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Is the Panther a good trooper?Haha, Butte Hold
Next character to add to my mercs: Guy of Crow tribe descent who wants to check off all the boxes to be War Chief>Lead a successful war party>Touch an enemy without killing him>Steal an enemy's weapon>Steal an enemy's horse
Annihilator vs Thunder Hawk. Which ome do you prefer?
Would it really kill CGL to add an armor technology that's just a straight upgrade from standard after 100 years of weapon tech advancement, instead of sidegrades that also cripple you in various ways?
>>94828080Flamellor exists
>>94828088Having to spend 12 critspaces, in an era where critspaces are already at a premium is not a 'straight upgrade'. Especially since heavy/assault mechs that you would want to be tanky are the ones that can least afford the crits.
>>94828152>waaaaa the beat armor in the game with a meaningless fake drawback isn't good enough for me
>>94828080As >>94828088 said, ferro-lamellor armor lets you outright no-sell low damage hits (making you immune to stuff like LBX clusters). Ballistic-reinforced is also usually an upgrade, since you take half damage from all ACs, gauss, and missiles, for the cost of having to spend slightly more weight to max your armor (BRA doesn't make you weaker to energy weapons, but provides no extra benefits against them and weights somewhat more per point of armor than standard armor).
>>94828080Houserule your own.
>>94828080>Would it really kill CGL to add an armor technology that's just a straight upgradeYes.
>>94828053It's decent. Cheap, carries one of the best weapons in the game, and can take at least a couple hits before getting in trouble.
>>94828062Natural enrmy of Hells Horses
>>94828063Annihilator, cheaper, while having generally better weapons loadout and variants.The only think the THawk has on it is *slightly* higher speeed
>>94828053Dies to Gauss Rifle headshots, so not really, no.
So did CGL decided to make ilClan era final station of BT universe, after which nothing happens because Clan Yiff conquered all?
>>94828776Yep, Battletech ends with ilClan. After the Great Houses an Periphery are pacified and brought into the new Star League, Humanity reaches a new Golden age where nothing interesting happens for the rest of time.While this may confuse some players who will ask "why no new Battletech content?" It is ultimately so that CGL can finally pivot away from it and focus on their next projects.
>>94826808>You can take one look at brian young's workWho?
>>94828799>It is ultimately so that CGL can finally pivot away from it and focus on their next projects.I am actually looking forward to their Thirsty Sword Lesbians wargame. Rem's project should get plenty of positive press in the Seattle gaming industry.
>>94828813If you're unaware of the primary Battletech fiction author and next line developer when Ray steps down at the end of 2025, you aren't enough of a Battletech fan to post in this thread. Get out.
>>94828823I absolutely do not care about CGL's who's who and will ignore any of their output I don't like.Total author death.Get fucked.
>>94828048Vindicator with the LRM 5 swapped for a SRM 4. A Pixie is also a good alternative
>>94828446>>94828840Some of you guys aren't great at reading 4/6/4, but the AC/10 hunchback is a well armed and armored menace.
>>94828905swaybacks are not hunchbacks
>>94828905The whole line of 3025 Swaybacks are a menace. The -4J with 2xRLM/10 and 5XML is a favorite of mine.>>94828823> and next line developer when Ray steps down at the end of 2025whyareyoumeanlikethat.png
Why does nobody ever talk about the KTO-18? I just found out it is a fedsuns design, I assumed it would be dracs because of the name.
>>94829002names can be very deceptive
>>94829002The Quickdraw should be what the Kintaro is, a 5/8/0 quickdraw and a 5/8/5 kintaro would both be proper threats.
>>94828080Armor already weighs a tiny fraction of a vehicle's mass for such complete protection. It doesn't need to be lighter. The advanced types that require more weight are perfectly viable.What is really needed is a way to get extra run speed without the failure rolls of MASC and superchargers. If 4/6 mechs could consistently go 4/7 instead without the relatively large weight cost of going up to 5/8, I think you would get more meaningful variety from that.
>>94829146Maybe something like an improved supercharger, increase run speed by 1 for a couple extra points of heat for that round. Make it weigh a ton or something.
>>94828823Fuck. FUUUUUUCK.
>>94828759Everything dies to Gauss headshots.
>>94829002It’s a Terran Hegemony design built for the Star League, unless that’s been retconned.
Former Word of Blake Militia turned mercenaries, is that a plausible origin story?Or would no one hire Blakists?
>>94829321Just go out into the Periphery and don't make your origins obvious for a bit. Should be fine.
>>94829321Regulans chased down and nuked a few of those. Even ones who had actively fought against the blakists.
Sieg Zeon
>>94829321>It's not a Level II, it's a demi-company, ok?Given the upheaval of the Jihad and following eras, very believable that some are out there. >>94828040Reading through IKEO, it just keeps getting stupider and stupider. Just inexplicable amounts of plot armor and Wolf wanking. Ray Arrastia should be imprisoned for inflicting this on everyone else.
>>94830055What all is going down anon? Can I get the highlights?
>>94829321The main problem is that their equipment is going to paint a target on them if it isn't the most generic possible. For a while, Blakist tech is an excellent way to paint a target on your back.>>94830055The main problem I see is there's too many people having to share the Wolf plot armour. Between the Goons, Wolf and the Wolf SLDF something is going to give. Probably Wolf.
>>94828823>>94829280Anon is just fucking with people. Ray isn't leaving, and Young doesn't have nearly the tenure needed to be line dev. Anon is probably one of the people with a weird closet sexual attraction to Rem and Young.The rest of us will be enjoying playing the game, because if CGL gets one thing right, it's that they don't let questionable fiction bleed into the gameplay. I've never had politics or fiction ruin things regardless of the people I encounter.Those who only play at home for fear of the "others" ruining their game, they are ironically, the "others"
>>94830055>Ray ArrastiaWho?>>94830227>it's that they don't let questionable fiction bleed into the gameplay.That's a thing? How would that even work? Roll for morality before you shoot at a black woman Jade Falcon 'Mechwarrior?
>>94830243These are the things conservatives have nightmares about, you'd have to ask them.My group has left and right voters, we all just shoot shit and paint minis.And I'm sure you're trolling, but Ray Arrastia, while still boomer, is probably one of the better boomers controlling the game.
>>94830243>you get bonuses on your tmm if you paint your mechs in pride colors because the opfor is too afraid of being labeled a bigot for shooting at you.
>>94830281>These are the things conservatives have nightmares about, you'd have to ask them.But I'm asking you>And I'm sure you're trolling, but Ray ArrastiaAnd I legit know very few names related to the real-life side of Battletech except for the Porchman, Rem "Sarah" Alternis, Bryan "clan sex workers" Young, Michael "Engine explosions" Stackpole, Blaine "I get hard for bagpipes" Pardoe and the blessed William H. Keith Jr.
>>94830227Also Young does not give two shits about battletech, he is constantly singing praises of anything disney star wars shits out and starting controversy on social media with his hot takes to get back in the spotlight.The fact some people at CGL think having a third rate modern star wars 'contributor' drop out is an increase in status for them is sad.
>>94830136nta but is there anything specific you want to know
>>94830347Have you considered anon, that CGL doesn't consider Young the ideal writer, but simply an available writer?There aren't many people around that know enough about BT, and are willing to choose to make less money working on this IP, just for a little nerd cred."But I know some better writers!"Those writers either don't want to work on the cheap, don't want to be told what to do, or are publicly known for shitting on CGL. If not all 3.
>>94830378nta but I'd also want to know what is "stupider and stupider" and what is "inexplicable amounts of plot armor and Wolf wanking"
>>94830378Curious what's happening with the Dragon after Yori cleaned house, how the Liao and Woof slap fight went, and if they pulled the trigger on the Davion civil war they were setting up. Honestly any info about Liao, Davion, or Kurita would interest me. Those are the three houses I play primarily.
>>94830347Meanwhile Pardoe who also had retarded social media takes got sacked, but is doing great after CGL cut ties with him.So they replaced one social media retard whose name is selling books for another social media retard that they have to push like no one ever before and he still sells like shit.I don't have a problem with them promoting their writers, I take a problem only Young gets trailers for his books, no one else.
>>94830441The difference is that Pardoe was a belligerent retard. You can only vehemently argue with every single person you interact with on a professional basis for so long before you're cut loose. He's lucky that they put up with him arguing with all his bosses and critics for so long.Also he's the one who unsmoked the jags, so I can only have so much sympathy.
>>94830440>Those are the three houses I play primarily.kys
Good evening, I love the Warhammer!
>>94830542Young is also a belligerent retard.
>>94828062>Steal an enemy's weapon>Steal an enemy's horseThe problem is that a Mech could satisfy either of these, and having both satisfied by a single act seems wrong.
>>94830587Aside from him declaring that henceforth Focht is, was, and always has been trans, I don't recall any belligerent retardery from him.>>94830395>Have you considered anon, that CGL doesn't consider Young the ideal writer, but simply an available writer?This, very much.Young is a writer who makes not terrible stuff, on time, that's lore-accurate. These things are not trivial.
>>94830542After the election Young lashed out at so many people he had to make his twitter account private.That was when Loren publically called him a junior contractor that prefered to talk politics than having a job. So it's not all sunshine and roses with him either.
>>94830622The solution is simple. >Steal Weapon = Steal Mech>Steal Horse = Steal Dropship
Tell me about Andurien, what the fuck is their problem?
In IEO, the rules entry for Vincente Gupta mentions MechWarrior: Destiny.Have we gotten any formal MW:D rules further than what was in the book? In particular, do we have rules for Clans aside from the original four Invaders? I mean, it's not hard to make up new key words (e.g. "Snow Ravens: naval, aerospace, Machiavellian" and "Hell's Horses: combined arms, vehicles, infantry, Wardens led by Crusaders"), but I was just wondering.
>>94830655They're rat bastards who have literally never failed to backstab their own allies and/or faction. They're great (as long as they aren't on your team).
>>94830649>>Steal Horse = Steal DropshipStealing a DropShip is more like stealing a, well, ship. It's possible to steal a Mech, we've seen it. But for one person to infiltrate a DropShip's bridge and take off seems effectively impossible. Not just really hard like it's supposed to be, but actually impossible.>>94830655>Tell me about Andurien, what the fuck is their problem?Picrel.
>>94830642I'll have to disagree on the not terrible stuff.His fox patrol fiction has favoritism second only to wof's dragoons, and even they lost that one time.
>>94830681I mean does taking it in battle while in your mech not count? If you manage to hold a dropship hostage by pushing up and threatening it with your mech why shouldn't that count?
>>94830700>I mean does taking it in battle while in your mech not count? If you manage to hold a dropship hostage by pushing up and threatening it with your mech why shouldn't that count?That's also basically impossible though. Even a civilian DropShip being threatened in that way would just lift.
>>94830717Then it goes boom.
>>94830622There's a lot of rich larpers in this setting, someone you can fight has actual organic horses you could steal. They may be monstrous carnivore horses if you pick a particularly ambitious fight.
>>94830427>>94830440so to be brief the wolves get a big win in the form of pushing the Capellans out of the worlds nearest to terra before the Capellans can really dig in on the worlds they took from what ever vestiges of RAF holdouts that where still there after the republic died many of the Capellan forces committed to these worlds were still tied up in putting down insurgencies and waiting for resupply when overwhelming space superiority either forced them to bail on the worlds they took or fight to the last from what ive read the really pull off any of the decisive victories thy want so they opt to not pursue the cappies if they see them leaving the worlds as the wolf touman is still in bad shape largely these wins come off the backs of the ravens.As for the Dragon the Capellans took nearly Dieron from you with the fifth MAC and warrior house ijori but after a month of fighting the warrior house is forced off world leaving the fifth behind as far as i can tell the fight is still going on also you have lost Fomalhaut first to the Cappelans than to the SLDF and wolves in that order the Dieron regulars there however in a massive ambush wiped out the Fifth Sian Dragoons nearly to th man
>>94830648>That was when Loren publically called him a junior contractor that prefered to talk politics than having a job.S a u c eauce
>>94830741So wolves haven't pulled mechs out of the Fasa closet, they're just abusing orbital superiority. That's actually smarter than I'd expected. Would not have expected the Cappies to move on Dieron.
>>94830741>these wins come off the backs of the ravens.I deeply enjoy how they're setting up the Ravens to be super pissed about how Alaric is snubbing them for the Foxes because he's somehow in debt to them (which doesn't enormously make sense - in debt to them with money he spent on who? Were they giving him supplies?)I low-key hope that the Ravens start releasing diamond sharks into other planets' oceans that have sea foxes in them.
>>94830787>Would not have expected the Cappies to move on Dieron.That's because you aren't playing 6-D chess lie Daoshen.
>>94830741>>94830787Also thank you for taking the time to sate my curiosity anon. I appreciate it.
>>94830843Do you have any idea how bad this screenshot makes you look?
>>94830870It's not mine, just passing it along.
>>94830843kinda spicy
>>94830787so the wolves have been buying up all of the mechs they can from the foxes on credit they say this alot in the book and all the isorla from the trials on terra and its still roughly 40% of what they came to terra with the sldf makes up its numbers from republic salvage and i think thy form about 2.5 regiments worth of just mechs to be used by former RAF troops which is worrying Alaric but the Lore master Norititomo Helmer a former Jade falcon insists it must be staffed by clanners and spheroids alike to both their benefit and this works very well for them as members of wolves in exile, a nova cat, smoke jags join up and form the first royal regiments and with clan caste rules limited to enclaves on terra after Alaric backed down from total castes on the world the ranks swelled as the writing was on the walls that thy were going to push the cappies off former republic worlds
>>94830843Based Porchman
>>94829321Yourdudes can be whatever you want them to be, this isn't 40k.
>>94830136Fucking endless contradiction. In the span of a few pages, it will write entire paragraphs about how there's mass protests and guerilla resistance to the clan social order being imposed from the Terrans and how everyone is chafing under the brutal oppression. Then it will go on to talk about how RAF veterans are tripping over themselves to join the nuSLDF because they were told it would stand for the ideals and morals of the Republic and the old Star League.It would be like if the movie Red Dawn had Patrick Swayze decide to join the communists to defend American liberty knowing that his father is in a camp about to be killed. It's just completely nonsensical. >>94830194>he main problem I see is there's too many people having to share the Wolf plot armourNo, the main problem is that the entire thing is a brain dead mess that keeps going out of it's way to contradict itself. It's just so fucking stupid. It's like three people were given free reign to make the book, they all made totally different scenarios, and then they just stapled it all together. >>94830243>Who?He's the line developer for Battletch. That means he's the one quarterbacking the whole thing.>>94830227>Young doesn't have nearly the tenure needed to be line devYoung doesn't have *any* tenure. He's not employed by CGL, he's a freelance writer that contracts with them.
>>94829321/Mydudes/ core are Com Guard veterans that made it through the WoB purge, the Jihad, and the Dark Age, and formed a merc battalion to weather the future together in, so I'd say your idea has every bit of merit as my own does, yes.
>>94830904Completely unprecedented.
>>94830243>Roll for morality before you shoot at a black woman Jade Falcon 'Mechwarrior?Black woman Jade Falcon Merchant. Which was what made it funny, since there was a perfectly reasonably explanation for Malvina treating her like shit that had nothing to do with race.
>>94830427>>94830440Wolves got galaxies out of nowhere again, no one is surprised. Cappies fumbled the bag and Wolves with their clan buddies drove off the invasion theyve been doing for forever, Falcons are in an embarassing state because the only things they new about the CCAF they had learned from the Lyrans of all people (lol). Smoke Jags are no longer the full retard violence clan and are actually behaving like a jungle predator and being sneaky.If you want to hear good news, the Cappies nuked the ruins of where Alexsandr Kerensky planned the invasion of Terra which a group of Wolf scientists were studying as a big Fuck You to the Ilclan. The Ravens responded by giving Sian the Turtle Bay treatment and completely obliterated Chang'An. Not a single building left standing and no one knows if Daoshen is alive or not. Merchant ships with Aurigan livery are being spotted in the systems around where they used to exist along with oddly well equipped pirates. The Watch thinks another SLDF or possibly even a Blakist cache was found.Lyrans finally went on the offensive and took back worlds from the League. Trillian still sucks.Bears have decided to go attack the Combine to unite the Clan, called it a short and victorious war. Lol, lmao, expect nothing major to result from it.The League has an entire unit of Ares tripod mechs now, Nikol was mad about the Stuart campaign and went to calm things down but the Silver Hawks had already left to continue invading other worlds when she got there, and then Parliament passed a resoluton approving the whole thing so she got left to seethe. They also slapped the Marians back into their own space.
>>94830927>Fucking endless contradiction. In the span of a few pages, it will write entire paragraphs about how there's mass protests and guerilla resistance to the clan social order being imposed from the Terrans and how everyone is chafing under the brutal oppression. Then it will go on to talk about how RAF veterans are tripping over themselves to join the nuSLDF because they were told it would stand for the ideals and morals of the Republic and the old Star League.>It would be like if the movie Red Dawn had Patrick Swayze decide to join the communists to defend American liberty knowing that his father is in a camp about to be killed. It's just completely nonsensical.>Sterling McKenna managed to convince a bunch of people to sign on the dotted line by explaining to them the benign coexistence in the Outworlds Alliance>Later Alaric Steiner-Davion tells her to get fucked and that everything is going to be all Clan, all the time.
>>94830950>The Ravens responded by giving Sian the Turtle Bay treatment and completely obliterated Chang'AnLiao I thought?
>>94830904>Yourdudes can be whatever you want them to be, this isn't 40k.Yourdudes can be whatever you want them to be in 40k too, nu40k fans just don't get it.>>94830946Yeah but how will we know she's oppressed if it's not written, with a capital letter too, that she is Black?Oh wait shit demographics probably aren't the same in the Inner Sphere, damn, almost as if it was just -really- fuckin hamfisted. It's like... Literally just looking at the setting, deciding it's not racist enough, and then adding in some racism just so you can say that racism... Is bad.
>>94830843Unfathomably based
>>94830808>Were they giving him supplies?)Yes, the Foxes were helping Ward with transport and logistics, communication, and providing him with new Mechs (at "reasonable" seafox rates, of course) leading up to, during and after the battle of Terra
>>94830946>Which was what made it funny, since there was a perfectly reasonably explanation for Malvina treating her like shit that had nothing to do with raceHe admitted that he ducked that line up. He was trying to show they were as outwardly different as they were inwardly. His editor even pointed it out to him and he agreed that it needed fixing, but it fell through the cracks before publishing.
>>94830808Yeah i have a feeling things are going to get messy between the foxes and ravens regarding sldf bureaucracy and who gets to run what
>>94830971You right
>>94831025Only to a point. Ravens have the fleet, but the Wolves are above their heads in debt to the Foxes and they're not even keeping up with the interest payments.
So what's even clan crafty bird's shtick now, other than McKenna sexe magicque?
>>94831024S a u c eauce
>>94831102Being Wolves' bottom bitch
>>94831102They're still the Naval superpower faction for aerospacechads, aren't they?Prolly going to lord the fleet over the woof's heads.
>>94831024>He was trying to show they were as outwardly different as they were inwardly....By showing that they fell prey to the exact same prejudices as others?No, Young knew exactly what he was doing, but he was called out and he's bacpedaling instead of doubling down (which is fine).
>>94831136Deploy the space brick!
>>94831102It looks like WarShips and political outward reasonableness, combined with internal political insanity.
>>94831136>stillnever were, their naay would have gotten stomped by Bears with their bullshit, or even peak FWL back when they were an entity, and Sharks have *the* merchant marineI mean more that they were about jolly cooperation and now are flying around and nuking planets down to the bedrock for perceived slights
>>94831166>their naay would have gotten stomped by Bears with their bullshit, or even peak FWL back when they were an entity,The Snow Ravens had 40 WarShips, including 3 battleships, at their peak - which was more than anyone else. They're also expliclty one of like three factions to actually practice fleet actions instead of deploying individual WarShips supported only by DropShips and fighters.Side note: I can't stand the new fucking CAPTCHAs. I think I might actually be a robot.
>>94831181Doesn't matter how many warships you have, FWL were the only ones that picked the correct naval tech tree, the Theras could fight the rest of the Inner Sphere and the Ravens, together at once, twice, and win.The captured Sardis is more powerful than any of their naval stars taken together.
>>94831219That's because the rules were different when the Ravens made their fleet, and WarShips were still okay. The devs changed the meta to fighters only later. It's not the Ravens' fault that they got the rules of the universe changed out from under their feet.
>>94831144>backpedaling>admitting that the published sentence absolutely makes it about race and he fucked it upI can't believe you retards have me defending Young, but you're basically illiterate. >>94831122It's on a OF thread.>So, naturally this one is on me. It was pointed out to me in edits that this was the case and I *thought* I'd made it so she was merely looking at her differences, all the things that separated her from Malvina Hazen and the hoity-toity Warriors.>I understand it could have been more clear and that's on me.
>>94831258>I can't believe you retards have me defending Young, but you're basically illiterate.Explain to me how this>So, naturally this one is on me. It was pointed out to me in edits that this was the case and I *thought* I'd made it so she was merely looking at her differences, all the things that separated her from Malvina Hazen and the hoity-toity Warriors.>I understand it could have been more clear and that's on me.Isn't backpedaling.Yes, he admits he fucked up, but he manages to avoid admitting any wrongdoing.
>>94831258>It's on a OF thread.OnlyFans? That said, he's giving excuses, he sees nothing wrong with having the one defining charasteristic of our clan merchant be that she is Black.
>>94831299>but he manages to avoid admitting any wrongdoing.READ NIGGER, READ. You see those parts where he says "this one is one me"? He literally says it's his fault for messing it up twice, and your ESL ass somehow unable to comprehend what that means as a sentence. You're actually illiterate.
>>94831334>OnlyFansworse, the official forum
Damn it's hueg>The largest dedicated 'Mech carrier in service in the Inner Sphere, the Overlord is (...)Is it?
>>94831258Hey, you fucking retard, the original clan books say that the clans don't discriminate based on skin color anymore. They also say the clans abhor waste and civilian casualties. Neither of those things is true for Malvina Hazen's falcons. You can be annoyed at new lore but you can't insist that it's some kind of mistake or that an author can't introduce new information.
Also, anybody recognize these ships?
>>94831386>but you can't insist that it's some kind of mistakeThe author literally says it's a mistake.
>>94831378Key bit there is dedicated mech carrier. Any dropship thats bigger carries combined arms and even then still only carries the same amount of battlemechs (36) like the Colossus.
>>94831410The author was directed to walk back new information because a critical mass of babies freaked out about the concept of discussing racism being bad.
>>94831485Because its an outside problem that has been "solved" in the 31st century.21st century problems aren't relevant, so the only reason to bring them up is for non BT related reasons. Thats one of the reasons why he got shat on.
>>94828814It's just a shame real lesbians are functionally extinct and the only people it'll attract are sweaty male nerds and AGPs. Then again that's pretty much what the Battletech fanbase is now, so I guess it's kind of a lateral move.
I think the free worlds league SUCKS
>>94831546>and the only people it'll attract are sweaty male nerds and AGPs.Good, maybe theyll migrate to that and quit infesting BT
>>94831144If you were keeping an eye on the whole "Focht is trans" discourse he kept spouting for a while you'll have seen that he doubled down then when Stackpole himself said "No he never was because someone else already did that reveal at that point and I didn't want to rip them off."
>>94829002Japanese is like Latin in 80s science fiction. Because of Japan's outsized influence in the technology market it becomes a common international language among educated people with no actual connection to the culture and words and phrases make their way into professional terminology and common usage in the general public.
>>94831547Nobody asked, Mr Humphreys-Jones.
>>94830622I'm gonna have him restrict it to actual literal horses, so he always wants to take contracts against one specific Clan. Good thing they're in the Hinterlands Also in fairness, John Medicine Crow, the last war chief of the Crow in real life, did fulfill both "touch and enemy without killing him" and "Take an enemy's weapon" in the same fight with a German soldier.
>>94831378And it's still way out of scale with the mechs. They out to be able to fit comfortably through that doorway on the bottom. I actually saw a mech scale one somebody made once. It was about the size of a coffee machine.
>>94831542If there's one common theme of the battletech setting, it's that progress marches ever onward, societies and cultures never regress and problems stay solved forever.
>>94830686Eh. We don't see the Fox Patrol lose yet, but he does at least construct situations where they would logically not lose. A full IS lance + a Kit Fix fighting a Kodiak that's out of UAC20 ammo is a reasonable enough win for the lance, and they did get pretty fucked up in the process. My biggest objection to the whole thing is that when the city government refused to pay the Fox Patrol, instead of taking it lying down, Katie should've pointed out "You couldn't handle one mech attacking your city. I have five. Pay up or we'll start blowing up buildings"But while that's the right call for a cutthroat mercenary it def would've been out of character for Katie.
>>94831102Were the McKennas supposed to be related to the actor who played the nephew in the Red Green Show? They're both Canadian.
>>94831613>Focht is transwhat
>>94831880In a very early novel that raised the question of Focht's identity, the POV character mused that there's no evidence Focht was even born as a man.
>>94828062John Medicine Crow was a certified badass. I wonder if him and Fightin' Jack Churchill (who, if I'm not mistaken, was one of the inspirations behind the Blackwatch and/or northwind highlanders) ever met.
>>94831891He also apparently looked a lot like Katrina (the first one) when he was younger, but they never say how young.
>>94831891Not even Steiners are degenerate enough to troon out a kid for some dynastic finagling.
>>94831733>societies and cultures never regress and problems stay solved forever.Only when it makes sense for it to do so.
>>94831916>relatives occasionally look alikeWow, great detective work there bucko
Honestly, I think for the most part writing about tranny stuff in a future setting is more trouble than it's worth. Most people don't want to see it, period and since so much of trans culture is predicated on medicalization a setting with advanced medical technology simply won't be relevant to their experiences (fuck off, "tucutes" or whatever you're calling yourself these days).
What the fuck were they thinking with the Hussar?
>>94831951A couple interesting tidbits. Niops getting an HPG semi-functional is already interesting in the face of Stone's brown note, but the fact that it was an unknown HPG makes it much more interesting.Also we might see some sectarian violence between the NACC and Society of St. Andreas, since they're obviously looking for the Vatican archives.There's a lot of mysterious periphery activity going on. It would be extremely funny to me if it turned out the old Amanda Cameron conspiracy was true and there's a competing star league far out in the deep periphery. Imagine the blakists returning with an honest to god pureblood Cameron at their head.
>>94832099Gotta go fast
>>94832116Whoops, didn't mean to quote.
>>94832099"What if a Spider had an LBX-AC10?"
>>94828814The problem with TSL is that neither the devs nor the players can decide if it's satire or not.Also, considering the emphasis on interpersonal relationships, I'm at a loss for how it could spawn a wargame.
>>94831102Being a terrible at driving mechs>Taran watched it move, so graceful, like a cat. The Raven ’Mechs—what was left of them—stomped the ground like clunky machines. They were clunky machines. The Marauder was not. It was a technological marvel that practically floated
>>94832116>Niops getting an HPG semi-functional is already interesting in the face of Stone's brown note,Maybe because it's far enough from Terra?
We are up to ten people for the upcoming Hinterlands campaign, not counting a couple people who just want to play OpFor rather than a full on merc unit.
>>94832294I would strangle a kitten that resembles Lincoln Osis to be one of those 10 souls.
>>94832318Just move to Albuquerque.>>94832294
>>94832318>>94832329If you get here in the next hour you can get in on these steaks I'm working on. There's baked potatoes too.
>>94832371Not even BT and steak could get me to move to that shithole (no offense).
>>94832371>Bryan TX to Albuquerque NM>746 milesMy state is next door, but definitely not an hour's drive away. Give my portion of steak to the cat or cats, I don't remember how many you have.
>>94832421Hey, with that much space you could play with lore-accurate laser ranges
>>94832410A good 90% of the city is awful but I'm in the nice suburb on the eastern mountains so I'm set. Plus the FLGS have a mural of an Atlas on the wall>>94832421Two of them. The beef came from Texas though, so you get points for that.
>>94832441(Here's the other one)
>>94830982>Yourdudes can be whatever you want them to be in 40k too, nu40k fans just don't get it.Space Wolves can't even take their chapter specific units anymore because listbuilding was thrown away and now everyone is forced codex compliant, 40k got rid of Yourdudes years ago, you can only choose a paintjob... for now, bet that'll get scrapped too eventually.
>>94832441>>94832464Best cotsDo they get along?
>>94831024Lol, you believe that? asshole is just afraid of the unexpected backlash.
>>94832441My brother lived in Sandia Heights (near the ice rink). The least bad part of a bad place is still bad.
>>94832473What backlash? Marians are literal slavers, lowkey Parakeet racism isn't a hill worth dying on.
>>94832473>asshole is just afraid of the unexpected backlash.Which IMO is fine. There's to many films who can't even grovel a little when they fuck up.
>>94831378>Damn it's huegWhat? Too small for mech scale, but also too big for hex scale yet not detailed enough to justify it.It's trash.
>>94832498There are people in this very thread who believe that the lunatic eugenics pirates would never fall so low as to have soft prejudice based on skin color.
>>94832498The backlash against what was perceived as inserting modern politics that isn't relevant to BT. The Clans are super racist - based on being trueborn or freeborn. The idea of skin color wouldn't even be considered. They'd probably find the concept confusing.
>>94832505Matching scale perfectly isn't necessary. Half my map scale ones here protrude from the 7 hex set.>>94832469They do, they're half brothers.
>>94831387They're TRO 2750 ships. The dudes in the middle are McKennas
>>94832465>and now everyone is forced codex compliant,
>>94832514>conflating caste prejudice with racial prejudiceI can definitely see where that would trip hysterical narcissists LARPing as virtue warriors up.
>>94832522And? they all have at least twice the detail, that makes it okay.
>>94832526>TRO 2750Still the best ship designs IMO.
Short batrep from Monday.3 sides, 10K BV IlClan era. Victory points are earned by knocking out enemy units, and holding the centre of the map, with an extra 3VP for holding it at the end. The forces are:Clan Wolf, all 3/4 iirc>Night Gyr X>Hunchback IIC Standard>Thor II C>Blackjack unknown, had 2 RAC 5'sMercs mechs 3/4, ASF 3/2>Kodiak 2>Hunchback 4G>Crab 27B>2 ASF, cant remember the chassis, had a UAC20 and 4 ML's>3rd Donegal Guards (me)>Fafnir 5X 3/4>Flashman 8K>Lynx 9R 3/5>Centurion 10B 4/4>Bushwacker X1The first turn starts with both of my opponents advancing on each other, allowing me to push out into the ruins, sending the Flashman and Lynx to flank whilst the other 3 push the centre. I had most to fear from Headshots Wolf forces, based on the number of mechs on the ground, so aimed for him. However, the other player had eyes on me, and sent his ASF's over to strike the Flashman, hitting it with an AC20 round that fortunately failed to fell it.The others mechs continued to lay into each other, the Hunchback closing into point blank with its rival, whom was hunting the Kodiak, and a blistering exchange of rapid fire autocannon shells took place, with both sides suffering heavily as they pushed to close range, the Kodiak suffering sensor and life support damage, and the Thor II being put into forced retreat. Both ASF's continued to harry the Flashman, hitting it three times with AC20 shots and putting it into forced retreat. However, the Flashman shot back and managed to achieve more than it has in any prior game - it landed all 3 Large Laser shots on one of the ASF's, mauling its landing gear but failing to lawn dart it. Still, between it and the Lynx they persuaded that this side of the map was a No Fly zone>>94828823>pleasebejoking.png
>>94832531Last I checked (years ago) the traitors got fucked for their specials too.
>>94832498Speaking of Marians, a slave revolt is creeping into the realm of possibility. Some guy going by Junius Brutus is organizing slaves from a penal unit and gaining enough traction to be a potential threat to the Caesar. "I am Junius!" has the right syllable count at least.
>>94832556The Flashman turned for home, still sending the occasional laser blast down range inspite of its two engine hits, and Headshot rushed the centre with his Blackjack, which I met with my Bushwhacker. Apparently, noone seemed to have realised what was bearing down on them from the flank, as the other two continued to exchange fire, throwing literal tons of ordnance over the short gap between their forces, only the Blackjack bothering to fully focus on the Bushwhacker, though the Night Gyr gave it a taste of CSLRM's. The Hunchback 4G took an AC20 hit to the CT which cored it, and the others pounded one another. My Bushwhacker was floored by the pounding it took, but in return managed to tagteam the Blackjack with the Centurion and catch a full bin of UAC5 ammo, blowing the mech apart, whilst the Fafnir landed a hit on the Night Gyr that tagged one of its bins, blowing its side torso off and causing the pilot to black out.By now Headshot was down to one scoring mech, the Hunchback IIC, his others being either crippled or dead. (crippled/forced withdrawal mechs cannot hold the mcguffin). An airstrike by an ASF failed to remove the IIC from the fight, and the other circled for a run down the centre.The Lynx also failed to achieve anything significant, landing a Laser hit on the Thor II but nothing else.If you have not noticed, both the opposing forces have pounded each other to scrap whereas the Lyrian forces are, by dint of having avoided the AC20 furball, relatively fresh. This would come to tell over the next couple of turns.
>>94832294We have ten for mine as well, organized into two teams of ten. There are only about 6 I actually expect to stick it out though. Two I know for sure will drop after never showing. I wish we had a proper strategic level map. You mind linking your stuff? I'd like to download it and give it a look.
>>94832674 you go. What system are you running with?
>>94832421>>94832329>>94832371I'm only 550 miles. Honestly next time I'm in St. George for World Strength Games I'd love to swing down for a visit and a game or two after it's done if you're open to it Map anon.
>>94832647>Lyran trash are fence-sittingToo bad Daddy didn't buy their son a set of balls when they bought their title from the Archon
>>94832686Thanks map anon. We're running the DFA mission tracks.
>>94828776Seems something like that.Anyway they can always repeat Reunification Wars (which is hapenning now) and Amaris Civil War
>>94832647Seeing a chance to contest the centre the Crab rushed the centre, moving to ruins, where the hunchback IIC laid into it, blowing an arm off and opening the corresponding side torso, then on to the centre. Unfortunately for it, the Bushwhacker had now retreated to some nearby ruins for cover, and the fresh Centurion had replaced it, backed by the bulk of the Fafnir which was now throwing Improved Heavy gauss slugs into the disintegrating furball with happy abandon. The Lynx threw a wall of lasers and an ERPPC blast into the prone Night Gyr but failed to kill it.The furball of AC20 exchanges continued as the Kodiak pushed the Thor. It seemed that the heavier mech had the fight, but then the crippled Thor II fired a lucky shot that tagged the already damaged cockpit, killing the Kodiak. Sadly, this happy state of affairs was not to last, as the Hunchback IIC was already dead, having been Beared as the Kodiak passed it, and the Night Gyr took a series of hits (from who I cannot remember) that killed it. The Crab managed to run into close quarters under the cover of the Fighters, only to be greeted by a pair of IHGR's as the Fafnir aimed its imposing bulk at the small mech. Two cracks and it was all over, the Crab was blown apart, and the one fighter that got a strike off missed its target and ate a volley from the Lynx that threatened its integrity.Seeing that no ground forces where left the two fighters called it quits, and the Thor II retreated, leaving the Lyrians in control of the field and sitting with a rather hefty 7 point lead.It was a fun game, though I think my opponents made the mistake of fixating on each other and the AC20's they each carried, failing to realise the threat from the considerably lighter but more numerous Donegal Guard units until it was far too late, as well as forgetting the central objective and only sending a token unit each to contest it, which was entirely inadequate when faced with the Fafnir and its Medium escorts.
>>94832749The DFA guy keeps mentioning he wants to make it compatible with Instant Action, I should ask him whether he needs anything on my end for v5
>>94832764It would be very nice. Add a lot more variety and depth.
>>94832794Wait. Got my guys mixed up, it's the Outworld Wastes guy who wants to add it. I don't know the DFA guy.
Gonna be running a Hinterlands campaign using the new book, what would be a fun pair of mechs to play with and against? If you're not familiar with the rules for it:>2 mechs>3000 BV totalI don't want to run some Clan fuckbominations or jump-8-hexes bullshit, but I'd also like to be somewhat competitive against said fuckbomination.
>>94832813I'm personally running a Quickdraw 5Mr and Starslayer 3C, which I think are pretty modest as far as fuckbominations go. 5/8/5 with mostly IS lasers for weapons.
>>94832813I've had success with a Bushwacker X4 and a Wolfhound 3S. Salvaged the other two.
>>94832549MW5C did a very good job with the ships IMO
>>94830966>damage controling so hardCome on man>>Later Alaric Steiner-Davion tells her to get fucked and that everything is going to be all Clan, all the time.Then it should've jeopardize the whole initiative. Yet instead there is brand nuSLDF which is even stronger than Clan Yiiff and loyal to khan Inbred
>>94832813I really like the look of the Inferno. I'm looking forward to trying it out in my Hinterlands campaign.
>>94832505That's why you gotta get the OG crusher joe Minerva model dropship
>>94832864Was a good mix of 2750 and 3057.
>>94832976Nah, for me the best of battletech is blocky western designs.
>>94830950>Going after the League when the entire former CJF Occupation Zone is a bunch of minor powersHow fucking retarded is Trillian, holy shit.
>>94833045How retarded is the Dominion? They could be going west, trouncing Horses and seizing the Hinterlands, but instead they plan to poke the Dragon and probably get fucked up if Yomi can keep the Davions pacified with Tongue reclamation work.
>>94833084The authors forgot that the Bears and Horses have a feud around the Johad books.
>>94833045The story can only be as intelligent as the company that dictates it, at best.
>>94833045Isn't it great to have an entire faction who's eternal gimmick is being bad at war? Isn't it so interesting to always go back to the same wells?
>>94833045It's #justbolanthings
>>94833045I kinda like the devs remembering that the Lyrans hate the FWL. That border was always the most forgotten-about.
>>94833229I get that, but you'd think the half-baked petty states like the Vesper Marches or Tamar Pact would be a tempting target. Plus you think the Lyrans would be salivating at evening the score with the Falcons and pummeling their remnants into scrap.
>>94833332That's the logical thing to do. But that doesn't give us Chaos March 2.0 to serve as a convenient place to set player campaigns in.
>>94833332But then there wouldn't be a new chaos march for lance to company sized scrappy mercenary forces to have adventures in.
>>94833332For an economy focused state like the Lyrans, having a bunch of little rump/buffer states can be a good thing. Lyran corporations can have a field day in a place like that, and it pushes the dangerous clanners away.
Were there any novels featuring Caleb and Julien Davion or was it all just in sourcebook blurbs? Trying to figure out what all I have to read to get a good feel for Ilclan lore.
>>94833360NVM I'm an idiot I found them.
>>94833360Julian is basically the main character of Dominions Divided. Which is fine if you want to read about politics, but the space battle early on is really the best part.
So Capellan term 'ascension' = died/killed?
>>94833084>>94833087Considering Bears returned to their Crusader roots it makes sense since Dracs are embodiment of Inner Sphere resolve ever since Hidden Wars
Rigged up some existing files together to make a Dragon II
>>94830662So that's a no?
>>94833429>Dragon II? What;s that>it's a 4/6 artillery MechWhy call it a Dragon at that point? It's a nonjumping Catapult.
>>94833534Mechwarrior Dark Age was weird. If you want a traditional Grand Dragon in the ilClan era, the 12K is your boy. Clan tech ERPPC and LRM10, two medium pulse lasers.Apparently the idea with the Dragon II was to make an artillery platform mech that would have lots of parts commonality with the Grand Dragon for ease of maintenance and economies of scale.
>>94833534the artwork looks like a Zeus clone more than a Dragon desu
>>94833534You know what's even weirder? All the way on the far side of the Sphere, the Regulans made something so similar that they could be variants of each other. But they're completely unrelated.
>>94833534>>94833574Has anyone even come close to the OG?
>>94833616O-Bakemono is the exact same thing except 4/6. Which is fairly inconsequential on an artillery platform.
>>94830950>The Ravens responded by giving Sian the Turtle Bay treatment and completely obliterated Chang'An. Not a single building left standing and no one knows if Daoshen is alive or not.Fucking based
>>94833624I really want to know how the MRM40/C3 variant does when properly networked
>>94833672Take a knot out of your mouth
>>94833678I've used it a couple times. MRMs are actually decent when networked, and MRM 40s can really put on the hurt. It's slow, but well armored; one of my favorite C3M mechs.
What part of FF manufacturing process made it a lostech? Only Endo required 0g space factory, right?
>>94833804The part where it wasnt in introtech. It came out 100 years after the Mackie theres no reason it didnt just become standard.
>>94833804Well, it's described as taking normal armor and adding a layer of woven diamond onto it. So I'd assume it's the process of making fibers out of diamond, which sounds pretty fucking hard.
>>94830950>Merchant ships with Aurigan livery are being spotted in the systems around where they used to exist along with oddly well equipped pirates. The Watch thinks another SLDF or possibly even a Blakist cache was found.Don't be a pussy CGL. Let Aurigan Celestials become a thing.
>>94834060Here's the actual screencap
Does IKEO hints/mentions Alaric's developing insanity from tie-in novel or it's all according to Yiffs keikaku?
>>94834088I don't think the Blakists are really involved, it's just a cheeky reference to all the weird stuff made up for the computer game like COIL Beams, Bullsharks and Assassins that are actually good.
>>94834088>Alaric gets obliterated by the Argo getting launched at mach jesus from the ErinyesI want to believe
>>94834118It's entirely framed as an intelligence report being handed to Alaric (hence ilKhan's Eyes Only) so it doesn't really address his mental state, because you don't write "The boss is crazy" on a report you give to the boss
>>94834131>so it doesn't really address his mental stateBut the consequences of his decisions? If ruler is schizo some of the edicts had to bite his ass
>>94834157But what about new Star League?
>>94834147>Listen up everyone, barbarian king who sacked Rome here. Me and my pals are going to expand our rule to touch ever part of the old empire and more, so you might as well start paying me tribute now. Me and all my subjugated tribes can put together almost a whole legion, so you better watch out!
>>94834205No.>Taurian Concordat
>>94834205I mean, if we have learned one thing from BT history it's that centralized authority from Terra is invincible and lasting.
>>94834211I want CGL to have the Taurians apply for membership in the new Star League just because that would piss off absolutely everyone.
>>94834191What about it? Ward can call himself Grand Poobah Potentate of Assembled Humanity if he wants, but to be the Man, you gotta beat the Man, and none of the House lords are going to accept an upjumped Clanner as galactic overlord unless he can kick all their asses into submission. Probability: unlikely
>>94834221That would be lulz. Have the Outworlds Alliance/Raven Roost be the troublesome outliers this time, just out of generational trauma from Forlough last time.
>>94834228>you gotta beat the Man, and none of the House lords are going to accept an upjumped Clanner as galactic overlord unless he can kick all their asses into submission.IDK. Cappies surrendered pretty quickly and so did Republic and LCW, Suns will most likely follow the LCW. So it leaves only Dracs, FWL and Periphery
>>94834246Isn't Outworld Alliance subjugated by Ravens via political machinations?
>>94834249FWL forces were literally stopped by few clusters of Spirit Cats and Sea Fox
>>94834249Just because the powers you listed won't fight him doesn't mean they'll fight for him. Wolf touman is too light to take on multiple powers, and Ward hasn't exactly been making friends.
>>94834228>Probability: unlikelyExcept we already know Third Star League reigns supreme for the following centuries
>>94834258>and Ward hasn't exactly been making friends.LCWRepublic of the Sphere
>>94834261We know there is an organization calling itself that which has an ilkhan and a loremaster and gladiator/historical reenactment pits with someone who goes by Marik in them but we didn't get any indication about how much territory they actually control or where they are located.
>>94834270>but we didn't get any indication about how much territory they actually control or where they are located.We actually know that this entity control whole IS with Great Houses stripped off any real power.
>>94834263RotS is dead, Lyrans are a shadow of their former selves. Ward is basically sitting on the Terran Hegemony's level, and unlike Ian Cameron, isn't a great diplomat. Cameron forged the Star League by getting people onside, not at gunpoint, but after 400 years no Successor state wants anyone but themselves in the big chair, and only the Dracs don't pretend otherwise.
>>94834249What's LCW? Also, what? CapCon surrendered?
>>94834270AlsoYou aren't doing your job properly community manager
>>94834279>Also, what? CapCon surrendered?Yep
>>94834274That's not what the quotes I've seen say.
>>94834276>Ward is basically sitting on the Terran Hegemony's levelTerran Hegemony+ Wolf Empire+ Raven Alliance+ Rasalhague Dominion+ Sea Fox with all their industry+ LCW and Federrated Suns soon joinning him
>>94834290>Raven Alliancelol>RDWard already shat in their mouths, they don't want to be his buddy.>Sea FoxThe artists formerly known as Diamond Sharks are mercs.>LCWYou mean LA the Balkanized oligarch collective?>FedSunsToo busy with Dracs to be helpful, and Julian isn't Alaric's boyfriend.
>>94834297>You mean LA the Balkanized oligarch collective?>Too busy with Dracs to be helpful, and Julian isn't Alaric's boyfriend.I mean states who fights Alaric's enemies
>>94834258>. Wolf touman is too light to take on multiple powers,-> >>94834157
>>94834321It's conceivable he could use them if he can spin it that it's in their best interests to hit hostile powers for him, but they won't be doing it because he told them to.
>>94834345>but they won't be doing it because he told them to.Because..?Republic Remnants happily jumped the Wolf knot after being invited
>>94833624>artillery mech can't keep up with Clan cavalry heavies
>>94833699>only Wolf bitches can want to see cappies killedTake the Chancellor's 3cm cock out of your mouth.
>>94834378They just lost their government, of course they made nice nice to the new landlord. But the Dominion isn't going to dickpunch Canopians on Alaric's say so like being a stellar step'n'fetch.
>>94834396>But the Dominion isn't going to dickpunch Canopians on Alaric's say so like being a stellar step'n'fetch.They are already doing it with Dracs
>>94834205>trueborn descendent of aleksandr kerenskyLol, lmao even.
>>94834254Yeah, but maybe the Ravens will get so passed off about Alaric giving everything to the Sharks that they pick up their toys and take them home.
>>94834279>What's LCWI assume Lyran Commonwealth?
>>94834397To their detriment, and I think the GBs know it which is why they aren't planning on a protracted campaign.
>>94834394Well it's either team Asia or team Knot, at least for now.
>>94834410None never turns on wolves
>>94834422As of Dominions Divided, theyve taken Yamarovka and theyre preparing to strike at Luthien.
>>94834435>strike at Luthien.Im sure thats not going to cause any massive shitstorms. Nope, none whatsoever
>>94832239antigravity technology confirmed
>>94834445WiGE 'Mechs confirmed for next big tech development
>>94834445>>94834451I'm pretty sure that passage is about the Black Marauder, so it's magic.
>>94834477My explanation is funnier, so im going to ignore that
>>94834451Battletech 4025: Age of the Aerospace Mech when?
>>94834492Closer than you'd think
>>94834492>year 2030>Battletech just released its newest mech, the Aerospace Mech>monstrous 40/60/40 movement profile, necessitating larger playing mats>the blurb in TotalWarfare about ranges being artificially limited so players don't need to rent out tennis courts every time they want to play is no longer relevant>only people who can afford to play in whole rooms, driveways, or baseball fields have any games>LAM-fags eternally btfo'd
>>94834513>>the blurb in TotalWarfare about ranges being artificially limited so players don't need to rent out tennis courts every time they want to play is no longer relevant>>only people who can afford to play in whole rooms, driveways, or baseball fields have any games...Wouldn't you just use aerotech movement rules at that point?
>>94834529Nah, still need to have play area for old-gen Mechs, convees and infantry.
>>94834513kek I don't think it would be LAMfags who would get angry over this
>>94834536You sure, they'd needpessly whine about something thats the spiritual successor of the LAM while leaving their toys in the miserable state its currently in>inb4 why bother creating these monstrosities when they could just fix the LAM'sThat sort of thing
>>94834497Is that a Newgrange?
>>94834549Probably not no, you get flying mechs either way which is what most people like about LAMs. The people who'd hate it would be the usual anti-LAM crowd since a lot of them hate Airmech mode in particular, which you basically just made a better version of.
Interesting little blurb from IKEO frm when the Foxes were given the BSLA:>Scientist councils are to begin developing a new Prometheus Database, containing information to entice Inner Sphere leaders to join the Star League. Vet it carefully to ensure it contains nothing that could be used against us.Wonder what this could be. A running database of clantech to be distributed to those willing to join the new StarLeague, perhaps? Can we finally get rid of the distinction between clan and IS techbases?>although that last wish may be a longshot since it specifically says to exclude anything that could be used agains them, but is vague if thats referring to weapons. Iron Womb tech maybe?
>>94834571Trading LAMs for Aerospace Mechs is just pic related all over again
>>94834575We know that the Clans have advance biotech (e.g. they can regrow limbs) and WoK mentions very advanced material sciences, including allowing for ridonkulously tall buildings.
>>94834404"Incest-baby of Katherine Steiner-Davion and Victor Steiner-Davion" didn't quite have the same ring.
>>94834586Yeah, its most likely more mundane stuff, but still
>>94834556nta but yes it is specifically the Mercy and in that picture its using a derelict m5 caspar as repair material stock to fix up an interdictor-class for insurgents
>>94834492Never. Advancing past 3050 was a mistake. All moving the timeline forward has done is foment division in the player base, make a mockery of game balance, and promote apostles of buggery as being fit to make setting-sweeping decisions to the detriment of all but their precious pet factions, while alienating everybody else.
>>94834669>3050bullshit fake tech made up to satisfy whiners who couldn't handle real tech
>>94834673I'd have been happy with 3039 forever
>>94834680>3039was just an excuse for the communists to take over battletech, which they did, and it's been like that ever since. play the real game or get out
>>94834700t. some assmad Lyran
>>94834297>lolThey literally crossed FedSuns just to help him with Cappies>they don't want to be his buddy.Except they want it badly.>The artists formerly known as Diamond Sharks are mercs.???>You mean LA the Balkanized oligarch collective?Yep the one which helps Alaric by fighting war against FWL, preventing them from attacking Wolf Empire>Too busy with DracsSo he helps Alaric
>>94834126Nah, Alaric deserved a real duel with hist archnemesis - Atlas II
>>94834707>lyransFanfiction nonsense. Not part of real battletech