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How do you feel about update kits? Is this in your opinion the best way to have at least somewhat different looking space marine chapters?
in theory they are OK. The problem being over the last couple of upgrade kits they have gotten progressively worse and worse. Back when the original Marines had these kids, they had things like extra helmets, extra torso to make the armor look different and a bunch of extra bits and bobs you could put onto the marine. Now they’re charging an extremely premium price for one helmet, which blows my mind and a majority of the heads being bare heads, which not many people use. You barely get any weapon options. The only real thing you get in the kit for any of the chapters they made thus far is just a bunch of shoulder pads.
Woefully undercooked in the era of 3d printed bits.
I hope they get better and gw doesn’t just take low sales as low interest and give up on them
How the hell do they only have 1 helmet option? Out of all the games in my LGS I’ve never seen bare head marine.
Massive downgrade compared to what came before. I do like the bare heads tho
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Compared to the "firstborn" kits you can tell GW doesn't give a fuck anymore.

Helmets, weapon, torso, tons of shoulder for like $20.
Wrong image.
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Woefully undercooked compared to the tactical squad

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