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ITT we laugh at chaosfags who waited years for this release
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It looks good though.
I don't even play Chaos.
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this color scheme is so bad
Why would you laugh at someone for getting exactly waht they wanted?
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Laughing and cheering in celebration of ECbros for their win?
Conversion fodder.
Trash, I fucking hate GW making bigger chaos marine but looking gay and retarded. The khorne 8bound looks horrible as well.
Love these.
this is the last GW release I'm going to check, it's just not worth it, maybe 2-3 of the dozen minis was any good, I find way cooler shit on Kickstarter or obscure mini companies
I really don't like this guy in particular. The tubes look like a homemade kitbash done with a greenstuff roller.
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What the hell is that thing? Did EC finally get a codex?
That's my favorite new guy, reminds me of the retro terminators that looked straight out of 5th Element
they will. the 2-week shelf life codex that comes with their army release box has the old classic EC artwork with the exposed midriff and big black eyes funny enough.
This is such retarded bait. These are spot on.
>oh no, pink and black? Giant musical instruments?
Yeah, where the fuck have you been?
Go fuck yourself. I bet you were one of the troglodytes who wanted them to be purple and gold, missing the entire point of their 40k colorscheme.
Show Daemonettes and vagene
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Everyone told you not to expect sex from "castrated guys cosplaying a fridge" faction that is space marines
There's a handful of nice sculpts in there.

Overall? No more or less retarded than any other marine release.
Meh, but it just might be the color scheme. Maybe just paining skin in more natural flesh tone would work... They're not bad but something feels off.

I might be a Chaosfag, but I never liked EC much. I think it's a decent release.
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It's weird that the conehead seems to be invoking the long-retired old design of the keeper of secrets
It's just eldar helmet design now
This. Overall mediocre (to me), but pretty much how EC should look like. If i were a CSM Slannesh player i would like them i guess.

WAY less retarded than the 8bound.

I dont mind them. What i actually like is the Mk6 helmets they have on some models.
nuEC > Rubrics >>> Useless Eaters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Googly Eyed Horny Farters

These are legit fantastic, a pretty much perfect(aha) execution of the old concepts. Don't bother replying if you disagree, I can't hold you in any more disdain than I already do so watching you fumble to justify your objectively wrong opinion is a waste of both our times.
New EC models are sick. People who complain about them are the same people who complain about every other GW release, but keep buying and playing the system regardless.
>pretty much perfect(aha) execution of the old concepts.

Pretty much this. I did not care for the old ECs, but this release is great. Not for me, but still just like it should be.
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He reminds me a bit of Bane. It sort of carries the same vibe to me.
>Faggot still crying about DG nurgle bellymouths 2 editions later
angry penguin
took me a while to notice those are guns and not his hands
I don't like the color scheme either. Otherwise they look largely ok, though lack of any cultist variation/slangors hurts them
But my pertinent question is why do bass guns have these vials with 40kmeth or whatever?
Slannesh is my least favorite Chaos god and I honestly think these guys look great. They may not match the quality of AoS Slannites, but they perfectly balance space marine aesthetics with hedonistic overkill. Honestly it just makes me wonder what the FUCK they were thinking with WEaters. That "army" is like 3 extremely phoned in models compared to the love and attention EC have gotten.

As an aside, ECs elongating their skulls to look like Eldar helmets is a nice touch, given Slannesh's origins and all.
Eh these are not to bad, but they are just over designed as always. GW since 8th ed has been way over designing their models to the point it looks like they just roll around in a bit box and keep what ever sticks.
>I hate gw making emperor's children look gay and retarded
B-but gay and retarded is their whole thing
Nah, the BIGGER demaonic marines are shit. We already have perfection with the Gal-Vorbak and possessed.
I think he looks cool
If anything the big Pipe-Organ backpack should be even bigger.

Black & Pink is based, if anything the pink should be brighter

That said idk about the Eggheads. But just give them helmets nobigdeal
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>hey perfectly balance space marine aesthetics with hedonistic overkill
I completely disagree. The bulky armour really does not work here
>If I take that mask off, will you die?
these are just purple space muhreens where is the trannies the degeneracy the vile excess perversion of perfection the sensation beyond sensation.

Bane is cool tho when heavily fucked with and after scrubbing off that shit tranny brand and making him undivided as BANE rightfully is this man loves fucking night lords shit up they fear him they dont even know or understand why he wont stop picking up night lords slaming them on his knee shattering their armor snapping their backs then tipping them in half
Hot pink is their colour though.
Looks like he wants to finger my organ
These things look exactly like trannies so I guess they're hitting the mark. Why pink over purple though?
I have to disagree with your disagreement. The way they turned it into a power armored croptop for the melee specialists but kept the bulkiness and instead went for ornate grandiosity for the ranged units and noise marines is pretty stellar. Even >>94827366 makes it work, despite his armor being pretty basic, by instead having the fancy sound system and nifty cloven hoof boots. It's all pretty great stuff desu
>Why pink over purple though?
Uh oh, HHtranny detected!
fuck forgot to add replace his arms with two powerfists and boom the model is now perfect

which powerfists tho which or some other brutish arms/hands
Because Post Heresy EC wear Pink & Black
Word Bearers don't get a codex.
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>Slaanesh is the chaos god of perfection
>turns her followers into Horatio
what did GW mean by this?
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Imagine getting mogged by these fat green turds
This is exactly what Noise Marines should look like, you fuckin mongoloid tertiary.
Where have all the faces gone? Shouldn't his armor be all fleshy and full of faces?
Do none of them get those guitars the old ones had? I thought those were neato.
Also is the conehead normal? A slaanesh thing?
>the plaguebearer growing out of the shinguard
>dude huffing on a tube linked directly to a severed head-bong on his belt
>dude with a literal "fly" over his dick
Slaaneshits wish they had this kind of charisma
Ngl these are THE worst and most overdesigned compared to their predecessors of the four infantry types aligned to specific chaos gods.
Why does he have a crying emoji on his back?
Slaanesh followers are OBVIOUSLY gonna be cunny-pilled.
Correction purposes
das scaryyyyyyy and evil
according to market research zoomers only listen to "rap" no one plays instruments anymore(far to difficult and completex hitting random buttons on a laptop fo beats while high on fent&xanax is far cooler and it only takes a few mins to make a new track vs days/weeks/months with real musicans) so guitars are cringe and a nono because thats what they use to look like and we need to change the image of the EC to be more modern yet there will be no trannies because that makes them look bad they're not all buffalo bills and child molesters who hate women with a passion and spend all day mocking them freely
Don't ever reply to me again you sperg.
There's still faces on the cauldron and left leg, they're just hard to make out because the studio painted them black for some reason.
Horatio's perfection transcends universes. Clearly.

It's not for me, but I think it's pretty much what EC players were waiting for. Better than BA recent models, worse than DA, pretty middle of the road for modern marines.
they're skulls anon not faces very very clearly skulls
Sorry, I know they're "pink" I remember a purplish bruised color or hot pink, not this pale powder pink.
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>It's not for me, but I think it's pretty much what EC players were waiting for
I know I was, even got chaos beakies.
I stopped caring about 40k when the fags at GW started trying to pretend to be real life morality police, and now I come back to this board on a whim and see these pathetic models. The OP one is alright but the rest are just flat out bad.
Glad I got and didn't go full sunk cost like modern 40k fags. Looking back this entire franchise lost most of its SOVL after 4th ed ended and HH/5th ed began.
The pink used to be way less pale than now I think, I agree.
I think these look sick, I like that they lean into the drug addict shit.

Eightbound were such a bad fucking idea.
I need these guys & the noise marine model, etc, arranged in a diorama of a rock & roll battle of the bands versus the SoBs Organ tank & Sister Dialogis etc.
You are definitely a faggot but this post is pretty based
>primaris style gorgets
I'm zoom zoom and I absolutely adore classical, choirs and retro music (and other types of music considered acoustic by many).
>eww the emperor's children look so garish!
yes and?
The noise marines and the basic dudes are sweet which is all that matters because the only good games to actually play 40k minis in are skirmish games.
Fun bit of history: back at school, I was paid to do Russian translations for 40k codices. And because "noise marines" sounds stupid in my language, I translated them as "kakophonists". Now he's real. When the official translation came out, of course they translated them as "noise marines", bunch of uncreative hacks.
You joke, but Slaaneshi battle rappers is an idea with potential. Maybe they're like those guys who can rap ridiculously fast. They pack huge amounts of blasphemous, demonic incantations into their high speed rapping that bypass their victims' conscious minds and speak to their very souls, corrupting and or driving to madness anyone without ear protection in seconds.
Tbh I'd have bounced off even trying to translate 'marines' into something that sounds well and true to the spirit of the original.
Translations are a mistake in general.
t. otherslav
Mumble rappers are considered cheaters and get beaten to death by the rest of the warband.
>But my pertinent question is why do bass guns have these vials with 40kmeth or whatever?
Warp juice batteries.
It works well because "Starship Troopers" were translated here as "Space Marines" to begin with.
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Aesop Rock if he evil
You can fix that with paint. What annoys me is the weird turtle head they gave him. Everything else on the model looks pretty good, but the head is pretty janky.
Looks better than the aeldari shit
Pink and black isn't exactly a great color combination anyway
Is there any way to combine cacophony and cataphract in Russian?
Is that supposed to be the Blade of the Laer he’s holding?
>those guitars the old ones had
It was one model in rogue trader and a recreation of it in 8th.
>old ones
Guitar was featured on a single miniature released in like 8th edition, this is quite literally as much by book ntranslation of their old designs as possible
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Sorry anon, that was a callback to the original metals.
We need to go back.
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Why is the new Lucius model a twink? The artwork I've seen floating around makes it look like he has GIRTH
He's a fencer, he maxed DEX.
>no sexophonist

Missed opportunity
True. I think it is that I gotta remind myself he looks like a twink by marine standards.
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Why is Ki-Adi-Mundi in 40k?
That's his son. Ji-Hadi-Mundi.
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>Slaaneshi battle rappers is an idea with potential
You're both rage-bait-joking but third party already hit this slaanesh mic/battle bard concept and did a good job with it.
Rap is shit though, rock is the objectively best form of music, and I'll prove it right now.

Is this some AI generated garbage?
Those are fucking pain the ass to paint. Peak over-designed GW era, with mandatory clusterfuck of details and tchotchkes. I'd rather paint 4k of 10ksons
nah, video from recent short shooter game

Pretty fun if you like Metal Slug and Orkz. Too expensive though, get it on promo or pirate
The masked man
These are the worst of the CSM designs tho, too busy with goofy tentacles and maws.
>Gargaz uncovers a genestealer cult faster than any inquisitor ever has

Luv this green retard.

Not even an EC fan but I've always wanted to convert noise marines so they look like Big Band, brass section, a few drums, etc
Do you think we'll get a Noise Marines Kill Team?
I think we will get an every flavor of marine and spiky marine killteam before some other races/factions even get a single team, yes.
do we have a DG kill team?
There's one in compendium.
What is compendium?
Don't forget a flute player
old outdated term for a mechanic from an old outdated edition
tl;dr you can't play them anymore
oh that sucks
Your information is out of date. Death Guard got a proper Kill Team and is part of the entry level starter set along with vanilla Marines. The sculpts are all of those weird blind boxes from awhile back, including the Japanese only psyker.
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I dunno I'm just not feeling it.
I don't like the bestial look of the sonic weapons instead of humanoid. I think a nice upgrade kit will help.
It's perfect for orks yes, who are the heart and soul of 40K. But slanneshits are degen retards, so they'd be into shit like mumble rap, breakcore (i.e. troonmusic) and Lorde.
Yeah? https://assets.warhammer-community.com/killteam_teamrules_plague_marines_eng_06.11-jxlbddo5j3.pdf
Also you can play 10k sons

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