What's your favorite pulp RPG, /tg/? My current favorite is Hollow Earth Expedition.
>>94821947Does Savage Worlds count? If so, that.
>>94821947Are you the guy who shills the splat with the alternate initiative system constantly?
>>94823169Is it the "continuous combat" system? I think it's mostly in the corebook, and I absolutely would not use it. If it's not that then I don't know about any further alternate initiative systems.Also before today it's been several years since I last made a post on 4chan or anywhere like it
Conan 2d20
>>94823368Continuous Combat is in one of the splats and there was a guy on here who would constantly shill it for a while
Barbarians of Lemuria served me very well when GMing
>>94821947You just pusted it>>94823169That would be me, guilty as charged. Literally the only reason to use HEX is Continuous CombatIf it's any help, the only reason I endure 2d20 games (they are all fucking trash) is Momentum mechanics. And from time to time I apply Broken Compass, because its idea for combat and danger is excellent, especially in pulp context, even if the game quite literally sucks ballsIn a perfect world, there would be a game that has HEX Continuous Combat, 2d20 momentum. and BC general combat idea.Unfortunately, we don't live in that world>>94823368The core book absolutely botches it, in ways that are just absurd. Think "magic as explained in core book", but somehow even worse.
>>94828869>That would be me, guilty as charged. Literally the only reason to use HEX is Continuous Combat Sell me on it, I'm a sucker for non traditional initiative systems
>>94829036But it is very traditional - the creature with better initiative move first. Range 1-10, lower = better, gear affects itThe unique feature is, as the name implies, continuous nature of it - there is no turn order, only initiative order. As you always move first at X and then multiplications of X, where X is your initiative.ExampleYour initiative is 5, enemy initiative is 6."Rounds" 1, 2, 3, 4 - nothing happens."Round" 5 - you make your move. "Round" 6 - your enemy makes a move."Rounds" 7, 8 9 - nothing happens."Round" 10 - you make your next move. "Round" 11 - nothing happens. "Round" 12 - your enemy moves."Round" 13, 14 - nothing happens. "Round" 15 - you move. "Round" 16, 17 - nothing happens. "Round" 18 - enemy movesAnd so on and forth. In practical terms this allows the following:1) Despite being gun-centric game, martial artists and melee fighters can actually compete, because both of those are fast attacks (-1 in initiative count) and comes with their talents to that (think perks), too2) There is constant, continuous combat going, which means entire table has to pay attention - "rounds" are very fast and brief (this system has strong automation and auto-resolve, so rollls might be outright skipped) and there is no "wait period" when someone takes their turn for 5 minutes3) Anything with identical initiative moves in unison, meaning there is usually just a single enemy turn, with single roll/auto-resolve, speeding shit even more
>>94829477Continuous rules also apply outside of combat, meaning time can be a serious, tangible factor in various checks: there is X rounds until Y (trap crushes you, T-Rex manages to chase you down, bomb explodes), meaning you aren't doing a single check and bam, done, all the tension gone, but have an actual race against the clock included, like a good pulp shouldOf course Jeff Combos is a fucking moron, who decided (among many other mistakes) to deliberately poorly explain Continuous rules in core book, solely to sell it in a companion book almost entirely dedicated to the subject. Except he forgot to market it, making it obscure even within HEX fandom, because it's not an actual expansion - just a companion book, sold with GM screens.Brilliant, right?
>>94829477Oh, and melee is further viable in a gun-centric game, because each consecutive attack on the same target (doesn't matter if shooting, punching, slashing or biting) decreases defense of that target against further attacks. Meaning that a Not!Wong Fei-hunga will kung-fu your ass twice before you can even draw your gun and try to hit him. Great stuff. Or your Dakota Johansson bull-whipping gun out of a hand of the guy in front of him, because it counts as a melee attack, so even if they have identical initiative, bull-whip is fast and thus goes first..And all of this stuff can be then just automated against regular goons, because your average roll outcome will be enough to still land hits, so it goes literally on the GM's count - when your count comes, you declare action and the game moves to the rest of the count.Combos, you dumb shit, you created one of the best games ever and then did your very fucking best to fuck shit up.
>>94821947Wretched Époque