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What is the key to not just finding a gaming group, but finding a gaming group you CLICK with?
>find some people for a ()game you like
>play with them
>if they're not fun to play with, thank them for their time out of basic politeness and find new ones
>if they ARE fun to play with, play a campaign
>repeat until OK results have been achieved
Also important:
>don't expect perfection, that's setting yourself up for certain failure; you'll get much better effect aiming for "good"
>frogposting instantly outs you as a friendless loser and probably autistic, don't do it (even/especially if it's true)
Fuck off, frogspammer.
Have friends.
Be willing to try games other than D&D/Pathfinder, as the quality of players goes up dramatically once you get out of the normie/retard-containment games.
>Have friends.
Thanks for setting the bar on hard mode from the outset.
I'd say
>Go out (not just online!) and meet people with related interests, there's a chance they might intersect with yours. Also give their interests a chance, you might discover something new and fun.
>Have friends.
nah, that doesn't really help finding a good gaming group unless your friends are already interested in the same games
thread is actually relevant instead of coom shit
Political Alignment, you will never be able to fully let loose with your imagination if you aren't all sharing the same collective reality.
Unironically this, actually.
If you are hunting online, by exposing yourself to as many randoms as you can and keeping in touch with the ones you jive with until you have a stable group of your own.
I've noticed a lot of you zoomers struggle with the socialising aspect of tabletop and are constantly unable to find a group or sticking with them, but the trick is this: being a social chameleon. It's an art lost on most now, but in the ancient past of the 1900s, people would generally be willing to mould themselves a little in social situations to better fit with the people around them. And since most people did this, it meant that social interactions were easier and you not only developed as a person but also as a collective.

But with so many now being so adamant about "living their truth" and all that nonsense, entirely driven by ego and selfishness, you end up inherently unable to fit into any group. You're all too rigid and unwilling to compromise or change, which then means you struggle to find anyone your restrictive self could fit with. ALL relationships require some give and take, even minor ones like a tabletop gaming group.

So, ultimately, my advice is to relax, read the room, and be agreeable.
Having a relationship with them outside of gaming.

If IRL, do things together besides game. If online, play games together besides you ttrpgs. That's it. Build relationships. If those are good and you like each others' company? Your games will be good. If you don't like each others' company? They won't be.
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1) be under 22
2) be in school
3) don't be an autistic weirdo

Pretty easy if you ask me fren
based oldfag
The idea of playing with anyone under the age of 25 makes Mr think I'd have more fun dragging my balls across shattered glass. Young people today are so fucking retarded and unbearable to be around.
The only thing that bugs me about young players is their fucking cell phones. They're technologically illiterate and addicted to a constant stream of entertainment.

It's not true of all of them, though, and it's pretty easy to just say "I expect you to put your cell phones down and play the game." Those who can't handle that will get bored and flake hella quick.
If they tell you they are from /tg/ don't play with them
Agreed. Start with “fun” and let yourself make some friends.
See point #1. And if you are then based on what you just wrote then see point #3.
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I found it through quests back when they were on /tg/
no one wants to be around frogposters, OP
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By not being someone who has shitty images of Pepe saved on their computer and then uses them in conversation with human beings. Seriously, take a step back and consider how pathetic you are.

Please unironically kill yourself.

>get a canister of helium, some rubber tubing, and a bag
>put the tubing into the cylinder and the other end in the bag
>turn it on
>put the bag over your head and hold it closed
>the inert gas won't make you think you're suffocating, instead you'll just black out in seconds

You really should do it. Everyone here hates you. Your mom and dad love you, but you're such a disappointment to them because you had all this potential, but instead chose to waste it and be - well, you're not a NEET, but you're close. You're a disappointment to them. Yeah they'll cry for a bit, but in like a year they'll be happy to have moved on from the low-grade stressor in their life. It'll be even faster if you have siblings.

You really should do it.
Time and patience.
>Have friends

This is how to do it. It's not the '90s. Community did a D&D episode. Bing Bang Theory did a D&D episode. Stranger Things was a cultural juggernaut for a few seasons and themes each season after a D&D villain. A pretty high-profile movie recently came out and Baldur's Gate 3 basically took over video games for a solid year. People are familiar with the game now, it's not the weird nerd thing any more. You don't need to go looking for geeks, you're totally free to invite normal, well-adjusted, socially capable people you already know to a game night and just run a module for them. Keep the ones who are interested. Easy peasy.*

*This is assuming you, yourself, are a well-adjusted, socially capable person with similar friends. If you aren't, well, D&D's a social game, and friends are important, so get on that first.
Oh, it's you again, defeatist-kun.

>herp derp how do I into music?
>hurr durr how do I into movies?
You listen/watch a lot. You find out what (you) like. You look for bands/directors similar to those you like and dissimilar to those you didn't.

Groups (not individuals, you glorious autismo) work the same. You do different things with different people. You see if you have a connection and if you like their "social contract" or whatever. If you do try and meet friends of friends. They are likely similar. I guaran-fucking-tee you in this day and age at least someone is playing TTRPG in your extended circles.
You probably haven't read the last thread this "woe is me. I hate being autistic." nigger made. For him in particular (but really in general too) having friends helps immensely. Lets you "practice" social interaction. If you're super into the game but you give people the ick on a personal level you're invited back.
>adamant about "living their truth" and all that nonsense, entirely driven by ego and selfishness, you end up inherently unable to fit into any group. You're all too rigid and unwilling to compromise or change, which then means you struggle to find anyone your restrictive self could fit with. ALL relationships require some give and take, even minor ones like a tabletop gaming group.

>So, ultimately, my advice is to relax, read the room, and be agreeable.
Careful now. You're making too much sense on this incel infested site.
>this incel infested site
Explains why you're here innit

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