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The best fantasy setting is just real life history with extremely rare and mostly insignificant magic and a monster or two sprinkled in.
the best fantasy is one thats tailor made for the game the players are playing, and such that the availability of magic and monsters is directly proportionate to how much the players want it
Gay, retarded, and frankly, pathetic. Grow a spine
its almost like the game is meant for the players and not the other way round
>real life history
Nope. Next thread now.
I do genuinely enjoy "real life history with extremely rare and mostly insignificant magic and a monster or two sprinkled in" but it's not really the "best".
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No. Real life is too base and has too much psychopath wank. Look at ASOIAF; very few people want to play a game in that setting, and for good reason. I really prefer D&D's fantasy wild-west/iron age with a medieval coat of paint; it's just so much fun as a player. I do generally prefer more realistic-looking weapons/armor/structures though, with some fantastic shit among it for variety.
I am the exact opposite. Alt. history low fantasy is more creative and appealing than LotR fantasy races copy pasted 600 times.
its boring and unfulfilling, it cant really go anywhere or get off the ground
its also guaranteed to be ugly and awful
Real History has more complicated and intricate lore than even a guy like Tolkien could dream up.
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So essentially Nosferatu?
Alt history attracts the worst players, though.
Traditional games, have you played them?
This isn't the flex you think it is, playing traditional game is associated with being out of shape and autistic
Most D&D characters are some form of deranged murderer.
I've seen a few of these settings that I really liked and a few that I was meh on.
According to what standard, observable without personal bias?
most "heroes" and "great men" of real life were/are deranged murderers
at least D&D has actual good guys in it
Using what system?
What do you mean
>real life history with extremely rare and mostly insignificant magic and a monster or two sprinkled in
The people who play this are unimaginative losers who prefer reenacting their history books instead of exercising their imaginations. They are "best" in your opinion because you don't have to use your creativity and can simply refer to Wikipedia, history books, and old maps to make your campaigns. Its the lazy stupid boys way of playing and creating.
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>Scholarly historical research is lazier than just making shit up!!
Come on anon....
yes, of course it is
>dude ... History is BORING... I mean, just where is all the imaginative FREAK SHIT?
all the stuff from fantasy that brought us to this board in the first place? buncha slack-jawed faggots, I tell ya hwat
*spits tobaccer*
99% of the world's most interesting stories take place in the real world. Reading about a real-life historical mystery is way more interesting than your nu-DnD LOTR ripoff. Now, take real life history, sprinkle fantastical elements in it and you've got magic (just look at Homer)

I don’t mind if a setting is inspired by a certain philosophy, but historical wank is just boring
no, I'm a 3.5aboo
anyway no, its always base and awful; there's a reason we invented fantasy
>projecting his modern post-enlightenment era morality onto historical man
im projecting my personal morality onto all men including modern ones
real life sucks; thats why we seek to escape it
no lol
The important thing is you've found a way to be better than everyone.
theres a reason we like fantasy and why most people don't care about history
you dont have to like it, but if you hide from the truth you're a cuck
Ill take fantasy setting, hold the fantasy.

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