board game, not a 380 year old one. they improved it after 20 more years of playtesting.

point taken though i guess. if you're into stuff like Chess, Backgammon, Go, and Checkers over modern board games, then maybe stick with T&E over HUANG.
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What games have the perfect, most satisfying lenght, play arc. For example in Concordia, great game, I always feel like I want to build some more and get more cards etc. and I sometimes stall and and don't want to end the game even though I should.
Also Serenissima 2ed has the best play arc. I wish to find other games that feel similar.
T&E is for people who have FCM on their shelf but rarely, if ever, play it.
i've been reading a lot of reviews and rankings of Knizia games lately. so many dudes putting T&E at #1 but then say "i don't actually play this one much though. desu it's a bit over my head.."
You realize huang reimplements Y&Y and not T&E, right?
>"i don't actually play this one much though. desu it's a bit over my head.."
It's not even a heavy game.
This guy gets it. T&E and Y&Y are two differing meditations on how to implement shared core mechanics. You can easily have both, either or neither in any given collection. I am curious about Huang, but I doubt it can replace both like the honeymoon period anon said. I would be wholly unsurprised if it were another experience once again.
Hope this is more than just Japanese Munchkin. Going to print out the Dungeon Meshii version called Monster Eater
When I was in Tokyo last month the woman working in the boardgame store said it was their most popular game lately. Still, it looks like weebshit and I can't read moonrunes so I got Umataka instead.
Munchkin is also a very popular game so I'm not comforted by that
>board game IKEA
I don't think that's about the complexity of the game but rather the fact of style. The earlier discussion of El Grande reminded me of when I tried introducing some Rising Sun players to the game. They bounced off hard.
>cubes instead of miniatures
>no direct combat
>instead of bidding coins you bid initiative cards
>9 provinces instead of 8 prefectures but the same three scoring rounds/seasons

They found the board to be barren and the action cards unintuitive. It didn't dawn on me what had happened until I realized I was playing entirely with Americans. Eric Lang managed to make a classic Euro so thoroughly Americanized it that the original is actively painful for them to play.
Much like how Americans are accustomed to the taste of chlorine from how they clean their poultry, Rising Sun reimplements El Grande in a frankly toxic way.
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AI art, ye or nah?
I haven't read the rules but from the playerboard alone I can tell they're bad.
Personally I hate it but if the endless steam of euroslop with good art is replaced by an endless stream of AIslop it might actually do some good. Think about it. The one good thing about the euroslop parade is that it gives money to quality artists. AIslop is a direct threat to that.
I see a few possible outcomes
>AIslop kills euroslop. A loss for the art-lovers but funny because the consumers who mindlessly buy every new kickstarter euro are now getting fleeced even harder
>the rise of AIslop angers the euroslop enjoyers and they hate AIslop to death. Funny because AIslop is produced more cheaply than a game that needs to pay an artist but is the game is still sold at the same price point. AIslop is inherently a scam.
Do any board games (besides card battlers) have each player play with a unique deck of cards like in Hegemony? And not a deckbuilder but a game where you start with a unique deck that gives players asymmetric powers.
I haven't played Hegemony but Sidereal Confluence is similar to what you're describing.
AI Art is the future, whether people like it or not it will just be everywhere forever now.

It looks okay though. There are worse offenders
currently? No. If it gets better? Sure. In the end it'll probably be used by every artist anyway and they just touch it up, or just draw and have AI ink and possibly color.
>the characters are human

Is the humiliation ritual over?
Chaos in the Old World, Sidereal Confluence, Blood Bowl: Team Manager, Res Arcana, A Few Acres of Snow,and Bullet all come to mind
How the fuck did the prototypical "boardgamer" become this caricature in the first place?
>talking about board games with gf
>ah yes anon, I saw one you might enjoy from the looks of it, I even thought of buying you a copy, but it was too expensive
>uh, what game?
>can't remember the title, it had a space theme, wait
>opens tiktok, scrolls through saved, finds it
>video starts with a broad description of the theme the rest focuses on the product, with map printed on a mat, metal coins, and all consoomer shit included in the box
>no mention of the gameplay
>well, let's see on the gulag
>it's a mid negotiation deckbuilder that manages to cost a 80 bucks plus shipping plus tax plus tip
>deluxe edition is double that
>I despise negotiation games, I'm bad at deckbuilding
Thank God kikestarter shit is overproduced and keeps people away. Will we ever get rid of it?
>What games have the perfect, most satisfying lenght, play arc.
The Great Zimbabwe
>tiktok gf
how horrible
>Res Arcana
I thought you draft a couple of cards in the beginning and that's it?

I like the short version of Dominant species. Feels just right.

Is it the theme? If it was the same artists and the theme was real animals / "everdell" animals would it be goty for many?
bitches love tiktok
Not for long
I would hazard a guess that it's because, of all /tg/ topics, board games have the lowest ratio of price to additional work required. In other words, it's easy to "spend and forget".

MTG for instance, is the same if not more expensive but even if you're just copying netlists and reading guides on how to pilot it, you still have to keep up with the broader meta if you intend to play at a gamestore and be competitive.
Miniatures games like warhammer are again similar cost but require a time commitment to at least assemble your models, and they must be painted if you want to play most tournies. And again there's learning the game and the meta.
caveat: Warhammer absolutely has people who shell out big bucks for a cool new kit that they'll never assemble. Grey pile of shame, etc.
TTRPGs could have a very minimal time commitment, but if you're showing up to play 5e and don't care then you're unlikely to have spent any money on the game either. On the flip side, what would a big spender on TTRPGs look like? The entire 3.5 and 5e splatbook catalogue plus all the official miniatures including scenery? I think the vast majority of players will stop well short of this, plus that type of spender really doesn't exist in any other TTRPGs.

You could chart this price to additional time commitment and I think it would make a lot of sense why board games attract deep pocketed dilettantes.
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>HUANG looks better
Stopped reading there.
Aegean Sea baby
Are there auction-based deckbuilders where you have to bid on the cards you add to your deck?
>Aegean Sea
Is it any good? A lot of mixed reviews.
Is there a lot of splaying?
yeah there's a good amount of splaying
I've played it maybe 20 times and consider it to be fantastic. all the best parts of mottainai with added boats and multiplied to work at higher player counts with asymmetry. It does seem to be an acquired taste though. You need to get used to taking short simple actions to set up big explosive combos. and you need to be able to give up on a card effect you can't play even if it's super good. Until you learn what other decks are capable of you might feel aggrieved by them blowing up your stuff, but just try not to put all your eggs in one basket
also play your teaching/learning games 2p, but know that the best dynamic is 3p-5p
no, Y&Y was a reimplementation of T&E.
HUANG is just a reskin of Y&Y. there are no changes other than aesthetics.
>Nobleknight is selling it for >$10
>board game IKEA
You’re welcome. Go spend that money on some good games instead of gambling on kikestarter and then pretending you like a game because you blew so much money on it like this faggot >>94811348
Enjoy your butthurt, I'll enjoy my game.
That Lacerda game, about innovations(?), also came out this year. And the hype for that rock game died pretty quick once it came out.
I think it's a pretty underrated knizia, I really liked it in its simplicity. It just has an awful name, a worse box art and being kind of a legacy game doesn't do it any favors. Try it on bga.
i don't think so
that would be a TON of auctions, which would really slow the game down. i like the idea in theory though. someone smarter than me should be able to make this work somehow.
drop a bug in Knizia's ear and he'll have 3 different auction deckbuilders by the end of the year
im surprised there is no drafting game deckbuilder.
What brings a man to not only playing but actively liking Ti?
An abundance of free time and a lack of social interaction in their everyday life. Combine the two factors and you described 99% of TI players.
Aegean Sea seems a bit fiddly with the cards. How do you find it? Is each island really just a messy pile of cards you're constantly flipping over or is it simply a matter of organizing your playing space well?
And, do you think using tokens on top of the cards would help make the game more readable? I don't mind buying a bunch of little greek ships if it helps players wrap their heads around it
>drafting game deckbuilder.
I agree but also I think the existence of Friday Night Magic absorbs most of the demand for that. It'd be nice to have something outside of MTG but asking people to put money down on a non-MTG drafting deckbuilder vs just buying someone's bulk box and making a cube seems non-viable.

You'd have to really hate MTG as a game.
Not ebxactly a deckbuilder but biblios. First half is a weird quasi-auction where you look at the top card of the deck and decide what cards to put into the public deck for round 2, what card to secretly keep and what card opponents can choose. These are not just scoring cards but also money. Second half of the game is an actual auction for the remaining cards in the public deck, bidding money you got in the first half of the game.

I've got too much to do to really reword this in a more comprehensive way, but the game is pretty good. One of the "light game with enough bite to statisfy boardgamers whilst still accessible" gems.
Sleep deprivation took the most important part of the sentence,
>(...)not only playing but actively liking FOUR PLAYER Ti4

I do enjoy the game, but I would never play below 5.
Add "and complete lack of social skills" to >>94813950
I really don't have an issue with the splays, but some of my players find it annoying. Since the islands have thin mats underneath it's easier than splaying cards under other cards. Once you get a good technique to tuck and slide I've found they stay pretty neat. plus any island that gets too bloated actually sinks into the sea (which matters strategically quite a bit but also helps keep things contained)
I don't think tokens would work because card effects will occasionally care about the preference of a given ship/populace/good/temple. so beyond just player color there is another important element to track
That one yeah
I wouldnt do all the drafting in one go. Instead there would be some kind of purchase action or card that would have the player draw cards from the market (or something) and then start a draft. Maybe they draw (playercount)+1 and then chose to keep the best one, and pass the rest clockwise around the table.

You could make one of the starter cards in the deck trigger a draft sale. Or maybe it could start an auction in which players can pay with money cards in their deck (in some manner, amybe you set them aside as you draw them, maybe cards have a dual use and you can either use them as money to buy a new card, or use them for their other effect)
I think 4 player TI4 is fine, but because you get a lot more game actions per round that are high impact because 2 cards each, the voting phase is far less interesting/impactful since the game can end much sooner in 4 player games because of it

It doesn't feel like the same game because of it.
the Leder Games discord loves that game
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During the work week, I'm not free from responsibilities until 8 or 9 PM usually. By that point, I don't normally feel like busting out most of the games in my collection. What are some good games I can play for an hour with my gf and friends without needing to learn/apply a huge meta or spend half an hour setting up. Cartographers is comfy and more or less what I'm talking about. I've been told Scout is good.
"tiktok gf" describes pretty much any woman under the age of 30 with a phone
Have you guys tried 4P with the feast or famine house rule?
>This variant avoids every Strategy Card triggering every round, a common complaint with 4-player games. In odd-numbered rounds ("Famine"), the players each choose one Strategy Card. No Trade Goods are placed on the unchosen cards. In even-numbered rounds ("Feast"), the players each choose two Strategy Cards as a snake draft (first card in standard order, second in reverse order).
I hadn't watched any videos by Gaming Rules! until recently, but I think his content is quite well made
Some people love rollan the combat dice and countan the resource costs, what can I say?
depends, but fir me: With four players, all eight Strategy cards are always in play, which automatically leads to a higher economy game as a) each player gets two primary Strategy effects per round instead of one, and b) there won't be a round without Leadership, or without Diplomacy, or without Technology, unlike any other playercount (except 8 but with 8p you have double the playtime which suuuucks). How higher economy leads to more fun game is left as an exercise for the reader.
Agenda phase in TI4 at any player count is the weakest part of it. In theory, spending planet resources to influence which way the rules get modified is fun, but the actual agenda deck is underwhelming in how it's effects are spread out.
I recently found dicey exploits but sadly he's gone.
Too bad he has the personality of a wet towel and his voice puts me to sleep.
Name artists are still quasi-celebrities who contribute to selling a game which matters a lot in a field as niche as board gaming.
I don't give a fuck cause I'm not an artist.
I think resisting it is futile anyway, and I do not inherently hate it. What I do dislike however is the fact that it's all very generic looking slop about the same tired old tropes. Everything increasingly looks like a cheap chinese phone game or Hearthstone. Which I suppose is the obvious result you get if you don't include certain styles in the prompt. And then you are merely imitating existing stuff. I don't want to get into the debate of all inspiration being more or less theft, but the point is I haven't seen a boardgame with AI art and went that looks cool, which is what all bg art wants.
That seems interesting but I find that having all sc in play at least every 2nd round is still obscene.
Sadly true. It is cool in theory, but in the actual game it mostly is either a nothingburger, an almost nothingburger that drags on or something that fucks one player specifically.
Basically anything by Oink games. Scout or Startups would be fine, maybe Deep Sea Adventure if you want a bit longer of a game
This. Getting Adrian Smith for Rising Sun was a huge score
The Parliament phase in John Company mogs the Agenda phase to smithereens
卧龙传说-三国名将传 mentioned!
Honestly John Company is much more tightly designed than TI4. What TI4 has going for it is that it delivers the space 4x-like feel and TI as a whole has existed for so long that no one wants to blatantly rip it off. That doesn't make it good, just a heavy weight fighter who gets to choose his fights inside a walled garden.
>he “enjoys” plastic slop
real npc moment
not him, but you seem like the kinda person talks a lot of shit online but then struggles to make eye contact even with close friends and family. no healthy well-adjusted person is this concerned with how someone wastes their money
if you wanna tell us what other games you like, and up to how many on the player count, we can give you better suggestions

The Crew
The Quest for El Dorado
Star Realms
Lost Cities
The Gang
Love Letter
For Sale
That's Pretty Clever
haven't played Scout but that would probably be good
Or maybe I just don’t like people shilling overproduced garbage.
we don't need you to protect us, great warrior
Then how about you start talking shit to the GMTrannies posting in this thread instead of the some random Kicksharter
Rent free.
You clown-ass numbnuts sperm rancher, Hansa says 3-5 right there on the box.
Guys, stop, you're reinventing Blood Rage of all things
I would love to check out an LGS on the planet where GMT games are overproduced.
>What the fuck, Macgowan, are you putting a matte finish on that media commons photo of Eisenhower?!? I told you we cant afford those outlays!
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>You clown-ass numbnuts sperm rancher, Hansa says 3-5 right there on the box.
How about you shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about you dumb zoomer.
Looks like it to me, AI loves to go way overboard on lighting effects, have heavy bloom and ambient occlusion in what should be simple artstyles.
As an artist nothing being done to criminalize AI slop doesn't help with the suicidal urges, not gonna lie
Ha ha, you got the euro version. It's for people who like to play with themselves. It sounds perfect for you and your German buddies, are you sure it didn't say 1-5 before you shooped it?
It's not a language distinction. All versions of Hansa Teutonica are for 2-5 players. The game for 3-5 players you're thinking of is Hansa Teutonica: Big Box.
If you aren't bullshitting me you've went and blown my mind.
What does Hansa Teutonica do differently at 2 players?
Cutthroat Caverns. They will no longer be friends afterward.
The 2 player variant is on page 10. They cut it for Big Box because it's ass.
Wow, that does sound awful.
I wish there was some validation form on /bgg/ where unless you've played over 200 different games you can't post here and have to listen to your betters before being allowed to speak.
Are these the variants that would have inspired Turczi and his weaponised solo tax?
>Crash Octopus
How durable are the flags?
i think it'd be better for a poster to have played the game they're talking about 20 times
Blood Rage is a deckbuilder? Maybe i need to buy it after all....
Doesn't Baseball Highlights 2045 have a draft for starting decks? If it doesn't have that in at least a variant, i'll be very disappointed.
I... is that someone asking for satisfying fillers???!?!?


drafting game where you pick squares to build tiles but your options narrow down as the game goes

basically party blackjack

>mountain goats
dice game where you combine die results to match mountain numbers, the fun part is you can push each other's goats out of the mountain

>sea salt and paper
this game uses a lot of mechanics but stays simple and short, there's drafting (to an extent), set collection, bluffing and card combos

coop where players have their cards facing against them and you have to give each other clues to know which cards to play

set collection game where you try to collect a specific number of cards and avoid collecting too many sets

>take 6
simultaneous action game where cards pile up in rows until they are full, the player who fills the row has to take the cards that make up the row, and the objective of the game is to collect fewer cards

hidden roles game where players try to make a path to a gold nugget, there are three possible locations and the saboteur wins if they are unable to do so

>5 towers
auction game

in case you want games for two players:

>shards of infinity
it's a deckbuilder where you build synergies as the game goes on, there's a different "meta" for each game and the fun is discovering it

>naga raja
a very random game where you build a path through a temple to find treasures, players throw "sticks" (elongated die) which can give you points or allow you to activate your cards, the person with most points each round gets to place a tile on their temple's map

players take turns placing cards as tiles, the objective of the game is to have the biggest bunch of leaves of your color

players build a board placing cards where they can place tokens and then try to be the last one standing on the second round where you must move a card, remove a card or remove a token each turn
nah Baseball Highlights has asymmetric starting decks. once you're an experienced player you each buy 3 cards in turns from the market, the same way you do after each minigame. then you play the Bo7
But I shall continue to do so anyway, my child. One day perhaps you too can aspire to such greatness. I believe in you.

So far so good, they’ve held up fine for over 20 plays. They’re not as flimsy as they look.
Brothers, it is that time again. Confess your bg sins. This time, I'll even make it easier for your.
>What game did you shitpost about without having played it and did you change your opinion?

Confess and be forgiven!
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>>Guys, stop, you're reinventing Blood Rage of all things
but BR is a drafting area control game.
I make fun of how HF4 is just autism without being an actual game despite never having played it and even owning it
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Bloodstones game with the lads again. Probably our 5th or 6th game.
Chaos Horde is simply whack and terrible for the game. Everyone of us who tried them won with a big lead.
Forces every other player to play as cautious and defensive as possible so the game grinds to a halt.
If you don't play like that the horde will just swoop in with insanely strong cavalry and snack several villages gaining easy VPs. And even if you manage to blow them out, they can flee easily or build up again with one single turn because their units are cheap as shit.
I have wanted to play since I saw that insanely complicated board at university 12 or so years ago, but never came across anyone I thought would even contemplate playing it with me. Nor have I ever bothered to so much as glance at the rules.
Wait I lied in my confession, I played the game. But just the race to mars scenario twohanded. Ironically it is a bit too simple if you take away all the more autistic parts and rolls. I actually really like most parts of the game, but the actual gameplay is dreadful. I assume the actual full gamr will progress at a glacial pace because most of the time and energy is spent on calculating out your whole journey start to finish - but not everyone does that at the same time. A minor error is devastating (and that is IF your ship doesn't randomly glitch or explode during entry and in the radiation belts), so you'll get turns where A and B just want to auction off shit and earn water tanks whilst C is calculating out the minute details of his whisp. Later C just wants to go through the motions of said journey but A is at the stage where he is thinking about boosting his shit into orbit and starting. It seems like hell of a lot of downtime during which you essentially can't do shit. It is superb as a simulation but I very much doubt it works well as a competitive game. And additional modules seen unlikely to change that.

The game is very much what you'd expect, really

Are you willing to help the taiwanese keep their island independent in this brand new sci-fi board game?
Taiwan is not a real country and I welcome the day it is welcomed back into the fold of the glorious PRC. I'd fuck AI sloppa Tsai Ing-Wen at 1:18 though.
haven't played it OR HUANG
I like to unspecifically shit on archs just because I have disliked every wehrle game before and have no idea at all why they are so popular. Like, I genuinely do not understand it, and I can usually see the appeal in almost all games, from autismo euroslop to dicerolliest ameritrash.
I have and will continue to badmouth Spirit Island because I fundamentally despise co-ops.
Anyone played and want to espouse on any of these?
Space Base
Space Alert
Planet Unknown
Burgle Bros
Lords of Vegas
For Sale
Battle Line
Zoo Vadis
Whale Riders
any Knizia games that aren't Ra, Modern Art, T&E, Y&Y, HUANG, Lost Cities, or Quest for El Dorado
>Zoo Vadis
Only played this one and Modern Art. We played a couple of matches of this at 6, and it was very underwhelming.

In theory, you're supposed to wheel and deal to both get ahead on the track and get points for helping others ahead, but the way the games played out seemed kind of weird and almost random.

First, some people don't like the negotiation aspect, so they will simply play by putting down their own animals and pushing themselves forward (which is obviously bad and 100% means you'll lose). Second, the game is very short and the plays/opportunities are likewise very immediate, so it didn't feel like there's a lot of strategy besides getting someone in your space to help you move ahead. Third, the random score tokens have a lot of variability, and given the shortness of the game, there is not enough time in the game for the variability to even out.

All in all, I don't think I'm pulling this one our anytime soon. Curious to hear what other anons think.
Battle Line is excellent, it's a nice quick 2 player game too, so it's very easy to get to the table.
I've played Zoo Vadis and agree with >>94818506. There aren't rails to force people to o play correctly so with the wrong group you'll have a bad time. It was also difficult to make long term deals with other players simply because you weren't likely to know when or how you could return favors.
I haven't played enough times to weigh in on the randomness of the point tokens but I would like to add that every time I played the player who got second place ended up as king maker by deciding which player with more points them than got the last space at the end of the board.
I don't know if a kingmaker situation happens every time or if that was a fluke but the competing goals of getting to the end quickly and scoring lots of points suggest it's a common occurrence.

If you're not dead set on Knizia, I think Lifeboats is a much better negotiation game where you vote to race pieces up a board.
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I'm trying to make sense of this game and I really can't wrap my head around it. I thought I was good at Tetris. And let's not even talk about the turn order thing, I either get blocked off from being the lead in engineering and can't do anything, or I do get the lead but can't really make use of the pieces.

Anybody got some general tips to git gud at this?
I don't play your bing bing wahoos
>Space Alert
It has all the things I am skeptical of but manages to be an enjoyable game. App component, coop game, questionable art. But when the round is finished and all the cards are flipped over, the resolution phase is an amazing time. You get to see who in the group botched their actions and its incredibly funny.
>any Knizia games
samurai kino
Chinatown, to my great suprise, is really a great negotiation game. It did suprise me because I thought my group was relatively down on the genre, but chinatown does distill the formula to an almost knizialike purity and even the most conservative players were making deals left and right. Nothing too exciting or novel, but a very good, condensed representative of negotiation games. I do very much recommend playing the rounds with a (like 5 min) timer, though. It ups the stress and stops people from doing too much calculus. Not that it'd be a bad thing, but all attempts to play it as an optimization game need to be stifled asap. Playing chinatown for 3h is almost assuredly a miserable experience
Actually, I sort of take that back. The art is pretty basic and there's not a bunch of cubies or minis to push back and forth so it can seem a bit boring and basic to the dopamine-addled and you might have to fight to get them to try it.
This is the first time I've ever gone "all in" on a kickstarter and I began to regret it more and more as I unpacked everything. I don't even know how you're supposed to play this game without shuffling around multiple boxes and trays of all this stuff in a box that does not work for playing out of. I saw the large playmat and thought it was nice, saw the cardstock maps and was like oh ok I can use these, and then laughed out loud when I opened the box of 5 additional playmats, which I'm currently trying to flatten.

Game seems fun, tried running through the introduction last night but had to stop to get to bed at a reasonable hour, and I'm sure I'll find a more convenient way to play, but I'm not a fan of the learning curve of the game being in literally managing the components. Not to mention figuring out how the fuck to store all of this.
>App component
It's a CD, not an app.
contrary to the other anons I've never had a bad time with Zoo Vadis with any of the groups I've introduced it to. Players easily pick up ways to make deals with long term implications and the point token randomness is part of the negotiation. The positioning is also very strategic and just being in the right place to hand out free votes like candy is successful. There's also the peacocks and player powers and zookeeper which all add a lot of dealmaking/blackmailing potential. Yes you might have to make deals about getting blocked from the star exhibit, but those are great opportunities to gouge someone for points and it rarely feels like kingmaking to me in a negotiation game.
I got Black Rose wars rebirth in retail and it is already enough of a chore to set up and put back the few minis and stuff. Then I got one (1) expansion and immediately regretted it. You need to have absurd amounts of space or have these shitty boxes lying around, constantly shuffle stuff from box a or B around and it is extremely tiring. You can blame storage solutions and there surely is a more efficient way to set everything up but ultimately it comes down to FUCK minis. I'd rather have a box half the size and standees
I should mention that there are like 8 expansions day one and that the major part of my problem with these huge boxes isn't storing them on a shelf but having all of them lying around during a game, because you constantly need some mini or manual from this box or that. No idea how people who fund these +3 fuckhuge box all in monstrosities don't begin to scream upon receiving their products
I got tainted grail from AR originally, and did NOT get the minis because I have 0 issue with standees/cards, and honestly I have no issues playing it. It's obviously been some time since the dragon eclipse kickstarter so I don't remember what my reasoning was, but I really enjoyed tainted grail and saw that this was similar in some ways but a bit lighter so I figured maybe it was something I could get my girlfriend to play with me, and I remember seeing something about how the deluxe version wasn't really that much more/getting all the gameplay aspects was close enough to just going all in, so I basically fired and forgot.

Cut to now and I barely know what anything is and have no idea how im supposed to handle having literally 5 different trays of minis, 6 including the terrain, involving multiple boxes and mats, etc. Again, from what I've played, the game seems fun and I'll be into it, but the space I have to play in feels like I can barely fit all the boxes and components around me let alone a second player at the table.

I'm sure I'll figure out a good way to go about playing over the next week or so, and I don't necassarily regret the purchase as everything is very NICE, but I almost feel guilty for having contributed to the current wave of plastic pushing when it doesn't really seem like it's going to add anything to my experience.
Do any of you lads have a "gaming table"? I can't really understand the advantage of having one vs just a regular dining table with extendable leaves and maybe a neoprene mat on top for a fraction of the price.
For the record I also own Kingdom Death and a number of expansions including the gamblers chest, and it's certainly a hassle to play that game sometimes, but at least you only need to be using one box at a time and you can normally plan for whatever minis you might need for a given session. I feel like KDM really started the giant plastic kickstarter trend, or at least was a large contributor to it early on, but all these games that have come since have taken it's success to mean "more plastic make game better" and that is so rarely the case.

Less recently I also backed empyreal spells and steam, which is a great game that had plastic components but ones that ACTUALLY made sense for the gameplay, and a storage solution that made playing the game easier. I don't know how successful it was compared to the latest big box campaign 30 pound box of plastic but I hope it shows that at least some games can succeed on kickstarter without mediocre models.
Have you tried his second edition games? They're both excellent. Time is the greatest tard wrangler.
Mind that I'm not saying minis aren't cool. But in my case (and in many others I presume) they are actively detrimental to how often I get it out. I am seriously considering selling BRW despite Iiking it just because multiple large and multilayered boxes are such a mess and don't seem worth the hassle
The double deck ones are great if you don't have a lot of space for a dedicated gaming table and can't be arsed to put away everything once the game is over. It's also nice to set up a game beforehand and just have it in there ready for game night and still have a functional table in the meantime.
Not really, I have come to believe that what I like directly clashes with his design philosophy, and learning+getting his games to the table just to be sure I still dislike them seems like a huge waste of time. Which I do lament as wehrle is one of the few that really try out new stuff with every game.
>theres another root expansion
good god it doesn't need more shit to learn
i resent any game that doesn't fit into 1 box
I intend to build one. If you can't see the value of having a trough for your games so you can close up and have dinner you probably don't have cats, kids or dinner at the table.
Just to self-reply briefly — I am shocked the there hasn't been a Root 2e its balance is so shitty and it's easy to see many potential fix paths assuming there is a rulebook. I wonder if they are trying to just milk the cult before dropping a new version or if they are afraid of outcry.
PP2e and JC2e really do stand apart from the rest of his efforts—except maybe Arcs haven't played it to know but two expansions for the full intended game rings all sorts of alarm bells.
No, but I was really close to building one. Like this guy >>94819707 said, there's basically 1 reason they're better: being able to pause your game and put the leaves back over it so you still have a table.
The tradeoff is, every time you have the table leaves off, you have to put them somewhere. They're awkward, cumbersome, and easy to ding up when you're always taking them on and off.
Having a felt or neoprene surface to play on is nice as well - ease of picking up cards and everything. But like you said, there's other ways to do that.

Right before I moved house, someone else I know got a pool table with removable table leaves on top. It's damn near exactly what a board gaming table is, just with the added ball pockets. I realized how big and bulky a gaming table would be, and how annoying taking the topper on and off was, and storing it. The convenience wasn't as convenient as I thought it would be. I'm glad I just went with a regular dining room table that looks nice.

The only way I'd consider a board gaming table in the future is if I had a dedicated board game room. And if that was the case, I probably wouldn't ever need to hide my game away and use it as a regular table. So I still wouldn't need 1.
Babylonia and Samurai are 10/10 masterpieces, former more strategic, latter more tactical. Taj Mahal is criminally underrated, one of his best. TTD is a classic for a reason but get an older copy. Blue Lagoon is great if you don't mind the score-and-reset. Blue Moon is rarely mentioned but a really good 2 player battler. Medici is one of my top picks for 6 players. Amun-Re is just okay IMO but I haven't tried the new stuff. Municipium is an interesting area control points race hampered by atrocious art. Tower of Babel is the same, but it's just the boring theme dragging it. Qin is a nice tile laying filler for when his others are too complicated for people. Rebirth is like Babylonia with softer edges. Cascadero is the closest his tiler layers have come to modern Euro sensibilities. Have played a dozen more but I'll stop there.
oh boy, /bgg/, it's that time again!
guess what it is

Trading in the ancient Mediterranean?
I've been playing for 9 years, and I don't know that I've played 200 different games. The guy who goes to a meetup and plays different kickstarter slop every week is going to hit that mark before anyone.
I play it a lot, and it was definitely a slog to get to the point where movement is internalized, but once you're there the game hums along pretty good. You'll still have a few overly thinky turns during a game, but we can bang out a 6 disc base+M0+M4 in 3 or so hours.
Yes, probably only worth it for longer or solo games though
Root only needs to implement Despot Infamy for Vagabond and allowing 3 tokens per plot for Corvid Conspiracy, otherwise balance is fine. The real fun of the game is the politicking anyway and at less than 2 hours it's easier to replay than most of its alternatives.
That said I think many groups are looking forward to the Knaves of the Deepwood replacing the Vagabond whose real problem is low interaction.
good guess. you didn't catch a peek inside the box, did you?
less trading, more warring
geographically you're not wrong, but it's specifically 1 country

here's another pic
less nerdy, more normie
>we can bang out a 6 disc base+M0+M4 in 3 or so hours.
Damn that is fast, kudos to you. I don't think we'll play it often enough if ever to reach that point. Ever tried the conflict module? I am vaguely curious about it but cannot see it working well
getting colder
you missed the clues i gave to the other guy

maybe a 3rd pic will help
you can get an obscured peek at the box inside
>The real fun of the game is the politicking anyway
It would be if there was anything to politic about. All it boils down to is "attack him he's winning and I'm weak". Even one of the most entertaining games I spectated (that tournament game where Corvids won) ended up up being 3 hours of people deflecting guilt because "woe is me if you don't do something he'll just run away with the win"
Did you get the new printing of El Grande?
you're very warm - hot even
right country, right year, wrong designer
dingdingding we have a winner!

I got a board gaming table for 600 bucks on Amazon, solid wood construction, removable leafs and all that. Really great but I see some go for thousands and I don't agree with that. Not worth it, once you get into 1000, hire a wood worker boomer to do it for you for nicer and cheaper.
that sucks donkey piss
just lay out 15 cards then draft them, then draft another 15, and so on until each player has drafted a deck of 15 cards. Badda bing badda boom, i put fantasy sports style drafting into your sports fantasy game. Hire me Eagle-Gryphon Games, i also know just enough coding to update the app so it runs on newer phones
flatpacks in standard sizes
>Space Base
Machi-koro before Machi-koro existed. Builds on the idea of Catan's "you get stuff on other people's turns because diceroll" but removes the map and the combat and replaces them with cards. I like it but i might have the diceroll bug.
excellent trading game, and good to introduce people that know Monopoly to the fact they don't need dice or moving on a circle/square to slow down the gameplay of their trading and negotiation game.
>Burgle Bros
played a bit of it, neat system but the room layouts can be too random, but i guess that's the point, in figuring out how to dodge the guard when the entire floor looks like an H and we start in top right and the safe and the stairs are in top left, and the middle of the corridor has those fucked rooms that slow you down or that can be seen into by the guard. But then you just say "should've brought an explosive from the front side of my character, oh well" and once the game ends you can quickly play another one.
>any Knizia
Lost Cities. It's a fun one. Figuring out what your opponent has in their hand, what kind of discards they might want to take, stacking triple handshakes on a value only to barely get to break even in it because you took the bait, it just activates the brain so good.
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>I thought I was good at Tetris
each Tetris block is 4 squares, the well is 10 squares wide, and in the modern games you're guaranteed an even spread of one of each piece which lets you play forever (https://tetris.wiki/Playing_forever). Plus, the seemingly awkward shapes just neatly fit together, with the biggest outlier being the 2x2 square (aka the O piece)
Here though, the pieces are anywhere between 4 to 16 squares big, always rectangular save for one long piece (the bumper), and if you remember the O piece and how horrible it was to fit anywhere, here every piece is an O piece but fatter, and also some come with a tumor called "spec arrow marker". It's horrible, and the factory floor tiles have a corner someone just took a bite out of them, leaving you with even less space and even more awkward fits.
I wish I was good at this game, i usually win when I play with friends but lose online on OBG, and my strat is always "plan to go for the highest price bracket once and hope nobody cucks me out of it" which usually involves researchmaxxing and skipping on the planning depts (which is probably what i'm doing wrong, but aint no way i can fit them AND enough mainlines to carry me to victory AND have those mainlines still make cash because money you don't make in a round is money everyone else got to make so it's playing badly). So try to be the one that picks which tech spec is in demand and plan for that two rounds in advance, not just one like the rest of the plebs get to with their lack of research.
Also, pic related. It hasn't come useful to me, but it is funny, so i have to share it. If you don't get it, the normal purple Car has 2 speed because it's connected to the Klaxon via the D side on the Truck mainline.
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Well fuck me, been off and on working on a prototype that is pretty much 90% what Knizia is doing with Iliad
Not saying it was a totally original idea to start with, but even the flip shit over is a key mechanic
Here's hoping my less eloquent but more chaotic elements can make it stand out though in some ways, it's just Illiad x Blue moon at this point
>honk honk, gotta go fast!
Race for the galaxy
>I've been playing for 9 years, and I don't know that I've played 200 different games. The guy who goes to a meetup and plays different kickstarter slop every week is going to hit that mark before anyone
In that case I'd trust the word of Kickstarter slop enthusiast over yours. Not that I think he has a better taste but if you don't get invited to meetups, it's probably because you smell like shit and no one wants you around. I wouldn't value your input on anything particularly high.
To be fair, it is clearly designed with the idea that you will have the mystling card storage box and mini cards side bar out on the table as well as the tray with all the tokens. They 100% fucked up making those trays structurally flimsy for such a purpose though when it literally would just require gluing stuff cardboard around the inner edges to mitigate damage when having a component that will be removed and stored each session that has a significant amount of weight to it.
The town book spiral spines have enough space for you to put the arena book on top is a good touch but now your cards don't match up correctly when using the assigned areas in combat.
While I can respect what they were going for, the game lacks polish in regards to physical setup and function.
Why do so few designers focus on that shit at all? Chip Theory Game, for all their overpriced nonsense, at least puts a lot of thought into those details and it's really annoying because it shows it can be done but mother fuckers just do not do it.
there's drafting in Football Highlights 2052, both for your starter team and at halftime
FH is lowkey my preferred game between the two of them, the cardplay is great and the drafting is really interesting
drafting in baseball IRL is pretty minimal and a recent innovation. it makes more sense to focus on the free agent market. plus the starter decks are a only slightly asymmetric in the first place, picking a city is perfectly fine imo
arent most boardgame tables just boomers doing woodwork anyway?
>if you don't get invited to meetups
this is some weird backwards logic. people with friends don't need to go to meetups. people who don't live in cities don't have meetups available.
Only once. I think we were expecting space battles but the more important thing is that the economy totally crashes which none of us were prepared for. I'm sure we'll try it again someday but nobody was clamoring for it. I do recommend M4 if you dont have it yet, it makes the early game so much more interesting.
Well, you're right on all counts, anon. I don't go to meetups because no-one invites me because I smell like shit, and that's why I don't know anything about board games. You're much better off taking that kickstarter guy's advice.
>You're much better off taking that kickstarter guy's advice.
I'm the guy who keeps playing Kickstarter slop at meetups and my advice is to not play Kickstarter slop.
It's mostly because Board gamers are older audiences than say, D&D or TCG players and have more expendable currency. They also don't know shit about trades because they're mostly tech bros or make a ton of money elsewhere and think a table with leaves is worth 1-3k somehow.
I dont remember ever drafting in race, or building a deck
the boardgame tables also have drawers and stuff. Not just a double layers top
Gotta agree with >>94821529 here. I don't think anyone who has a group of friends into boardgaming would even want to play with strangers at a meetup. Half the fun if the people you play with.

That said, I always assumed bg meetups were public and not some clandestine event you need to get invited to. Maybe I AM not cool enough
>I always assumed bg meetups were public and not some clandestine event you need to get invited to.
They come in both flavors.
Call me old fashioned but I like my board games to have a board
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How do you feel about card boards?
That's fine, tile games like Carcassonne are also acceptable
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only if big, thicker, and/or explicitly functional without being conjoined
nothing worse than putting a piece on a card to have it domino into half the 'board'
also never with cards on top unless said cards are permanent fixtures, picking up and moving picrel is obnoxious
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They're ok as a place to vet people you're on the fence about inviting to your house. I'd hate to be trapped at one for all my gaming, though.
What if I told you... that the board is wherever you put the pieces?
Need recommendations
Spent a lot of last year collecting and learning "All time classic" Euros like Hansa, Keyflower, various Splotter titles, classic Reiner Knizia, various 18xx titles...
I had more fun playing stuff like Firefly w/ expansions and Wherle shit

I really admire the design in a lot of the games I played, I can see why they're always recommended, but they require everybody to be LOCKED IN at roughly equal skill, they're not as F U N as stuff you can enjoy only 50% locked in or one player drunk.

Homeworlds is a banger for such a small box. I really need to try the other Pyramid titles, but AFAIK Homeworlds is the standout
silent plug for the TTS thread on /vm/

Maybe its just me, but it's surprising how these non-board games with 'relative moment' feel so mind blowing when it's kind of TCGs bread and butter
>TCGs bread and butter
Eh, Homeworlds is a node-map with special rules for connecting systems, that the players can modify to their advantage. TCGs tend to have grid or rank formations with rows or lanes.
true, a lot of nu-card games are nearly bgg territory with all the mats and tokens they bring
I guess besides something like Doomrock or some very simple games, I struggle to think of any games with point-to-point that don't require a board to, at the very least, keep your sanity in check
>TCGs tend to have grid or rank formations with rows or lanes.
A lot of them take after magic and just have the cards go wherever you want.
>>94822222 <- checked
>. I really need to try the other Pyramid titles,
I haven't played everything in Pyramid Arcade yet but World War 5, Twin Win, and Black Ice were all hits with my friends. I also liked IceTowers but most of my friends hated it.
Card games tend towards a grid or "wherever you want". Homeworld restricts travel to only between stars of different of 3 sizes, so the map was fuckered and with player actions ever changing. I haven't seen that with a card game yet.

Thinking back on it playing the hell out of it last year, actually yeah anybody reading this grab a copy of Homeworlds. It's unique, it's good, it's portable, it's easy to learn and hard to master.
I have a copy. I bought it prior to buying Pyramid Arcade. The extra pieces let me play Homeworlds at higher player counts.
Is homeworlds any good at higher player counts?
Bruh seconding question:
>Is homeworlds any good at higher player counts?
I gotta know, I played the hell out of it at 2 player, I'm going to find people on the damn street if 3 player is more interesting
It's better at 2 players but it's still good at 3 or 4. I've never played it with more than 4 so I can't tell you how many is too many.
What has Anon heard about Men-nefer? Any good? Not sure I give a shit about ancient Egypt, but the wife seems interested.
I get to do both because I like playing the regular games with the regular crowd and go try new games at a meetup. Around 40 people show up to this guy's house so if I don't like a game, there 8 more being played to choose from.
I'd say that's the best of both worlds as I'm not stuck with anyone's particular tastes.
>Around 40 people show up to this guy's house
I'm just amazed your host has the space to accommodate everyone. I'm barely able to even imagine it.

t. Japan
The guy has a big house and we usually spread across 3 rooms, a living room, the kitchen and a patio. It's really great, the guy is a wonderful host and he has no qualms kicking people off the guest list if they're bitch-made, have poor hygiene or if their AP is too severe.
Please refer to your nation as Ayaya Japan.
>GF's parents hear we play games together
>Want to join us
>Are stupid, suggested Monopoly as a possible game
Recs for good games that are easy for boomers to learn? I don't even know if they're willing to learn a game other than Monopoly
The Acquire reprint is good.
Splendor is easy to teach, and the new silk road expansion is just the good parts from cities of splendor without costing $40
Survive the island is peak boomshit normslop even has an AI cover
Get to breeding japnon the boomers need a bigger tax base
I'm amazed by it at well. Even spread across three rooms, he's still got 13 people per room so presumably 2-3 games going in each room at once.
This is the type of density you see at conventions, albeit those are in massive rooms so it doesn't feel the same. But speaking more generally, having possibly 9 games going at once is beyond what my local game store can support. Even for warhammer tournaments.

Anon is truly blessed.
>3 rooms
I said 3 rooms + living room, kitchen and patio. That's 6 locations but there are 2 large tables on the patio and the living room has 1 large dining table and one smaller coffee table that ends up being used for lighter games.
I haven't been keeping up with this. I see the Renegade Games went back to a 9x12 board but did it fix the amounts of stocks (25 each) of is that still where WotC left it (24 each)?
Yep. 175 cards total for 7 chains. 25 per
That's great to hear.
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everyone always talk about the most popular Knizia games like Ra, T&E, Samurai, etc, but I hardly heard or read about his only spiel the jahers: Keltis.

I knew about it thanks to After School Dice Club manga and it peaked my interest. Does anyone have played the game? How is it?
>Keltis is a multi-player game based on Lost Cities, with some rules changes, later published with Knizia's original rules and theme as Lost Cities: The Board Game.
Citadels. It's easy, fast, and will let them rob and kill you and each other. Admittedly, my collection isn't very big, but it's usually my go to for introducing increasing complexity.
I'm trying. One down, and the wife should be pregnant again by summer. Hoping to talk her into one more after that before we get too old.
hopefully your country modernizes soon so you can enjoy the nice things developed nations do
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>This is the type of density you see at conventions
Nigga what kind of conventions do you go to? Last time I was at Kublacon they had the main room with what looked like 50 tables and smaller rooms with 10 tables each. The last time I went to Pyrkon it looked very similar. Sounds like you need to go to bigger conventions.
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What's a good ameritrash game that would also satisfy the average euro cube pusher enjoyer?
>Home Worlds
I've seen it shilled here from time to time: QRD on that game?
This. Games need to be political through their mechanics, and not pity. Dune and Side real Confluence are great cause the mechanics themselves are built on players discussione and making deals.
First, search your feelings if you even want to play with them if they are into it
Then, you can always go for Carcassonne, Splendor, Chinatown etc. or more social stuff like codenames, so clover or sheriff of nottingham which are always a hoot as long as you don't play them too ofteb
Very much agree here, this is where Root and Oath utterly fail for me. I don't need a 15 page etiquette and political rules book, but no exchangable resources/points leads to said exhausting and unstatisfying, dagging "he'll win if we don't stop him, look how weak I am" pseudodiscussions. GoT had a similar problem. I know there are players who don't mind this or even excel at being the boardgame equivalent of a used car salesman for +2h but I find it exhausting.
How is Arcs in that regard?
Haven't tried it but I expect exactly nothing changed. I have wasted enough of my life trying to enjoy and fathom what people like about oath and root, time is too precious a resource to spend it on something I almost surely will dislike. Though I confess I am curious, if somebody else bout it, set it up and explained it well I'd try it.
I'm too much of an old fart to feel comfortable around Tabletop Simulator, I don't know how other people do it, I already have some trouble looking at the other side of the table to see what's going on with my opponents, doing it on a little screen where you can't even lean to see better must be hell.
haven't played Keltis, but I have Lost Cities Board Game and play that a lot. it's an enjoyable game but doesn't blow anyone's socks off. it feels very dependent on the luck of the cards....but that being said, my wife wins A LOT, so maybe i'm overstating the luck. i actually just read about the Keltis rules variation (low to high or high to low) and i've been wanting to play like that, thinking it would remove a lot of the luck in the game. haven't had a chance yet.
Inis, Cyclades, Kemet, Dune Imperium, Galaxy Trucker
there's a lot of really big box games like Blood Rage or Mage Knight. i'm not really suggesting them but they might be what you want. throw Root in as a non-recommendation recommendation from me as well.
The Crew
you have a camera you can move anywhere you want around the table - it's the real life equivalent of being able to stand up, walk around the table, stand over the shoulder of the guy on the other side of the table, and shoving them out of the way and sitting in their seat to get yourself a good look

that being said, i get it, and you're in the majority. most people aren't comfortable enough controlling a camera on KBM, or just haven't taken the time to learn the TTS controls well enough. for me though, i think it's super fluid.
Density is mass divided by volume. Fewer people in a smaller room can still have the same density as a con in a massive hall.
I think you're the one being dense.
>it's the real life equivalent of being able to stand up, walk around the table, stand over the shoulder of the guy on the other side of the table, and shoving them out of the way and sitting in their seat to get yourself a good look
You don't do that on game nights?
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Standing up is the board game equivalent of this
It's an unintuitive abstract. Ostensibly it's a 4X game.

Pyramids form groups where one or two pyramids are neutral (planets) and the rest are owned by players (ships).
Pyramids come in 3 sizes and 4 colors.
Every color is tied to an action. To use that action on a ship either you need to own a ship of that color in that group or there needs to be a planet of that color in that group.
Every action also has restrictions based on sizes but the restrictions are different for every action.

Normally you get 1 action per turn but you can return one of your ships to the supply get 1, 2, or 3 actions of that ship's color. This also lets you ignore the color requirement to take that action in groups.

Any number of times per turn, at any point in your turn, if there are 4 or more pyramids of the same color in a group you can turn all of those pyramids to the supply.
If this leaves a group without a planet all ships in that group are returned to the supply as well.

During setup each player makes a group with two planets and one ship. A player is eliminated if they have 0 ships in their initial group at the end of a turn.
it's an abstract where you can sacrifice your pieces to do more actions with other pieces, and the colors determine what actions you have access to. To win, either destroy the opponent's starting area, or completely take it over with none of his ships being present there.
Chinatown for the "simple game about trading stuff on the board"
Space Base or Mottainai for "dice get rolled and we all get stuff"
Carcasonne for "see how cool games are, mom, we build our own map as we play!"
So Clover/Just One/Codenames (codenames only if you can stomach playing with just 2v2, or can invite more famiy) for "you do good at crosswords, this is kinda like that but word association."
The 4 color coded actions:

Green - target one of your ships: take a pyramid of that color in the smallest size available in the supply and add it to the group as one of your ships.
Blue - target one of your ships: return it to the supply and take a pyramid of that exact size but a different color in the supply and add it to the group as one of your ships.
Red - target one of your opponent ships that is not larger than your largest ship in the group: that ship becomes one of your ships.
Yellow - target one of your ships: move that ship to a different group where no planets are the same size as planets in the initial group.
When taking the yellow action you may take a pyramid from the supply and place it as a planet to create a new group.

Two details that slipped my mind: if a group has no ships in it the planets in that group are returned to the supply.
Homeworlds does not have forced actions. You can end your turn without using all of your actions.
different anon but Blighted Reach is very discussion heavy but for good reason, and it also features an actual trading phase. For the first two acts some objectives help/force players to work together, and in act 3 all the A and B fate players (competing for points) are naturally on a team vs the C fate players (completing a Final Objective)
Base/L&L Arcs is slightly less discussion-prone but you can still try to talk your way into doing certain things, like "i don't wamt am all-out war, i just wanna tax your city a bit, that's why i collect skirmish dice only, so you can just repair your ships and use them elsewhere when you need them" and similar negotiation.
You know it's a good game when everyone is standing up and pointing emphatically, or just making Italian handshapes. La Famiglia really is a great game.
>Mottainai for "dice get rolled and we all get stuff"
I guess anon meant Machi Koro?
yeah my bad, japanese names are hard, arr rook same
The Crew
The Gang
Faux Diamonds
Wandering Towers
is Kublacon any good? conventions seem kind of overwhelming to me
>Hoping to talk her into one more after that before we get too old.
tell her your hands are already tied by the ones you have. Might as well pump out a few more.
Ticket to Ride is stupidly easy to learn and teach and still fun.
play games you already own and regularly play with them and your gf. If they dont like those, they wont have a good time playing with you
It's fine, they got a large venue so it's not extremely crowded like the others that look like a nightmare (Gencon). This year they also did Kublacon fall which happens in November and is smaller than the regular event, making it even more relaxed.
Wondering where I should look at games to try next.

I'm pretty sick of generic Euros, and I like some Wehrle designs but all of his designs are starting to feel samey to me. John Company is the only one I really feel like playing because negotiation isn't just "look at them, they're so powerful! don't look at me, I'm not powerful!"

Thinking of trying out 18xx or Eklund games. It's really hard to find Eklund games though. I backed the Pax Porfiriana Kickstarter and I think Pax Ren is getting a reprint but I'm not sure

I also recently bought some Knizia classics, I have Huang, Modern Art, Through the Desert, Zoo Vadis but it can be surprisingly hard to table them sometimes. People are always trying to table games in my groups so it's common I'll be stuck playing some generic Euro rather than getting people to dive deeply into a Knizia classic

You can also see my 2024 list
I saw a few shops listing a restock date for Pax Ren, it should be early Q2 if all goes well.
>You can also see my 2024 list
List of what? Your top games? Games you played in 2024?
ranked the games i played in 2024 by how much i enjoyed them/want to play them again
Honestly you've played enough games that it might be time to start getting into the autistic war simulation catalogue from GMT.

If you really want American games you could try the looking at the forbidden catalogue of CMON
you should get into Trick Taking games
Cat in the Box, Faux Diamonds, TRICKTAKERs, maybe check out that new Power Vacuum
no one here has shilled Cosmic Frog in a while, you might enjoy that
>1. Blood on the Clocktower
Stopped reading there. Your taste is trash, I agree with >>94829255 you'd probably enjoy GMT as well.
I have preordered a copy of Crisis of the Third Century from GMT, so when that arrives I'll begin that foray. Good to know though that the autism is descending that deep

What's wrong with botc? in my experience most objections i've read are from people who clearly don't understand the game that well, but i'll hear you out

also, frankly, deeply autistic people won't get this but a big part of why botc is fun is because it encourages socializing. most other social deduction games are way too simplistic and algorithmic to permit interesting conversation
keltis being knizia's spiel des jahres is like einstein winning his nobel for quantum physics and the photoelectro effect rather than for general relativity
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It's fun but he has many better games, it is better known in the US for being adapted into Lost Cities the Board Game. Some compare it to Scorcese winning his only oscar for The Departed, nobody thinks it's his best movie except me but it was his "turn" to win one.
>the departed is Scorses' best movie
I've also got an unpopular Scorses favorite: Silence. It's so different from anything else he's ever made. He's such a refreshing director when he isn't trying to capture lightning in a bottle by making Goodfellas for the 20th time.
>What's wrong with botc? in my experience most objections i've read are from people who clearly don't understand the game that well, but i'll hear you out
The game state is too convoluted and random to parse so in the end, it pretends to be a game where you can collect enough information to do some actual deduction but every deduction you could possibly make is just another 50/50 because there's a gotcha in there.
>I think you're this
>unless you're a drunk
>I think he's that
>unless I've been poisoned
and on and on. In the end, BSG plays in a similar time and gives you actual information to act on and a sensible game to play while you're chatting up your frenemies. BotC stays firmly in the realm of Secret Hitler and Werewolf that lean heavily on the social and less on the deduction aspect and in that realm, it's too long for what it offers.
Also, I hate the idea of the storyteller stepping in to help the losing team. The other team is playing poorly so the game just got easier for them? Fuck that.
>The game state is too convoluted and random to parse so in the end, it pretends to be a game where you can collect enough information to do some actual deduction but every deduction you could possibly make is just another 50/50 because there's a gotcha in there.
literally a skill issue
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Just got this, what am I in for?
just get a story master who doesn't do stupid shit like that, it's that easy
Either the best time in the world or the worst time. Just be sure that everyone knows what they're doing, or that someone is very knowledgeable about the game.
stop buying games without researching what you're buying
it's like buying fruit without looking if it's fresh or spoiled
When you're teaching the game play the raccoon. Since the other players don't know the script you'll get a free win.
The game recommends they do it.
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See >>94825986
it's on the storyteller to set up the bag so that town can potentially gather enough information, so ifit's too strong in either way, storyteller skill issue

if the game setup is good, then games will usually be determined by how good the information the townsfolk gets is, versus how well evil throws in disinformation

if it feels like a 50/50 at the end, most likely town is overlooking information or hasn't considered a theory yet, either because town fucked up or because evil did a good job of misleading people.

either way botc is determined by the quality of play in most circumstances
there's a finite amount of misinformation that is possible in a balanced script. good can generally narrow things down to two or three possible realities. really if you give a moderately experienced good team enough time they will almost always deduce things correctly
Storyteller is only supposed to make things balanced, and they only have so much latitude. Especially in Trouble Brewing you barely get any choices at all. Sometimes they can make a shitty decision but it's honestly difficult to turn a game around entirely if one team is getting stomped
it's best when you play with all new players and play the game multiple times to get experienced together.

you basically can't play the game without knowing what every faction does, which makes it hard to get into the game, so finding a consistent group is the biggest hurdle

it has 'negotiation', but in practice most negotiation is just trying to convince people to attack the right people so you can win. if you haven't played any multilateral negotiation games yet, be prepared to get shit on if you pull ahead in score alot
god damn Filth is so fun to play
how does it he do it bros, SW2e is perfect
Except none of what you said is intrinsic to the game and in reality, none, some or all the information you have can be wrong and you have no way to determine which it is. If there were hard limits on how many misinformation sources could be in a game this would be a different discussion. Imagine, if you will, BSG but when you can look at one of the loyalty through card effects, you look at a random card of a random player around the table. That's what BotC plays like.
I'm not saying it's 50/50 at the end, I'm saying every information is a 50/50 and at the end, with multiple possible distributions and not much reliable information to go on, it's less than 50/50.

Also, it sucks being one of those roles that gets some info at the start of the game and then getting eliminated early because you don't really have much to contribute for the rest of the game which sucks as an experience. Again, fine for a 15 minute game, but when you're competing with BSG, you better offer way more than social guesswork.
???? There are only so many roles that cause misinformation anon. Are you playing custom scripts or what? All of the information good has can't possibly be wrong.
In TB it's the Drunk, Poisoner, Recluse procs, and Spy procs. Don't play other scripts until you understand deduction in TB. There's more going on in BMR and SnV but both have real deduction as well
I'm not saying all the information good has can be wrong, I'm saying all the information you the player have can be. What kind of deduction can you have when that happens?
Players don't play alone though they're in teams. You should be talking with other people and sharing information and forming a tapestry of data points that allows you to start noticing inconsistencies and plotting out the course of the game. If one player is the drunk, everyone else is sober (in TB). If you're poisoned last night, everyone else's roles worked correctly (in TB). Over the game questions like "Is there a poisoner present?" or "Am I the drunk?" can become definitively answered, especially because evil is making a lot of their choices with very little information. Even with a spy in the game communication can be tough
I get why new players think it's boring when they die early with Night 1 info roles, but they actually have just as much game to play and choices to make as everyone else besides being limited to a single vote from then on. Listening, using logic to deduce mechanical events, choosing who to trust and who to share information with, making social reads to inform which possible reality is more likely: that's what comprises the gameplay
no one can deduce anything alone, but good has the majority of players so they should always be reaching out and sharing information to poke holes in whatever mischief Evil is up to. Odds are the person you share with is on your team, and even if they aren't you might be able to catch them out on their role claim or something else they've said later on if you're paying close attention. Once everyone is playing this way the unreliable info is just another piece of the puzzle and by endgame when everything should be out on the table only two or three viable narratives make sense mechanically. BotC is a team sport, you have to talk it out as a group
Everything you say has a gotcha. As in, yes, you're in a team, but you can't be sure which team. Yes, you should be talking to others, but if you get wrong information why would anyone want to? If they figure out it's wrong, neither team cares much. None of the answers can be answered definitely because without knowing how much misinformation there is, you can't really trust anything you find out.
Again, if you die early you can share your info, but then if you die early and your info is wrong, well good luck, no one gives a shit about anything you have to say.
One thing I'll agree with. The game is about making social reads and that puts it in the same basket as Secret Hitler and Werewords. Which is not bad per se but at such a time investment, I'm expecting more game in the game.
Can you two just get a new thread and fuck already
Are they? Got a big-ol' deck box to store a bunch of Summoner wars stuff, was thinking about getting the starter set and a couple of factions from the local shop
As the resident SW fanatic, they were my favorite 1st edition faction.
And somehow they made them even more fun and ridiculous (without being OP) in their 2E incarnation.
Yeah, how dare you talk about a game, you faggots. I just want to shitpost responses to questions that have been asked a million times and meme on games I don't like.
everyone knows for sure what team they're on. So Good can behave like Good and contribute to the group openly or form smaller trust circles and use version control techniques to eventually glean insights that are useful for everyone
The point is to determine what information is false, which necessarily validates other information as true.
Both teams should care a lot about any info being confirmed as misinformation. It helps good determine the potential truth, and it tells evil how they need to lie or potentially exposes them.
Even if the good team can't narrow down to an exact definitive they can at least cross out a large number possibilities that leave the evil team less room to hide and less margin for error. Taking a close look at the script will tell you that there's always more truth out there than unreliable info.
>if you die early and your info is wrong, well good luck, no one gives a shit about anything you have to say.
I've never found this to be the case. you can still participate in the analysis of everyone else's information. Having wrong info also generally means you were a good player and can be trusted. it also means there was a source for the wrong info, which is info in itself. If you're getting sussed on by an evil player and accused of lying when you know you were good, that also gives you an interesting perspective and will make you very watchful of ways to catch them out. you gotta be tactful and careful and follow a lot of threads, but there is definitely more to Clocktower than just social reads
Nice, local shop had that deck last time I checked.
Thinking about trading in my copy of Rain World that video game is so bad it's unreal but it's worth a decent chunk of change
their ability to pull specific mutants out of their discard pile for the right task and summoning them on cultists or damaged mutants instead of gates is so flexible and satisfying. some great events too that protect your summoner or give your zero cost cultists more longevity
my favorite factions are Swamp Orcs, Shadow Elves, and the Forged fwiw. Mountain Vargath are fun as heck too.
>Mountain Vargath are fun as heck too.
Unshakeably based.
Follow anons advice, prospective SW dude.
But also consider the Cloaks too.
>I'm not saying it's 50/50 at the end, I'm saying every information is a 50/50 and at the end, with multiple possible distributions and not much reliable information to go on, it's less than 50/50.

i really disagree here. if you are an empath with a 0, and there is a washerwoman confirming your neighbor really is what they say they are, the odds it's true isn't 50/50, it's more like 90%.

that's how the game is played.. you build information off of other information

>Also, it sucks being one of those roles that gets some info at the start of the game and then getting eliminated early because you don't really have much to contribute for the rest of the game which sucks as an experience. Again, fine for a 15 minute game, but when you're competing with BSG, you better offer way more than social guesswork.

being eliminated early with one of those roles is actually ideal, i usually strive for it when i play because it leaves more valuable teammates alive to collect information
if you're killed early by the demon, it's actually the opposite, most players will be inclined to trust you and tell you stuff because it's unlikely for the demon to kill their own minions
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Base game Arcs has very little, but Blighted Reach has a trading phase as >>94827923 mentioned and you can also give tokens to other players (called favors) which they can cash in at a later time for something of their choosing (like a ship, a resource, a city, etc). It's an interesting way of handling something like the Promissory notes from TI4 or John Company but in a simplified fashion.

>haha faggot you forgot to click back into this tab in time, wait another 15 minutes!

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Migr8 at will
It's okay, but it has definitely fallen off since kickstarter games got a lot better.

I honestly don't recommend Root anymore. It's too obtuse to teach and learn, and unless everyone knows every faction you basically have to treat it like a 'teaching' game.

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