Occasional Terrain Making General, AKA proper terrain thread Post terrain/terrain making tips!
>>94837781Big tower. >>94837781>Post terrain/terrain making tips!Dont kill yourself on painting terrain. You can make terrain look very good very easily, but if like 90% of the painting you do on a terrain piece is not done via dry brushing or airbrushing you are going to burn yourself out.Also make terrain with a story in mind. Terrain pieces needs to be more then just adding to the game you are playing they need to have a story about them, thats what makes terrain pieces interesting.
The quality of a table gamer is found in their terrain...
>>94838215Fucking facts. The more effort a wargamer will put into wanting to make a good board the more fun they are to pla ywith. Even if the its not good lookin, but like they seek to make each battle field look like a scene from a book ,the better they are.
>>94837781Anyone know of a good grass battlemap for grid combat?
>>94839369This is terrain making general, make it yourself
>>94837781yes, obviously, left LOOKS worse than right, no one is going to disagree with that. but when playing a GAME, left is obviously going to be a funner experience for BOTH sides, just look at the utter lack of balance in the left terrain set up. the near side has to traverse an open fields while the far side immediately gets access to most the hard cover of buildings on the map its blatantly not fair and poorly set up for BALANCED GAMEPLAY and these are GAMES NOT DIORAMAS.>but just give the attack side more units!ok then, how do you balance that? how do you know how many points to allocate to balance out the terrain advantage? double? triple? what if thats too much and now the attacker has the distinct advantage? its way too much trouble to figure out. thats why tourney tables will always provide the better gameplay experience for BOTH sides. If you want to have a nice terrain general, fine, I can appreciate good looking terrain to, but you people really need to stop bringing up 40k tourney set ups unprovoked.
>>94839754>just look at the utter lack of balance in the RIGHT terrain set up*fix'd
>>94839754It was never a problem before.Frontline Gaming should be tortured and killed cartel style and people like you should be forced to watch.
>>94839754I wonder how long it took you to type out such poor bait. What a gross waste of your time
any tips for working with thick foam?I want to make some tiles to use as an old mine, with the foam being the cut rockbest foam to use? tools needed? etc
>>94841531Insulation foam from the hardware store and a foam cutter, also a box cuttting knife works in a pinch
Here's a simple project any anon could knock out easily; Stone walls.Pic related are a couple of mine arranged with a few minis. The guide I followed is herehttps://youtu.be/RA-VgiDcMBE?si=iMqlmidckfOc5NW3
Everyone posting in this and previous terrain threads, you have a call to take
>>94839760>>94839984>>94840291It's Pasta from one of the last threads.
>>94837781I make a lot of paper terrain. It works well for some things and not so good for others. But it's cheap, easy, and doesn't involve any painting.
>>94837781after starting to get into Trench Crusade I have gotten rather obsessed with the idea of making terrain. any newb tips?
>>94843314Do you have any pics? I'm interested to see them.
>>94843320Cut away from yourself. Xps foam dust isn't healthy for you.
Terrain chads... We can't stop winning
>>94843557hadnt even thought of that. might be overkill but I do have dustmasks and protective goggles from working with metal.
Really happy with how my modular table turned out. This is a medieval look
>>94843735And 15mm WW2. Biggest downside is that the tiles are somewhat fragile and difficult to transport
>>94843663If your just cutting with a knife you don't need one but if your gonna sand it or something like that I would wear it.
Here's my 3x3 board. It's one of my older builds that can accommodate buildings and forests on each of the flat surfaces.
>>94843891And here's 2x2 for demos and smaler skirmishes (even for Mordheim, we just assume that there's a blizzard and cut all shooting up to 12")
>>94843908And with some dudes
>>94840291It is still hilarious to run across my terrain from 2012 on /tg/.WHFB 9th edition, Kings of War 1st edition, Warmachine MK2, 40k 6th to 7th edition. Good time
>>94843891solid work>>94843908very nice, looks like a display board>>94843750I'm starting the new edition of Bold Action with 15mm - this is what I hope to achieve with a table. Good work
9x5 foot wargaming table I made.
>Live in a small apartment>Will never have the space to make/store terrainShit sucks.
>>94845213You have the space mate. I've seen a million British boomers with amazing custom tables full of terrain and they live in shoeboxes
>>94843320Don't be a perfectionist. Start with simple and effective methods. Just get shit done. Then when you are ready to make another generation you can try out more advanced techniques.
>>94841615What's up with your base? Is it 15mm minis on fender washers? Also let me kniw if you already have a ruleset in mind. Thanks!
>>94845719>>94845743Remember what they stole from you.
>>94846103I still have some fond memories of the tutorial to make your own Machine of the Gods, with some weird amalgamation of dinosaurs carrying it.
>>94845213>If you have room for a table then you can store a shit load of terrain under the table. If you don't have room to keep a table up, a wardrobe can store a shitload of terrain. There's always a way.
>>94845235What's their protips?t. moved back from the New World to the Old one.
Little 2 by 2 trench board I made recently. Hope to expand at some point.
>>94845167Looks good, how did you do the grass mat?
>>94847612Canvas drop cloth, some brown caulk mixed with sand to cover it, then just put some glue and sprinkled flock on top. It rolls up very nicely and is super durable
>>94843954Those boards seem cluttered for WMH, they are handsome for sure though
I have this paperback Matt. Nit great on it's own so I was thinking to glue it at that of those floor foam things.Any idea how to glue it? My first guess is someking of double sided tape and something like shoe glue to the corner
>>94848140A cheap can of spray adhesive
>>94848562So fucking based. I love well dressed white men playing historicals, true patricians
>>94849790>>94849795Jesus Christ, that is beautiful!
>>94849820Duane's stuff is great. He posted occasionally in /wfg/ with his 6e Slaanesh army (he was called Slaanon there)
>>94839754Stale copypasta is stale.
I did some Necromunda terrain for a friend's B-Day last year, made me want to do some more of it. The 3 layers come apart so it is technically 1-3 pieces of terrain.