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Law or Chaos Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 DMG

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2024)
>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): mega(dot)nz/folder/uktzzTAI#KfV-EWdhd15FhHNn5HndHg


>Previous Thread: >>94792915

How morally grey do your games tend to be, /5eg/? Are the PCs heroes, or are they little better than the people they fight?
You forgot the subject line you stupid motherfucker
Wood elves>drows>high elves
usually my party is mixed. a lot of times there's mostly gold-aligned characters that will do whatever pays the most, other times i've had devout paladins and even an exceptionally dogmatic druids that immediately incapacitated a wizard PC in the party because he kept senselessly damaging the environment around him (both of those blokes were great players too, and that conflict was their idea)
NTA but if you search the catalog, it still shows up thankfully
Question, if a Sorcerer used Transmuted Spell to change Lightning Bolt to Thunder Damage, what would that look like exactly?
But through a focus.
Pic related, but 60 feet long and invisible with no heat. Just a rapid series of small explosion shockwaves.
Bros I just learned Mann Shorts is shutting down.
Never heard of that but I just watched their Dungeons & Dragons: Beach Edition video and thought it was really neat.
Similar question to >>94831756:

What kind of wounds would a slashing weapon dealing psychic damage leave?
Emotional scars
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We haven't done one of these in a hot minute
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It's crazy to me to think that this campaign is in its fourth year, but I think it might come to an end this summer.
Funny, yes. But really. Pact of the Blade a longsword. Make it deal psychic damage. Kill someone with it. What kind of wounds do the investigators find?
No physical ones because you weren't dealing physical damage.
So it's waving a sword around so menacingly people die of cringe?
Idk if you mean something like a Longsword that deals both Slashing and Psychic damage or if you mean a Longsword that only deals Psychic Damage. If you mean Slashing Damage + Psychic Damage it would cut something and then the target would take mental/psychic damage that's best symbolized by headaches, nosebleeds, eye bleeding, ear bleeding, or emotional damage. Psychic Damage shouldn't really leave any physical scars on the skin or clothing, but a brain/mental related injury seems more on brand. You could also go the route of saying that the Psychic damage feels/is perceived like Slashing Damage even though it leaves no wound.

Pure Psychic damage Longsword should probably leave no physical damage to the clothes/armor/skin but feel like the person just got slashed while in reality it hurts their mind. Think sorta like Phantasmal Force:
>On each of your turns, such a phantasm can deal 2d8 Psychic damage to the target if it is in the phantasm's area or within 5 feet of the phantasm. The target perceives the damage as a type appropriate to the illusion.
Or you can simply say the blade hits them and hurts their brain/mental/emotional damage. I once saw a Longsword that only dealt psychic damage and didn't cause the target to feel pain from the blade but instead get sleepy/tired when they hit 0 hit points they just fall into a coma.
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Ever heard of Psylocke?
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Love these
Long-running campaigns are always bittersweet to end
this got a sensible chuckle from me
Alright. I'm thinking now. Thanks anons.
The blade passes harmlessly through their physical form and wounds their soul. This isn't hard to understand.
Soulless things can take psychic damage, though.
It makes you feel like your missing something in your subconscious.
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Isn't damage to the soul more a Necrotic or Radiant thing?
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No problem, also a fan of this chart.
Even worse, it makes you unable to feel the keys that you totally have in your pocket. You definitely remember picking them up earlier and...all right, hang on a second, just need to check...
There's always something so satisfying about the meathead character pitch ending up as the mastermind or the anguished edgy character pitch ending up as a himbo.
I've played two meatheads in 5e and both of them ended up being fairly legendary. Not as legendary as the clown, but pretty close.
Cool. That's a new chart for me. Thanks, again.

I'm kinda liking the "brain damage" angle you guys are working, too.
>brain damage
What did you think psychic damage was, anon?
Maybe he was thinking like the Pokémon anime, where using telekinesis to slam someone into a wall counts as psychic damage.
We're starting a new campaign and a player from our last one decided to leave, and the DM wants to know if I'll swap classes to fill in. Should I?
If you're starting a new campaign, does that mean everyone else is keeping the classes they had before?
Ultimately it depends on the class, but unless the party is extremely lopsided you probably won't need to swap.
I have a monster whose flesh is infused with arcane energy, so when you hit him in melee you get hit with a random school of magic effect. The transmutation one is your flesh and skeleton warping and twisting from wild transmutation magic energy. What kind of damage should this deal? I said bludgeoning for now but I really don't know.
Party composition literally does not matter in 5e. Play whatever you want.
No, I am not trolling.
Force. Pure magic is force.
based, plus you get the potential for the unprompted one-class party and the DM can run something ludicrously themed
lawful evil>neutral>chaotic evil>lawful good>everything else
Was thinking the manner in which the tissue was damaged. Choppy-choppy or "touched in my no-no square".

What? You antisemantic?
If it's psychic damage why would there be any physical damage? And yes, I am.
If I were a druid I would be a bear with a head that's 3 times larger than normal.
>swap classes to fill in
Strange thing to consider.
Because it would look cool
>Unimportant limb severed

It would look weird because your head would be too large.
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Since we're talking about a bunch of psychic shit, would it be more interesting as a fighter subclass to manifest a steed made of your own psychic energy or to empower your steed with your psychic energy?
>"2024 DMG"
>Look inside

Here's the actual DMG:

Not mine. Ripped from D&D Beyond, so some UI elements occasionally block text, sorry.
Empower. Like when you use Axii on Roach in Witcher 3. It's cute.

Unfortunately, that means you can't prevent them from dying as easily/re-summon them if they die. But I guess part of the empowerment could be resistant to damage.
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I'll pitch in
Yeah, i have shed a tear or two when our campaign ended after two years of play. We started a new one in the same continuity the next week, though
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I -love- making characters who have a "flip-out" mode. Rage, transformations, any kind of getting-serious-buff.
Understandable, have a great day
I'm compelled to point out that vertically slit pupils on a biped of over four feet would likely impair visual acuity without the benefits normally afforded to the low-to-the-ground predators that typically have them. By cougar size, even quadrupeds are losing any benefit from them.
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Gonna need you to take that compulsion you're feeling and place it in the dark corner along with the feeling you must get when you see tits on a reptilian race as well.
Anon, you fool. That dark corner is where I live my life. And did you know that most artists place tails too high on the back? Since they’re a continuation of the spine, they need to emerge from the bottom of the pelvis, not above the buttocks.
He's right, but also forgot to add the part where it makes you look like a gigantic faggot.
As a World Tree Barbarian with a Legendary longsword, what feat'd make the most impact?

PAM and GWM are out due to incompatible weapon types.
My main thoughts were:
Mage Slayer for the auto-pass + caster bullying, not too sold on 1/rest bonuses though.
Athlete for full climb speed, 5ft stand up and 5ft long/high jump, useful if not impressive.
Charger for well charging shit, thematic and useful but not always applicable.
Sentinel is a possibility though it competes with World Tree abilities for Reactions.
Mage Slayer is good. Otherwise get Strike of the Giants and one of the follow-up feats, that is if you can spare two ASI levels and one if them with no ASI from Strike.
Slasher might not be bad. Helps with the theme of preventing enemies from walking away from you, especially at level 10 when you could also topple them, or more safely push them knowing they can't walk as far.

Otherwise, Charger for offense or Mage Slayer for defense.
>might have to dm 2 different games the same day because campaign schedules are overlapping
is this a stupid idea? i kinda wanna do it because i love the game but never done it before
Figure I'll take Mage Slayer fist, Charger gets stronger interaction later when I (If the campaign lives long enough) get to TP out of combat and Charge back in every turn
I've done it before, it's a lot of work but just as long as you have a moment to decompress, be it transit or a meal in between by yourself, you can manage. I recommend getting some dinner by yourself to just switch gears.
When you say "swap classes to fill in," you mean a Cleric, don't you?
Regardless of the answer, no, you shouldn't need to. You can cover any role with smart item usage or forward thinking.
Lv3 party has stolen a item from a burial mound. What undead would be the best to throw at them during the long rest at night to represent the pissed off owner?
Retuuuuurn the slab.
Spectral Guardian (from Tomb of Beasts) fits CR and theme, though it may need some re-flavoring and I recommend giving it the ability to speak.
I like when spirits/haunts affect the environment and creatures first, rather than immediately attacking themselves. Perhaps the spirit cannot leave the mound, but he can cause nearby plants to animate into blights, or fauna to become enraged and attack. Then maybe the other dead from the barrow rise as zombies and skeletons and torment the nearby village. This triggers a quest for the party to return the stolen item, or travel deep into the burial chambers to slay the spirit.

This makes the whole event a story with consequences. If the spirit just shows up at their camp it's kinda forgetable minor thing.
Dream, targeting all members of the party, with a terrifying messenger, every night until it's returned.
>If the spirit just shows up at their camp it's kinda forgetable minor thing
That's what I want, though. I plan to have a shambling mound fight as the culmination of the session because it ties to the grander plot, so I want the undead to be weaker and more passing.
Be careful with that shambling mound, they can punch way above their CR or get kited and do nothing at all. I'd recommend having a bunch of difficult terrain that the mound is able to move through freely.
If I were a druid I'd be snake with a tongue that's 5 times longer than normal.
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Why not both? Phantom Steed made from Psychic Energy seems pretty fair. Phantom Steed can look however you want it to!
newfag here

i just picked up a used copy of the player's handbook. when i was in the store i saw tons of extra books like what exactly are these books like "tomb of annihilation" and "candlekeep mysteries"
>newfag here
You can say that again.
The Player's Handbook is one of the core rulebooks along with the Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual.
Those books you looked at are adventure modules, games/campaigns you can run using the D&D rules.
>you can say that again
i only bought what my DM suggested/warned me would actually be useful. our first game is tomorrow morning and we're making characters
Some are straight expansions
Mordenkiens Monsters, Tasha's Cauldron of everything: They contain extra subclass, monsters, rules sets.
Others like Tomb of Annihilation and Waterdeep Dragon Heist, are pre-made adventures made to give fledgling DM's all the tools they need to run a campaign without actually needing to creat their own shit.
Why are you still sharing the same shit tier pdfs for the 2024 books which include blurry photos and some dudes fingers when new high quality digital copies were released weeks ago.
darkvision is such fucking bull shit
Said the Tricksy Fey Spirit.
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So anyone know of any famous multiple armed warrior type creatures in the D&D Cosmology? I only know of Mariliths and Thri-Kreen.
Some books will be prebuilt adventures for DMs to run, some books will be expanding character options. Other books will be prebuilt settings for DMs to invent adventures in. Some books are a mix of two of these
Just don't be human.
Sahuagin have a chance of having four arms, though it's pretty rare.
Spellweavers aren't exactly what I'd call famous, but they are six armed Ayys that do have at least some weapon specialists. Even if as the name suggests they prefer magic.
Can you make a functional character sheet using a monster card? I prefer them aesthetically because they're minimalistic.
why does he have Johnny Depp's severed head dangling from his thigh
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>Spellweavers: While all spellweavers were masters of magic, some were classified by sages in multiple categories depending of their specialties
>Battle Weavers were masters of melee combat, using their six arms to wield multiple blades in a deadly ballet. They hunted down the best combatants in existence, aiming to capture worthy souls in their disk.
Look at these cute mother fuckers!
Mariliths are such a cool design. Shame it's wasted on a fiend. Their theming doesn't work very well, either (they make no sense as demons, they're much more lawful than chaotic in many depictions - "can't understand strategy but still outwit devil strategists" is about the dumbest thing I've ever seen written about a fantasy species).
The extent of their unique lore is basically that they just want to fight things. They're very much victims of having their entire lore consumed by trying to explain the Blood War. Especially by having to explain how the demons can hold a candle to the devils on the battlefield... which is, apparently, by having lawful evil strategists who are just called chaotic evil because demons have to be chaotic evil even though chaotic evil fiends don't organize or strategize for shit. Yes, the Blood War was kind of a mistake (it would basically be lawful evil doing organized pest control on empowered pockets of chaotic evil plagued with infighting and possibly overpopulation, realistically).
It's both boring and contradictory, and it makes so many cool fiend concepts turn into bland explanations for "this is how the Blood War works (even though it doesn't)."
My AL DM just gave each of our party of 6 a free, no-negative-outcomes use of Wish. How do I make the most out of it?

I'm a Lv. 6 Rogue Assassin (Alert, 16 AC, +10 init, fear of the Wall of the Faithless). If we coordinate, we can get permanent resistance to 6 damage types, but that's unlikely. A Robe of Stars is also unlikely. I'm probably going to end up with a Cloak of Displacement, but let me know if I'm missing something obvious.

We're playing a very on-rails version of Quests from the Infinite Staircase, so I can't go crazy with Reshape Reality.
>both games i'm in are running EPIC STORY ARCS WORLD DEFININING ACTIONS
I just think more games should end at like, level 10. make a little castle, bow out call it quits.
10-13 with regional consequences is pretty alright for a first game. It's only the sequel game with the same characters that you start going crazy with the world-spanning shit and upper levels.
Law and Chaos are honestly worse than Good and Evil.
Nah, it's better, because then you can have good guys and bad guys on both sides. I'm of course kidding, chaotic characters are always bad guys.
game in a few hours, mostly combat

>fight off gnoll raid while rescuing villagers from burning houses. gnolls try to kill villagers and rampage. fire spreads every turn unless put out. can go into homes to rescue trapped if can withstand smoke and ash
>small moment of calm as fight is won with guard reinforcements. carts carrying water barrels are brought to help put out fires
>notice one gnoll still breathing. he suddenly cracks a fire elemental gem and the party + guards have to fight it while it tries to set fire to everything again. best tactic is to throw water at it (using 24 rules for 1d6 dmg and vulnerability) from the convenient barrels but cart's horses try to run away out of fear
>elemental defeated, but raid was distraction for bbeg to steal precious item from faction party was dealing with. returning there they find crime scene with clues to bbeg
Wish for all deaf people to gain the ability to hear, but make their ears four times more sensitive to noise than normal.
Is that what's already happened, or what's going to happen?
Interesting catch here- the Empyrean Iota has Lesser Restoration, but its an Action instead of a Bonus Action. I don't recall seeing any spells get their casting time changed to be worse than it usually is. So that's a cool find.
>Is that what's already happened, or what's going to happen?
it's what might happen unless party dies or does something unexpected
>every turn
Surely you mean every round.
Lesser Restoration is an Action.
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Lesser Restoration in the 2024 D&D Rules was changed to a Bonus Action.
Seriously? Why?
Would you bother wasting your action on it?
The old version also cured diseases, so now that that's gone, maybe they thought it needed a buff? Certainly more useful in combat that way.
In case you need to cure them of a condition.
But the point is more that this doesn't feel like a bonus action spell, something you can do at the same time as moving and doing a real action like attacking or casting a big combat spell. I don't think Lay on Hands makes sense as a bonus action either. That I see it get used plenty to good effect in my 2014 games.
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>The old version also cured diseases
Diseases are gone now though.
Cure Wounds and Healing Word also got buffed.
>Diseases are gone now though.
Not really. The DMG renamed them to 'magical contagions, but the list is still the same shit. Cackle Fever, Sewer Plague, Sight Rot. Though notably the last one is called out explicitly as being fixed by Lesser Restoration.
I mean, it's pretty transparently so that DMs can have diseases as a plot point without them all being instantly negated by the existence of a 2nd-level spell. I'm not certain I necessarily agree with the direction, but it's plain as day.
stop including known permanently dead links in OP.

also this.

some yuanti have 4 arms iirc.

yeah but all of them are just kinds of being poisoned. which it cures.
Because it's a healing spell that can't bring someone back up outside of a paralysis effect (already very rare) and affect the action economy, meaning itself is already struggling versus anything else that can contribute. Making it a bonus action means that, with the one-spell-per-turn codifying, the classes that can use lesser restoration do not also get their best use of their bonus actions (commanding for artificers, inspo for bards, spiritual weapon for clerics, wild shape uses for druids, smite for pally) so the opportunity cost has a different contour. Instead of casting LR and throwing out a bardic, now you can cast LR and hit with Booming Blade. It opens standard contribution with weapons/cantrips on the same turn.
That's a solid explanation from a game balance perspective, but I questioned it in a Watsonian way rather than a Doylist.
Lesser Restoration is a spell where you touch someone and channel your energies into them to cure them of a condition. It sounds like it should take an action to me.
>trove doesnt have the book i need
wait, trove is unkill?

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