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To be Lawful Good is not to wait tepidly and meekly for the mortal world to come around to your way of thinking. Rather, Lawful Good forces, angels included, should be proactive, imperialist, colonizing the world of men and setting down fortresses, outposts, and cities with which to reinforce their rule. It's not merely Good, or Lawful after all, but LAWFUL GOOD, it is enforcing Goodness through the Law, which can't happen unless the forces of Goodness control the laws being passed.
If it was literal angels I could trust them to be colonial, I guess
If they're as big as in pic then I would be glad to be colonized by them
>allignment thread
>anime slop
>reposted from the archive
>didnt even get allignment right
Congratulations, this the quite possibly the lowest quality thread ever made
>To be Lawful Good is not to wait tepidly and meekly for the mortal world
>"I agree, I think people-"
>Lawful Good forces, angels included, should be imperialist, colonizing
>it's not merely good
>or lawful at all

sounds like you want an excuse to call a barely lawful and quite evil or neutral at best character lawful good for some weird reason instead of just basking in it
Why would a Lawful Good character tolerate anyone existing under non-Good rule?
>Implying imperialism is bad
This is a very good thread. OP is certainly interested in talking about games and not trying to bait people into a shitfit over imperialism and colonialism. Very high quality.
alignment is retarded and it's only use is these shitty discussions
just write alliances and conflicts between your world's factions instead, or draw a diagram, and forget this retarded d&dism
I disagree. A follower of god of noble suffering, such as Jesus or Ilmater, has to be passive to be Lawful Good.
And if you argue that alignment is tied to subjective or personal beliefs rather than an objective code of morals, then it doesn't fucking matter because then you can be Lawful Good just by believing that all you're doing is lawful and good.
Jesus is more Neutral Good than Lawful Good.
He handed out the rules book for every nation in vicinity to follow. He is up there with Hammurabi on the baseline of "Lawful."
I've read the book, Jesus is 110% Lawful good, but it gets stranger. The amount of rules and prophecies and the incredibly specific and culture-based things that had to be known and take place in certain order and in certain places makes him out to be someone with a meticulous grasp of time and knowledge of evil. Which is strange, because in the beginning when the law was formed, the God that did it cursed people, burned down cities, and flooded the earth. The greatest curse was the law, which made those who broke it die.

And yet somehow, for some reason, then he used his own rules to break the rules, doing good and showing mercy even for people considered unjust by his own law through his own human sacrifice. He said: "All judgement is now in the hands of Jesus." and Jesus said "Mercy." It almost reads like two different characters fighting; a God that rules with death and justice, and another who is so much more powerful that he literally used the first God's rules to liberate humanity and connect us with God.

.. That's not the officially accepted canon, I'm just autistic.
i completely agree, that's why the organized religion of humans along with any civilizations that align themselves with it are overtly imperialistic in my setting. their primary concern is expanding their influebce, converting/driving out heathens, and destroying evil.

also ignore the retards who always find something to bitch and whine about, this is a good worldbuilding thread.

in any setting where good and evil are objective truths (any DnD setting), it is the obligation of good to destroy evil.

this is a good example, but even expansion without the cause of defeating a specific enemy is good, because you can secure those lands from the spread of evil in the future.

your factions should be ideologically driven, and you should be able to map those ideologies onto an alignment chart, unless you're a moral relativism faggot that stands for nothing.
Why does lawful good always attract people who want to be evil but also want to be hailed as good?
"Allignment means nothing. Good helps others without needing a reason, evil seeks reasons to cause harm. Thats the truth of it"
-paraphrase of a goblin or something, probably
While that is true, according to Gygax Lawful Good doesn't have extend mercy to evildoers
Yes it does.
Muh colonialism
What do the rules in you game of choise say? Im sure you have a rulebook in your hand right now.
No, the four Gospel writers handed out the rules book, based on things Jesus said. There is a difference between the god and the religion, between the deity and the doctrine and the practice.

Congratulations, you've discovered Gnostic belief, or perhaps Catharism
Nah those were threads made with the /tg/ thread generator
>How do you [sort of ttg applicable verb] [adjective] [fantasy thing] in your setting?
So which anime is this from, officer, and when will you be filing your report?
>being lawful good means having zero respect for the personal freedom and agency of others
i don't know about that one, chief
Because simply being an agent of good does not mean you are the authority on what "good" is.
"Doesn't have to" is the important part of that sentence. It outlines that lawful good can either be merciful or merciless
Non-goods complaining about the morality of Paladins is always comical. You are literally never going to out-good a Paladin no matter how much sophistry you apply.
Spoken like a true Harmonium member, lol
Unless you're a Cleric
The idea that bioessentialism is inherently right wing is a psyop anyway. If you completely reject it you have to accept that a White man and, say a Navajo or a Jew and an Arab have the same right to the land they were both born on. I don't think most people who consider themselves leftists would agree with this.
The second is wrong though, you don't get to be a sadistic freak who gets his rocks off from causing unneeded suffering and then claims to still be good.
But no where in D&D is good and evil qualified substances.
This just reeks of Americans projecting that they have to kill and oppress the lesser races, since having to share the same religion as them would make them equal.
The law wasn't a curse, it was just enforced and people failed to uphold it. The curses and destruction were always in response to real depravity (e.g. "If there were ten good people in Sodom I'd spare it just for them" - paraphrasing what some believe to be Jesus). Paul jowever famously talks about the seeming paradox of the law being good but being something we should want to be free of, because by the law we're doomed and cursed for our sins, but the Law only applies to people until they die, like how a woman can remarry when her husband dies, so sharing in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection that He went through on our behalf frees us from the laws punishment by satisfying God's requirements for Justice to be upheld without doing away with Justice OR Mercy.
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>it is enforcing Goodness through the Law, which can't happen unless the forces of Goodness control the laws being passed.
>"forces of Goodness"
So what happens when two separate forces of goodness pass laws that are contradictory such as "death to murderers" or "murders should be imprisoned for life"?

Lawful doesn't mean that you obey/follow specific laws or even create your own laws.
Is is how the Character values the concept of law itself....
>So what happens when two separate forces of goodness pass laws that are contradictory such as "death to murderers" or "murders should be imprisoned for life"?
That would never happened because Goodness is one set of vales.
> Goodness is one set of vales.
You don't understand how Lawful Alignments work especially Lawful Good.
Why don't you copy paste the precise definition of Lawful Good from the PHB and also the books description of what Lawful means.
>lawful good instantly becomes "I should be able to rape and kill whoever I want but I'm not evil"
many such cases!!!

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