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Archives & Other Resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94822250
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>Filthy mixed art CYOA

This one I like
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Husanon here.
I'm back!
Had to take a time off due to some health concerns but I managed to finish Jian.
Next Isi.
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That last pic is too fucking adorable, so now I have to take her. More to the point, the update looks good to me.
Italics will cut you in half like Sukuna.
We are bros I will help him kill everyone
>Had to take a time off due to some health concerns
Hope you're doing better.
Post aro kino
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>Post aro kino
Any particular topic?
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Cute CYOA. Also, checked.

>Great Tree

>Alchemist Mind


I get to be a handsome Alchemist while living with a cute fairy in the woods? Sounds like an amazing deal to me.
If memory serves, it's by QuinbriggAnon, who did all his own art.
Isi: 72 Unlock, 90 Master
Jian: 72 Unlock, 90 Master
Bue: 68 Unlock, 85 Master
Chu: 60 Unlock, 75 Master
Luva: 72 Unlock, 90 Master
Sekera: 68 Unlock, 85 Master
Vasara: 68 Unlock, 85 Master
Atra: 60 Unlock, 75 Master
Cepure: 72 Unlock, 90 Master
Zoni: 56 Unlock, 70 Master
Nazya: 64 Unlock, 80 Master

Total for all artifacts:
Unlock: 732 Points
Master: 915 Points

This is current point totals, if you do reduce the point total to unlock like you said before I will recalculate accordingly. If you have to pay 10 to unlock them and drawbacks give 20 each, this seems fine, you're averaging in the 200s for someone taking all the artifacts, or about 30ish percentage give or take. That seems fair to me.
I like this one but its a little weird

Are makes really nice looking cyoas if nothing else
>Not being monogamous
I like this one a lot.
Immortal [Free]
Physique Change [Beyond Human] [-3]
Appearance Change [-2]

>Reincarnation: No Background

>Context: Noblebright [+2]

>Power Gain: The Slayer

>Preset: Duelist [+2 Willpower] [-6]

Melee I, II & III [-7]
Armor [-3]
Offhanding I, II, & III [-6]
Disarming I [-1]
Improved Healing [-1]
Fast Learner [-1]
Level Head [-2]
Nullification I & II [-7]
Precognition [-3]

>Magic: None

>Equipment: None

Divine Intuition

>Starting City: Pastel


>Accommodations: Apartment [Free]
Luxury District

>Hidden Ability: Protagonist Drive
Goal: Hunt The Ancient Wyrms

Guilty [+1]
Slayer can't buy skills.
What is /ocyoa/?
Isi, my wife.
Vasara and Chu, my trusted retainers.
With these 3 I will conquer all.
Oh, whoops
>What is /ocyoa/?
A now-defunt cyoa thread focused around the Overlord cyoa (by Zuranon).
>not taking all of them
What brought that up? The /ocyoa thread has been dead for a long time.
Post Gil kino
How is it weird? It’s typical isekai slop. You even get the option to take the isekai goddess with you as a companion.
It always baffles me how we can get 100+ pages of whatever cyoas but overlord, the cyoa setting that is literally just supposed to be the ultimate stat autism character creator cannot manage to get a good iteration no matter who tries to make it.
>Post Gil kino
If you're a fan, why don't you share some of your favorites?
repost my oc
No. I’ve already proven my love for Gil plenty of times. Now it is your turn.
>No. I’ve already proven my love for Gil plenty of times. Now it is your turn.
. . . and yet you didn't recognize that I posted one of Gil's cyoas with my reply. One of the last ones he wrote, actually.
kek, fakegilfag BTFO
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Updating Isi with some highlights for important rules
>It always baffles me how we can get 100+ pages of whatever cyoas but overlord, the cyoa setting that is literally just supposed to be the ultimate stat autism character creator cannot manage to get a good iteration no matter who tries to make it.
Well, the anime revolves around a single player character from Yggdrasil (Ainz Oon Gaol), who was more a proof-of-concept build than a serious adventurer. Hard to get a sense of the rules with such a limited number of examples. Maybe if we had the Greed Kings and the other isekaied players, it might be different.

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Who says I didn’t notice it? Post an actual multi pager instead of a meme cyoa you faker.
I mean we have the partially done character sheets for the important npcs and the side story that covered ainz and his guildmates actually clearing the great tomb of nazarick along with all the stuff we read about classes/abilities etc in the actual light novel definitely don't give us a complete picture, but there's enough to staple together a character creator as long as you extrapolate some. As a light novel reader who really enjoys the setting and would love to do a character for it, literally all of the versions have left me completely unsatisfied and annoyed.
What's been the biggest deal breaker so far?

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>Belt of the Champion Zoni
Get this slop off my wife IMMEDIATELY
>I have pretended to like gil for the last 10 years
I never would have thought it possible.
Extreme lack of races and classes which makes me feel like I'm stacking completely unrelated things to make a character because my specialization only makes up half my classes. The actual game was supposed to have had literally hundreds of classes and races to choose from. The last few iterations I saw also had a heavy emphasis on gambling and shit for no apparent reason, and the lack of a way to make/gain npcs. The focus on multiplayer with such little diversity compared to what you're supposed to have in the setting also sucks for someone who would want to be a solo player and make some npcs in their house to get isekai'd with him.
>he thinks I’m pretending
You will never be a real gil fan
The question mark should be a comma or otherwise transition to the second sentence and capitalize the first word. That's just a minor spelling issue I saw, everything looks fine mechanically.
Stop simping for some Jewish retard
A problem I noticed with this iteration while theorybuilding what my build would be. With this new point system any artifact you take detracts from your unaspected total. So if I take 5 non-isi artifacts and a drawback for each of them my point total would be 150 points, but only 50 of that is not tied to an artifact, and each of those 5 only gets 20 points. So getting a lot of artifacts leaves you spread thinner across them assuming you take pacts on them, to the point that taking all 10 other artifacts leaves you with no unaspected points and at most 40 per artifact if you're stupid enough to take all 22 pacts.

You could either fix this somehow to makr point spread easier, or you could leave it like this as a mechanical deterrent against taking too many artifacts. I would advise the latter as I think this is a good way to keep people around a lower number of artifacts without being super intrusive if someone doesn't want drawbacks, even if for me being a person trying to get like 6 total artifacts without dogshit drawbacks its going to leave me kinda fucked.
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I am NOT physicsfag you red baboon ass.
Surprising no one (S)catposter was Physicsfag all along.
>deterrent against taking too many artifacts.
Yeah that's the idea.
the drawbacks themselves used to be the deterrent but now you have to be more careful with your points.
And the drawbacks are there to somewhat ease the burden of on your points.

Thanks I'll fix it.
Don't think of it as just the points being the sole deterrant, points and the drawbacks work well together like this. I do think some of the artifacts like cepure, nazya, bue and zoni have much worse drawbacks than most of the other artifacts but the balancing of 'Hey. If you want some extra points take this shitty disorder!" Is a good temptation. I wanted to take nazya solely for her immortality ritual because i'm scared there may be companions I want to keep immortal later on, but that leaves me with too little points since I have to use my universal pool on isi because I don't want eithet of her drawbacks, but then I have to balance points for luva and vasara as well, meanwhile chu and atra pay for themselves since I only want like a single line from both of them in their current versions. Whether or not you can buy off drawbacks in the future and what you write for companions may kill me, I have a distinct lack of certain monstergirl archetypes I want on these artifacts and if other companions cover that I will have a seizure trying to fit in points to make them immortal.
dumb monkey
A sidenote to this as well before I go to bed, there's no way to generate unaspected points afaik since training for the ridiculously long time for points only gives points towards the artifact you trained with right? Meaning if I spend all my 100 unaspected points right now I can't attune to anything else in the future unless I acquiesce to a drawback. Something to think about if you want to keep or not.
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Fucking hell, I don't want 40 goddamn points for specific artifacts. NONE the ones I'll pick that I take both drawbacks require so many points.
Don't take the second drawback then.
That would mean ending up with a massive net loss compared to the previous version. Actually, never mind the specific situation, I'm pretty sure this update is a massive loss of points for all builds.
So... too many points or too few?
Too many children. Skipped!
Actually mathematically its an increase across the board no matter how you look at it. If you take both pacts its more points than before. If you run you're same build you were doing before you end up with more points, its only a loss if you retroactively go back and now don't take drawbacks on your artifacts.
Just right, skeletonanon is a mathlet dramaqueen.
out of ten
>its only a loss if you retroactively go back and now don't take drawbacks on your artifacts
Exactly. I planned to take many drawbacks, but almost none of the artifacts I would take will have more than 30 points spent on them, which is something I expect most people to do because artifacts mostly have many options builds would naturally not take. This update fucks over drawback heavy builds.
>artifacts mostly have many options builds would naturally not take
What do you mean by this?
>drawbacks give more points than before
>a-anon you don't understand, I somehow cannot cover 30 points per artifact anymore despite getting 40 for taking both drawbacks!
Ignoring the fact that you're dumb enough to take a lot of drawbacks, if you're having trouble mathing out how this is a total increase, post your build so I can help you math out exactly how many points this increased for you before I go to bed. It only fucks you up if you're trying to take a bunch of artifacts but dump your 100 points into one, which is what you've said you're explicitly not doing. So please show me where you're messing up on your math or specifically getting angry about.
Alright, my syntax was terrible there, sorry.

I meant that most builds would take only what they need on the artifacts and disregard many of the other options. For example, if someone's build only needs soul mark and unknowable mind from Luva, they would have to spend 24 points to access it. In previous versions, they can take both her drawbacks and things would be fine, but now, if they still do that, they would have 16 for abilities they don't need, so they effectively lost points as far as their build is concerned.
*16 points

>lost points
*lose 6 points
>total increase
"Total" means nothing. I don't want a ton of abilities that don't fit with my build and sacrifice other abilities that I actually want. See >>94833937.
>anon actually said that a gain in points is a loss in points
>literally everyone else: "Oh awesome, I have leftover points!"
>This anon: "Oh no... I have leftover points to buy more abilities with..."
I'm really not seeing how this is anything more than a tism issue specifically for you.
Ahh ok look in your example you could do this:
pay 10 points to get her
get one drawback +20
And invest 4 free points
You are left with = 86 free points.
So once again the only argument is "I don't like that I have slightly more spare points than before!"

That's a skill issue on your part, it's not even a massive increase in your example, curb your autism and stop saying a gain is a loss when in your own example its a slight gain.
The problem is that leftover points are eating into actually useful points.

That is an even bigger loss compared to previous versions. What are you even saying?

I have less points for things I want and more for useless shit.
So you have flipped your argument from before since if you're taking a bunch of drawbacks you should have a bunch of points on the artifacts, which means you're complaining because you couldn't take a bunch of artifacts for one singular ability and then dump 80 points into one. In which case, skill issue either drop some artifacts and take them later since their abilities clearly don't matter enough if you're only spending a paltry amount of points on them, or suck it up and accept that you actually got a gain in points and shore up what you were autistic enough to get double drawbacks for. You still have not posted a build or anything to give a tangible point to what you're mad about and have changed your argument. Stop being a dramaqueen.
Maybe there could be a way to convert essence aligned with one artifact into free essence.
Maybe at a rate of 2 aligned essence for 1 free essence.
That would help me out immensely and fix the thing I said >>94833832 here hus, but I firmly believe this guy is just being a dramaqueen. Only do that if you want to.
That would be great.
With respect to that.
If you spend all your free essence you can still atune other artifacts in the future but you must do so the hard way, by training with them for years until you gather 10 essence from them and then keep going to unlock and master their powers.
>you have flipped your argument
How exactly?

>their abilities clearly don't matter enough if you're only spending a paltry amount of points on them
Supreme fortune, guiding star, soul mark, and great prophesy are all just a single ability from their artifacts. They don't matter? Retard.
>How exactly?
As I said in that post, you're complaining about an issue you aren't having.
>Supreme fortune, guiding star, soul mark, and great prophesy
>individual 20 point abilities completely covered by taking a single drawback you're already taking in your 'drawback heavy build'
Retard dramaqueen, this is the type of shitposter hus has attracted for some reason that will complain about literally anything and nothing at the same time.
the training time being a decade of dedicating every waking hour for one point is not worth it at all
>you're complaining about an issue you aren't having
I see. You're the one person here who doesn't understand. I pity your lack of comprehension and I regret wasting my time repeating shit over and over again to you.

>individual 20 point abilities completely covered by taking a single drawback you're already taking in your 'drawback heavy build'
It was a refutation of your retardation.
>clearly don't matter enough

>single drawback
Never talked about taking a single drawback. The entire point is that taking both drawbacks is now a loss compared to before.
>has reverted to shitposter base nature since his point got attempt at falseflagging got refuted
>still saying a gain in points is a loss when its actually a gain for what he's doing
>flips his argument on a whim whenever its proven wrong
>wont post a prototype build because he knows he's wrong
I accept your concession, dramaqueenanon.
Picking the younger sister when the older one loves you is a bit cruel. I'd also feel bad sending Rashia back empty-handed or abandoning Amanti to her (probably) grim fate.
I really don't know who to pick
I was planning to change it to 10 years of "casual" training or 5 with "Intensive" training.
thats good
Elemental magic is pretty gay tho
Melting the flesh off of one foe's bones through the utterance of primordial flame is the straightest magic possible. I agree using water for combat is gay, but I suspect you are a sciencesperg who cannot conceive of wonder or fantasy beyond the bounds of mundane and soulless materialism, and should be ignored.
the new system is fine don't let the retard shitposter cry otherwise
What about the intelligent shitposter? For that matter, what about the two, separate retarded and intelligent productive posters? There are only a dozen regulars in the /cyoag/, it's important to keep track of the comings and goings.
>Melting the flesh off of one foe's bones through the utterance of primordial flame is the straightest magic possible
Sure, but not if it comes from some gay rotating runic circle that only manifests when you do some gay hand waving. Also fireballs are gay.

The virgin fireball vs the chad spontaneous combustion
I'll be forthright, the visual trappings don't matter much to me as long as something's getting burnt. Even the magic is redundant. I'd get just the same thrill out of a torch or flamethrower. For me, it's the fire itself that sparks the visceral thirst for violence. It is the flame, the inferno, the great and glorious BLAZE that precedes all lesser afflictions!
>What about the intelligent shitposter?
no such thing

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