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I'm a longtime GM who runs a few games as a hobby. Usually, I recruit players from online friends for online games. Usually, that worked out pretty well, but nowadays I don't have enough players who don't quit after 3-4 sessions. And most of the friends I know I'd like to play with are either too busy or not interested.

What I want to ask is how do you guys even recruit players in the first place? I tried LFG forums, but they're a little too random for me. Is there another method I don't know about?
Weak bait, but I'll bite.

What games are you wanting to run? Most non-DnD games have specific subforums you can pull from.
Do you have kids? Once they are old enough, you can run games for them.
Do you have any offline social groups? You can pull from there too.
I make new friends, or ask friends of friends.
I just yell loudly out of my window and see what happens
I wish this was bait, honestly. Lurking is more fun.

Sub-forums means joining Discords nowadays, but I guess I'll have to bite the bullet as long as it's not fucking Pilot NET. Otherwise, no kids, and as for offline social groups, I'll try to find some folks. Good suggestions.

I guess it's time to socialize or pray that friends don't have That Guy as a friend. Good suggestion.

Thanks anon, I'll update you on the upcoming noise complaints.
don't you have any sort of local community?
like, social media that many people use in your neighborhood, or some sort of city hall with courses and other activities?
even if it's often old people who pay attention to those, old people have younger relatives
I always thought GMs would be harder to find than players. It turns out finding players is way harder. These days asking people to seriously commit three or four hours to playing sockpuppets on a weekend is asking a lot, it turns out.
Recruiting outside of friends you can already vet for is basically impossible. Your options are pretty much retards from Gamefinder threads, who do not actually play games, Redditors, who are Redditors, and Discord trannies.
>Your options are pretty much retards from Gamefinder threads, who do not actually play games, Redditors, who are Redditors, and Discord trannies.
These are your options for GMs as well, so I really wouldn't call those easier to find.
Most of the more popular games have official online communities and discord servers. I just find players through that. Used to prefer in person games but it seemed online players were more consistent and easy to keep in touch with. Real life games i just felt like I was putting too much effort into tard wrangling and figuring out people's schedules to plan the next session. There also just a larger pool of potential players to be found online so it's easier to find people who mesh well witch each other and can fit in the schedule that you stipulated.
>Discord trannies


>Join Traveller campaign through discord
>there is a European girl in there who is autistic as fuck about engineering and rocketry
>memorized all the rules for building ships and does all the math for figuring out cost, power consumption, tonnage etc
>figure for sure it's a tranny because no woman would be this autistic
>turns out she's actually just German
So you fucked her right

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