Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:http://pastebin.com/9fzM6128>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/86342023/#q86358321>Previous thread:>>94780679>Thread Question Battle map or no battle map? And if so - what scale?
>>94843103Want to contribute to the thread but don't know where to start? Use this table.>1. Make a spell>2. Make a monster>3, Make a dungeon special>4 Make a wilderness location>5. Make an urban set piece>6. Make a magic item>7. Make a class, race, or race-as-class>8, Make a 4-10 room lair.>9. Make a trap>10. Roll 2D10 and combine
>>94836227i think you could have a lot of fun
>>94843103>And if so - what scale10 ft squares but big enough to fit 3×3 miniatures or tokens, depending on what weapon the creatures in it are wielding.
session 2 of our B2 campaign in B/X is today. pretty excited. for some reason, playing a new system has made me a rather poor DM again, making my descriptions suffer. how much emphasis do you put on exploration descriptions? do you explicitly state and describe each and every time the party takes their rest every hour while exploring, or just have inventories get updated with torch usage and such and just keep the game moving?
There were two RPG games born in 1974. The first was a mere babe, but fed on the creativity and genius of both its creator and the world to become what we call D&D. The second came into this world full-formed. It was revealed to us some 40 years later by Oakes Spalding, but no man could have created this perfection. It is Seven Voyages of Zylarthen.
>>94843103So I was considering the time in game for my players, in around 3 years of campaign 1 year in game passed and the players went form level 1 (0 EXP) to level 5-6 (cleric level 6). This considering time for travels, time to train and level up, time to gather soldiers in a city etc.So what you think? Did you guys had similar time in game? In a simulationistic view, would this mean that in 1 year humans can become "Heroes".
>>94843554>playing a new system has made me a rather poor DM again, making my descriptions suffer. how much emphasis do you put on exploration descriptions? do you explicitly state and describe each and every time the party takes their rest every hour while exploring, or just have inventories get updated with torch usage and such and just keep the game moving?To be completely honest, you're making it sound like you were a worse DM before, and having to focus on rules has made you finally shut the fuck up with your "descriptions".
>>94843794>in around 3 years of campaign 1 year in game passedSo you weren't using 1:1 time when no play was happening? Single fixed PC party, one PC per player, the whole world going on hold for the protagonists?You should try playing D&D instead.
>>94844028Jeffro is a homosexual dance instructor.
Do you have RagnaBorg: Sagas of the Chosen? Couldn’t find on the OSR trove
What's your opinion on The god that crawls? I'm thinking of running it and I want to hear from you
>>94843794This is perfectly fine. As Indiana Jones says, it's not the years, it's the mileage.
>>94844095>False flag attack to associate 1:1 time with Jeffro instead of Gygax.One dirty trick the BrOSR don't want you to realise.
>>94844257And yet the people who played with Gygax said that Gygax never ran his games like that.
>>94844122I've found it, Anon. Why, I must say, it's much better than I expected. Highly recommended.
>>94844328NTA. 1:1 time is not how to run your games, but how to run your campaigns.
>>94844395>campaignIt can only become a campaign when a TPK has happened.Role-playing isn't storytelling, and the universe doesn't revolve around the PC's.
>>94843103>battle map scale I just draw a quick sketch of the area if its at all complex and add a scale to the side like its a map. We then use a tape measure for distance.
>>94843690Unironically how good 7 Voyages actually is? At first glance it doesn't seem like it has much going on for it.
>>94844546>It can only become a campaign when a TPK has happened.Not sure what you're talking about, a TPK is a 2e/WotC "D&D" concept.There can be no such thing as a TPK in D&D, since at any one point only a fraction of PCs are in actual play.
>>94844689There's an enthusiastic review by Melan that's left me utterly unimpressed.https://beyondfomalhaut.blogspot.com/2022/01/review-seven-voyages-of-zylarthen.html
>>94843554>how much emphasis do you put on exploration descriptionsEach area gets a description based on first impressions and player character activity. Usually a 1-2 sentence at most. If they investigate more deeply, risking encounter and taking time, they get more details. I make this choice clear to the players themselves regularly. >explicitly state and describe each and every time the party takes their rest FOE here, I don't do the mandatory 10 every hour, that's some office drone water cooler mentality. They're already moving slowly. If I were to have a mandatory rest period it would be every 3-4 hours but its not an aspect of simulation I'm overly concerned with. >keep the game moving yeah that, be concerned with that. The descriptions are for gameplay. If your descriptions aren't things the players can engage with its worth considering why you're making the descriptions. If you're going full bookkeeping mode setting up a clear procedure and having a party inventory sheet or something similar where you call out in the same order the various materials consumed would likely speed things up.
>>94843794>3 years irl to 1 year in campaign Mine tends to go the other way with travelling in the world between places and healing times. How many sessions per month and how long were the sessions generally? No shade, interested in how other people do this. >1 year to become heroic Sounds about right though, if you're thinking of adventurous circumstances and rising to the events while being thrown into the world.
>>94844028>So you weren't using 1:1 time when no play was happening?Why would I? I only have 1 party of players, why should the word go on when they are not playing? They are not the protagonist in the sense they "control" the world, other stuff happens when they aren't there and we often had to put some characters on hold from adventure for leveling and researching/crafting items.>>94844812We have usually 1 session a week of about 3 and half hours. Gone are the days were I could play 12 hours straight! Ahahah.They generally stayed in a single region of the campaign, so there was movement, but usually pretty limited, not travels around the continent.>>94844204Well yes, I was more thinking about this in the sense of the greater reality, given the nature of my experience of the game and how the setting is supposed to work (thinking of like the OD&D setting book) in around 1 year a group of people became "heroes" or more. Along the way many many failed. What are the consequences for the human civilizaiton given this? That's more of what I was thinking. I should have kept better track of how many retainers and PCs died so I could know how many people die before an hero arises from the trials.
>>94844697what if session after session you lose teams? what if this was the first group you made?
>>94844844>Gone are the days were I could play 12 hours straight! Ahahah.enjoy it before even that becomes a struggle.It's not a sure thing, but it sneaks up on you until 4 weekly sessions in a row feels like an achievement
>>94844257>false flagNo, the man is a dance instructor who sounds like a fag. He literally talks like an effeminate fag. You are in denial.
>>94844844>Why would I?NTA. Because it makes the game better.>I only have 1 party of playersIrrelevant.
>>94844984>what if session after session you lose teams? There's no such thing as "teams". Each session each player who shows up uses a different character out of his roster, based on what he and the other players are planning to do during that session.>what if this was the first group you made?You don't make groups, you make characters.
>>94845058you know what I mean, just killing every character every session faster than you make them
>>94843794What are you playing?Level 6 in OSE is very different than 1e or BECMI.
>>94844844>>94845003I've been running 4-6 hours every 2 weeks and that seems to fit well.
What is the best enemy species for a ranger?
>>94845183You can't go wrong with taking undead. You are very likely going to fight them at some point.
>>94845081either the players need to git gud, or the DM does, so git gud
>>94844689It's really good>od&d if it more closely matched the stories of appendix n>cleric is replaced by A FUCKING CONAN CLASS (aka thief, if the thief was badass. The book literally states "Conan was a Thief")>combat depth of 1e>man vs man style attack matrices>incredible monster section with fresh takes on classic monsters (that better match appendix n) and plenty of new ones, including all the barsoomian monsters cut from the original d&d, borg, Evil Men, etc>fresh takes on stuff like languages>keeps the same presentation as od&d
>>94845081>you know what I mean, just killing every character every session faster than you make themUnless the player is a complete noob at the table who has no idea how to create a character, each player typically has more than one character at all times. Ideally when he first shows up at the table as an experienced player, and in all cases when the first character the player makes is injured, ill, in training, doing long downtime activities, in time debt, in time jail, and so on.So no, that does not happen either. There's no session in which every character that's been created is in use. And even if there were one, for some odd reason, it wouldn't make any difference to how the game is run, since the fate of every individual character or extemporaneous group of characters is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things?>>94845183>best enemy species for a ranger?GYG WotCtard.
>>94845081>>94845234>the fate of every individual character or extemporaneous group of characters is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of thingsWithout a question mark at the end, not idea where that came from.
>>948451506 hours + set up, or 6 hours of meet up with 4 hours of play? I don't think I have energy for 6 hour sessions in me anymore, but it could depend on the GM.there is no universal thing when it comes to time for hobbies. In theory you could play with coworkers who are also your friends and when you have kids they also like each other, so you can perfectly match your free time and play the same until you retire and beyond. That' be super cute and wholesome. But I believe the norm is people making an effort to match up their times and that slowly erodes the fun. It happens to other group hobbies like sports.
>>94845223>WAOW IT'S JUST LIKE APPENDIX N WAOW!!!could you possibly onions harder? Appendix N consists of largely shit stories, literally just run b/x instead and set it in the Forgotten Realms. Add advantage/disadvantage and d20 ability checks to season.
>>948452616 hours includes set up and a break to eat. We take turns making dinner or ordering food etc. Usually ends up being more than 4 but less than 5 hours of gameplay. Mix of friends from work, their game friends and/or partners depending. Have had neighbours or family as well. >making effort erodes fun Weird take but sounds like a normal people problem. Its a small group activity, those are always driven by a few motivated people and whoever else ends up there and falls apart when the motivated stop for various reasons.
>>94845363>why is morkborg allowedTell me you didn't open that document without telling me.
>>94845344>>making effort erodes fun >Weird take but sounds like a normal people problem.schedule effort in particular. Learning rules, moving out of your comfort zone, trying to understand the other players, all of that is endearing to the experience. But having to balance a bunch of things you don't particularly like to fit something you do can make you ressent that thing. Budgeting is the same if you're struggling. A lot of people in their 30's end up disliking stuff just out of that, including things like a job they liked or their kids. But it sounds like you have a solid mix in your group. I'm kinda jelly. Neighbors in particular sounds like a great addition.
>>94843690Buy an ad
>>94845410>But having to balance a bunch of things you don't particularly like to fit something you do can make you ressent that thing.I am thankfully too autistic for that development. >neighbour was a really cool and unexpected add in for a while. Old boomer neighbour, sort of working class hippy, helped each other out with mechanical stuff, ended up asking what we were doing one weekend and said playing D&D. He got super excited and said he always wanted to play but never got to when he was a kid so we invited him and he was a consistent good player for years. He had some health stuff and moved but was good shit.
>>94843794This is absolutely bizarre to me, you are not employing 1:1 downtime, is that what you are trying to say? You realize that downtime is supposed to be what's for traveling training and recruiting?
>>94844844>What are the consequences for the human civilizaiton given this?Tbh I think that you shouldn't generalize from this sequence of events, the rules are for PCs and not natural laws controlling the entire setting. If you feel like you have to comment on it, have the outside world be astounded and baffled by their rapid rise.
>>94844844>Why would I?They're just meming about a more or less deliberate misunderstanding of Gygax's explanation of how to track time in a multi- or fluid-group campaign, in the DMG. Disregard it.
>>94845279I don't often say this, but, unironically, you should actually kill yourself. There's no way your existence is net-positive for either yourself or the people around you.
>>94845777Seven Voyages of faggothen will never win the osr wars. Gavin Norman has already won. Kneel and play dolmenwood.
>>94845865No, no, you don't need to keep posting proof. I already believe you're better off dead, no need to convince me.
>>948457591:1 time makes dnd work. Ran a year long game with it. Try it out I can only recommend it.
>>94845759>a more or less deliberate misunderstanding of Gygax's explanation of how to track time in a multi- or fluid-group campaignWhat misunderstanding? Enlighten us, genius.
>>94845987This. People who criticise it have clearly never tried 1:1 time, not to mention they're probably also storyfaggots.
>>94846012>party goes down into tentpole campaign megadungeon>we have to end the session early because some life shit comes up, so they don't get back to down>1:1 time>"guess they're fucked time to roll up new characters"Most players would walk out from this type of game. Considering my only chance of running an osr game is through an open table because I don't have friends into games, this sounds like an easy way to lose players.
>>94846035Or, even worse >characters go on a long island hopping expedition >at the end of the session, one month has passed>"ALRIGHT GUYS WE CAN'T PICK UP ON THAT ADVENTURE FOR A WHOLE IRL MONTH">by the time a month passes, players no longer care about resuming that adventure after starting over from level 1 with new characters on a completely new arcYeah bro seems real engaging
>>94846035>imaginary scenario>>94846049>a gameplay element the players can plan around withWorked fine in my game. We just rolled new characters and did a few sessions.You are not really good at this internet argument thing are you?
>>94846035>"guess they're fucked time to roll up new characters">>94846049>WE CAN'T PICK UP ON THAT ADVENTURE FOR A WHOLE IRL MONTHI see, so (YOU) are the one who doesn't understand how 1:1 time works >!as expected.!<You can use time credit and debt for those situations, as well as occasionally advance the whole campaign where appropriate, e.g. when a majority of characters are in large time debt. "1:1 time is best" doesn't mean you have to be stupid strict about it. What really shouldn't happen is what the OOP reported: One year in-world corresponding to three years IRL. If your in-world time goes slower than 1:1 you are definitely fucking it up >!and you're probably a storyfaggot too.!<
>>94846113>t. plebbitor
>>94846113>>94846113Rare Gygaxpilled plebbitor.
>>94846107>>imaginary scenariohow is spending more than one session inside a big dungeon an imaginary scenario?
Real opinion... 1:1 time is kind of a gimmick, it doesn't enhance the game nor detract - it just promotes a kind of club-like experience over the traditional campaign. >>94846049This is actually the inverse issue I had when I tried to run a 1:1 game. Player activity was too slow for the calendar: they would travel, delve, get back, and it would have only taken 3-4 days - where I could only run once per week: making their characters defacto part timers.>>94846113>I see, so (YOU) are the one who doesn't understand how 1:1 time worksI love you, brother, but your advice is actually the direct opposite of the advice given by 1:1 proponents on X - where the idea came from. They will list a hundred ways to deal with the fact that you shouldn't or can't deviate from the real world calendar before allowing you to fudge.What you're talking about is keeping a calendar - not 1:1 time (tm).
>>948461851:1 time proponents will argue that your players should establish bases, be better at transitioning/mapping levels, handle downtime activities like planning and supply out of session, and leverage hirelings to accelerate longer sessions and chop up large dungeon crawls into manageable chunks - calling it player skill.
Is there something like worlds without number but with a bit more robust class system?
>>94846113>defends retarded idea>has ironically misunderstood the idea because he understands the actual rules so much better than the retards who came up with the retarded idea that he can't even fathom someone misunderstanding the rules in such a dumb way
>>94843103Yeah that BFRPG game was fun.
>>94846210>but your advice is actually the direct opposite of the advice given by 1:1 proponents on X - where the idea came from. They will list a hundred ways to deal with the fact that you shouldn't or can't deviate from the real world calendar before allowing you to fudge.He was talking about 1:1 time as explained by Gygax in AD&D, not as 1:1 time as in xitter.>What you're talking about is keeping a calendar - not 1:1 time (tm).No, he was talking about Gygaxian "1:1 time is best" as opposed to Jeffrogaxian strict 1:1 time.
>>94846488>defends retarded ideaYou have no idea what you're talking about. Gygaxian 1:1 time is a fantastic idea. It's radically changed my campaign for the better.
>>94846931That's the same mistake again, Anon! Anon was also defending Gygaxian timekeeping, but the anons dunking on 1:1 time weren't criticizing that – they were shitting on the BrOSR cargo cult version.
>>94846955Did the first comment in the chain sound like it was talking about the BrOSR version, to you?The only people who are bringing up the BrOSR are the single-party storyshitters who will go for the low-hanging BrOSR fruit to avoid engaging with what 1:1 time actually is. Which makes them FOEs and even worse than the BrOSR if you ask me.
Gygaxian time is just strict time. 1:1, 2:1, 1:2, 30:1 doesn't matter. What does matter is if the m-u is researching a big boy spell that won't be ready by decembras 13 but there's a time-sensitive goal the party wants to accomplish by decembras 10 at the latest. Then it becomes a question of pausing research (if the referee even allows that) and bringing an experienced character or using a second-string retainer.
With a bit of a mind flip you are into the 1:1 time slip and nothing can ever be the same. Oh, fantasy adventure game free me!
>>94847087>Gygaxian time is just strict time. 1:1, 2:1, 1:2, 30:1 doesn't matter.Wrong on both counts. Gygaxian time is 1:1, not any other ratio, and it isn't strict, only "best".
>>94847281The main thing is that brOSR posers will propose STRICT 1:1 time: if the characters go on a wilderness expedition that takes a month, then they will not resume that expedition for an IRL month and allow time to "catch up," whereas Gygaxian 1:1 time argues that it's perfectly valid for a week to pass in-game (the group in this hypothetical plays once per week) in between sessions, and continue from there in-game in the very next session - effectively pushing forward the game timeline one whole month and a week ahead of IRL time, where only one week has passed.
>>94847281I don't get what the big debate is about. "We play per week, so 1 week passes in-game as well. If play each month, then a month passes," feels dirt simple to explain. If you wanna use a different ratio okay, but that only matters if you want there to be more space in between adventures, whether its used for downtime or just for letting time pass so the world progresses. It won't matter if you do oneshots or new characters each time, only if you're doing a persistent party where you can say "My guy did this between sessions."
>>94847467>If you wanna use a different ratio okayIt's fine by me as well, I guess, although I've never tried different ratios. I was just pointing out how that's not what Gygax was saying.
>>94847281>>94847644Okay now go re-read the part where Gygax says STRICT TIME RECORDS and put 2 and 2 together using context as if you weren't a raging retard nogaems faggot
I've been keeping strict time records. That's how I know in just seven days I can make you a fighting man.
>>94847732>STRICT TIME RECORDSThat means that the *records* need to be strict.Time ratio is discussed below in the same section, and in that context 1:1 time is only described as "best", as shown in the screenshot here:>>94847281Best is a strong recommendation for the time ratio of course, but the "strict" adjective is never applied to the time ratio, only to the records.Absolutely strict 1:1 time, with even the same calendar day in-world as in-game, is Jeffro's way of doing it, which is of course compatible with the AD&D rules, but one can be a bit looser at times and still be perfectly in line with the DMG recommendations.
>>94847732>>94848325To clarify further.STRICT TIME RECORDS means that in-game time passes the same for everybody in the world, and so must be kept absolutely strictly, meaning for example that one character cannot get one month of game time where another got only one week. Not to mention mixing up future and past events. By itself, it says nothing about the relationship between in-game (IG) time and IRL time.1 actual day = 1 game day is "best" it the part that refers to the ratio between IG and IRL times.The two concepts are related but distinct.
>>94848369This. The man was an insurance clerk, he was autistic about records so the company wouldn't get sued. That bleeds into his games, so making sure off-session time is being accounted properly.
>>94848325>>94848369>>94848382man, i love this level of autistic hammering.
With 1:1 time and strict records I feel released, bad times deceased, my confidence increased. Reality is here. The game has been disbanded, my mind has been expanded. It's a gas that Jeffro has landed.
Do you allow other demi-humans or more monstrous races to your PCs in games? Or are they always the scum of the earth, fit only for slaying?My players are always interested in having at least one reptile player race available, whether that's lizardmen or kolbolds. I assume it's the Elder Scrolls nerds in them wanting an Argonian.
Is there an OSR or retroclone or whatever with some amount of crunch and characterbuilding? Beyond just 'roll stats, pick class, optionally pick race if you're playing with those'?
Ran my first in person game in years recently, albeit with one person skyping in. It was good to sit back at the table and look people in the eye again. All my notes were on my laptop but I'm still happy I did it. I've got a good idea for what I'll need to have in my folder ahead of time. I might even try to go to all paper even though the game is digital>>94848922Are you looking for flavour differences are mechanical differences.
>>94848734No. IRL, we treat the idea of reptile people as cryptids/monsters. Why would it be any different if there were reptile people walking around intermingling with humans?Same goes for furries, too. What makes lycanthropes scary if there's a bunch of furries walking around?
>>94848922AD&D/osric is quite crunchy. But character builds outside of creation are impossible. It does recommend 4d6 drop lowest assign numbers character creation, though. Most of the crunch comes from combat, downtime etc. I've heard Seven Voyages also does something similar with combat, but it's based off od&d so it's much simpler
how should i apply the item saving throws in ad&d 1e? it's useful for knowing the durability of stuff characters wanna smash open, but there's no way in hell i'm rolling saves for every piece of armour, clothing, backpack, belt etc on a regular basisshould i just apply it if they have an exposed potion hanging off their belt or something? should i ignore it entirely and only use it when the players want to throw a bottle at something, or if arrows collide with a fireball mid-air, that sort of thing?
>>94843554Good onya Anon.> you explicitly state and describe each and every time the party takes their rest every hour while exploring, or just have inventories get updated with torch usage and such and just keep the game moving?I explained it to them at the beginning of the campaign and tell them to update torches at the 50 minute mark and skip forwards. Only exception is if they are in a particular hurry in which case I'll ask. Tldr apply rests but don't feel the need to describe them every time.>>94844028Shut the fuck up. B2 isn't even Adnd so your point is even more irrelevant than usual.>>94844257We aren't associating 1:1 with Jeffro 'Braunstein' Johnson. We are associating insisting 1:1 is the only way to play with him and his cabal of low IQ cocksuckers.>>94847060>Implying the Brosr aren't story shitters>>94847732Context Fags are almost as bad as the Media Literacy Fags. On the note of 1:1 time I'm seriously considering implementing it in my own games. So after every game they'll have roughly a week of downtime/upkeep. In the event of a multisession delve they have the same for the number of weeks they spent doing that.Secondaryly my group began searching local hexes for a moving bandit camp. What do you guys use for your foraging rules. I've gone with the way it works in the Dolmenwood book(x/6) but they are mostly living off bought rations.
>>94848947>>94848995mechanical, some differentiation between two human knights beyond stats, some amount of ability to have a character 'build' and mechanics for players to engage with beyond "roll to hit" every turn
>>94849225Sounds like you want ACKS II friendo. Class proficiencies give you a reasonable amount of class customisation. Fighters as an example at first level can choose between Berzerkergang; Blind Fighting; Mounted Combat; Precise Shooting; ect. Buildfagging is Foe shit though and I only tolerate it because ACKS is otherwise awesome.
>>94849302players like something to sink their teeth intoI'm lazy and prefer as much narrative as possiblethank you very much friendo
>>94848922Worlds Without Number is basically D&D Basic but with Feats
On the time keeping issue: Let's say a weekly session. If we cover 7 days in a session (hewxcrawling with few events for example) do we continue the next one where we left it because we covered those 7 days last time or do we add 7 downtime days?If players have two groups doing things they care about, one is inside a dungeon they're enjoying and the other is negotiating to build a keep they though about a lot, how do you decide which group of characters get the real time?>>94848979>we treat something that doesn't exist as something that doesn't exist>why would we treat something that exists differently?did you think at all before posting?
>>94846035Every time this happens, even in regular games a player will say "oh shit I have to leave. Can somebody take over my character?" And it's fine. You haven't played many games with real people have you?
anyone ever thought about backporting the classes from the original Atlantis RPG into 1e? some interesting stuff in there desu
>>94850085>some interesting stuffSuch as? I've not heard of Atlantis rpg before.
>>94848734Kobolds are canines, not reptiles, WotCfag.
>>94848922Character building is definitionally anti-OSR.
>>94850104it was released in the early 80s and focused a lot on a huge combination of myths around atlantis, sword and sorcery stuff (thule, hyperborea, mu, all of it was there alongside original inventions). had a huge atlas book that would be great to rip from for any campaign.the stuff I'm talking about specifically is classes wise- alchemists, astrologists, harlequins, etc. would probably just end up being pedantic subclasses but I really like the idea of the bounty hunter being a full-combat fighter with the ability to waylay (knock out someone with a black jack).the advanced wizardry stuff like golemmaking would also be neat. just pissing in the wind about it i guess
>>94849087>on a regular basisWhat regular basis? It's only on rare occasions that players need to roll saves for every item on their equipment. And when they do, they can roll on their own for the most part. If it's a monster, you usually only need to make a couple rolls tops, for any magic items it might be carrying.And yes, it is an important mechanics to keep spells like fireball in check, so it's important to apply it.
>>94850107B/X rulebook describes them as scaly, as well as doglike
>>94850107Kobolds are actually little evil blue guys
>>94849738>If we cover 7 days in a session (hewxcrawling with few events for example) do we continue the next one where we left it because we covered those 7 days last time or do we add 7 downtime days?Seven days have passed from where the calendar was at the START of the last session. Every character gets one week of downtime except, obviously, those who are in time debit, who don't get to play the same week twice.So if the last weekly session lasted nine days, next week all characters in that party cannot be chosen (they are in time debt), all others get seven weeks of downtime, and a different party needs to be formed for this session. The new party will need to go somewhere else to avoid time paradoxes.Next session, the characters from last session get five days of downtime (7×2-9).
>>94850144So what? Pangolins have scales, doesn't make them reptiles. Kobolds have dog heads and don't lay eggs. There's literally nothing reptilian about them.
>>94850181>>94849738To add: I don't recommend strict Jeffrogaxian time, but it's easier to understand. You started last session on the 18th of January and played until the 27th of January.Next session is on the 25th of January, both in-world and IRL, so the characters from last session are still adventuring. You need to pick a different group.The following session is on the 2nd of February, both IRL and in-game. The characters from that first party get five days of downtime. Depending on what they did during the 18th of January session, they might still not be choosable, e.g. if they need a full week of rest or training.If you don't use strict time, the IRL and game calendars might not be aligned and you might fast forward the calendar a bit occasionally. But the idea is the same.
In the velvet darkness of the blackest night, burning bright, there's a guiding star, and it's 1:1 time with strict records.
>>94850241That's assuming January has thirty days. How many years in a decade?.
>>94850206>Pangolin-people Koboldsthat's actually not a bad idea
>>94850275In the velvet darkness of the blackest night, burning bright, there's a guiding light, and it's 1:1 time done right.
>>94850343>Mandatory abortions for jannies.No need, they're all castrati anyway.
>>94850354just on the off-chance of immaculate conception anon. You can't be too careful with these things...
>>94850378Virgin birth. You mean virgin birth.Immaculate conception has nothing to do with Mary conceiving Jesus without fucking, it refers to the dogma that Anne, mother of Mary, conceived Mary without original sin. It's the answer to the question "How is it possible for Mary, who was born with original sin, to give birth to Jesus?" And the answer is that she WASN'T born with original sin. Not that I think that either the answer or the question make any actual sense, but that's the internal logic of them.
>>94845183>What is the best enemy species for a ranger?The greatest monster of all: MANOr you could just stick to what it says in the 1e PHB instead of basically gimping Rangers back to "fighter with slightly more HP who sometimes tracks and is good aligned".
>>94843794>So what you think? Did you guys had similar time in game? In a simulationistic view, would this mean that in 1 year humans can become "Heroes".1 year should be the max imo. I might be deemed young and immature among grognards for saying this, but if I cannot reach level 4+ in 40 or so sessions I'd feel like I need to look for a different campaign. I can only take so much of level one rusty shanktown before I want to throw myself off a bridge.I personally played in a game of 1e and reached level 5/4 Cleric/Magic-User in 30 or do sessions of consistent play and 9 months of 1:1 time.
>94846035>94846049>on a completely new arc>arcBait.
>>94850791I don't know, I've used mostly the distribution of treasure from the book (BX), same with the monsters, level 1 has HD1-2 monsters etc.Does AD&D gives more generous treasures?
>>94850876im not familiar with bx enough to say that unfortunately
>>94850107Wrong, see 1e illustration>"dog-like" facial structure as per the description>scales>hornsIf you think they're canines then I am wondering what it was that your parents got for you and said was a dog.
>>94848922ACKS had proficiencies which led to customization: but didn't, I didn't think, make it into a build game. Don't know about ACKS 2.
>>94848979>What makes lycanthropes scary if there's a bunch of furries walking around?That's truly terrifying - can you imagine if being a furry was contagious like the curse of lycanthropy?
>>94850107I read once that Kobolds, at one point, were directionally headed towards being for Gnolls what Halflings were to Humans or what Goblins were to Hobgoblins. I liked that - didn't pan out, obviously, and I never ran a game with it: but I liked it.>>94850160Hehe - Cobalts.
>>94851351I agree with the other Anon, the important point is that they aren't reptiles. They have absolutely no reptilian feature. Most notably they don't lay eggs. The idea that they are reptilian is WotC bullshit, they're obviously mammals, since all three features you pointed out (dog heads, horns, and scales) are present in mammalsNow, given that they aren't reptilians, we can discuss what kind of mammal they are. I would say that the dog head is the most distinguishing feature, so a monstrous canine humanoid seems to be the most reasonable taxonomy.I'm curious to hear what other mammal you would liken them to, otherwise.
>>94850433Curiously, the virgin birth IS the explanation for Christ's lack of original sin. You have seen references in scripture to "the sin of Adam" or "children of Adam" - this is because Hebrew tradition held that original sin was patrilineal: hereditary through the father's line. That's actually why they were commanded to practice circumcision: that a blood sacrifice would cover the sin through the implement of its transmission. But that's neither here nor there - Christ, who did not have a biological human father, thus did not inherit in his incarnation the sin of Adam.>>94850715They have some spells too - don't they? I never understood that: even the Ranger introduced in TSR/Dragon had spells: which was based on Aragorn knowing how to forestall the effect of the Morgul Blade on Frodo - so "Cleric magic" - but really: it should have been an opportunity to introduce a herbalism sub-game. Cest la vie.>>94850791>>94843794I think it's fair. I mean, look at the difference between someone in basic training and someone coming back from their first deployment. Or in professional life: how long does it take you to "git gud" at a program, process, or framework at work?The sweet spot for me is leveling every 3 or 4 sessions - but that can be hard to control: as really, it is up to player initiative, skill, and a bit of luck.