Why are we the least popular? And by a large margin.
>>94860153Why does it matter?
Players of any faction who know what they're about have no interest in being part of a tube-hammer sample size.
>>94860153Who cares?
>>94860153Probably because, despite being Chaos, you’re named after the Emperor.
>>94860153Stats sucked.They had +1 Initiative and an expensive anti-medium infantry gun. Couldn't compete with extra attacks and toughness.What do they have nowadays?
I like EC but>pink>trannies>meme shit like guitar guns
>>94860750The guitar guns predate internet meme culture, smoothbrain.
It doesn't matter.
Are the slannesh forces also super squishy in 40k, akin to fantasy and aigmar?
>>94860153Death Guard are only popular because they are the no-skill modelling army. Just slop greenstuff and cover it with brown shade and rust effect. You want to go the extra mile, replace green for beige and you can say you are painting Blanchitsu style for internet gold.
>>94860750>I like EC but not any of the core aspects of EC (that have been a fundamental part of them since the beginning or near enough)So what do you like about them? The flag?
>>94860153Slaanesh is associated with sex, which anglos are scared of.
>>94860153given it's a recent poll, it's probably because Emperor's Children simply doesn't fucking exist as a 40k army like Death Guard, World Eaters, and Thousand Sons do.
>>94860153More smelly nerds than sexy ones. Equal number of angry nerds though apparently.
>>94860153>pink homosexual legion with no models
>>94860153GW avoids touching Slaanesh marines as much as possible. Especially for anything more than Noise marines. They take the whole 'sex, drugs, and rock & roll' angle and just cut out the sex and drugs. And the rock & roll is just a fancy gun, so even that isn't very unique.
>>94860153Why don't you ask someone who cares?
>>94860153>why does nobody like the reddit legion of troons and druggies in pink?
>>94860153Because slaanesh is trannie-coded.
>>94860153They look the most like generic csm. Also trannies I suppose.
>>94860750Why is it 40k isn't allowed to be fun anymore?
>>94862845All you said doesn't matter, because who cares about painting? People voted for DG because of their playstyle: tough, slowly moving forward, very deadly in combat. It just... appeals.Personally i voted for TS, because they look nice and despite having low variety of models, they're interesting to platy, they have much space for smart tricky plays.And when i've been voting, i thought about painting 0 seconds.
>>94862845WE are also good, because they're basically orks in power armor. Orks have always been fun to play.But EC? Nobody knows what play style they'll bring. All we know, all we associate EC with - fight first, nice anti-infantry shooting, shooting twice and... that's it? Correct me, please, if you have more =gameplay= associations with them.
>>94860153This is why
>>94860153Are you though? 1 online poll hardly proves anything
>>94860153The Slaanesh aesthetic doesn't mix very well with the space marine aesthetic. Slaanesh is sexy, sensual, limber, flamboyant. Space marines are squat and boxy. Besides, DEldar fill that design niche better.
>>94860153this >>94866389I'm guessing if you did a poll between Guard regiments, the popular ones will be Cadian, Catachan, and Krieg, 'for some unknown reason'.
>>94860153Part of it is Fulgrim is probably the worst daemon primarch. The best thing they could do with his return is bring back Clonegrim too for the drama of him trying to repent while Fulgrim tries to corrupt him.
>>94860153Because we get promised malicious, superhuman entities who have been twisted to ride the absolute heights of physical and mental sensation and want to share experiences with you that will shatter your personality completely.What we get is Space Marines with some added tubes and slight use of deformation on the CAD program. It's like the Night Lords or Phobos Marines; when you blindly take a strong concept that isn't related to a) warriors, b) knights or c) monks and just try and spraypaint it over a Space Marine chassis the very best you'll end up with is a meme, but more likely you'll just end up with mediocrity.
>>94860153Slaanesh’s aesthetics are ugly >Supposed to be the god of pleasure, sensation and desire>everything looks hideous and malformed and not appealing at allStretching flayed skin across your armor doesn’t make you stand out
>>94868001Dark eldar in power armor.Achually... that sounds pretty rad IMO
>>94872384>>94875324>>94875354>they fell for the 40k jewtube meemsA fucking shame
>>94860153God this poll is like who is the coolest turd in the shit pile, and funnily enough its the fucking turd monsters that won. Chaos deity legions are fucking cringe beyond repair.
>>94866389There are two possibilities for 'cool' and it's not clear which one the poll was asking. Or was answered, come to that.Cool mini range? Well, they're probably going to suffer there because they've not had much going for them. Even the current ones are, compared to Sigmar's update, a bit tame in the 'not just spiky marines' department.Cool fluff - unfortunately I feel that GW seem to be backing away from the crazy album cover/music video thing that the EC had going for them originally, and the memes of "70s rock band backstage cocaine orgy" aren't really as satisfying (for want of a better word - played out, maybe?) as what the other three can get up to, and as yet it's not too clear where they - or the memelords - want to go with them.
>>94860153People don't understand what Slaanesh is. >Death Guard: Ooh! Plauge! Sickness! Maggots. >World Eaters: Blood for the Blood God! >Thousand Sons: Space Egyptians and Magic! >EC: Uhhh..... IMO the big turning point is reading Fulgrim. It makes it really clear what they are and why and it made them my favorite of the 4, by far.
>>94863573Probably a HHtard who doesn't even like Slaanesh and wants EC to just be regal swordsmen
This is like doing an AoS chaos poll and being shocked that Beasts of Chaos and Chaos Dwarfs are at the bottom
>>94860153>Coomhammer>Troon magnet>Shit models>Shit rules>Shit lore after 30K>Forced memesSlaanesh was only ever any good in WHFB
>>94860725They are now pink world eaters
>wewhy do 40kfags do this? you play the faction in a game, you're not part of the faction yourself larpy retard. Maybe you'd be less angry at this if you were able to separate your personal identity from the things you play in games
>>94862094They are marines and all that entails. Sometimes their characters can take FNP
>>94860153>Why are we the least popular? And by a large margin.Because they've been ignored for over a decade?