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Previously on /slop/: >>94807895

▶ Thread Task: Let's see some cool heraldry, be it on shields, flags, or just on its own.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
I will always love ai art for letting me make the visuals of npcs in my campaign worlds. it really helps my players with the scenes having a visual to work with. here is another npc i'm working on at the moment and fleshing out for a few quests in a town.
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FFT artstyle is so under appreciated.
like I said in the prior thread it makes them look very beautiful and when it does the sexy it looks great. look at pic related anon posted. seeing a female wearing that outfit irl would be quite a view.
ishikawa hideki and bacun
Knight of the Skogsdotter
nice one
Not sure if you know but if you want him using the shield properly, but saying "wielding" before putting the description of the shield will have them 90% of the time using it properly.
Not sure why I put in the second "but"
I was aiming for the first one actually. Holding it on the ground, but the heraldry on the second was nicer. I like the look of knights when they're at rest.
Gotcha. Still useful for future pictures. I kept running into the issue when making images of my Dnd character until I switched "holding" to "wielding."
Getting real close. The larger picture here shows how I want the tattoo of her holding my neck and back.
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I’ve always like the purple cross design
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Bing really doesn't want to make my huldra. It deletes huge parts of my prompt half the time
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Serious question, is she meant to look like Princess Anna from Frozen? Because that's what I immediately thought and it stands to reason that's what your players' would as well.
Yeeeeesssss, feel my pain!
she was actually an offshoot creation when I tried to make kim possible and forgot to remove some armor stuff from the prompt. I do have pics of anna and elsa but wont post them since it'd be considered off topic even if they are in my campaign world or not.
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Byte mage from new ttrpg I am making set in a cyber realm
Data burst on a glitch beast
>Okay, hold it, hold it! Alright this should be the perfect inspiration shot to put in the young knight's dream so he can get some kick ass hearldry drawn up. Thanks Angarnoth, you've been a champ today, I appreciate it
Gotta appreciate how giving the Dreaming King a camera also influenced Bing to give him a jerry curl or whatever you call that mop
Does anybody else’s brain ever hurt after looking at ai images for to long? Or is that just me?
no I luckily dont seem to get any ill side effects apart from the addiction to making gens and perchance ai art into chatbots. sorry to hear about your troubles anon.
so, Microsoft Designer has finally gone premium
but I can still use Bing for free?

is that how it is?
prompt? site?
– Where is the Ogre farmhand?
– Sleeps in the sty.
– What about the stench?
– Pigs don't complain.
Where's your trip? I thought you're not ashamed of your posts.
I can get behind this concept.
these are a good living persona for a shadowrun technomancer to see the web. Technomancers are a really interesting concept
TT kinda, although even while I specified 'Highly detailed', pic still lacks details, and the crest is blurred.
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>Lord of Change
Pretty much my train of thought too.
I've always liked to envision cyberspace in those types of situations as a weird hybrid between TRON and the Warp from 40K.
For now. I don't know how they have the audacity to make such a censored program premium.
Right? It's pure bull.
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>No two minds interpret the Net exactly the same and hardly ever the same way twice.
living persona is neat cause its completely dependent on their personality. Like someone who likes pirates would perceive the web as a series of ships and islands, sending flag signals as message programs.
Have you played Observer, as a game it's basically just walking around looking at stuff, but it had some very cool visuals for the VR sections. I imagine it would be super rad if you set it up for a VR headset, if you can tolerate all the jumpscare stuff
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Has there been a massive downgrade to bing ? The style I type now gives me ugly shit and I get dogged a lot more easily just for typing woman
This sort of image for example, i can't seem to reproduce it
I had some prompts last night I use start giving me dog so I think some of the rollback is going on. words that werent issues before now are every time. oof
I still swear it depends on server load. Cause sometimes the exact same prompt works at 2 am, but dogs at 2 pm
Ye, the results come out pretty different now. Happened some time ago
It's perfectly normal. The more you stare at AI art, the less sense it makes.
Elves are magical
You are magical
Imagine creating a new life
15 prompts a month is insane. I could understand a week, that's like two a day. But a month?? Why have a free version at all at that point??
Apparently this is 'priestess' for Bing
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Microsoft's executives need a strongly worded letter of complaint.
yeah thats anna.
Looks more like Kim Possible
Damn that's nice
What in the actual fuck happened to Designer? 15 boosts/month?
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it looks NOTHING like KP
I like this artstyle
Me too. I've stylized my "campaign" with it.
>this town is too big for the both of us
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Sherrif Hamster! How's it going, pardner?
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Evening everyone. I hope all the posters are having a good days/night tonight. It's going great. Just got some phonk music on and making some ai gens on perchance to turn into chatbots for some silly writing fun for a few hours.
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I'm doing ok. Might go play me some vidya games. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so I don't know if I'm going to my LGS to play cards or not. Glad you're having a good night Hamster
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They want us to pay for premium, but in order to for it to be profitable, they need to tune down the filter some. Until they do that, it's dead on arrival.
>pay for premium
just unlock the dogs. if you made it able to go up to softcore, combat scenes, and blood, it would sell like fucking gangbusters
friend of mine has the premium sub for this, made this for me. pretty neat.
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one of a handful of animated bits I've seen that doesn't entirely suck
don't worry sheriff, just passin' through. Won't start nothin'
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>I do have pics of anna and elsa but wont post them since it'd be considered off topic even if they are in my campaign world or not.
so it's a Disney universe campaign? Kinda based
Cute robo kitties.
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do you think I should experiment with vpns ? perhaps america or russia could give me different options
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I'd be first in line for that.
Fucking dog fights me so hard to not let me have even the mildest bit of elf tummy. Used to get great midriff. Now it's damn frustrating.
The dog knows that elves are an inherently lewd race and is just trying to protect your innocent human soul from her seductive bellybutton.
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sometimes it still works
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So, I'm trying to get a gen of a Wraith Raider from SLA Industries. I'm not having much luck yet. Top row are images from the game books to give an idea of what they're supposed to look like. Second row is trying to use feline faces with elongated noses. Third row is a different direction where I described a velociraptor head but covered in fur.

Anyone have any ideas to try?
you monster
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>no shirt, platinum vest
>gives sleeves
sure, I guess

Also, cowboys is fun
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Maybe describe it as a frog's head with teeth?
That's an interesting question. I mean, what's the worst that can happen if you already have a VPN?
>illustration, a sharp-dressed man with a reptilian snout, long hair, pointy ears
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the velociraptor head looks close if you tell it to give them a haircut style, I'd bet

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Actually some of these work pretty well
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>tall slender anthropomorphic man with a reptilian snout, head covered in silver fur, has a black mane of hair, blue eyes,

"Reptilian snout works well
just playing with an idea
super cool green knight mood. love it.
That supposed to be a piro? Hair and eyes are right but she usually has brown skin not charcoal black
how do I make it so it uses an existing artist's artstyle? does it recognize artist's name if put in prompt?
Yeah, I was just toying with different styles while trying to get midriff and spider heraldry.
None of them were really consistent.
Have some Piro bum.

Evenin' Sherrif Hamster, I seem ta have gotten myself into a series of terrible luck but that's why I always stack the deck. Knowin' you're out patrollin' makes my ol' chest know peace & I salute you for it.
What style do you want? Sometimes it knows a style some times it doesn't it also helps if you reinforce it. If you give me an artist, I'll see what I can do
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Depends on the artist, but yeah, sometimes. Helps to pair the style with the artist (comic book, acrylic, oil, watercolor, anime, etc).

Known artists:
Don Bluth
Luis Royo
Boris Vallejo
Mike Mignola
Frank Frazetta
Rob Liefield
...and many others.
That's the thing, I don't even know any, but most of I've seen that was based on an artist always look good.
Thanks, I'll try some of those
Alas Bing blocks a lot of artist names. But sometimes, like Aure-anon said, pairing it with their medium or style or a few other prompts that describe their style.
Otherwise, using a famous work by the artist can also help. Like I once spent dozens upon dozens of attempts in various ways trying to word a prompt that would get me Hirohiko Araki's Jojo style.
It was actually a simple {Jojo's bizarre adventure screenshot} to get the style. This particular one I added "sketchy lines, film grain" to try to get it a touch more like the manga's art than the anime. But yeah, sometimes simple just works.
Nice style on this one.

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