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D&D is, objectively, better if you play it on a battlemat with a grid.
I. a patrician, prefer not to play D&D at all
D&D is objectively mediocre no matter how you play it. No matter what you want out of your campaign, there is a better system for it than D&D.
>our basic bitch "complain about [popular thing]" trolls really can't stop themselves from shitspamming at literally every opportunity
I really wish /tg/'s basic bitch trolls at least put some effort in their shitspamming beyond patrolling the board and rushing in to new threads just to make sure their shitposts are as visible as possible. They never seem to display even a drop of intelligence, just an ocean of autism.
DnD is objectively better when you play it as a wargame with light roleplay elements.
>D&D is better if you play it on a battlemat with a grid.
I agree, but
OP is a faggot.
Its actually better if you play it with a tape measure and use inches/centimeters instead.
Only if you’re ALWAYS on the battlemat. Either always be on the grid or never be. Yes, that includes when camping or shopping or whatever. The existence of a defined transition between “in combat” and “not in combat” rots people’s brains and causes them to treat it like a JRPG.

Theater of the mind CAN work well, but you really have to commit to your descriptions and presenting interactive environments.
There is always a defined transition between combat and noncombat.
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Yes skirmishes are fun, although i would love to have more meat in between that and fullblown theater of the mind, not every action/combat sequence has to be so pivotal that you need to go straight to grid positioning but also the opposite isn't always true. Conan 2d20 zones seem a reasonable abstraction, i'm not aware of other games having something of the likes but maybe better handled.
>4 PCs on one side
>6 goblins on the other
>nogamez that get their info from twatter: 'its a wrgame, huuurrrrr'

False. It makes people focus on the items on the table instead of what they should focus on, the image of the situation in their minds.
Ideally D&D should be played in a pitch black room, in total sensory deprivation except for the oie of the DM.
It just struck me that people who prefer battlemats do it because they're NPCs and can't rotate the apple.
I disagree. OP is, objectively, a faggot.
>No matter what you want out of your campaign, there is a better system for it than D&D.
I want a generic fantasy system that can accommodate a variety of play styles. Is forgivable in difficulty, can be played rp light, is universally well known and that I can expect nearly any fantasy nerd to have at least a basic understanding of the rules of. Also a very large range of pre written adventures is a must.
When I am starting a new game with a bunch of first time or very green ttrpg players, im not going to try and start them with cyberpunk or call of Cthulhu. I want the mcdonalds of rpgs, quick, easy and recognisable to everyone that doesn't force them to immediately get into heavy roleplaying or life death strategy. Do you have a superior game for this?
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First off you can clearly see op is not on a mat, he's using large wilderness tiles that interlock with miniatures, additional scenery, and los blocking terrain. THIS is a battlemat with grid.
UDT/Zoned systems btfo grids and pure TotM.
Yes we can tell you don't play anything.
Gurps is a lot more work to prepare and explain to the players.
It also doesn't have that universal appeal that DND has just by its household name.
I want a game that you can teach a sub 70 IQ teenager in an hour and that I only need to vaguely read the first two chapters of the pre written adventure book right before the session to be able to run it.
D&D is, objectively, better if your party is raping and pillaging...
I prefer playing on Hex.
Based and also the intended way by the rules. Squares and hexes were always a variant for fags who forgot their tape measure.
D&D is objectively better if the players chisel their characters' stats onto slabs of sandstone. Pen and paper was a mistake.
D&D is objectively better if you forego the rules and paper and just sit around a campfire making up heroic stories while sharing beers with friends.
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Meets every single qualifier in your post that matters.
Vgh, sovl...
Pen and paper was a mistake but slabs of sandstone are clearly inferior to vellum with a quill taken from a rare bird species.
If multiple animals haven't died for your game then are you really playing correctly?
I went from theater of the mind and vague diagrams to a battle map in 3.5 and have never looked back or regretted this decision.

D&D generally isn't all that great, but it gets a lot of better when there is objective answers to things like distance and positioning. When you don't have those, people fudge everything. Every fight turns into a fight into a white room, with objects and details popping in and out of existence as needed. Things get murky and arbitrary.

But when you have a battlefield comprised of physical objects, things matter more. Where you're standing, how you're engaging with the enemy. Objects, terrain, line of sight and line of effect. These are all things that matter now, rather than being resolved arbitrarily. Things like attacks of opportunity are mechanics that actually exist.

Do you think combat in D&D sucks? You're correct. However, I promise you that if you're playing theater of the mind, it sucks way worse than it's supposed to.
it varies from edition 4e, which needed a battlement and miniatures but 5e was too simple for those to be useful
DnD sucks
A shit ton of war/ skirmish games are better on grid/hex maps as opposed to measured movement rules as well.
I converted Guild Ball (back when that mattered) into a grid game and the speed of play was cut in half with zero loss of tactical play.
Agreed. Look at all the seething D&D hating discord trolls. This is the D&D and 40k board. Get over it faggots.
Most games benefit from visual aids and some sort of ground scale in combat
nah, it sounds bad
>call of Cthulhu
I think CoC with its emphasis on pregens and the fun of "who's gonna go crazy and die" in self-contained scenarios, as well as its consistency works really well for very new players.
Based beyond belief, D&D is for faggots and autists
And driving nails into your own skull is easier if you use a hammer. What's your point?
Mothership does it better.
It feels a bit bothersome to hack it into another genre, but it'd take like one afternoon if you don't go crazy with it.
>Get's universaly shat on in every thread including their own general
>Only defenders are a handfull of trolls
>Only argument in its favour in over ten years is "muh popularity"
Nah, don't think so.
Found the seething nogames. Say hi to the discord for me.
Whether or not you use a "battlemat", grid or not, doesn't fix D&D's design problems.
No it's because Wargaming is kino but filters tardPCs that prefer RPGS, so you compromise and play Baby's First Wargame with them while they struggle and shit their pants to control 1 (one) unit every 10 minutes.
>emphasis on pregens
>self-contained scenarios
Those aren't really emphasized by the system itself and are more of a consequence of its inane character creation and advancement mechanics.
Shouldn't you be busy looking for a DM. Last time I checked nobody could be arsed to run that pile of trash.
We have a DM already. I’ve personally run two campaigns as well and it’s not that hard. What now nogames?

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