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Perfectly Normal Cityscape edition

Previous >>94778872

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX08 Chain of Liberation questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 10 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for January 30th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 6-2! Next set of chapters sometime in February

EX08 Chain of Liberation is out now everywhere!

BT20 Over the X is scheduled to be released January 31st in JP. Part of SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

ST20 Protector of Light / ST21 Hero of Hope are scheduled to release April 18th.

BT21 World Convergence is scheduled to release April 18th.

EX09 Versus Monsters has been officially announced. Scheduled for release June 26th.

BT22 Cyber Eden has been announced. Scheduled for release July 19th in JP, July 25th in EN.

EX10 Sinister Order has been announced. Scheduled for release September 19th

LM05 Final Elysion has been announced. Will be Box Purchase promos for BT21 in EN.

LM06 Billion Bullet has been announced. P-Bandai orders start in March, delivery in October.

Thoughts on the new Execute keyword?
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there is still hope my friend. BT22 could save us
Seems pretty fun. Glad to see a purple deck that actually needs to die to start generating advantage instead of boring mill nonsense like the trifecta of purple dog decks.
Sorry bro, Imperial isn't winning as much as before so it's definitely dodging the banlist
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no you don’t understand, there’s a single imperial player at my locals who does okayish every week and sometimes goes undefeated, bandai needs to hit daiken and return and the level 4s.
Bandai really out here just printing backgrounds on cards now. Too lazy to even copy paste a Digimon onto it.
Such shame, Bandai.
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I feel your pain. I like Imperial but mostly because I really like Wormmon and it sucks how the wormmon side of the deck is so mid compared to the veemon side. Hoping for a proper Banchostingmon line or Hudiemon in the future. Hell I’d be fine if it was more Imperial support if I got to make it more Wormmon themed and viable
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>Tyranno still has shitty rookies

The Liberator stuff was nice, but still feels like its a step behind. Took this to my locals last night though and did ok (2-1) so I'm happy with it. I would like to get some medievalgallantmon in here instead of Dinorex, or even try Rust Ace for the hell of it.
Looks uga buga like lv3 rush deck.
Metaltyranno is better than your other level 5s, why only 2 copies?
just testing it honestly because I have it. EX8 ultimates feels like the ticket. Getting to trash a sec is huge and it's got a great effect that still takes effect when doing the climb from four to six.
also forgot to mention but I included it since I'm running x-antibody at 1, and MameTyra does technically have the trait too. It didn't come up outside of one game into Royal Base, but that's about it.
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Nobody posted Ghost's game finisher
Been out since Setember, is green and blue still the meta?
Cool, guess I ain't coming back
What do you think it will happen?
>big banlist
Why is every fucking purple card so generic
no it’s a purple meta with a little blue to the side.
Power creep as we see it in Digimon is already pseudo-rotation since you stand no chance against current meta decks if you play anything from before BT16 and Bandai has taken to print entire new archetypes that get 1-2 sets of support and then get buried forever even if the mons used show up again later with a new trait in the rulebox to work exclusively with whatever new deck they're made to work in
because purple players think theyre victims who think needing cards in trash is some sort set up when that shit is free as fuck.
I know, but the last few sets didn't change the meta too much. And if we keep the powercreep going without anything else we might become ygo
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Bandai doesn't care. If we don't like what they're doing with Digimon, we can just jump over to one of their other card games
By being their own competitor, they screw us, the customers, hard
Gundam aside, Digi is the only card game they own the IP. Why is bandai dumb enough to ruin it?
>By being their own competitor, they screw us, the customers, hard
I don't like any other tcg from Bandai. So I'm probably going to keep playing games from its true competitors
wouldn't even need to be a particularly big banlist. 5 or 6 cards would do it

Is BSS not theirs as well?

Banlist in March, to be revealed around their big tournament that month

>Gravity Crush
>Blinding Ray
>Jack raid
>BT16 Gaogamon
>Proto form
I guess I didn't express myself correctly. I meant the whole banlist.
We already around 30 cards in the banlist for a four-year-old game, right? But I think that always hitting meta decks to oblivion is better than powercreeping them.
I forgot about it. But didn't it have problems with its English release? There were collabs too. I might be wrong. I don't know much about BSS.
>Proto form
I hope so!
>BT16 Gaogamon
Found the Mirage player.
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My Gallantmon chads where you at, how many X are we playing.

I'd settle for a restriction. Card is not ban-worthy.
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>try red base, enjoy it.

Took a crack at Green base, but the problem is we don't have a good egg like BT14 Koromon sadly. WHo would you run in this case?

That card is not ok in galaxy mirage and everyone knows it enables BT11 mirage hard
BT-11 Mirage has been busted forever and it lived for multiple formats it can go away now
BT-16 was such a fucking retarded hard rotation.
Older decks could still play during the era before it and do well; I know people don't like multiple viable meta decks because it makes planning hard but I enjoyed going against Mirage, Machine, Hunters, Shine, Belphemon, Beelzemon, Red Hybrid, and so on during that format
You will never have enough memory to take advantage of this.
well duh
both replies refer to the banlist as shorthand for the "banned and restricted cards list"
only one card is really banned
I realllllly want to try tyrannomon due to the new rust but I dont feel like ponying up for taigas and X. Guess i'll just wait till bt21 for the official mascot dinosaur line support.
>use it as 8 cost removal of a big mon
>summon necromon
>it attacks because of rush and execute
>deletes itself to summon out more stuff
you also could get a free level 3 chump blocker to evolve with inboobs
The Option gives them Rush and they have both a level 6 and a level 5 that can attack at EoT. The only downside is that the 9 level limit stops you from being able to bring back more than one Digimon that actually HAS Execute, but you CAN take advantage of any OTHER instances of Execute that you already control.
So cards are being machine translated now? The English version of this is bad with some understandable misunderstandings about how it's supposed to work. I've seen in other threads anons talking about how bad card translations get for every language not officially supported. Should/could we start rolling out some explanations on this shit to counteract the fuck awful English translations we're getting? I'm an English native, but these translations are getting to the point of indecipherable. I get that we're jumping from Japanese to English, but holy fuck their wording is so bad on some card it doesn't make sense from a point of printing as they use more words than needed
doesn't the tamer let you evo up when a digimon is deleted?
I can see some fuckery where you play two, one pops something suspend the tamer to evo up and both have rush and can attack or something like that
I know the big lvl 6 ghost guy lets u play a digimon on play and delete something, but he costs too much
>I can see some fuckery where you play two, one pops something suspend the tamer to evo up and both have rush and can attack or something like that
Because of how "End of turn" effect timing works, you can't attack with one Digimon that has Execute, trigger Violet when it pops to digivolve something else into something that has Execute, and swing with that, because the second Digimon didn't have Execute at the start of the "end of your turn" timing. You'd have to gain back enough memory to keep your turn (which the deck probably has the means to do, but it may not be optimal).

That said, you totally can just play Necromon off of Apparition Legion, because it's based on LEVEL not Play Cost. Your opponent just needs to have a level 6 in trash for you to remove.
What is the confusion here?
Yeah I think the optimal combo is
>Necromon + Ghostmon
>Ghostmon On Play - reveal and add
>Necromon On Play - play MetalPhantomon
>MetalPhantomon On Play - delete your Ghostmon to delete level 5 or lower Digimon
>Violet Your Turn - suspend to evolve MetalPhantomon for 1 to Reapermon (protects against ACE) or 2 to Necromon (deletes lowest)
>Necromon's other On Play, delete opponent's lowest level
>Necromon's On Deletion, play another level 5
For 8 (plus 1 or 2 cost) that's pretty good. Especially if you hit an ACE
Mirage itself needs to be hit. Everyone asking for a slap on the wrist is either retarded or just doesn't want their deck to die.
None for me personally. The problem is that it's clunky and doesn't use normal conventions for comparative values in English. When you factor in that a lot of places are probably using the English version processed through those that know English locally or are running it through chatGPT and the like it can be wrong. If I were translatating that option, I would use stronger language about how the levels of each card function.
It's kind of annoying how selfish people in the card game space are. Everyone wants cards, nobody's willing to lose their own cards. People will eagerly pay 60 bucks for the chase card of the set, but nobody will trade you for it. All transactions are done in cash, either you're selling your singles to the guys who already have 10+ decks, or you're buying them from the guys who open 10+ cases per set.
bro what kind of place u going to that people don't do trades?
Unless you are known for sharking people then I don't understand the kind of people you meet, yeah, if you are doing trades online it will be cash only, anything else is incredibly unlikely.

Obviously people keep the chase cards if they are using them, that's why they bought them, that's why they are a chase card, why would they sell you something they just bought to use?
Trades happen rarely in card games nowadays.
You only real see trades if one guy opens the thing the other person wants which can be rare a lot of times.
He's talking about trading a card for a different card.
If everyone around him either buys only singles or opens a bunch of boxes than yeah he will never get cards for cards trade.
You need people to only open a couple boxes for that to really happen
I think it's probably what >>94822112 said. Nobody opens 1-2 boxes. They just buy singles from the guy who opens 20 boxes. But everyone also wants to build 3-4 decks, and they're not willing to give up part of one deck to finish another. So they have 1 of the SR you want and they won't give it to you because they also want it, even though they can't build the deck. They're waiting for the guy who opens 20 boxes to open more boxes so they can buy from him.

There are also some people who go in on like 5 boxes together since they all want different decks, but that's also not possible to trade with.
Has anyone had any luck with NSo? Guy played it at locals last week but I didn't get to play him and he lost to everyone he did play
I would take it but I want to stand a chance at winning to get an extra chance at pulling Yaos
The difference between pre and post bt16 Aces cannot be understated.
Seems like someone on the design team was aware that bt16 was a massive powercreep set and nothing since has been quite that level of complete meta change since. For one not a single one of the Liberator decks have seen any meta success though I'm sure that will change as they continue to get support. Personally the liberator decks are the perfect powerlevel and I wish the whole game was like them desu.
I didn't feel like it was very good, but it's a very difficult deck to both build and play, so I don't want to count it out yet. I like the style of the deck, the ability to play to the board while having a stack ready in raising. Having a card like Meramon always feels incredible, too.

Main weakness feels like level 5s. I feel like Devas for instance would be an unwinnable matchup, you just can't deal with that number of level 5s. Thankfully there aren't really any 5-based decks in the format.

I will say that being hard to build and play instantly takes it out of competitive contention, even for locals, because you will make mistakes and you will pay for them, while better decks will not make mistakes and even when they do they won't pay for them.
>Personally the liberator decks are the perfect powerlevel and I wish the whole game was like them desu.
While I think they have too many effects, I couldn't agree more.
Imo, Bandai should keep that power level while banning old decks to sell newer cards
English block 04 would be nice for an event. It's everything since the Liberator starter decks, so I think the only problem deck would be purple hybrid (which would be missing a lot of its annoying tools)
Yep. They should incentivize more events using the blocks. Including at locals. But didn't the ultimate cup failed when they tried something like this?
Red koromon and uhhhh... fuck, why is taiga's agumon so bad
What's the best way to play the card game online?
Project Drasil if you already know how to play
How do I import decks?
Or moreso how do I activate decks?
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Examon Alt Art
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Jesmon GX Alt Art
You know, it's a little lame that we got two Jesmon GXes already but we're still short so many other Digimon from the climax of Chronicle X. Three X-Anti Royal Knights, two X-Anti 7GDLs, Diaboro X, and Ogudo X, by my count.
I love that Candlemon got 3 cards in 3 colours for 3 different archetypes in 3 consecutive English releases
And Keramon X, Cherubimon X (Virtue), Ophanimon X and Falldown X.
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>We're actually getting more Ami art after the bt22 announcement
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Apparently the art is referencing ogudoX
Seasarmon X when?
Please give me Mami sexo generic tamer to put her in many decks uoohhh!!
I have no idea how to build Violet's deck...
Exa-X was snubbed.
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Just 4 Gundras, 3 Beelko Ace, 1 or 2 Magnakids and 4x all options.
You should just start with everything that's Ghost and fill the remaining slots with prpl.dek, right?
I wish it was better too anon. I just wanted to see if I could make a base work that was Green oriented.

Taigas are nice but you can honestly just run Ryutaro. Tyranno X is kind of unfortunate, but I am a big tyranno simp. I will be my local's strongest (only) dino player.
Im glad the og mascot finally got something half decent. I just wantsd something to fill the void since greymon were non existent all last year, which isnt a bad thing since the year prior to that was their heyday.
yeah same. I like the new support and hopefully Ryutaro gets more stuff in the future since I feel like Dinomon is a legit boss.
wargrey should be getting a fair bit of support with the next starter deck, bt21, and the villians ex set possibly having BWG.
I feel like a nice wave of support alongside a grey X unban would put Greymon back into the game honestly. It's recent stuff isn't terrible.
Well I hope the trend continues since the tyrannoline has been shit on for far too long.
> villians ex set possibly having BWG.
It was confirmed alongside abadonmon or however it is spelled. I am excited since BWG is my ( and everyone's) favorite.
As you said, next starter and next set will have grey support so I am also super hyped whether the wargrey helps the omni deck or its own line, unless they go the new alpha route and make it pure ADVENTURE archetype only.
me too. Tyranno got a real raw deal, and I'm just glad we got some good stuff to play with. I went 2-1 my first week in locals with it and have some ideas on what to improve/change, so I'll keep at it.
WarGreymon could really use a new X-Anti line. Virus Grey X really obligates you to run more X-Antis but the payoff really isn't there right now. And there isn't even any upcoming set that looks like a reasonable place for one.

You're better off basically hoping the BT14 Greymon line lets you rebuild fast enough that you don't need protection.

X-anti line is fine for wargrey. If anything, he just needs some better inherits.

Like 'no security effects' and an unsuspend would help BT14 warg clear all 5 security easy
BT-21 will probably give us a better Greymon line
>X-anti line is fine for wargrey. If anything, he just needs some better inherits.
Yeah that's the problem, the BT9 line HAS no inherits besides Greymon X, who instead has no main body effect. The BT11 line instead doesn't mesh well with non-Black WarGreymons.

More than Security protection, I kind of want to see WarGreymon X get some kind of recompense if it battles an opponent's Digimon and that Digimon doesn't get destroyed by that battle, like how Gallantmon gets so many "If this effect didn't delete" effects now.
Unbanning virus grey X would make the deck pretty close to meta with how much memory it can not spend digivolving as is. Had a nasty casual game recently where I went from a bt14 Agumon into BWG for 6 memory total with a tai in play and virus Grey X in the stack
GX was born to beat Ogudo X, so that's a natural pairing.
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Fighter Mode AA
>Final boss is a nigger
What did they mean by this?
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>GigaSeadramon AA is As'Maria
day ruined
Why is bro in a swimming pool
well at least he's somewhere other than the grey blur as'maria tends to put digimon in
. . . He isn't?
You can clearly see the rocky surface of the ocean floor in the bottom left of the card
>be leaf
>have chance to get my medievalgallants
>would have to pay converted, but don't need to buy a box for anything else.

Should I just do it fellas? I only need 2, and 120ish is still less than I'd pay for a box
Looks like a good price right now if that's in maple leaves and not real American dollars. Even if Medieval isn't actually the second coming of DeathXmon, I don't see the price dropping all that much without a reprint.
How do you beat Rapidmon Armor
De digi, bottom deck, bounce, DP-, send to security, tuck into sources...
What are you playing? I feel like Rapidmon loses to everything except like... Plants?
Been out of the game for awhile. Can you fucks please post some justimon decks? Does SB2.5 help at all or is the device version of the deck worse?
I'm okay with a bad deck. I just have no real idea about how the new support interacts.
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Hope Aiba deck is fun. Megargomon, Rosemon and HiAndromon is a based top end.
>I just have no real idea about how the new support interacts.
Nor does bandai.
It just caught me off-guard since it was the first time I played against it
I just thought of this but it would be a nice touch if the new Cyber Sleuth tamers used their screen names (with rule text)
It looks fine, I just like the regular version better.

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