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A good, ol' fashioned inspirational image dump.

Bonus points for personal load out spreads.
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Shiiiit, is that the coat that's made out of seal intestines? I read all about how a bunch of Inuit living historians made one, by hand, for the first time in almost 100 years.
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Pistol I used for a sorcerer of mine
Is that hebrew? If so, I'm surprised it's using a fish for a scroll case. I know religious implements are an exception to medieval and renaissance jewish aniconism, but given the fish is used so heavily as a christian symbol, it seems kind of odd.

then again, it's not like christians have a monopoly on fish.

hot damn that is a pretty pistol. probably more of a parade weapon, but still.
It's a 19th century copy of the Book of Esther, specifically a Purim reading scroll. Usually they're in more conventional scroll cases with handles to make them easier to hold up while reading aloud, it being a fish is kind of weird. Googling it apparently some traditions ascribe fish symbolism to Purim? I've never heard of that before.
that was a great series of photos... searching...
oh, the photographer added new ones (Ukraine 2023). Need to find my old pics, or download them again.

Here is the Frankfurt Silver Inscription - (damaged) silver case with a silver foil rolled up inside. Oldest known Christian artifact north of the Alps, from 220-270 AD.

Huscarl in the Battle of Hastings, 1066 (compare the Bayeux tapestry).
Mounted Knight, Siege of Jerusalem, 1244

(higher definition image)
Blackfoot Horse Raider, Montana, 1875
Skipping the modern ones, with guns, well perhaps except this one. On the other hand, I don't see the longbowman on his webpage anymore.
oh well, have a lq image from a news portal.
Yorkist man-at-arms, Battle of Bosworth, 1485
Note the plate mail and no shield, and a pollaxe as main weapon.

Last pic from that series from before 1500.
Why would he need shield? Guy alredy have full plate armor and is fighting dismounted with 2 handed polearm. Not that he would need shield anyway even when foughting mounted with lance.
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somewhat better pic. Have fun.
He said "note" not that "it was odd".
like to highlight the kind of equipment, not that it was an exception.
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>Bonus points for personal load out spreads.
This thread and Forest vidya just inspired me to sketch out my character's inventory and realize how much she's hauling (not alone though, some of the stuff is carried by her pet) but I'm still missing a few things here..
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I just wanted to point out that shields were starting to be phased out when plate armour became common. Were still used up to the 17th century by rodeleros for example.

What are those little bags and cloths left to and under flint and steel?
Looks like parchment, to go with what looks like a case of quills with sharpening knife and a bottle of ink.
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>This thread again
>With those same images
I'd say "find a better hobby", but we both know you are physically incapable of doing so.
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So instead of being insufferable fag posting anime girl memes, you should improve the thread and contribute?

Then again, I'd say "find a better hobby", but we both know you are physically incapable of doing so.
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Just think, this thread being made probably 404'd one of /tg/'s eighty generals! Which had already been remade after hitting the image limit! The nogames posters have gone too far this time!
>Heh, if that thread is shit, it means I'm allowed to make a shittier one
How to make a cesspool: 101
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Thanks for the bump, I would have missed this thread otherwise!

We must be in the same FB groups, because that's my stuff.

I'll see what I got lately for OC, and I can dig out some of my larp or living history kits for pics/inventory. Pic is some of my late 16thC/early 17thC English kit from a trek up the York river with some buddies a few weekends ago.
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Some random early American folk craft/witchcraft stuff I tossed together for a friend's class on the Salem witch trials.
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>improve thread
Anon his entire point is that this thread shouldn't exist, so why would he contribute and improve it?
Imagine for a moment that threads are things in your garden, like charis, table etc, this one is shit, you don't improve shit, you get rid of it.
Now this thread will be here for next 2 weeks because OP will bump it every 10-15 hours.
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a Pellet or Stone bow
Directly next and below to the steel and flint are a pouch with tinder and 4 candles.
Further to the left (on the border of the cape) a bottle of ink and some quills, then a a knife (for the quill tips and to cut the parchment), a container for the writing implements, and some cut and uncut pieces of parchment (animal skin) - perhaps the rectangular pieces are sheets of paper since the color is different.
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Glad to see this threat is still going, time for the dump.
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