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Bounty Hunter Edition
Previous: >>94746138
Just want to stop by and say thanks for the scifi fantasy races. I will take more if you got em
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If someone could share some middle easterner and/or Indian character art, I'd appreciate it. I'm trying to run a game in a setting similar to either of those but so far I've got more eurocentric art.
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Kindly requesting some Dwarven Monks, thank you.
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I know the source, but out of curiosity used reverse search. All three failed. Finding it manually took 10 seconds.
They really fucked the image search scripts
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Similarly, anyone have Elf Monks? Not too flashy or Asiatic, rather looking like he's super ragged, unkempt, and has been on the road for way too long.
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This is a good fucking thread
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I'm looking for some pretty generic art of some scientists, needs some for a few NPCs in my stargate game as the PCs will be accompanied by a few while exploring an alien world
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Some manner of black knight/Dark Knight pls.
please tell me someone's figured out how to make gnomes that aren't just dwarves or halflings with pointed ears, or god forbid those ugly fucking things they made up for 4e and pathfinder
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I am 100% down with the rainbow-haired oompa-loompa thing, that works for me. Humans should have trouble telling the difference between regular gnomes and halfling clowns.
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Is that AI or someone actually drew that pig snout ear?
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Looking for good pleasure cultist art close to the following ideal criteria:
Face covered with hood, mask, or helmet, shirtless male or female, loose Arabian style pants or silk pants, pointed shoes or no shoes.
Magic or no magic?
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Not really. Most of the art seems kind of generic and uninspired. There are a couple stand outs but not much.
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That's real. If that were AI, the text on her id would be legible, but nonsense.
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She looks like she would be a character from the game Spirit Hunter: Death Mark but I could be wrong as I don't immediately see her in the character sections on the wiki
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Either or is fine.
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How about elf bandits? Thank you
These are the two I got. Hope that helps.
What are the standouts in your opinion?
You find her tied up in a snake pit and she joins the party. She's the hottest girl in the game, and you'd never suspect it from her normal art.

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