Uh oh stinky edition>Balance Dataslatehttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/chwd2fdd/warhammer-40000-balance-dataslate-deep-strikes-and-ap-in-the-crosshairs/>Community Links:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/https://www.unitcrunch.comhttps://www.newrecruit.euhttps://wahapedia.ru>3rd Party Models Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/Q33bkBUh>Pre 10th Torrent:Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5>10th Edition Rules:https://gofile<dot>io/d/9LvQTLhttps://mega<dot>nz/folder/Em0Rmb7I#4GR-B7y4cu5nCB5QziXM4A>How to make wargames terrainhttps://gofile.io/d/s99zDV>Secret Level animationhttps://gofile.io/d/J7muqs>Previous Thread:>>94837305>THE THREAD QUESTION OF THE THREADHave you ever utilized greenstuff/miliput in your projects? Post pics if you do, and do explain what you were hoping to achieve with it.
>The Hadex Anomly is the size of the Eye of TerrorDo we know anything about it besides its name, size and placement
>>94842418Is there meant to just be demons spewing out of the entire length of those warp storms? Dumb if so.
>>94842397I like orks :)
>>94842423I think its more 'area where Chaos can easily travel and others cannot easily travel'.If it was all daemon spewing then that would be silly to me to. Way to much of the universe would be lost as well, limiting the sandbox
>>94842397>TQmostly just gap filler, but I prefer Vallejo plastic putty for that these days.
What are you working on ladsI'm making another dragsta for my orks, working on paper banners again too
should 40k be played at less than 2k points?
Need some quick suggestions.I glued my model to the base, and after painting it I got some advice and decided to change up the basing scheme - no more texture paint and forgetting about it. I got some plasticard today, and now I need to obviously figure out a way to get it around the model's feet. I dont want to cut the model off or snap it from the base because I glued it with plastic cement, and Im worried of ruining stuff.Whats the best way to cut out the plasticard so that I can glue it around the model's feet as accurately as possible?
>>94842476>I glued it with plastic cementYou fucking retardYou should superglue it so if you want to do something with the base it's easier.
>>94842474>should 40k be played
>>94842476buy a new box of minis
>>94842480I've never really bothered. I mainly do texture paint around the model's feet and it worked just fine.
>>94842476just cut the base up.
>>94842397>TQfur is fun to brainlessly sculpt
>>94842476If I were you I would cut the model off the base anyway. It's possible with a sharp knife as long as you are VERY CAREFUL not to cut your thumb, ideally use cutting gloves or just don't cut towards yourself at all, I cut my thumb recently doing that and it could have easily been bad if I hadn't been lucky.I can't really give advice for what you suggested without at least seeing a picture of the model, sorry.
rank and flank has something where you can make filler units, are there any armies in 40k that can thematically have something like that?
>>948424741k for learning1.5k for chill2k lets you bring out all the cool shit
>LGS has a That Guy who rules lawyers in his favors, poaches games with noobs, and emanates an aura of general dislikability>Warhammer group makes a discord solely to shit on him and avoid playing games with him>Not even the store owner likes him but he hasn't done anything banworthy (yet)God I love my FLGS
Sometimes I envy marinetrannies because their big chunky models are way easier to convert.
>>94842495>No basic mkX helmet >No bare headsI approve.What chapter are they going to be?Or is it a personal homebrew?
>>94842506It's natural to envy your superiors
>>94842397I'm not going to claim to be amazing with sculpting but it helped bring my custom Tallyman together.
>>94842495So obsessed with shrubberies I can hear NI in the distance
Nurgle doesn't love you
>>94842514Take it back!
>>94842508They're veterans, only natural that they get the older or fancier helmets, rest of them have basic MKX They're for my homebrew blood angels successors>>94842513chia seed marines
>>94842468Finishing up this shield captain
>play space marine 2>slowly start getting the itch to collect space marines>go back to this thread>lose all will to collect space marines because space marine players are fagsthanks /40kg/ you always take good care of my wallet
>tqI love making conversions, my Jain Zar is probably my most ambitious one yet. I used putty to sculpt the right arm and some of the hair and joints.>>94842468Sick. The wheels are what make this so good.>>94842495Love the cloaks. And just great posing in particular, I really dig the big chain swords guy.
>>94842468probably about a third of the way done painting this open-top chimera now. probably done in a couple days? >>94842510really damn good work man, should be proud
>>94842510That is so cool anon. Love the abacus. And the chaos vox caster looking thing is hella rad.
>>94842518>rest of them have basic MKXBooo, bad anon.>homebrew blood angels successorsWhat's their schtick?
>>94842495>Nailed on skulls and ball bearing bonding studsBased, I see you're starting to experiment with some kitbashing now orange and tealfag, need to see them painted
>>94842549>Booo, bad anon.Mk10 is fine.
>>94842529I did the cloak as a subassembly but now I can't get it to fit properly. Oh well, at least it has a sweet gradient
>>94842552Helmet is trash anon, I'm sorry.Rest of the armour is not to my taste, but it's ok most of the time. Don't like gravis and grav footies shit.
>>94842532Thanks, took a few sacrificial attempts but was happy with how the sword extension turned out>>94842549I couldn't care less about firstborn vs primaris and whatever hamfisted lore they wrote up to excuse the refresh it's just a new armor MK that's a nice sidegrade in my eye>What's their schtick?Sorta lamenters-y sorta flesh tearers-yextra brutal marines who're desperate to prove their continued loyalty after being disgraced>>94842551Cheers, was fun covering up the botched BT cross removals on those pauldrons with themWill be painted """soon"""
>>94842566>Helmet is trash anonIt's not, it is perfectly fine.
>>94842566>Helmet is trashIt's just MKIV but not shit
>>94842566Uh oh, firstbornlet melty
>>94842576But mkIV is also ugly.>>94842575It can't hold a candle to mk3/5/6/8
>>94842566Always loved the mk10 style helmets old marines had.
>>94842581And Mk7 of course, finger slipped and I forgot to add it
>>94842580No one is talking about primaris/firstborn shit. I'm talking aesthetics.
>>94842557Could use some sprue goo or greenstuff to fill the gap carefully then paint the spot over
will we be getting slangores?
>>94842616Nope, no chaff whatsoever
>>94842495>>94842518Awful, learn some basic sculpting and color theory, and what the phrase "less is more" means
>>94842620Do demons not count as chaff now
>>94842581>>94842589Both mk10 and mk4 do hold a candle to those by virtue of not looking terrible.
>>94842624Not in the context of beastmen and cultists
40k needs more unexplained mysterious and powerful Doorways and Monoliths Praise the Monolith, Zorgorp knows all
>>94842616They already exist.
>>94842616No, but you could very easily run a couple of the AoS ones as chaos spawn.
>>94842651better idea, just use them as flawless blades? they're the same base and stature
newfag here. currently getting all i need for mini painting. will these clippers work fine? it's the cheapest option ive found atm. seems like a "go with whatever" thing but just in case
>>94842673I can't speak speedy gonzalez but if one side of them are flush they'll work for cutting off sprues, I can't speak to how durable they'll be though
>>94842650Those are some unreasonably sexy cows holy shitI thought GW didn't do sex appeal
>>94842695you're just gay
>>94842673those are too big get actual model making ones
>>94842695I think you might just have a thing for latex thigh highs
>>94842673they look like curved clippers. your clippers need to be flush on one sidepic rel for reference
>>94842673They'll work perfectly fine for getting stuff off sprues. They won't do it very neatly. So you'll need to clean up with a sharp knife, but GW sprues aren't really designed to be clipped from without cleanup anyway since you have to paint over everything. God hands and other super sharp clippers are more of a Gunpla thing.
We're more than a year away but what are anons predictions about who will be in the Amazon 40k show.I don't think it'll be Eisenhorn since that show seems to have fallen apart. Dan Abnett has been involed in the talks so I think it will be Gaunts Ghosts
>>94842699And? Are you going to tell me that sigvald or the new fulgrim are anywhere near as sexed up as rrrripped hairless cows in tights and corsets and elbow gloves and ornate codpieces?
The sigvald reveal had better fitting music for ec than whatever the hell that was
If the daemons truly are being rolled into the cult codices and Undivided Soup has an expiration date, do you think any models are getting squatted?As much as I like them I personally think the chariots and soul grinder are going the way of legends.
>>94842748Squatted? No. Refresh and redesign? Yeah probably. Furies will probably get something new, they experimented with that in AoS with the beasts of chaos
>>94842748Finecast and whatever doesn’t have a model already. I really fucking hope we get a big demon refresh with Russ journeying through the warp encountering new demons.
>>94842397Any anons here play tau? Looking to learn more about them so any book recommendations would be cool especially farsight enclaves.If you have any tips about actually playing as well oh and also how to magnetise battlesuits
wouldnt it be kinda cool if there was a service where you could send a picture of your face to them and they would create a head based on your likeness that you can use as a sergeant for your space marine squad or what have you.
>>94842758>finecastmy fear is the finecast bloodcrusher character will get squatted and replaced with lord avocado as the bloodcrusher leader
Can the Dark eldar still steal suns? The Black Suns that dimly light the Dark City were stolen back when the Eldar Empire existed. They have't stolen more suns since as far as I know, but there are whole planets orbiting them and 'shoals' of destroyed ships orbting those planets
>>94842842They have death guard already
>>94842862>Can the Dark eldar still steal suns?yesthey do so in the rogue trader game
>skari (7-0) has made it to the semi final of the 1200 person LVO tournament Oh boy I can't wait to get nerfed again
I had a dream that space marines got 3 new units. They were the Phobos Warsuit Pilot, who was a sneaky loneop who could call down a Warsuit. The Invictor was given 2 pals, the Engager Combat Warsuit and the Protector Defense Warsuit. The Engager had the ability to hop over enemy units and charge them from behind while the Protector had a fuckhuge shield and not-railgun to hunker down and snipe. Warsuits all had the ability to eject the Pilot if it didn't Deadly Demise
>>94842781>Any anons here play tau?That's not allowed
I want a arvus lighter.
>>94842872Well she did always say those hips don't lie
The fuck is going on with knights?
>>94842890Pushed back for chaos sloppa
>>94842862They steal one in the rogue trader vidya
>>94842887am i out of touch if i think this 2006 deviantart ahh art is soulful?
>>94842899Soulful? When they shoot someone dead in clear self defence and then they have a little blonde girl cry about her 'papa' as if that will actually be emtional and not tripe and cliche?I like the other comics that person has made. This one is terrible
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>>94842868Am looking forward to it.Salamanders are my favorite and if there is a chance that they'll get a refresh and a range of their own I'm excited.But I know this is just pure Hopium, likely we'll just get He'Stan and then a upgrade sprue.
>>94842934Can the current upgrade sprue be improved
>>94842941Yes, heavily.The current upgrade for sallies is just some shoulder pads, couple of trinkets, 2 backpack braziers, 2 hammers and 2 hand flamers and 2 helmets.There isn't even cool relic type stuff, or even scaly capes/loin cloths, you know the thing which IMO is the more important for sallies aesthetics wise.
>>94842868>3 other Cult Legions expansion>Grey Knights Refresh>Salamanders getting expanded to be like the BA, SW and Black Templars>Black Templars are getting MORE stuff after getting the best Primaris shit ever made.The thick Blanche marine was terrific we need more>Then chaos knightsSo we've got Eldar, IG, CSM, CSM, CSM, SM, SM, SM, SM, knights
>>94842975>Salamanders getting expanded to be like the BA, SW and Black Templarsnope
>>94842748I fear the Soul Grinder is probably not long for this world. I think it might already have been culled from AoS. Otherwise everything resin is liable to go; Slaanesh herald on foot, Khorne herald on bloodcrusher, the Blue Scribes, Epidemius if he isn't gone already. All of them could have been convenient picks for a pity model to go with the codex, but obviously that's not applicable for EC, DG is already confirmed to get a marine, and the fatman says TS are getting a robot.>>94842844>my fear is (exactly what's most likely to happen)Many such cases.
>>94842975>Salamanders getting expanded>>94842934>if there is a chance that they'll get a refresh and a range of their ownSorry bros, it's gonna be a book for all the base codex ultramarine recolours. Each are getting an extra character model. Salamanders just happen to be the ones on the cover.
>>94842397>Have you ever utilized greenstuff/miliput in your projects? Post pics if you do, and do explain what you were hoping to achieve with it.Just fur desu
>>94842978So why were they singled out for upcoming stuff along GK and BT?
Emperor's Children is going to be a colossal fuck up on GW's part because the best way to play them is going to be running barely any actual Marines as objective sitters and mostly using Slaanesh demons. They'll be "good" competitively but it will depend entirely on old ugly sculpts no one wants to collect.
>>94843000because they're getting a new pity character
>>94843000Because they can't fit a picture featuring Raven Guard, Iron Hands, White Scars, Imperial Fists and Salamanders onto a single cover.
Gonna do four of these squads on foot, counts as scions.I'm thinking for the third squad I wanna do a black and white coat of arms and checkerboard patterns on helmets. Leader will have a bare face, maybe a hammer and be pretty plain.For the fourth, which is the squad that'll include the company commander, I want to do a red and white pattern, The leader has big ass deer antlers on his helmet. I'm not sure what kind of motifs and shapes I can paint onto helmets though. Also wanna do another two squads of aquilon counts as, they'll have the same armour but a slightly different colour scheme and access to plasma, since they're supposed to be a different regiment. Not too worried about finding schemes for them.
>>94842468>working on paper banners again toothis one came out a bit better, though I wish I'd rearranged the transfers a bit. Should have put the skull on top with bones on each side, then the icons in the middleOh well, going to make another one for the Nobz squad I'm working on
>>94843004Every first founding chapter should at least have a named character model for their Chapter Master, First Company Captain, and either Chief Librarian, Apothecary, Techmarine, or Chaplain.
I finished my deffdread. Time for some meganobz now
>>94843032That would require GW to remember the Iron Hands exist
gravis chaplain and librarian when
>>94843049What do you mean? The Black loyalist Space Marine faction just got a brand new index in grotmas and they are on the roadmap for the end of the year right after Salamanders and before Chaos Knights
>>94843055Gravis Chaplain for SalamandersGravis Librarian for Imperial Fists
>>94843055never, they got terminator armour instead
>>94843062>The Black loyalist Space Marine factionThe ones that have been around in the fluff forever, that have some of the most iconic and greatest art in all of 40k. The chapter that symbolise how fallen the space marines have become from the days of the Emperor surely GW could never forget them
>>94843072you want to tell me they don't have terminator armor or you want to tell me that they have gravis armor? or maybe that there's rumors for gravis chaplain and gravis librarian? or that the future is bright and conveniently filled with all the things of your wishlist?
>>94842501>Warhammer group makes a discord solely to shit on him and avoid playing games with himWe did this too on facebookAlways that 1 guy
>>94843000it wouldn't be the first time the first founding chapters all get their own supplement book, it happened in 8th when they each gained a new primaris character.
>>94843000because they couldn't list all of the irrelevant chapters too and had to put up something that signalled they weren't making stuff only for vanilla marinesthey're getting a character, like all the other C-tier chapters
Prepare to be GUNNED
>>94843003>tfw I already have 1000 pts of slaanesh daemons on scattered sprues
>>94843140Kino and sovl as the kids say
>>94843140you should have used a centurion suit so it could have bolters for nipples and then included an aggressor's shoulder mounted rockets pods
>>94842397>TQI sculpted the chest part of this robe with green stuff. Not the most detailed sculpt maybe but I think it came out alright. I mostly use GS to patch holes, gaps and do other repairs. More advanced stuff is beyond me.
>>94843164Why did you give him pussy lips just above the belt?
>>94843140Did you make and paint that? Great job if so!I can't seem to get lighter skin and harder to work with acrylics like yellow to properly work when painting.
>>94843176Its supposed to be the cloth folding/creasing with the belt but yeah it might look a little funny. Not really a sculptor desu
>>94842995I know and it makes me sad.
>>94843140>>94843157like this
>>94843191where's the penis gun?
>>94843140Unironically cool, no one is cooler than Gunther McGunnerson. This is what 40k is about.
>>94843192hidden for special occasions
>>94842476I had to cut off over 100 boyz from their bases, it's not that bad desu. If you have a decent pair of clippers, the models should come off cleanly without damaging too much of the leg. Granted I had 1 or 2 models snap somewhere in the leg instead of the base, but it wasn't too bad in the end. Just had to file the bottom of the boots as some of the base was still stuck to it
>>94843191So GW totally wanted to make loyalist obliterator when they came up with centurion suit right. Speaking of they are no longer canon right? Kinda crazy that they're still sold as models when they're never in any model shoots or artwork etc
What sort of cork would I be looking for for bases, kinda like these ones here >>94842857. Is it just sheets or cork or something?
>>94843213>loyalist obliterator right?no>no longer canon right?also no
>>94843221Yes? Big fuck off space marine much larger than normal filled with guns. Very similar design.Do they appear in any modern art? I don't remember reading any fluff about them in the last 2 editions either
We need more space marine releases. It's been forever since the last one. We space marine chads are truly the most oppressed faction.
>>94843233GK might not be manlets anymore in a few short (heh) months. Space Marine bros rise up!
>>94843224>Yes?no>Do they appear in any modern art?not how decanonisation works
>>94843251Grey knights aren't getting a full range refresh this edition, they're getting draigo and some addon or rework of the dreadknight, the full refresh is for next edition.
>>94843261Nah, I bet they will get the terminator squad to keep in line with the new terminator release
>>94843255>not how decanonisation worksThey're not fully decanonised, very few things have been but its a weird quasi squatting to minimise their excistence
Just been to my local club's bring and buyPaid £1 total for this lot, including the 3rd edition ruins. This guy had a bits box and it was £1 a go to fill a sandwich tub. Need Assault Marines and Devastators for my firstborn Company so everything else is a bonus.Except Felix, he was £2 on his own. Lovely old sculpt.I'm sure the prices on new stuff was reasonable but a lot of it doesn't appeal to me for some reason.
>>94843273Based grog
>>94843261Maybe, but GK only need 2 kits and 2 characters to be refreshed for their faction to be done. A new Draigo and brother captian with new termie and strike force and they're done, they can squat the baby carrier
>>94843273Nice ruins
>>94843288>they can squat the baby carrierI wish they did and replaced it with a proper special pattern of psychic dreadnought, but this seems to be the road ahead.
>>94843273my GW use to do this. then they stopped and when I asked why they said it was against the law apparently
>>94843304My only doubt that they won't is that they gave the same design to the SoB warsuit with a slight redesign. GW they might just try to redesign it
>>94843273I hope somewhere near me does this shit, I've got a heap of shit from 3rd / 4th edition that I'd like to get rid of
>>94843233>We need more space marine releases. It's been forever since the last oneThis but unironically. I don't give a shit about xenos or chaos.
>>94843213>loyalist obliteratorNo.They are still canon.>>94843224>Yes? Big fuck off space marineNo.>Do they appear in modern artNo, but they are still canon.>>94843266>They're not fully decanonisedNot how decanonization works, not even in 40k.If they are in the codex they are still canon.
>>94843340I don't give a shit about Heresy.The models in it look like shit and I have zero interest for primarch faggotry.
>>94843217Don't buy cork use plasticard. Cork is going extinct because we used too much of it
>>94843350But how do I get my bases to look like those large slabs of rock?
>>94842397I did the armor plates for my kitbashed tech priest based on the imperial wizard with green stuff. Pretty easy stuff
>>94843362use rocks
>>94843347>loyalist obliterator>No.They're both big guys with big guns, the chaos guys have them grown out of their body as opposed to a suit the marine can get in and out of is all
admech is the coolest faction. its also the most squandered potential
>>94843397>most squandered potentialSo true, the techno horror faction that are technically the good guys have become 'guys in hoods with googles'
>>94843394>They're both big guys with big gunsDoesn't make them the same thing.
>>94843397It's sad, because descriptions of skitarii before they settled on the current iteration makes them to be massive hulking biomechanical soldiers with several gun attachments and massive potential Instead we got the current ones, they look good but pale in comparison to those cool descriptions
>>94843412ur homo
>>94843410this is what the kataphrons should have looked like
>>94843418Yeah but those are what I imagine servitors look like.
>>94843349>tourist thinks the HH is only about marinesHeresy has better looking AdMech and IG than 40k
>>94843424kataphrons are servitors
>>94843424Tech priests relaly should be posed as weird alien tech priests as opposed to 'guy with mechanical hunchback'.Similar posing to how the King in Yellow is usually drawn in
>>94843428yeah but like thats how I picture the 'average' normal armed sevitor
>>94843433All these pics go fucking hard and make me seethe at the state of the mechanicusAnd even hunched guy can be made to look cool
>>94843441I didn't have that one, thanks anon
>>94843425Damn they look cool
>>94843410>that are technically the good guysMechanicus aren't the good guys.
>>94843425>has better looking AdMechOne day 40k AdMech will be cool
>>94843410>GW is incompetent at everything they doWater is wet, etc.
>>94843425>>tourist thinks the HH is only about marinesI didn't say it is about marines, I said it is about primarch faggotry, which is objectively true.
>>94843458not him but i think he means it in a "they are bad bad dudes, but technically they are the good guys"
>>94843433>>94843441>>94843442are you serious? they look fucking awesome and more terrifying than the daemons, why is it all just monks with gears or goofy tesla coils and clunky tinmen? the Orks already has that covered
>>94843433tech priest with the hunch is fucking awesome shut the hell up your outh
>>94843467Wrong, also unironically using "objectively" makes any statement automatically double wrong.
>>94843468Still not the good guys.Mechanicus are evil and not even human.
So what do we think about the release?Were you hoping for more?Were you hoping for something else?What was it?
>>94843476>ur wronkIt's not wrong, ask yourself what period in history the Heresy game center around? For what reason?It is purely primarch faggotry, trying to pretend it is anything but is fucking hilarious and nothing but copium.
>>94843468Yeah that's what I meant>>94843458No they're not but the central nervous system of the Imperium and thus the 'good guys'>>94843469You'll have blue shaolin monks and you'll like it
>>94843482Primarchs are important but not even the main PoV most of the time in the books, nevermind most HH players not bothering with them.You're just ignorant and parroting meme shit.
>>94843467Peak HH stories are whenever they are not about Marines and Primarchs.
>>94843477yes exactly, and yet they are still allied with the imperium. they are "the good guys" in the way that they are allied with the people we want to win, even if everyone we want to win are truly awful people.
>>94843484>>94843478I expected the worst, no termies or cultists really sucks. But the model we got are all really cool. I like the vareity of the unique helm designs. I think everthing but Fulgims 2nd model looks great
>>94843493This guy even made the baby carrier warsuit design not look shit. Having the priest sit crossed legged above the mechanical legs suits 40k far more themetically than armoured baby carriers
>>94843478Everything but the conehead blade dudes looks good imo.
>>94843478>wespeak for yourselfNoise Marines and standard marines look 10/10Conehead guys might look better with helmets, but from those pics they are 6/10Lord is 9/10. He could benefit from a 2nd icon/backpackI dont care for centerpiece models. But Lucius whip pose is particularly bad and just asks to snap. The Lords whip pose is better, but less dynamic (fuck gw for that idiotic design philosophy)>missingSome kind of cultist unit.Raptors
>>94843121>>94842501Damn what kind of an ass do you have to be to have community do that much about you?
>>94843493>no termiesThis will probably be a second wave one day>or cultistsThis was a bit strangeI'll be swapping the heads on pic related though.
>>94843498>>94843501>cultistscurrent cultists are fine for Slaanesh cannon fodder
>>94843505That is true, painted in pink/black they will look nice alongside the EC, but that kit is extremely bad (i.e. its not only monopose models, but its single piece monopose models for the most part. The whole sprue contains 1 mini with 2 build options, which is just one head/arm different). Having such limited choices is bad in general, but its pretty much an insult for a chaff unit of which you usually want more than one box of 10.
>>94843478I don't care for them. All I'm glad is that they didn't remake that cringeworthy guitargun for Noise Marines so I won't have to see it when fighting against them.
>>94843478>weDo you even collect slaanesh?
>>94843496>Yes of course there's a human brain in there controlling it.>No you may not take it apart and check you're not allowed to know how>And never am I
>>94843497>>94843498>>94843501they do have 3 alt heads, and the options for dual blades. however the blades look too thick and stumpy. almost like machetes.
>>94843512Not him, and i dont, but i will certainly pick up at least one squad of the Noise Marines and one squad of the normal marines from Ebay for hopefully a good price right after that box goes live for preorder. These models look awesome.
Picked up the new Imperial Knights Combat Patrol.Thoughts?
>>94843478pretty neatI might pick up the box set when it comes out as a small allied force for my existing CSMs but we'll see
>>94843522>they do have 3 alt headsI dont worry too much about the heads. If someone starts an EC army, there will be more than enough leftover heads from the other sets so the coneheads are not an issue at all.
>>94843521>Why are we mass producing these now after 10k years? Well we found an STC for this god machine>Of course we didn't innovate and create this that would defame the Omnissiah
dont worry ill get rid of all the admech posters now:this statement is false
>>94843512>Do you even collect slaanesh?Nope but I'm definitely starting and EC army. I'm very happy with the release. What now?
>>94843522forgot pic
>>94843531You are correct that you are false because you have not gotten rid of all of the admech posters
>>94843531Yes back to Fulgrim now
>>94843533these look a bit better. extra arms, and heads mean you can easily make extra Duellists out of CSM bodies.although i bet these dudes are laaaaaaaaanky as fuck. like custodes or eightbound height.
>>94843478>this kills the phoenix termies fag
>>94843533I don't hate the coneheds but BDSM heads are better.
>>94843553Do you guys think these guys will be faster than current possessed/eightbound (who move 9")
>>94843559They will definitely be faster with more attacks but probably worse at hitting so roll a mountain of dice type of unit
>>94843553i would have liked at least one to be beautiful and sneering.
>>94843476Kino map. Man, those ravens sure are sneaky>casually does an almost 360 patrol in front of the horus fortress.
Unironcally this is a good codex cover art using nu art
>>94843559Army wide advance+charge.
>>94843553That helmet on the left looks pretty damn good. I wonder if it'll come with enough of them for the whole squad?
>>94843553im looking forward to seeing alternative schemes once they're out a few months.like the black/purple/gold. or flawless host. or even 30k colours. or 80s glam rock eyerape.
>>94843553feels like they'd be good candidates for the AOS slaanesh heads too
>>94843567I wany more dudes with long fabulous hair
>>94843582I'm thinking purple and gold if I get themor possibly pale pink and gold
>>94843571but none of the models look like that so whats the point
>>94843579you could get the spare bits from the aos kit.
>>94843582I am really excited to see all the wonderful eyesore schemes that people come up with for them.The default cover art paintjob is really bland and I hope that encourages people to go hog wild.
>>94843582I gotta find that one guy who painted the eyerape terminators a while back with contrasting freehand neon diamond patterns all over them.
>>94843571the 2 daughters of slaanesh ( or whatever the fuck the lore is in AoS), aren't in 40k are they?
>>94843594The point is the further we get from 'art must be 1 to 1 of models that we sell' the better.It inspires the imagination which is what the art should do
>>94843594>but none of the models look like that so whats the pointthe era of them only making art of things that had exact models was terrible
>>94843604No. Slaanesh only had babies in aos.
>>94843603I know the one you're talking about. That model is so technically well painted for how obscenely ugly it is.
>>9484290Yes soulful, a man stood up to fishfag invading his world and race traitor killed him
Will the Thousand Sons ever ge tupdated to not be manlet scaled or are they just shit out of luck
>>94843626there is literally no reason to update them at all
>>94843604not yet, I believe none would bat an eye if you used them as alternative sculpts for generic keepers though, arguably they're a far better concept
>>94843621Sorry chudster, Tau Empire are the good guys
>>94843626they're not manlet scaled though.
LVO Final Results post Shadow Round and Top 8>Ben Neal on Ultramarines Vanguard>Skari on Drukhari Skysplinter>Jack Harpster on BA Angelic Inheritors>Jay Eggett on CSM Pactbound Zealots>Mark Hertel on Deathwatch Blackspear Taskforce>Floof Cox on Genestealer Cults Host of Ascension>Josh Roberts on Ultramarines Gladius>Derek Apsche on CSM Chaos Cults
I want to start collecting and playing 40k and decided on EC. I never played or painted anything.Any advice? Should I buy a box of terminators or something to try painting? Terminators should be safe, yeah? They are a bit bigger and easier to paint.
did they give a date or timeframe on the Emperor's Children stuff releasing?
>going through and fixing up ebay rescues>tfw someone has glued all of the lootas guns onto the ork, primed it black and put sand on the baseI got them for nothing but it's still annoying to deal with
>>94843691Yes, seems like a valid idea.Or get a box of cultists or demonettes.
>>94843695Not yet. Looks like after Eldar and the real Guard release but the box set might release sooner with the codex in it. You just won't be able to get Fulgrim/Lucius/Kakaphonist until after the full release.
>>94843691Terminators will be fine for a new painter, yeah. For general advice, if you're going for their pink and black colors, I know priming in black is tempting but it's better to prime them white, the reason being it'll make the pink a lot more bright and vibrant without needing an obscene amount of coats. Typically trying to paint a bright color over black requires multiple coats of paint to get good coverage because they're typically not as dense in pigment. In contrast, darker paints are much more pigment dense and will go over a white prime in one or two thin coats no problem.
>>94843689lol, Skari going to get Dark Eldar nerfed a third time until they really are the worst faction in the game
>>94843425>SA command squadAnon, I...
>>94843700>cultistsI think I'll fuck up flesh, they also seem so smol...>>94843714Alright, thanks. I kinda want to try doing something like >>94843691 since that art was what convinced me to get into EC. I'm now looking into a proper paint recipe on the internet to see which paints to buy.
Stink boys are the most popular OG legion
>>94843691you could do terminators. you could also just buy a kill team you could buy pic rel as they are somewhat similar to EC, or you could go for something much easier and buy chaos cultists. the goal of buying a kill team instead is to essentially have some shit units that you might never use (or you could play a little kill team with them) that should allieviate the angst of fucking upi am currently painting chaos cultist for this exact reason
>>94843788why did you remove Black Legion
>>94843788Gee, almost like having an actual range helps!
>>94843641No that would be the word bearers
>>94843788what this even mean
>>94843802>thousands of Sons>third place
>>94843799We are racist (i.e. based) here.
>>94843806members of those subreddits
>>94843808The only one of them that isn't overdesigned.
>>94843788>white scars the lowestIs that because the average person hates painting white?
>>94843788>army with the most support is the army with the most buyers who would have thought!
>>94843834>The only one of them that isn't quite frankly good*
>>94843816Using Reddit as a metric is beyond retarded
>>94843795Oh that's good advice. Butcher a kill team rather butcher a unit for your main army. I might just do that. Thanks!
>>94843839those aren't buyers, just members of the respective subreddits, you don't have to own a single Death Guard model to join it
>>94843835"DUE BRO WHAT IF A REAL CULTURE WAS IN SPACE?!" is always a slamdunk of cringe. Space Yiffs are just as bad. They only got so popular on the shoulders of furries.
>>94843835>painting white, ethnic gimmick, bikes gimmickTake your pick.
>>94843835its literally just the bikes its a retarded gimmick and space marines look fucking stupid on those bikes the white scars was a mistake
>>94843433these pics are sick, I love the idea of humanity twisting and becoming just as scary as the demons they loath without any corruptions from the warp or anything like that all in the name of something else they believe in they deem good or just to become powerful enough to face said demons but it's a shame the imperium isn't all like that and instead it's mostly clunky shit
>>94843788>>94843816>Death Guard are the most reddit traitors>Blood Angels are the most reddit loyalists
>>94843861you think there's no general correlation between non-buying fans and buying fans when we talk about comparing 40k factions? why would nurgle marines have less non buying fans than khorne marines or tzeentch marines for example?
>>94843788I'm a little surprised by how low Word Bearers are considering how many loudmouths think they should be the posterboys of Chaos
>>94843433The king in yellow is just a dude. It's a character played by a regular actor.I have no idea where you people get your weird takes from.
>>94843893ah I did not mean to dunk on DG (I'm actually a DG player myself haha) just meant to point out no one should look at any one of those numbers and think that means (for example) DG has 62.3k collectors/players.
>>94843894Vocal minority. Like literally in this case.
>>94843582God the Flawless Host scheme looks good. Might run to the LGS for some AoS Slaanesh guys to mash with CSM bits just so I can get started.
I thought the releases for last year was exhausting, but now nothing but marines is going to be even more boring to wait through. 40k really has completely lost its steam huh?
>>94843943>if only they had released a league of votann poop miner *sigh* 40k has fallen
>>94843947>>94843943Samefag less, carnac.
>>94843897Nobody but contrarians think about Chambers King in Yellow over Lovecrafts when hes bought up.You know exactly what I mean. The King in Yellow is a mysterious alien terrifying Other, in Dream Quest of Kadath he's sitting upon a stone throne and hooded and you dare not see what lies under the hood and robes for your sainty. He also has his minions he controls trying to bring you to him.Thats the vibe I get from that tech priest in that picture. Setting menacingly is a strange amysterious alien (to the avgerage imperial), being that is robbed and hooded and you fear what lies beneath. With his horrible servent/slaves doing his bidding
>>94843943>World Eaters coming out right after three major releases>Likely to only be getting some token stuff, maybe a character and terminator squad if they're lucky>Blades of Khorne coming in AoS>Already slated to be getting a new named Daemon Prince to crown a new major wave
>>94843947I have world eaters and no matter what I know whatever’s coming is going to be disappointing, even if they bring crushers (lol). The average marine update will only have a new character or two, nothing crazy like a blood angel or black Templar update (which in itself is pretty exhausted).
>>94843969>Thats the vibe I get from that tech priest in that picture.Only vibe I'm getting from the picture is that he is a lazy ass, snoring techpriest with an obsession with dogs.
>>94843969But Chambers' wrote that stuff pretty well. The worst is Derleth's interpretation.
>>94843979nta nah man, he looks badass with some fucked up pets, it's better than a lot of techpriest shit so far
>>94843943Kroot alone made last year amazing
>>94843433>>94843969The higher-ups are kings of alien mechanic domains larger than all of the modern world so I agree.
>>94843943My favourite part is how they barely talk about fucking anything and all you can really do is speculate endlessly over tiny little snapshot photos of stuff or them saying "BIG THINGS COMING SOON" over and over.
>>94843980Sure but when people talk about the king in Yellow they are always refering to lovecrafts characterisation. Chambers wrote well but his KiY is vastly different from Lovecrafts>>94843979Amazing how art can inpsire such different ideas in different people. Almost like that's that point
>>94843984No, he looks fucking lazy ass who is just sleeping.He literally is in a stereotypical sitting sleeping pose with him looking down because he's too tired to keep his head up.
>>94843969>Lovecrafts King in Yellow404 not found.
>>94843996>The higher-ups are kings of alien mechanic domains larger than all of the modern world That's a fun way to describe them, I like it. This is the last of that artists take on them
>>94844003The problem with that is it's filtered through the lens of Derleth so you're missing a bunch of the good stuff. Besides which, isn't that supposed to be Nyarlathotep in the form of the KiY in that story? Anyway, the fact that Lovecraft was a huge fan to the point of referencing and including that thing into the mythos demonstrates Chambers's merit more than enough.
Upgrade when? No one wants this old ugly ass kit
>>94844030Anon that's the name of the character, also called Hastur, the Unspeakable One, not the name of a book Lovecraft wrote. Don't be retarded
>>94844034KiY isn't in that story at all, it's just Nyarlie. KiY only ever appears in Lovecraft's stories as an easter egg, he's not a real character there.
>>94844040I like the EC ones.
>>94844040>omg they're 3mm shorter than a primaris which is canonically meant to be a foot taller than them, the sky is falling!
>>94844053Yeah like how the Yellow Sign is referenced in Whisperer in Darkness. He likes it, so they're pepped in his stories here-and-there.
>>94844044Lovecraft doesn't have a character like this. Neither the King in Yellow or Hastur are real characters in any of his stories. Stop lying. There are people here who have read Lovecraft, unlike you.
>Biologis Putrifier has free grenades>Tallyman can roll for extra Command Points>multiple characters roll to hand out mortal wounds for just being near themI feel like you can get really sweaty with the Death Guard range. Hopefully the 10th edition Combat Patrol doesn’t suck.
>>94844060All pre-8th edition kits should be squated. Ugly relics that don't fit with the current 40k
Squat Grey Knights
Eldar aspdcts go on sale WHEN?
>>94844060its the arms and chest that I personally have the issue with the most. Also them being so small in conjuction with the trim makes them more of a pain in the ass to pain than they should be.
>>94844081FUCKING THIS! Shitty manlet models like that are reason 40k is having trouble breaking into the mainstream
>>94842874Your dream is just Helldivers 2 anon
>>94844053That's on interpretation or that the KiY is just another facet of Nyarlathotep but there's no confirmation either way.>>94844064I don't know why you're so butthurt about me comparing a tech priest to the King in Yellow as a 'threatning hooded alien-like being normal humans can't really understand and who looks down on humanity'.He's a real character in the sense hes in a story written by lovecraft or is being impersonated by another. Regardles its still a character
>>94844081>technically unknown gene father>no one can know they exist>psykers but not fucked up like the Tsons wereI don’t believe they will be squatted because if there was ever a reason to bring back one of the lost primarchs, it’d be through them.
Agghh yesThe honourable and noble Spacemarines committing perfidy.
Why did they write a faction with infinite+1 armies that just gets stronger from human wave tactics, adopts to any situation with infinite new bioforms all with a direct sensory link to a 500 IQ hivemind that direct all of them while being unable to get assassinated because it exists in the warp which also counters all warp powers? Also all your defenses are down from lictor + jeanstealers in your backline so if you ever had a chance you don't now.How are you supposed to fight this faction in the lore other than asspull? It seems designed to be a scary force that can't be pushed back by anything other than named character shenanigans and that seems really unsatisfying.
>>94844106Isnt their chapter master just the good version of Magnus?
>>94844044King in yellow is Robert W. Chambers character. Yes Lovecraft does mention the name Hastur but only once where a character was listing old ones
>>94843441Das it mayne. 40k AM sucks and HH AM sucks just as much. I like only Cawl, kataphrons and some of the priests.
>>94844106They're mary sues that use the Emperor's genesperm and have a shard of a primarch inside their chapter master which is why he can literally kill mortarion in the warp and never ever get corrupted also he's cool and can beat up my dad and hates cute things
>>94844116Lovecraft was so charmed with Chambers' work, he decided to just include them wholesale into a few of his works. Lovecraft uses the same level of ambiguity with them, same as the other mythos fellows.
>>94844108stop thinking about power levels, they're irrelevantyou can fend off a fleet and the setting is not meant to progress past the sandbox status it hastouch some static grass
>>94844129Lovecraft only namedropped him...
>>94842397>TQI made a little hat for Warboss Loo Tennant here. He needed something to sell his blood axiness.
>>94844108Because Tyranids are meant to be the *ultimate* alien threat. They came from beyond the galaxy. They have no leader that can be killed, they cannot be reasoned with, they do not talk. They will adapt to anything you throw at them, we don't know how many of them there are. We don't know if they have any plans deeper than consumption. We can't know how many forms they take or what form we will see next. We don't know and they're already here, and have been for generations.
>>94844136On top of a number of major KiY elements as Chambers wrote them (The Lake of Hali, the Yellow Sign) as well as tying them to cults.
>>94844010he is just sitting man, not sleeping
>>94844144Will be beat/pushed back by the ultimate asspull because there's literally no other way then the fans will get upset.It's kind of the same with the Eldar being ultimate schemers that can see the future and can't possibly lose always losing to some dumb shit because there's no other way.
>>94844040but they are so good looking though????????
>>94844169BL writers just aren't good enough or care enough to write a narrative of how a race of people that are just like Paul can lose due to the Imperium always having the massive manpower and resources advantage.>Will be beat/pushed back by the ultimate asspull because there's literally no other wayThis is why freezing the setting at M41.999.999 was brilliant you can have a losing situation and just leave it and you get around that problem
>>94844178>7th edition trash>Looking good everLmao as if
Just got thisWhat drones should I build?I have 3x gun drone and 1 shield drone, what do I do with the last 2?
>>94844139based, blood axes are cool
Has crimson slaughter been mentioned in the narrative at all recently?
>>94844229it's never been past their introduction
>>94844241Gw should fucking get their right nut crushed for leaving such a kino warband to rot.
>>94844229They were mentioned in Vigilus as being part of the warbards allied to the Black Legion
>>94844193Nobody can tell the difference between drones, just built whatever
>>94844040Nah, they're fine. Raptors need a refresh, but otherwise the whole nu-CSM/Cult Legion ranges got their own internal scale thar just works. Sure, the Temries are shorter than loyalist termies, but they're still bigger than the regular mooks.
>>94844286tzangor are bigger and mog rubrics. I think they even compete with terminators.
>>94844229Thinking about it, DV was fucking wierd. A no-name OC Dounut Steele warband and Dark Angels in a starter box? The CSM side didn't even get multipose releases. And this was the starter for 2 editions. Was GW really that close to bankruptcy?
>>94844308Yeah the scale of the unit made for a completely different game with a half-assed upgrade sprue isn't in line with the units made for 40k, oh well
I'm new. Recommend some 40k literature to me to get into the hobby and also army (Emperor's Children).
>>94844286>Raptors need a refreshthere's not one single case where the absurdly minimal height difference is noticeable with their dynamic landing/flying posesautism of this kind cannot be the reason to change a kitnow reintroducing the previous design for helmets and clawed boots is an actual reason, but at that point just make it a new unit, like "exalted raptors" or some crap, it's not like it's new for marines to have both a normal jump pack unit and an elite one
>>94843835It's simple. People are jealous.
>>94843695Less than six weeks.
>>94843397>coolest faction >most expensive>one of the hardest to build and paint >only just barely playable at 49% win rates It's not fucking fair Marsbros
>>94844308that's because beastmen are actually meant to be bigand because they have lanky digitigrade legs
>>94844308That's because they don't really belong in 40k.
>>94844308So are the Felgors I think, same size at least. Beastmen are simply huge.
>>94844320liber chaotica
>>94844336Taus also have digitigrade feet
>>94844345No, tzaangors.
>>94844327Wasn't he made into a live toilet by the Dark Eldar?What is this cope image?
>>94844325t. Seething manlet
>>94843835it's because nobody actually cares about white scars or bike marine armies outside of waacfag builds
>>94844334>latest model was stiltfagGW HATES US
>>94844354I'm not the one seething about millimetric differences in models' height, dude.
>>94844350No, but he shit on the faces of all the hottest eldar girls.
>>94844363It's a actually several centimeters
>>94844334>>94844356Ad Mech is the Elon Musk army and he hates britain and they hate him.
>>94843603>>94843616I think I've got that pic you're both talking about somewhere in my reaction image folder, but man is it ever disorganized.
>>94843418Kataphrons are amongst the few AM models that look fantastic.
>>94843477They make guns for humans and I'm human so they make guns for the good guys.
Reminder that you can destroy infinite Imperial worlds and the writers will keep creating new ones. Destroy as many as you want, the Imperium will always have more. So long as it's not an actual plot important place like Terra or Ultramar, the Imperium can suffer any number of losses because the worlds you destroyed literally didn't exist before the story that destroyed them.The Imperium is unstoppable. The Emperor has already won.
>>94842468stripped and am repainting my rg
>>94844397>Ultramar Anon……
>>94843603>>94843616>>94844375Is this the marine pic you both are talking about?
>>94844397unless they kill the emperor then the imperium loses
>>94844441Looks badass idk what y'all are talking about
>>94844441too vibrant
>>94844397You see a lot of this on Lexicanum where it'll say that an enemy destroyed world X, and all of system Y etc but when you check them they're dead links and were only mentioned in whatever passage that said they were destroyed.
>>94844455When will gorrilaman find a substitute for warp travel
>>94844465im thatll be cawl you dumb monkey
>>94844459I think it is badass and very fitting for the Emperor's Children marines given how intentionally painful on the eyes the colours are. Yet the model is beautifully executed.I'm surprised there aren't that many "eye hurting Emperor's Children" colour schemes being painted.Spoiler marked pic related is one the early results I got when I googled "eye hurting color scheme." Just for inspiration.
>>94844334>coolest faction>gay-looking da Vinci copter, inexplicable old west vibe and Higgins boat hovercraftSorry, there’s genuinely nothing cool about SadMech.
>>94844490those monochromic pics were pretty neat
>>94844325>there's not one single case where the absurdly minimal height difference is noticeable with their dynamic landing/flying poses>autism of this kind cannot be the reason to change a kitAgreed.Raptors need a refresh because they look like shit compared to the current model range.
Third corsair on his way. I'm getting faster at this but now it's too dark to continue and need a stretch. This one will be a traitor Marine Malevolent
Do chapters even customize the primaris gear so it fits the chapter like they used to or do they all look like generic ultramarines?
who do you got?
>>94844527No, Bluetide is overtaking the Space Marines across the galaxy.
>>94844527even with personalised gear all primaris are ultramarines cosplaying as other chapters
>>94844556"ULTRAMARINES IN RED ARMOR"etc. etc.
>>94844511I don't think marine piggies care, anon
Hilarious that Blood Angels are probably the most popular subfaction and got an absolutely butchered release model wiseMeanwhile EC is SLURPING
>>94844574Gabriel Seth was unironically right about everything
why is dark angel fluff so shit. i like the aesthetics (exept the winged helmets) but their legion culture and background. its all so... shit. even when i want to like them they feel like a bunch of retards compared to most other chapters.
>>94844541>blue tide is a coop game where you play as the 4 daemon primarchs defending [CHAOS PLANET IN THE EYE OF TERROR] against the endless onslaught of primaris ultramarines
>>94844397It’s thing like this that make me question if age of sigmar is the more coherent setting.
Is there a decent YouTube video out there that explains how to do volumetric highlights with an airbrush? It looks amazing
>>94844617its almost like if all factions in 40k are inherently infinite and every conflict depicted are just set pieces made to give flavor to an ultimately static setting
>>94844588because the horus heresy got written like shit, ignore it and everything that came from it
>>94844588>>94844633>samefagging>talking like a stupid teenagerpathetic
>>94844320Boku no pico
>>94844643wrong on both accounts
Friend showed me the Secret Level Space Marine animation, and now I'm interested in 40k.Should I just jump into building a guard army using AnvilIndustry bits so that my army is customized beyond just a new paint scheme? Or should I buy some practice models like the DnD preprimed models from the LGS first before getting 40k models?
>>94844749Play Kill Team
>>94844588I feel like the obvious direction for the DA’s now that the Lion is back is for him to bring up random shit they were supposed to keep under wraps but since they were so autistic about the Fallen since he was gone, there’s lots of threats meant to be secrets on the loose across the Imperium’s worlds now.
>>94844749you should buy official models and support the company that makes them
First time painting anything, work in progress deathguard. Bought the box of 7 plague marines.I hear that agrax wash carries hard for deathguard, also does any anon have any advice for painting on the bone? I've noticed the green bleeds thru and I've had to touch up some of them
>>94844749If you’re brand new and interested in guard, you may want to just play Kill Team since a proper 40K guard army is very expensive while a big part of Kill Team’s appeal is being a one box for one playable team game mode that’s a lot more affordable than the Combat Patrols.
>>94842501He's CP on his hard drive, call it in.
>>94844749Take >>94844769's advice. The current Kill Team starter set provides you with two different sets of Marines and you can paint the Angels of Death up as any chapter you choose. Or you could grab one of the Guard-flavored KT sets like Death Korps or Kasrkin
Shouldn't bolters be able to punch through flak with ease and have a decent chance of going through carapace? They're AP 0 like a lasgun.
>>94844749Immediately buy 2k points of plastic then never paint it and watch flufftubers
>>94844830It looks neat and "in lines", so definetely a good first attempt. Try using some of the advice here when taking pictures so that they're easier to read and give advice to
>>94844850they were up until 8th ed because they needed to make the new primaris equipment stand out as better but didn't want to rebalance the whole game
>>94842725Some mystery meat dyke who blasphemes the Emperor, says Chaos is only defending the Eye of Terror against colonization, and tells an Inquisitor to stop mansplaining.
>>94844863any recommendations for a cheap chinese light box on TEMU?
>>94844863Yeh my phone's camera is absolute dog shit so doesn't show the model that well compared to irl. I'll take another pic tomorrow when I do some more painting.Don't suppose you have any experience using white primers? I used a dark primer for deathguard but I feel like the green hasn't come up bright enough
>>94844882Anything that is big enough for miniatures, preferably with a led ring on top. Most backdrops that come with cheap lightboxes are terrible so it's a good idea to buy yourself matte white piece of fabric to use as background. It costs next to nothing and will drastically improve your photos.
>>94844894Just prime them with death guard green
how can one short make people interested in a board game? unless the videogame helped?
>>94844908Wargames are a little different from board games, but 40k is kind of leaning into the latter lately anyway.
>>94844908tourists latching to whatever their tiktok feed shows them
>>94844830>also does any anon have any advice for painting on the bone?Even with the piss-lighting you took the photo on, I can tell you thought slapping gobs of that color on was the solution. There's blobs of dried paint that have altered the shape and surface of the one coming out of the shoulder pad.The advice is, make sure you have paints that give suitable coverage over darker colors to build up lighter ones like that. I'm not sure which color you were using, but something like zandri dust which is one of the citadel "base" paints has good coverage and will give you a clean, lighter tan to build up the brighter bone colors on without having to blob on un-thinned gobs of paint like that.
>>94844904Someone told me I should use a primer or the paint will crack? Or are they talking shit?Will make my life a lot easier next time of I can just base them with green.
>>94844910which is a good thing
>>94844841Carnac, you’re the only pedo here.
>>94844934I tap my captain to make you shut up
>>94844882There's also the fridge technique. Fridges are generally well lit, clear a shelf and if you're embarassed to be taking pictures of minis inside a fridge, throw some material like a white cloth or paper sheets in there to stage the mini inside.
>>94844925Imagine being this much of a dick to a guy literally painting his first model
>>94844974giving advice isn't being a dick, shitstirrer
>>94844974???I gave him constructive advice on some very basic, beginner stuff, couched in a couple light barbs that drive home a visible problem on the mini. I'm also the one trying to save him a little bit of money by recommending a cost-saving technique for photo-taking here >>94844947Should I have meme-posted and just said, "Thin your paints"? Would that have spared your tender surrogate fee-fees?
>>94844931There's green spray primer from GW
>>94844931No, you need to prime but coloured primers exist.
>>94844974>any post not praising a poor paintjob is being a dick!Go back, retard.
>>94844999Why does primer cost $20 a pop? You can’t even use the whole thing because one you get halfway through it, it starts becoming volatile.
>>94844769>>94844848>>94844832Alright I'll go with Kill Team.>>94844860>Immediately buy 2k points of plastic then never paint it and watch flufftubersI now afraid of becoming like that now.Thanks guys!
Returning space marine player, with a question. What army would be the best rule set for running an army with a lot of Assault Space marines in rhinos or razorbacks, with predators and dreadnoughts being the support. Is it still BA? That was my initial army in 5th ed (white dwarf codex),but I never got to painting it.
>>94845062Eh, it's to early to tell. BT and SW might have detachments that will fill that role.
>>94844830>First time painting anythingYou did pretty good anon!>I hear that agrax wash carries hard for deathguardAcrylic washes in general carry models quite well when used properly. Just be careful that excess amounts of the acrylic wash don't collect in areas too much. Hobbyists call it "pooling.">any advice for painting on the boneivroy, white, yellow, and lighter skin tones as acrylic paints are harder to work with because of the pigments. Just make sure you're applying in thin coats and you should be able to eventually build up the colour properly. I struggle with those colours myself so we can suffer together.As for what can be improved on the model. If you have a light orange paint or a brown-orange paint you can heavily water it down to what I can best describe as a milk water consistency and randomly place it around the metallic parts of the axe. Maybe in the "popped pimple" looking marks on the axe to add the heavily watered down light orange or orange brown paint to resemble rust. Here's the effect being done and what it should somewhat look like when done properly: https://youtu.be/dvlvzXaEmso?t=574Hope you enjoy this hobby and have fun!
>>94844556They aren't though?They get the same mutations as their parent chapter.
>>94844587he was a whiny little cuck who got CM as a pair the spare choice and he died like a whiny little cuck too
>>94844040They'd be fine if their helmets weren't so big. The new World Eaters managed to get theirs at just the right size
>>94844588It's shit because Horus Heresy got expanded and in general the setting and everything else around the Dark Angels has changed a lot IRL ever since the 80s and 90s.In the past the DAngels shtick was that they were the only loyalist legion/chapter that had parts of it go traitor during the Heresy and they wanted to keep it a secret because they were THE number 1 legion also they were paranoid that the Imperium might exterminate them all. And this is where the Fallen obssession stemmed from, they didn't want to risk any of the traitor DAngels from the Heresy get captured by the rest of the Imperium because they could get interrogated and they could expose the secrets.But that has changed in the last 36 years.Because now all legions had some form of traitors or loyalists within them, even the predominantly traitorous legions had loyalist elements within them. This is specifically the reason why the Istvaan Dropsite Massacre was conducted, it was Horus and rest of the traitor primarchs essentially culling all the legion members who were loyal the Emperor first and foremost or too stubborn to ever go traitor.But because of this DAngels do not seem that special anymore."Oh woe is us, bunch of went traitor during the Heresy...", a thing that happened to all of the fucking legions to some degree. So it feels really cheap and lame.
I hate the current Raptor kit so much that I'm just going to buy HH assault marines and cover them with spare chaos bits instead.Honestly if it was like 10 years ago I'd just but a bunch of CSM and regular SM kits to mix and match to have all my chaos marines look more like recent traitors instead of looking like Black Legion but sadly Primaris ruined that
>>94845141>It's shit because Horus Heresy got expanded and in general the setting and everything else around the Dark Angels has changed a lot IRL ever since the 80s and 90s.>In the past the DAngels shtick was that they were the only loyalist legion/chapter that had parts of it go traitor during the Heresy and they wanted to keep it a secret because they were THE number 1 legion also they were paranoid that the Imperium might exterminate them allNot true at all, even the horus heresy lore in the early 90s as soon as they stopped being the indian chapter the legions were all splitting down the middle during the heresyBut of course you wouldn't know that, you just follow what you read online and think that the heresy was this mysterious unexplained lore point until the mid 2000s
>>94845174The HH ones are in a different scale.
>>94845174You own no models, so who cares what you'll daydream about doing?
>>94845089okey, I can wait, it is not like want to go pro or something. Just have fun with the models I already have and slowly extend my army. My dream was always to have a 100% jump pack army, maybe I will build that.
>>94845062>5th ed (white dwarf codex),Blood Angles have their own codex now with their own separate army, Space Marines is or 'generic' Ultramarine successors or the less relevant chapters like white scars. Rumours say the salamanders might get their own supplement with a new character model though.
Guys I’m starting to hate marines again. I can only tolerate scouts at this point
>just noticed scourges got a points hikeI don't have any but this strikes me as odd. They keep hiking drew carry, but dehike other armies.
>can put warriors on skullcrushers in igmar>cannot put zerkers on skullcrushers in 40kWhy are WE so cucked?Second wave could easily be>butcher character in terminator armour>Red Butcher Terminators>Eightbound but they're in terminator armour>Zerkers on Skullcrushers>Zerkers riding other zerkers>KhornegorsEasyEasy
>>94845186HH marines are close enough to newer CSM that it'll be fine
>>94845264world eaters aren't getting a second wave anytime soon, thousand sons came out before death guard and they still haven't seen shit
>>94845215Do you like reivers?
>>94844286>Raptors need a refreshOut of all things, bikes need it the most. Raptors are 2nd.
>>94845264no one cares about world eaters or thousand sons
>>94845290They're literally the first and second most popular chaos legions and have been for decades>inb4 coping DGfagyour astroturfed legion was always solidly in third place, and a massive power gap with EC in dead last
>Eldar Pre-order next weekHUH
>Wave Serpent reboxed
>>94845301I'm surprised it's not the rest of the Kreig or Goblins for AoS
>>94845295that's why DG got the most love, right ;)
>>94845309>Coping DGfag immediately shows up cryingLike clockwork
Kitbash potential
>>94845264World Eaters need Terminators and their own jetpack units to be complete enough for my taste. They could also use two non mounted Lords, one regular and one terminator, and probably some other HQ unit as well.
>>94845264>>butcher character in terminator armour>>Red Butcher Terminators>>Eightbound but they're in terminator armour>>Zerkers on Skullcrushers>>Zerkers riding other zerkers>>Khornegorsnot happening
>>94845315>CopingWhy would I be coping when I have a full range?
>>94845309>>94845295>fan popularityWE>=TS>>>DG>>>>>>>>>>>EC>model design and careDG>=EC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shirtless Wrestlers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thousand Tzaangors
>So I understand you have a new unit for me>Yes sir, I do. This is the genestealer familiar. These adorable little cretins are like targeting sqigs for GS. >Fantastic. And what's the fluff for these? Are they like genestealer pets? >Great question! They're psychic manifestations of the GS patriarch's will literally grown from his shadow. >So they're... genestealer daemons? >Yes sir, I suppose they are. >I see... Do they poof away when they die?>Unclear! >How do they do against Psychic damage? >Don't worry about it. >I see. So why doesn't the Tyranid hivemind just psychically manifest units into existence? Why bother with spawning sacks? For that matter, why not make even bigger psychic organisms that just eat whole planets? >Well you see I... the thing is... woop woop woop woop woop eyy eyyy eyyy.
In the RT vidya I just killed Idira, she's a fucking retard who summoned a daemon to the ship
>>94845328>EC>good designsyou blind?
>>94845225There's one amazing tourney player who plays drew carey and keeps getting them nerfed despite them being mediocre played by anyone else
>>94845331Based. I killed the smuggler for undermining the image of the RT as well.
>>94845180Aight, gramps.
>>94845325You don't have a full range because you don't own any models
>>94845090Yeh I went a bit too heavy putting on the bone colour, will try to do more thinly on my next model.Any advice on an orange colour? I was going to just water down Balthazar gold and add a sort of rust shading. What's your advice for shading? If I remember correctly you can let the agrax shade pool up near the edges if u wanna make shading right? Thx for the advice btw
>>94845353>n-no models!!!!I accept your concession.
>>94845328>>fan popularity>WE>=TS>>>DG>>>>>>>>>>>ECshift DG and TS and you got it
>>94845360>immediately cries and tries to leave the discussionclassic
>reboxing grav tanks and war walkers with less shit driver modelsBased
>>94845338>changing your entire ruleset just to fuck one guyMaybe marine players should gitgud.
>>94845364Nah, before 8E Tsons and WE were solidly in the lead in the CSM popularity contest
man adb really does suck ass
death guard are by far the most popular csm wtf are you retards smoking? do any of you actually go outside?
>>94845301Someone please leak the codex, I want to know if my boys are dogshit for the rest of the edition
>>94845375It's because he's always the only dark eldar player at major tournaments so it majorly skews GWs stupid "data", which from their POV shows DE stomping people
>>94845317Dirty looking Flagellants always seemed weirdly 40k in a setting where sigmar's priests are usually hammer wielding warriors.
>>94845386Yes yes we understand you entered this fanbase after they started astroturfing nurgle with VT and later DT and chaos gate to pump up the death guard refresh
>>94845329psychic manifestations are cost intensive and only happen on the regular in the genestealer cults as a byproduct of the need for the alien mind of the patriarch to communicate more effectively with the infected humans and viceversa even actual chaos demons are not reliable, stable and cost effective unless you tear apart the veil of reality without repair
>>94845370Where do you see that?
>>94845024Buy another brand?
>>94845404Look at warcom, the driver models look updated to me
>>94845376tzeentch was always third in line in popularity, this is not up to debate, it's the entire reason why forge world focused first and foremost on khornate and nurglite stuff, in that order
>>94845329It was kind of okay when they were just a thing for the psykers but I question why the hive mind decided to make psychic daemon-familiar things for shit like carrying an chemical flask around
>>94845189Post models with timestamp
>>94845399no I mean go outside to actual places where this game is played and you will see with your own eyes that death guard is by far the most popular. I mean by any metric you can think of dg is the most popular, even their subreddit is the most popular of the chaos marines. every metric you can find says it, idk why people on 4chan have to be so bitterly delusional all the time when we're anonymous and nobody can even associate your stupidity with your ugly face
>no one is buying war walkers>rebox them in a 2 packgenius, bravo james
>>94845414>wtf the army that got 3 times the support of the other two is more popular???retarded tourist, world eaters and thousand sons armies were infinitely more common when the cult legions were upgrade sprues and a single kit each
>>94845407Those are the same ones they just aren't painted like shit and they used the alt head options. All the old Eldar kits look fine when painted to modern standards.t. Owns those kits and used the same options
>no eldar boxWhy
>>94845355>Any advice on an orange colour?I'm not sure what you mean here, but I guess any bright orange will work when diluted to a milky consistency if you have plans to use it for a rust effect on models.>What's your advice for shading?I actually use diluted washes. But most acrylic washes targeted for army painting like Citadel are good right out of the pot. But even so it is best to thin them a little bit so that excess wash doesn't get applied to the model.>If I remember correctly you can let the agrax shade pool up near the edges if u wanna make shading right?I'm legitimately confused here. As I don't know if there ever is an instance where wash pooling excessively on a model can be a good thing.>Thx for the advice btwNo problem, anon. Since you seem new to the hobby mistakes are inevitable. This is one of the best tutorials I've seen on fixing mistakes.https://youtu.be/773iX2HmcuU?t=39I wouldn't recommend the thumb swipe though as it may tear the layer of acrylic paint. But the the technique where the guy uses a clean wet brush to wipe away an acrylic paint mistake (while it is still wet if it dries you have to paint over it) is smart. I usually do this when I screw up then dry the paintbrush on a paper towel nearby and use the "dried" brush to then soak away the excess water from where I made a mistake and had to wipe away the paint while it was still wet.
>>94845416???Lots of Eldar players are buying them they are great ingame, especially for smaller point games. Them coming in a two pack is great since they're usually taken in pairs.
I say this unironically, the birdmen are the best aspect of thousand sons. I will happily run demons with solely tzangors and maybe a hellbrute and some mauler fiends.
>>94845437spamming this bait over and over won't get you more attention lil guy
>>94845416There's no way they're still single-model units, right? That would suck for anyone wanting to get 3 of them. Maybe they're 1-3 models in a unit again?
>>94845422Looking again and you're right damn it. Just a rebox then
>>94845442Aren't they 1-2 per unit now?
>>94845416They cost too much for what they are. The rangers are also too much and there's nowhere reselling them for less than gold. I love the fucked up used market where jokers try to resell used models for new prices, like I wouldn't just buy a new one.
>>94845424Because fuck elves and fuck you for playing them.
Night Lords also have an upgrade sprue now btw.
Is the time ripe to sell all my eldar shit? Need to clear space for EC.
Rhana Dandra soon brothers. By Asuryan, we will send the tranny menace screaming back into the void. Praise Jamitov.
>>94845437>I willdo you have a TS army?
>>94845440Once I’m done with my old world army I will happily start my tzangor collection and I will start with my shaman
>>94845456In the index they're just one model. We'll see if the codex changes it.
the whole shtick of humans becoming more horrifying and demonic than the demons they are fighting to combat them tropewho has it beyond the likes of 40k and trench crusade?
>>94845463you mean the nemesis claw or what?
>>94845488Project moon. Cultivation stories. Probably some cyberpunk stories.
>>94845424GW is traumatized from Eldritch omens and that one eldar vs deldar box set
>>94845424they'll be doing an eldar vs EC box in a month
>>94845482Surely it is changing, why rebox otherwise?
>>94845496I am still mad over both of those
>>94845429well im a noob moron, so basically dont let the agrax pool anywhere?will watch the video, thx again anon!
>>94845525Don't let it pool excessively. Otherwise you get ugly splotches where it is extremely dark. You can get those a lot on the bottoms of cloaks and capes of miniatures between the creases of the miniature cape's sculpted fabric waves. You want to make sure that there is some shading on the parts. This tutorial highlighted part should illustrate what I mean by pooling especially on the bottoms of capes. https://youtu.be/I8WVB2-hU2o?t=801Gravity essentially forces runny paints like washes downwards and they will collect if too much is applied.As always since it is your first miniature I recommend that when you're done with him that you varnish the model and store him away in a place where you'll remember him and if you stick with the hobby long enough you'll improve and can look back on your first model and see that you've improved quite a bit.
>>94845548ah i see what you mean, seems like between the legs would be somewhere it could pool a lot, ill keep a spare damp brush when i do it to wipe away pooling.
>>94845496Those versus boxes were phenomenal piles of shit. $220 for Jack shit.
>>94845558NTA, but but also bear in mind that if you don’t shake all washes but Agrax in particular very well, they can leave a shiny finish on models once dry.
>>94845558>ill keep a spare damp brush when i do it to wipe away pooling>Not the anon you replied to, butOften the best way to handle pooling of washes is to move the excess away from where it is pooling elsewhere on the model if there is a spot where the wash has been applied the least. While the anon says that wet watered brushes to wipe away mistakes while the paint is still wet can work, with wash paints they're so watery that even a dry brush or somewhat dry brush can soak away the excess pooling. That is if you can't find a place to redistribute the wash paint elsewhere on the model.
>Wave Serpent/Falcon and War Walkers just get reboxedBut... why? The kits are ancient!
>>94845579will shake well, thx.>>94845583ah ok i see what u mean, so basically if u get pooling try to move it to a spot you haven't covered
>>94845586They look fine, don't question god Jes Goodwin
Phone poster anons, is that awful gambling ad completely fucking up your web browser? The second I see it pop up at the bottom of the page my phone shits itself and becomes laggy as fuck
I don't know if it's just me but I seem to get quite a bit of satisfaction out of buying second hand models that look awful, stripping / fixing them and painting them to a reasonable standard
>>94845586maybe they are listed specifically because they got the moulds retouched? they didn't need to be redesigned in the first place, just for the piling imperfections in the moulds to be addressed they've done a number of old moulds retouchings recently, especially with the old world, we don't know exactly if that means they have a way to change them without the costs of making a brand new mould, or if they have a budget directed specifically for refreshing old moulds, parallel to the budget that gets spent on actual new products
>>94845500They would have shown it off already.
>>94845496>>94845424Why is it so hard for GW internals to understand discount boxes have to offer actual discounts?
>>94842510I think you're selling yourself short.
>>94845424It's not like army boxes offer any real discount so what's the difference?
>>94845599I'm not the helpful anon who posted tutorial links in his helpful posts.>so basically if u get pooling try to move it to a spot you haven't coveredYes and to areas that are covered the least if they are there. When there are no areas I just dry my brush and soak it away. I've never tried using a wet brush to move away excess wash paints before so I can't confirm or deny if it is a valid way of dealing with pooling if moving the wash to other places on the miniature is a good idea.
>>94845700>if moving the wash to other places on the miniature is a good idea.I think I had a mini-strokeI meant "so I can't confirm or deny if it is a valid way of dealing with pooling if moving the wash to other places is not necessary due to the other places being properly covered."My bad.
>>94842495Why's the picture quality so shit? Trying to hide the terrible sculpting ?
>>94845722most podels
>>94845712i still have a few more details to paint on the model im doing atm, but will give it a try, Dont worry anon i understood what u are trying to say.
because they swapped around the DKOK infatry rules i gotta buy another kitsmart GW you fucking jews
>for the price of 10 kabalites or wyches you get 5 wracksWhy are they so expensive.
>tfw you finish painting all the rivets
>The first wave of these glorious miniatures will be available in the tantalising Champions of Slaanesh army set, which includes two units of six Noise Marines, two units of 10 Infractors that can alternately be built as Tormentors, and a Lord Exultant. This is the perfect way to start a new Emperor’s Children army, and to cap it all off, it comes with an exclusive cover variant of Codex: Emperor’s Children, a full set of datacards, and a new transfer sheet.>first wave>implying second wave
>>94845787its the "first wave" because the full release of the faction with flawless blades, fulgrim etc aren't coming out until like a month after the army set.
>>94845787>>implying second waveLucius, Fulgrim, Coneheads, Noiseboss.
>>94845787>second waveyeah, in 15th edition
>>94845787Yes, because the second wave will be Fulgrim, Lucius, the Flawless Blades and the Kakophonist Lord.
>KriegJanuary>EldarMarch>Emperor's ChildrenJune, because of LGBT month :)>next three releases will be chaos armies that have 1 new model each and can be shat out all at onceIdk July I guess or maybe just right after ECs for the synergy.>Grey Knights and Chaos KnightsLook like towards the end of the year>those remaining twoOne of those is very obviously Salamanders, so Salamanders Codex Supplement with Blagrax Blagatone, Firemaster of the Fire Drakes and Infernus Marines becoming Battle Line confirmed I guess? Sallyfag 1 and Sallyfag 2 must be happy.But what is the other guy, with the axe? We already got World Eaters and Orks, who else uses axes?
>>94845813will Thousand Suns get the EC treatment?
>>94845813it's very clearly a black templar axe
>>94845813>June, because of LGBT month :)
>>94845813>June, because of LGBT monthwhy do you know that
>>94845813Eldar are up for preorder this coming Saturday so they'll be 2 weeks after that. February 8th. I imagine the EC will be March at the earliest. Maybe preorder late February.
>>94845821They already got the EC treatment by being made an army in the first place.
what varnish do i buy. im going to spray it on with an airbrush if that matters
>>94845821thousand sons already have their lineat most they'll get a new unit or vehiclemost likely a pity character
>>94845813No one cares about the Salamanders except the one faggot in this thread
>>94845843AK interactive varnish is good and usually thin enough out of the bottle for most airbrushes to get a good coverage
>>94845848settle down exoditefag
>>94845848Exodites will NEVER be an army.
>>94845813You're already wrong. Eldar go up for pre-orders on Saturday, release in Feb. Krieg full release is later in Feb. EC would be next, so likely army set pre-order end of March and full release in April. From there things get more hazy, my guess is that we get DG in May, TSons in June, and July we get WEs. This last bit is important because July is the 25th anniversary of Codex: Armageddon and in the fluff right now the Khorne "blood crusade" is charging full into Armageddon. This will setup the next major story-arc, the 4th War for Armageddon. Salamanders and Black Templars were the original marines involved in the last Armageddon war and will be the releases around that time. We'll also see MTO classic Steel Legion and Ork models.
>>94845844>>94845821>Emperor's ChildrenNew army with 8 datasheets>Death GuardLord of Poxes>World Eaters????>Thousand Suns????
>>94845861Death Guard already had a full nice looking army
>>94845849>thin enough out of the bottleOh, is that true? I always thin it 1:1 and do a couple layers for good measure but I might stop if it's not particularly necessary
>>94845874well if thinning it at that ratio works for you no reason to stop, just in my experience it goes on smooth with no thinning
>>94845775But Mr. Frodo, that's when you paint all the rivets a second time (for the rust effects)!
>>94845870The context was "what, within reason, do you think GW might add". Like maybe >>94845858World Eaters get Blood Pact, Berzerkers on Skull Crushers etc. to round them out, maybe Thousand Sons get another Tzaangor hero etc.
>>94845848Sorry that your elves aren't getting an army.Maybe in 2030s or 2040s.
>>94845773Because those two are actually good vs the WRACKS which are purely chaff/free pain tokens. Also the wrack box does double duty as an accessory set since it includes parts to replace vehicle crews with wracks which is another reason to keep it cheap.
>>94845850>>94845856>>94845898uh oh marinepig meltie...
>>94845752No I won't be mogging your dog shit sculpts with my actually decently modeled units
>>94845918lmao you have not sculpted anything in your life
>>94845927Whatever helps you cope with your terrible fur sculpting
>>94845934I'm not even that anon, I'm just calling you out on being a secondary shitstirrer
>>94845918secondary meltie
>LVO quarters>GSC player cheating and over-moving every turn>judge standing right there not caringlmfao
>>94845967warhammer is serious business!!!
>all the local waacfags at lvo this weekend>go to local rtt>only the nicest, kindest, most lore and hobby loving people in attendance>every game is a blast despite outcome>good cheer to be hadshould we nuke LVO from orbit?
>>94846043god I wish we could
>>94842468Getting on my second impulsor.Hoping to do much better, I’ve had 2 years of practice since the last. Once it’s done I’m on to a broadside and some stelathsuits.
>>94846065I’d like to say I’ll stop being incompetent one day but I try not to make promises I can’t keep.
NEW THREAD>>94846109>>94846109>>94846109
>>94844974Is there a more pathetic and lame insult than calling someone "a dick"
>>94846112You fool, we already had a duplicate thread waiting to migrate to. Always check the catalog.>>94842402>>94842402
>>94846043and then everyone clapped
>>94845967if you aren't playing 40k with a beer in one hand and pretzels in the other, youre doing it wrong
>>94843425This kit is so kino, I use the leader as an elucidian starstriders captain, the icon on a gsc acolyte as an iconward, and the rest as kasrkin requisitions for my inquisition kill team.The old medic kit was also amazing
>>94845329They are hybrid children. I will not hear otherwise
>>94843413It's upsetting. They're basically trying to turn us into the eldari of the imperium but worse.
>>94845331Idira is for hugging and telling her that everything will be fine
>>94846158>old duplicate thread>forgot the titledfuck off