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How about You Weren't There: A Vietnam Veteran Role Playing Game?
Something like
>You've arrived home at the airport, each player roll a d20 to see how many times you've been on.
You can join a biker gang, run for congress, be crazy and homeless, etc.
>you've been on
spat on
it should be a game where you play schlocky 70's-80's action movies, or the A-team

though there needs to be some kind of "dual story system"..

>Reality: You were forced or volunteered 2-6 years of your young adult life to wander through the vietnamese countryside, chances are you saw basically no action except when some poor bastard stepped on a mine, you might've developed an addiction to morphine or heroin, and returned home to little fanfare and an economic recession.


the point being there's some kind of "bullshittery joke" built into the whole system that might allow your character who claim to be "special forces black Tactical combat ops" to know about something obscure like "Helicopter Engine Maintenance" or some bureaucratic logistical stuff that only a "Fobbit" would know.
There isn't a single first-hand account of people spitting on returning veterans anywhere. There are no unaccounted-for POWs.
Could do a variation on the old Life boardgame where everyone starts with a randomly drawn ptsd, skillset and has to go through the game trying to have a normal life while the other shit gets in the way or sort of like The Grizzled but instead of making it out alive you've already made it back and have to try and american dream it without fucking it up.

The number of claimed vietnam veterans to actual vietnam veterans is nuts.
>There isn't a single first-hand account of people spitting on returning veterans anywhere
1972 RNC, amusingly enough.
Include sanity checks.
>each player roll a d20 to see how many times you've been on.
I should really keep that book at hand, but the conclusion of somebody seriously looking into the legend was that the only person who ever ended up on the records spitting on a 'nam vet was a card-carrying Republican.
>McNamara's Morons
>roll to see if you're too weak to throw a granade, too fat to run carrying a gun, retarded or maimed
>no matter what you roll you're getting dishonorably discharged
>roll to see in what street corner you get to sleep now that you're unhirable
Holy shit that's fucking hilarious.
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Take some Apocalypse Now elements to it, where some Vets just don't feel like they belong back home. They might have wanted to go back home on their first deployment but when they got back they just wanted to go back to the jungle.

Plus Hippies hate your guts because all the shit they were being fed about how America is evil so they view you as scum killing innocent Vietnamese people. Despite the fact the Vietcong did the exact same shit if not worse than what America did but obviously it didn't get covered in the media.

Also you know this famous image, the guy being executed murdered a south Vietnamese police officer and his family and was found near a mass grave and was also a Vietcong spy. Eddie Adams famously said he regrets how the picture spread and that he should have taken pictures of what the guy being executed did so people could see why he was being executed
His family died to contain the spread of communism. It was a good and necessary death that even motivated a honest family man to go out and do the right thing.
My Great Uncle fought in Vietnam and blew his brains out within a year of coming home.
My Grandfather loved it and went back twice. Died in a drunk driving accident when my dad was 10 because he was hammered and wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. Wish I could have met him but my Dad said he probably wouldn’t have let us be around him anyway since he was crazy.
>How about
>Something like
Get ye gone, limp-dicked ideas guy.
>I told the Chaplin I like it here.
>Do what you want, no one fucks with you.
>Only worry you got is dying, and if that happens, you won't know about it anyway.

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