Defiant Developers Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.>Build Divide>Force of Will>Final Fantasy TCG>DBZ CCG>Wixoss>Keyforge>Gundam>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)>Digimon>Flesh and Blood>Gate Ruler>Battle Spirits>Ashes>One Piece>The other DBZ game>Sorcery>Doomtown>Warlord>Magi Nation>Lord of the Rings>Neopets>The Condemned CCG>Grand Archive TCG>Disney Lorcanaetc.Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!Pastebin/Rules for some games>Wixoss>FoW>Dragonball GT SD>Gate Ruler>Build Divide>FaB>Ashes Reborn>Netrunner>Fusion World>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)>The Condemned CCG chat for playing /acg/>Previous Thread>>94794152>Thread Question (2 parts):Which game companies have their fingers firmly on the pulse of their playerbases?Which ones absolutely do no?
Scam card game posting.
>>94836332>>Thread Question (2 parts):>Which game companies have their fingers firmly on the pulse of their playerbases?GamesworkshopWizards of the Coast (mostly on investors tho)And the FaB oneBandai>Which ones absolutely do no?Pokemon companyPaizoFantasy FlightAEGKonami
>>94837482I think Ravensburger's doing a pretty fine job with Lorcana, but on the other hand, I don't think it's that hard to please a Disney Adult (yeah, that includes me, but at least I'm self-aware about it).
>>94836248>>94836282>>94836599>WA LAOThe existence of First Strike made this not only inevitable but a priority. The only remaining question is whether Jarl is filling the Guardian(Earth) slot or if we're getting Armory Deck: Terra to complete the set.The Armory Deck is supposed to capture new players first, and milk existing players with exclusives second. It's not a patching system for your favorite underdog. Get a fucking grip, niggas.>inb4 fuckfab
>>94837988I have no real feelings about the Aurora deck but if they were expanding the first strike decks it makes me sad that we got jarl instead of big Tera
>>94836332I saw this image posted like a dozen places before I realized it was fab and not lorcana. are they gonna redo all the characters as dis princess crossovers or only some?
god damn where'd they all go
I might as well share the rest of my collection i picked up. these were mainly bought during the bankruptcy for a very good deal.
>>94840058thats all my graded stuff. you can see the other shit i have in the last thread.
>>94840052>pants>>94840067>kitty Very nice. Did you buy them as an investment, or do you enjoy the cards?
>>94840408A little bit of both. I am a cultured man, you hear ghost stories, paranormal, about cryptids and whatnot. I knew about mothman since I was in HS. I knew about bigfoot and lockness since I was very young as well. Not the biggest fan of scary shit DESU but i do go down the spooky story rabbit hole from time to time. I thought they will hold relevancy due to the connection of Cryptids with American culture and though the company went bankrupt, that people will eventually find out about these through the Cryptid and spooky story rabbit hole. fact of the matter its a good way to spread it without paying for marketing. Just going to hold indefinitely.
>>94840044>>94840052>>94840058>>94840067I love seeing collections like those cause it makes my impulsive buying, of old or acgs that people don't play much, be seen in better lens in comparison lmao
>>94841252I been on pause with collecting. there is only so much more out there that i personally want within my price range. but I am going to preorder the new set when it gets announced. I know they are planning on doing some promotions at collect a con, im not sure if they are planning on releasing a set during that time. which will be the end of march.
>>94838743Isn't that hoe she's always looked? Aria has a very whimsical and colorful deal going on, so the characters from there have always been a bit more vibrant.>>94837916As long as they keep adding franchises/films I like to the game then I'm happy. One of the things that kills me with FaB (which I do like, mind) is that it's possible for entire sets to pass me by because I don't care about the classes in it. So far the only Lorcana set I've been kinda "meh" on was Ursula.
any one piece gamers here? trying to get into the hobby but it seems like the meta decks are way more expensive then i thought they'd be. i was looking to get something budget ~100 USD or less but it seems like every decent list is like 200 USD or higher
>>94837988fuckfab mentioned!
>>94842572I'm pretty sure you can get a winning Doflamingo list for a decent price, you need to upgrade the starter deck a bit and youre golden.You have some options outside of the really big decks, Nami, Reiju, Belo Betty even some Zoro lists can get you results although not as consistently.If you want you can always try to look a bit ahead given how Japan is a couple of releases ahead and plan around what might be good in the future.
I feel bad for anyone that wants to make a new successful "indie" tcg after metazoo kinda poisoned the well of public perception on them
>>94840052Sewer Alligator is cute. GAMES ARE OVER
Good thing I don't play/collect pokemon
that's a gorgeous card
So looks like everyone wants warrior or assassin in draft. The cat sitting next to Brodie picked up cindra late reportedly, so the pro player had the pick of it litter for ninja cards. Keep in mind cindra is blue hungry, I'm hearing minimum 8 that you want? She's still a ninja, they love having resources for big turns. He won the first round with her too so it was a smart call.
>>94844317BSpurs won twice in a row so he could go all the way to the calling victory. Cindra looks more complicated than I originally thought.
>>94844522Kid got snubbed lolSimon proved you can do well with good value high fealty and low reaction fang. I hope he goes all the way, the chat was losing their mind with how he constructed their decks (thinking he screwed up).
>>94843203I doubt it affects much unless you're trying to specifically make another metazoo. for the general audience for indie ccgs, metazoo had red flags all over it from day one, so its failure didn't really surprise anyone.
>>94843581Janemba is the first card I think I'm actually going to buy 4 alt arts of. Love love love it.
>>94845159congrats to FangDude has an impressive draft record. It was awesome seeing the audience cringe at his deck building calls but he fucking WON with it so goes to show you what the outies looking in are like.
>>94843581I been wanting to get one of these.
I saw a fucking video advertisement for Altered TCG. It did not look appealing to me, but my big takeaway is... I guess they're doing well enough to actually have a marketing budget?
>play flesh and blood>game supposed to be about bad ass warriors fighting each other with grit and strength >players are all trannies and queers wearing face diapers What causes this?
>>94847481>be weak>fantasize about being stronggee anon, i don't know
>>94847481I had a coworker that would rave about FAB. he was somewhat based but i could tell the woke mind virus had affected him as well. i tried to convert him, but i think FAB is indeed filled with tranny beta males.
>>94847481>What causes this?Poaching MTG players.
>>94847481just the nature of TCGs. the main appeal of games using that sales model is its P2W, so it naturally attracts a certain type.
Rudy, you cad, tell me what your promo is so I know who to preorder the hunted with! I have a feeling this is going to be the starting gun to fire and make the markets crazy for flesh and blood again. It's happening with everything else, so why not fab?
>>94849350Singles market is great for FaB already. Boxes? You will likely not see Pokemon levels of gains with FaB for a long time, if ever. Competitive players are smart enough not to blind buy sealed enough masse for fun.
>>94847984They don't fantasize about being strong, though. They fetishize weakness. >>94848051My friend does and he's kinda gay acting but I generally like him. He's not a tranny fortunately just extremely söy. Can't bring myself to hate him so I tolerate him and one other guy as my only söy friends. >>94848742True and MTG has a ton of trannies but it's already been pozzed in lore and art for a long time now, least since Theros. I figured a game that was more literally about physical combat would be better but I guess not. >>94849266>the main appeal of games using that sales model is its P2W, so it naturally attracts a certain type.I don't understand the link though. Alot of these faggots are poor. I mean I'm appalled by the amount of money I waste on it and I'm not even a competitive player.
>>94847481/pol/faggotry is just as severe a mental illness as the trannoids you think about 24/7, fuck off
Im gonna specoolateNext fab set will be "everfest 2" and will feature mechanologist, merchant, illusionist and bard
>>94850269anon, you can't just come out and say a thing like that. he's fragile.
>>94849889you know how PC people act while on the job, i dont blame people. i gave him a couple rides home since he didnt have a car. at his house his sister had a pride flag on display on her window. i never asked if it was his "xister". but i think he liked the change of pace that someone would talk shit about faggotry. some people really do get oppressed by this woke shit.
>>94851475I hope not