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We will continue with our subsector, we are soon wrapping up the xeno mining world as we only got the defenses left

Previous thread: >>94759354

Links to the 1d6 pages (if you're new to these threads these ones are recommended to browse through them to get up to speed)


The percentile rolls for the defenses >>94821965

and the enforcers that was rolled before the last thread was archived results were;
Force size: Medium
Force Quality: Medium

Now we just need to see how their other defenses fare and finally decide what xeno this world belongs to, if it should be Orks, Eldar, etc or if we roll up our own local xeno race unique to this region of space.
The map has also been updated with the new planet named and placed in the sub-sector.
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Actually looking closer at the percentile rolls it seems the planet only has enforcers. Also I have decided to make this a bit more interesting that we will roll for whatever Xeno lives here. Who knows perhaps the Imperium is lenient on them, happy to exchange raw materials for their continued existence in order to not expend vital resources conquering their world when other threats across the warp storms are present?

But we will be using these tables here to generate our xeno species


First roll:
>Terrain of homeworld (d100)
Who knows if this is their world of origin or just a colony/enclave, but we'll roll on this anyway, if we do say this is their homeworld we can default with either desert or plains terrains
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Sexy xenos breeding planet in MY sub-sector?
Plains - "It lives among the fertile plains of a temperate world."

So just like the planet we rolled up then, so perhaps native?

>What is the creature's diet? (d10)
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Carnivore - "The Creature is a natural carnivore, killing prey outright when given the chance."

>How does the creature reproduce? (d10)
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Asexual - "The Creature effectively clones itself by splitting into two beings with identical genetic code."

>Main Sense? (d10)
Rolled 3 (1d10)


>What major faction has had to deal most with the species? (d100)
Let's roll this, but if it doesn't fit we can default to the Imperium
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Imagine the smell
Imperial Guard, PDF, or some kind of human resistance

>What role (generally) does (or did) the species as a whole play? (d100)
Since we're using this to generate a sapient species instead of a mere animal, so I am thinking of skipping this one, but we can see what we get and see if we like it or if it fits at all.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Hunted - "Attacked as sport for the challenge, a ritual, or rarity in material."

We could probably work this in somehow

>Personal Creature's Exemplary Action (d10)
I'd take this as what is the tale about these Xenos that are spoken about as rumors in the guard barracks, or in the spaceports, etc
Rolled 5 (1d10)

They use smell and live in grass plains. Maybe mole people?
Took down a Tempestus Kill Team while they were on a an important mission. A good catch.

Ok I am starting to get a picture here: These Xenos, while easy for the Imperium to deal with using a sizable force is not on the priority at the moment as whenever they have a skirmish with the Imperium (or the guard at least) they always come out on top, so for now it's a lukewarm peace where they sell their minerals that they dig up from their advanced tech civilization so they can be left alone (for now) by the Imperium while they deal with Nihil Obscurus. Not like it's a rare thing for the Imperium to leave small xenos alone, happens all the time if the cost is too great to purge them at that moment.

>Roll (1d6) for size
Rolled 1 (1d6)


Smol mole like xenos, but we can discuss the details when we're done rolling as things still might change

>Locomotion 1d10
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Winged (Jump Infantry)

Skin/Surface type (d12)
Rolled 1 (1d12)

Exoskeleton - "The creature's surface is hard or like bone. Often used by insects or arachnids.

So we got winged alien bugs who's primary sense is smell, that sounds pretty cool

>Attributes: 11d3 for small
On a 1-2, don't grant that attribute; on a 3, grant it.
Rolled 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1 = 23 (11d3)

I'm interested in what you used to make this map? I make maps sometimes for 40k crusades my group runs and it would be a boon if you could point me in the direction of your assets, or are they all handmade?
So these aliens got:
>Agile: Gain Fleet
>Armoured: 5+ armour save
>Predator: +1 WS
>Slow-Witted: Counts as Initiative 1

Creature stats (for a singular xeno) to use in game
WS: 4
BS: 0
S: 3
T: 3
W: 1
I: 1
A: 1
Ld: 10
Sv 5+
Points: 15

Next up is Creature Abilities
>Number of Abilities the Creature has?(d10)

I use assets that are linked in the 40k RPG thread, check the OP for the "How to make your maps look like FFGs maps" or something akin to that.
For the warp storms and such I just grab some of google, or some other online sources
Ah forgot to change the WS to 5 instead of 4, just keep that in mind
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Works well for an insectoid hive mind type creature
Keep rolling for abilities until you hit an ability that would put you over your creature size's allotted point limit.

We're going off the rails with this one.
Small to Medium Creatures have a limit of 25 points,

>Abilities (Roll d35's determined by the table above) (points cost corresponds as (s/m/l)

I'd say roll ten at a time until we hit our limit of 25 points
Rolled 12, 6, 34, 13, 5, 33, 34, 32, 24 = 193 (9d35)

So roll 9 times?
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>small in number
>have taken out Stormtroopers before
>armored exoskeletons
>but not all too smart

probably because they're blind as a bat and strike at night, a similar environment to their underground habitat/burrows
We're just need to roll until we hit the limit, but what we got now were
>Entangle (5)
>Stun (5)
>Defensive Spines (3)
The rest of the roll were either not usable for small creatures or flora only, so roll me another set of d35s

Rolled 31, 8, 19, 3, 28, 31, 4, 29, 13, 7 = 173 (10d35)

>Burrowing (3)
>Razor Sharp Claws (6)
>Camouflage (2)
and that's where it ends

Xeno summary:
Terrain of homeworld
How does the creature reproduce?
Main Sense
What major faction has had to deal most with the species?
>Imperial guard/Imperium
What role (generally) does (or did) the species as a whole play? (maybe we can say they had a period of conflict with the Imperium?)
Personal Creature's Exemplary Action
>Took down a Tempestus Kill Team while they were on a an important mission
Skin/Surface type

>Agile: Gain Fleet
>Armoured: 5+ armour save
>Predator: +1 WS
>Slow-Witted: Counts as Initiative 1

Stats & points
WS: 5
BS: 0
S: 3
T: 3
W: 1
I: 1
A: 1
Ld: 10
Sv 5+
Points: 15

>Entangle, Stun, Defensive Spines, Burrowing, Razor Sharp Claws, Camouflage

That's it for the xeno race, they do sound terrifying, I almost see them using pheromones and smells to communicate, kinda like bees, and this guys run a small little empire within their local star system as well. No wonder the Imperium has trouble getting rid of these guys without exerting power and forces they cannot spare.

So let's brainstorm a little;
>What's the name of their species and/or Empire
>How or when did they and the Imperium clash/meet
>What's the status now in this current era?
Do we want to roll an extra d6 to see if they’re warp capable? Also maybe the imperials call them buggers or something informal and they have their own clicky language that’s unintelligible to humans
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honestly we could adapt the Strigoi from official 40k lore and just say this is another incarnation of them. I don't remember if they were warp capable but I do remember them manipulating shadows.
I mean they aren't warp capable as per their tech level, but sure we can roll a d6 to see if they can be bumped up from their roll in the last thread, also here's the summary of their homeworld

Planet Name: Nasangolia
Class: Mining World
Tech Level: Advanced Space: Has explored their own system and colonized any viable planets to be found there. Las weapons are common, and cybernetics are starting to become practical.

Size of Star: Huge star
Galactic Position: Segmentum Obscurus, bordering Segmentum Solar to the south
Subsector: Vharos Frontier

Size: 13.000km
Axial Tilt: Severe (36-45°) ± 60°C/140°F
Length of Day: 19 hour days
Length of Year: 664 (local) days
Satellites: 4
Gravity: Standard (0.8 to 1.2 G)

Atmosphere: Normal: Safe to breathe
Hydrosphere: Arid: This world is mostly dry, having large desert landmasses, infrequent rainfall, and a peppering of oases. There is also usually a substantial water table underground which can have wells dug into it. There will be some small seas and oceans.
Temperature: Tepid (+51°C to +100°C/124°F to 202°F)
Terrain: Grassland

Population: 2 Billion
Society: Democratic Republic: The government is run, at least on paper, on the principles of civil rights, freedom, and equal treatment and representation under the law. The population is responsible for electing their leaders and representatives, and for making important civic decisions. In addition, the government is often divided into three codependent branches: Legislative, administrative, and judicial.

Exports: Minerals (default) & Workers
Imports: Vehicles

Defences: Enforcers; Force size: Medium - Force Quality: Medium
They are supposed to be not!Vampires correct, which I think doesn't mesh with the winged, exoskeletoned xenos we have here. I'd rather have something unique. But I shouldn't be the only voice here, so ideas are open about them.

Also do you want a more alien sounding name to their homeworld, or are you guys fine with Nasangolia?
To be fair, exoskeletons can be more subtle then stated, and as for the vampire angle, it could be interpreted that the known "information" of the Strigoi are just rumors and myths, with these xenos being their actual, more banal, incarnation. We could roll for warp capabilities, though that would make them nearly 1-1 with Strigoi minus the bloodfeeding. Nasangolia seems fine.
Rolled 5 (1d5)

Sorry, it was a 1d5. Last thread you said we could roll to increase/decrease the tech level since it’s a xenos world.
Looks like you hit the jackpot, since we needed the highest roll on that d5 to reach Warp Space
Neat, seems to be a fairly advanced xenos species. Weird that they only have enforcers though.
Maybe it's just either Imperial intelligence, or it's their only known structured military force as the "citizens" can probably fight on their own
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Decided to do this pretty quickly and for fun. Just something I had in mind of an Imperial agent submitting data on the local Xenos threat to the wider Imperium.
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Same picture, but without the text
probably the equivalent of a milicija, where their military doubles as police.
Also another thing, if you want the "40k fonts" you can look up Castlon Antique and Inquisitor, just add Font after.
Maybe one of the reasons the imperium hasn’t invaded is due to its proximity to the warp storm like another anon suggested. Now that they’re warp capable, maybe they have ways to navigate through it the imperium can’t, making them valuable to certain rogue traders.
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it's likely their lax security is due to it being a basic anti-piracy and merchant fleet force, spending top dollar on the marines within their ships meanwhile their planetbound force is more scantly equipped. Lasguns and flak armor for those on the few (maybe no more then one) vessels they have, autoguns for the patrols on the ground. Their ships are probably nothing more then a iconoclast-class destroyer or two.
I think we can start on the next planet to get stuff going again

>Planet class 1d100

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