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Ashes Without Number is coming out some time this year and I'm going to run a Mad Max campaign.
What's the best apocalypse for the setting? I'm trying to avoid the two big cliches (zombies and nukes).
Why are you trying to avoid cliches? They're incredibly useful and save a lot of work.
Hostile alien terraforming. They fucked with the planet's rotation so nights are longer, and alien wildlife is rapidly hybridizing with Earth's.
I don't like those two particular cliches, I think they're one-note. I want something with monsters and mystery. Importantly, the nature of the apocalypse won't be spelled out for the party and I want there to be a real fog of war on the setting. The moment you see a zombie, you can safely assume the campaign will climax in some kind of underground lab.
Peak Oil. A slow, inevitable slide back to the Iron Age slowed by refuges kept modern by nuclear reactors, algae farms, corn ethanol, and hydrogen powered vehicles. The central federal governments are unable to effectively project power in many places, leading to zones controlled by county governments or rendered effectively lawless.
Y2K plus X-files could be fun.
>The moment you see a zombie, you can safely assume the campaign will climax in some kind of underground lab.

This sounds like a you problem
>What's the best apocalypse for the setting?
Megavolcano eruption combined with a solar storm disaster.
Thank God peak oil was just a hoax.
Climate change, crop failures leading to 6 gorillions dying of hunger and/or immigrant hordes pouring into colder countries and grinding civilization to an African pulp

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