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File: 20250118_161940.jpg (573 KB, 1557x1805)
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573 KB JPG
any other grim dark fans?
Looks fine
Thin the paints more for the next one
File: 20250118_155136.jpg (3.06 MB, 4080x3060)
3.06 MB
3.06 MB JPG
Hmm okay for sure, which parts are the most offensive in chunkiness? That can give me a better idea of what's too much and when to say when. The blackend gunmetal armor itself is very thin. It's bt contrast and lahmian medium 50/50 lightly over gunmetal primer
Ctrl+F : WIP
There is a /WIP/ thread.

anyways clean parts separation, but really, thin your paints. try 3 parts paint to 2 parts water for gw/vallejo. and remember, 2 thin coats always looks better then 1 over thick coat. you dont want any paint streaks to apear on application.
ALmost all of it looks caked on, but the robesand seals look most obvious, eyes too. Black as well, but thats less eye catching cause black.
Also try applying a wash, it gets into cracks and crevices and really makes different pieces pop out against each other cause where it pools makes good implied shadows and outlines.
literally just thin paints and you'll be better than like 75% of the fucks you see at game stores
looks kind of... crusty.
yeah, thin your paint and try washes.
>any other grim dark fans?
No it's literally just you.

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