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Ork-Wing Edition

>Balance Dataslate

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Which faction would you like to see receive a major update or redesign?
Who is he?
Surprised that no 3D printing STL maker has made an STL of that guy.
That’s awesome.
Orks have the best conversions.
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the Votann, but put the Necromunda team in charge of the unit design
Iron Warriors.
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What Space Marine chapter would be the most likely to become traitors and join the Tau?

I am trying to make a special chapter for my brother.
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Feel that? Drow Carrie.
they could make a faction of giants, maybe dudes on 40-80mm bases whatever they decide
White Scars
You're a fag, and so is your brother.
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where's my plastic warhound james
Not recognizing Perturabo…
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You forgot to mention she was super mary sue, she was biel-tan dire avenger, warlock, turned corsair turned wych succubus under patronage of Vect's direct rival Malys(who she stole model from, like you can't look at Yvraine and not think she don't look like lady Malys).
She can also ressurect people on spot like she did with Yriel, Visarh, Guilliman, or reverse rubric of Ahriman just to fuck with Ahriman.
She was awfull character, thankfully her plotline got axed, but sadly almost everyone exept Vect and Haeomonculii are tied to her and hers magic swords bullshit(she had to find 5 swords to awaken Ynnead without killing all Eldar and she found 4 of them in her first book, then her plotline got axed and 5th sword is now safe in palace of Slaanesh). Beside eldar super soup she was alos plot device to axe Slaanesh AoS style, before GW changed it's mind about him.
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I think it's wierd that they managed to fuck up Squats in 40k when they had the perfect art of them posted in 8th
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>marching in the snow
>human skulls are small by comparison
I have my answer
Having read the two actual books they try really hard to not make her an actual Mary Sue but it comes off as so rushed and hamfisted that it accidentally has the opposite effect. Her characterization is all over the place. So much ridiculous stuff happens so damn fast that all comes to a screeching halt at the awful cliffhanger.
white scars
that's from the votann codex
I like to think that's how the leagues looked during the horus heresy era
It's way too big, look at the human skull necklace.
I always interpreted it as a "tanktaur" with tank treads for legs, so I was incredibly disappointed to realize that mass of metal below his torso is actually just another one's head. I guess if you had to pair him with any known fluff, maybe you could base that Imperial Knight sized tau client species off his design
Perturabosisters... Is too early to be bitter about this?
yeah? perfect size in comparison with a big ogre, look at the skulls on this dude
Dark Mech.
It’s Perturabo hidden in plain sight. It’s a chaos tank marine.
I'm expecting a kill team of these dudes
>we want the gsc audience
>Ogryns in 40k
LOL, LMAO even.
me in the bottom left
I only read her Gathering Storm and codex stuff, her books were written by Gav, and we all know that you should avoid Gav's Eldar books like fire.
I only remember it rectoning War in Heaven from Old Ones vs C'tan and Necrons into Eldar and Necrons vs Chaos untill Crons changed their mind, also GSC Avatar of Khaine, and Anaris out of nowhere.
Whoa, they released a new sculpt for electropriests?!
>I always interpreted it as a "tanktaur" with tank treads for legs
Holy shit, same.
>Having read the two actual books they try really hard to not make her an actual Mary Sue
What do these writers try to do to make Yvraine not seem like a Mary Sue?
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Post /yourguys/ so I can put their heads on spikes.
Yeah, they glaze over that one pretty quickly with the Necrons as one-time allies of the Aeldari. The War in Heaven is such a big black hole for lore inconsistencies that it doesn't really matter much though.
so the final key to summon an entity that can kill slaanesh is in her domain, great
Stop insulting her. She tried her best. She deserved better.
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No she didn't

HE deserved better
Next they'll reveal a Dragon Break happened then.
But /mydudes/ are Orks...
any cool Votann figures or are they all lame?
fuck off destinyfag
Unknown xenos species.
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Speaking of turning traitor, what chapters would turn to the Eldar, Votann or Dark Eldar?
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Thunderkyn are kickass. They also hold the title of "only good-looking baby carrier in 40k"
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Another one of those cool arts that will never translate into anything relevant
Samefag less, carnac.
My orks need some trophy helmets, what's a fun, fluffy chapter tk gave slaughtered by orks other than Celestial Lions?
Any cool destiny figures or are they all Votann?
I listened to Hand of Darkness thinking that maybe Yvraine was being ragged on more than she should.
Honestly if anything, she's not ragged on enough. That short fucking blows and all it really does is make Yvraine look like a moron, the Visarch like complete retard, and the Ynnari as a whole as being completely dysfunctional the moment Eldrad turns away.
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>only good-looking baby carrier in 40k
No such thing
We made this one up
Utter fiction
Guilliman decreed it's not heretical to impregnate Eldar. Squats are technically abhuman. Khan also fucks DEldar.
Almost certainly none. Marines are conditioned to hate xenos and Eldar aren't keen to accept Marines of any kind.
Poorly equipped distant chapters who have nobody else to turn to might strike up some dealsbwith Votann for squatting rights. Given their status as Abhumans it's also possible the Imperium would even be okay with it.
>Dark Eldar
A renegade chapter that hasn't fallen to Chaos could easily begin working as mercs or gladiators in Commoragh, though they're not liable to last long.
>didn’t even watch the show
>doesn’t really understand meme is
GW changed it's mind hard. At that time they tried to get rid of Slaanesh for some reasons, but after backlash against leaked shit(Malekith replacing Slaanesh as 4th chaos god) they settled on Slaanesh being imprisoned by Elves(and he still is just GW changed it's mind gave him release and failed prison break arc instead of not doing anything at all).
In 40k they alredy had Ynnead who will kill Slaanesh, just need every single last Eldar to die as wake up call. Alongside time when AoS was happening they invented Yvraine, who only had to collect 5 swords to awaken Ynnead, and she found 4 of them on her first quest(she started with one lol), before ressurectiung Guilliman. Yvraine was this super cool OP elf who could do anything and was winning. Then GW changed it's mind about Slaanesh(AoS release, and now EC release), Yvraine was sidelined despite entire Eldar plot revolving around her and last we saw her in psychic awakening(her book trilogy was canceled after 2nd book lol) where she served as helpless plot device for Jain Zar and Drazhar to fight over. Book ended with Slaaneshi named KoS fighting Her, her cuck bodyguard, Jain Zar, Lelith, Solitare and avatar of Ynnead, killing 2(Visarh was ressurected and solitare was no name), and after 6 vs 1 they barely won, daemon revealed he didn't even materialised and wasn't there, wanted just to say hi and that he have 5th sword in palace of Slaanesh. They almost lost 6 vs 1 to illusion of greater daemon. It was marvelous how 180 GW did with Ynnari and Slaanesh.
Fuck on anti-destinyfag

The shitty videogame?
reminder that if you own resin DKoK, you are forced to play cadians and not DKoK
>(and he still is just GW changed it's mind gave him release and failed prison break arc instead of not doing anything at all).
The jail break was successful. AoS Slaanesh is intentionally holding the binds (or at least creating illusions that they're holding) so he can break them all and emerge with the least resistance.
Can confirm, GW employee held a gun to my head and told me to change my army list to have them play as Cadians.
My guess is it wasn't Ynnari issue, just Gav hates elves while being their only BL writter. All eldar he write about are morons and losers. Remember Path trilogy? One where major craftworld is almost destroyed by nobody chapter?
Chapters fall to chaos due to the corrupting influence of the warp. But joining a xenos race would necessitate them overcoming their basic instinct of hatred and disgust toward xenos, which is impossible for an uncorrupted marine, and when it's corrupted his allegiance will be either themselves or a chaos power
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Got some dork reapers on the cheap at a clearance sale and gotta say these dudes are actually really nicely detailed and even the faces don't bother me quite as much anymore.
>she was biel-tan dire avenger, warlock, turned corsair turned wych succubus
I'm not gonna defend anything else but the point was that she was made the chosen to be Ynnead's prophet BECAUSE she experienced everything there is to being an eldar, not just being a weirdo eldar mormon that craftworlders are.

It's not a terrible concept but the execution is horrible. She's a shit character with a shit design and the mcguffin swords storyline is just pants on head retarded.
"Oh by the way there are these magical swords we never mentioned that would allow us to circumvent our entire race sacrificing itself in notRagnarok and we easily obtained 4 but oh no the last one is Slaanesh's personal dildo! Too bad so sad."
What the fuck were they thinking
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I like the look of these
>cant use a resin DKoK command squad as a DKoK command squad because the unit composition is different
>cant use DKoK commissars because commissars cant be attached to DKoK units
>DKoK HWTs come with an extra 4th fire spotter guy which resin ones arent made for

It's a great range
h8rs gonna h8
>The jail break was successful. AoS Slaanesh is intentionally holding the binds (or at least creating illusions that they're holding) so he can break them all and emerge with the least resistance.
Well it wasn't successful because he's still in jail trying to get free. He only managed to transport parts of himself as new 2 greater daemons thanks to Morathi being salty bitch, and he broke some chains in millenia of his imprisoment. There was also Archaon freeing Slaanesh untill bone dude attacked his home.
It will be successful when he's out of jail.
As expected of the samefag. He doesn't watch the shows and tries fooling others into thinking he does.
You WILL buy the new fat krieg with oversized guns and ugly metal gasmask braces
All hideous... Just look at this absolute trash:
The only ones that could enjoy this shit are retards
Writer. Singular. Gav Thorpe.
But he creates some conflicts for her character and some struggles she has to overcome as a leader and then either has someone instantly reassure her she's doing just fine or her internal conflicts instantly vanish as soon as she takes command. Just feels disjointed and all over the place.
Sound effects for these models, left to right, top to bottom.
>Why I 'oughta!
>(Indistinct murmuring) Crackle, clack!clackalack!
>I buy primaris blood angels btw
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Crimson fists, Imperial fists, Blood Ravens, Raven Guard
Most likely? None really. Individuals might try to defect but the Tau themselves see it as so unlikely that marines are on their “shoot on sight” list alongside orks. The tau don’t even view marines as human but instead biological murder drones.
Lower right could work as a basis for a dwarf wizard. But there are better and cheaper alternatives out there for that. The rest are irredeemable trash.
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>Git sum, humie
The only slightly interesting guy is the psyker, because he actually looks unique in 40k (although it makes me think of just a fantasy wizard)
They fucked up on the armour design, it just makes them look bland
>>cant use DKoK commissars because commissars cant be attached to DKoK units
>except for the DKoK Command squad which is lead by a Commissar
>it just makes them look bland
It's meant to make them look close to marines, so that checks out.
Imagine writing this kind of headcanon, stop wasting oxygen anon.
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Most of my regular dudes don’t have helmets to be honest. I like painting faces.
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we can trade, I'm going to put some nobs together and they'll need trophies
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So this is cool and all but how I supposed to be excited for a 3 model release? This applies to TS and WE too. Bing bing wahoo characters like Fulgrim are cool and all but an army shouldn't be built around them.
It reminds me of Daughters of Khaine where it's just the Morathi with cheerleaders army.
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What do you guys think of these power swords?
The blade was too thin to have the entire center piece be the heat source. I feel like I went with too much yellow and not enough orange.
Try going around the edge with a dark brown like Rhinox hide.
I guess they thought all those blank panels would not be a problem because of "just decorate them yourself" but them being devoid of details, trinkets and shit because they are utilitarian.
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A true fan would be happy with a one model release.
You try too hard. You only collect lamenters anyways.
looks like a lot of models for an army
>but I don't want slaanesh demons or chaos marines in my slaanesh chaos marines army!
New article went up a little early
>Banshees denying overwatch is back
>Eldar vehicles can get a bonus Advance
>All units can move after being shot at, Guardian Defenders can do so for free
>Add 2" to any movement
>6' pile-in or consolidate
>Can chase units that are falling back
No Chapter, but if you could somehow get a rogue Apothecary and have him bring in a little harvested Geneseed then the Tau have enough of an industrial base and a Human population loyal to their ideals that they could start creating their own.
>slaanesh demons
>generic chaos marines
Hell no. That shit will never not look out of place. Just look at those terminators and tanks. GW seriously needs to up their upgrade sprue game to make that work and even then it's rough.
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Fuck me, forgot the link
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>1 troop
>2 specialists
>2 leader characters
>2 epic heros
I don't even like chaos or EC but this is a good release
Just say you don't like it and be honest
so do these new battle focus tokens replace the strands of fate dice?
No amount of transfers can salvage a boring model anon.
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Been a while since they've painted undersuits
Oh and it seems I misread
Banshees aren't the only unit to deny overwatch now, ANY unit can.
I'm hesitant about that one but I can try it out on one of them tonight. I tried to do some flaking on the tips to represent the coolest spot of the sword.
I can't stress enough how thin the blade is on these guys, so I was worried that putting a darker color around the edges would cover most of the molten effects
If only they made MoI instead of Votann... Nasapunk robots? Count me in.
Nasapunk dwarfs? Shit.
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Is this supposed to be the combat patrol
Yep, Strands of Fate is getting reworked as a detachment ability for Seer Council.
>Three characters, Guardians, a Wraithlord, and Wraithguard
That's over 500p, now way it is.
>3 heroes
Too many models
You will get half
And of course the big one will be gone.
have fun dealing with all those wraith units with your 20 guardsmen and sentinel, guard players lmao
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When was the webway gate removed from the store?
Funny they put a kitbash in this photo, nu autarch doesnt come with hawk wings.
If only they made full destiny instead of partial destiny. That way the destinyfags would have a higher chance of buying them.
>nu autarch doesnt come with hawk wings.
The Autarch kits are (in theory) fully interchangeable. Some of the arms fit a little weird on the Winged one though.
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the two autarch kits are fully compatible, the only problem is that GW's autism with rules clashes with the fact the two kits only have half of the options that should be available to an autarch

ideally they would bundle the two kits together
It can't be, because there is no such autarch model.
Spear autarch don't get wings. Winged one have sword and pistol. You need kitbash them to get this kind of autarch.(that would also mean 4 characters in single box)
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You already got one.
I like your orks anon, but I have no idea how to paint a decapitated ork head that doesn't just look like a generic ork head.
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Does everyone forget that the MoI robot from Blackstone is using a standard imperial bot as a disguise and they don't actually look like that?
No new models, so no.
If they ever made MoI they will look like that.
And? My dudes have been fighting a losing war in the nihlus for a decade. There’s probably a lot of their shit kicking around lol. Fair enough.
>Eldar vehicles, already among the fastest in the game with most all of them having Fly, now get Super Advance
Oh me oh my
Wraithlord is such kino kit.
fuck off destinyfag
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both kastellans and the ironkin share a similar egg-shape and retrofiturist dna
even if moi can technically look like anything, it's clear that in the design team there's that look as a direction for what human robots looked like at some point
That doesn't seem to be the case. In his short story, it's mentioned that he doesn't have the data-wafer slots typical of non-AI Imperial robots, and that his cover would be blown if a tech-priest were to open him up.
So we 4 activations per round that you can spend on
>+2 move
>+D6+1 move for vehicles only
>reactive d6+1 AFTER getting shot
>shut down overwatch for a unit
>6 pile in/consolidation
>reactive d6+1 after enemy falls back

I dunno, at first glance seems like an upgrade from fate dice for melee armies, probably a downgrade for shooting. The issue is atm in the index eldar don't really have good melee units outside of monsters but hopefully codex changes that.
So I’m thinking of getting into Chaos Knights since I already have some daemons and they seem fun to paint. I’ve got 3 Questoris, 1 Tyrant, and 3 Armigers (including a Moirax), but they’re all unbuilt except for one.

Is this a solid starting point? Would it make sense to theme them as recent renegades to explain why they aren’t as mutated as the proper Chaos Knight kits? Also, is it worth grabbing a Chaos Knight box for extra bits to customize the unbuilt ones? If anyone has experience building them and knows how far the bits can stretch, let me know.

For daemons, I was thinking Nurglings and Poxwalkers would be solid for objectives. Thematically, I’m leaning toward Nurgle Knights since doing rust and decay effects seems like it could be a lot of fun.

No more fate dice?
Ulthwe gets fate dice as detachment rule.
>its destiny
>I like your orks anon, but I have no idea how to paint a decapitated ork head that doesn't just look like a generic ork head.
I'll know
our enmity will be written in the stars
could give them blue face paint
50 years and still no farseer taldeer or gorgutz model
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True, love me wraithlords. Keenly waiting to see what their new ability will be
>Mercurial in temperament, and swift as death, Jain Zar has been more active than most of the other Phoenix Lords in recent years, leading hundreds of Howling Banshees into battle against the Great Enemy. Initially a staunch ally to the Ynnari, the dread matriarch has since distanced herself from Yvraine and her followers, who demand the sacrifice of ever more Aeldari souls in the battle against Slaanesh.
it sounds like they're separating characters and perhaps aspects from the ynnari, good call if so, they work better as a splinter subfaction than the be-all-end-all umbrella for all eldar
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but why would GW make her such a central character just to abort her storyline?
Oh thank god they're getting rid of fate dice. Fucking bullshit mechanic that led to so many problems.
Movement is generally good for objective play and reactive movement can be a big gotcha moment.
None of it however boosts output like fate dice could so eldar may end up fast but pillow fisted.
>More recently, however, Lhykhis has returned, becoming one of the more active Phoenix Lords and travelling the length and breadth of the galaxy to defend the Asuryani wherever they need it most.
Stop copying your homework GW
I feel the chosen aesthetic, trying to mimetize with Imperium to facilite the conquest is very fitting for a Machine race of outer invaders. And it's all technology and robots nothing to do with magic or nigromancy like Necrons.
It implies he adapted or shifted himself into that shape, it's a disguise at the end of the day, the external appearance might be convincing but who knows what's under the hood. My guess MoI might be some mix of an "endoskeleton" where the main components reside and some capabilities to shift with some kind of nanotech.

I don't understand you anon.

Even if they share some design elements, it doesn't make sense for them to look anything like robots, as they are something so beyond an autonomous robot that they would be unrecognisable, specially after the war
Probably just means ynnari won't be able to take phoenix lords again.
has Iexicanum been down for long? Don't make me go to the wiki you hacks
Speculations suggest that the ynnari were going to be the cornerstone of a primaris-like redesign of all eldar, leaving behind the classic designs and the craftworlds-dark eldar divide, as well as killing slaanesh in both 40k and aos

but that plan got aborted with the change in ceo, slaanesh got saved and the eldar got their faithful redesigns, and the ynnari are thus stillborn
>every roll is d6+1 instead of just d6
So I see eldar are getting the guy who writes the bullshit OP stuff again.
here come the mon-keigh tears
Yeah, depends on the detachment rule/strats/sheets of course.
Best you could do with fate dice is take a farseer and have 6 sixes to babysit an avatar or whatever but if you don't take a farseer they were barely a factor, just having six random dice is way less valuable then these moves.
>as they are something so beyond an autonomous robot that they would be unrecognisable, specially after the war
true, but then again mankind ferociously eradicated almost all traces of the men of iron with the war, so it can make sense for those few robots that managed to survive to look like the older models which mankind may or may not actually consider not intelligent and didn't eradicate

or at least for there to be a strong divide between the pre-war models, and the killbots of the war
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Fucking eldar and their extra 1 inch bullshit op stuff
lol they are trying to hide the fact they actually just forgot about Kharandras
>The above are not the only Phoenix Lords to exist, though the others are enigmatic and solitary beings, all pursuing inscrutable objectives beyond the ken of most mortals. Some like Karandras, the Shadow Hunter patiently stalk foes with supernatural persistence that is measured in centuries rather than hours, continuously attempting to atone for the bloody betrayal of his predecessor Arhra, the original father of the Scorpions.
Local Phoenix Lord too stealthy to be refreshed.
They were going to squat slaanesh in both settings then aborted that plan at some point
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>Karandras off on some random planet quietly sobbing in the bushes about Drazhar.
>the dread matriarch has since distanced herself from Yvraine and her followers, who demand the sacrifice of ever more Aeldari souls in the battle against Slaanesh
Even Jain fucking Zar is embarassed by the Ynnari. I dunno who the new Eldar writer is, but I'm for him if this is the precedent.
They're fine if you paint the heads well
The two autarch kits are designed so either can use the other's arms/weapons and the wings fit on the new one
Honestly what are some possible theories to why the Eldar refresh is taking so long?
Also cute bober.
They're saving Karandras to be their 11e pity model
can we erase eldars already?
GW just changed their mind. Back then Ynnari were supposed to be next big thing. Now they would gladly squat Ynnari but they alredy released 3 models for them and tied them with Guilliman's return and other big events.
It's like with WHF and AoS. Why would GW kill WHF with End Times if they want to bring it back as Old World? They simply changed their mind after they alredy killed WHF.
Four ideas;
>A third smaller wave is coming next edition with plastic refreshes for Shadow Spectres, Irilyth, and Karandras as well as a model for Drastanta (some of the few things remaining for plastic)
>Karandras is coming in a end-of-edition event similar to Farsight in Arks of Omen
>Pity model next edition
>GW really did just forget about him and shelved him for a bit until they get around to his refresh
Dark Eldar.
>What's your threat range
>Oh, I move 7"
>ok, thanks
>oh, and all my weapons have assault
>Sure, I can deal with that, just gotta be a bit extra careful
>oh, and I can add 2", but only maybe
>uhhh, hmm, now things are getting tricky
>oh, and if you take a potshot at me, I'll add another d6+1 to my movement. So the potential threat range is 7+2d6+3.
>fuck off
If they wanted to kill Slaanesh in AoS they could have done it from day 1 and start the setting with him being actually gone for real. Fact that he was never dead shows any speculation about such nonsens comes from absolute retards
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>I advance my Banshees directly next to your Sternguard in open view with no cover
>No, you can't shoot them with Overwatch.
>Now eat over a dozen AP -3 swings
This is gonna get funny
There was leak of early AoS stuff with Slaanesh replaced with Malerion. It wasn't recieved well. So Slaanesh got imprisoned. One of AoS books wasn't properly edited and still listed Malerion as Chaos God, instead of Slaanesh. This is also why Archaon model don't have Slaaneshi head on mount.
Also Ynnari got plot of find 5 mcguffins to kill Slaanesh, and got 4 of them at the start.
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>Lelith went back to Commorragh
>Jain Zar quitting
lmao its over for the Ynnari.
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Yeah but everything eldar is T3 and dies to a stiff breeze
Bottom left is the only remotely decent one, and is just further proof they should've scrapped the nordicksucking dwaerf angle and made them a whole faction of duster-clad Robomurrikans.
Man,the Grotmas Detachment guys really were not coordinating with the design team much were they?
The doctor is ready to see you now.
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Was there ever standardization among MoI and especially not many different kinds?
If nothing else has changed, this works on stuff like wraithguard and the avatar too. Not to mention units jumping out of transports.
>10 banshees in a WS
>shoot WS
>moves d6+1
>banshees get out 3", get +2 movement, so they're now 13" from the WS and then they get their advance and charge
Banshees moving faster than jump pack infantry is going to be very funny.
Might do Cfists or Bravens, though the problem with them is they read as ultras or blangels at a glance. I considered sallies since a buddy plays em, but that might be too much green
Life is gonna be rough for a bit. Banshees turning off overwatch in 9th was already tough to deal with, and I had a strat that bypassed disable overwatch back then. Oh well. C’est la warhammer.
>Irillyth, the Shade of Twilight, and Drastanta, Tempest of Starlight – Phoenix Lords of the Shadow Spectres and Shining Spears respectively – are currently recorded as missing,
So 2 craftworlds and bunch of corsairs launched major invasion that included titans on imperial world, to find missing phoenix of specters, only for said phoenix going missing again 50 years later.
Well at least good news is Ynnari got fucked hard again.
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>what's your threat range
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>Does everyone forget
Including GW.
Is insisting on painting 40k EC in heresy-era colors some kind of nu-fan thing?
Banshees had anti overwatch rules since overwatch became a thing.
Nature is healing.
Do you guys ever wonder if the artists have too much influence over secondaries on social media?
Is homeboy rocking two cigarettes?
In your anus?
>Fire Prism with a 60" S18 gun can move 21" with Fly
To be fair though, banshees did actual damage in 9th as well. Ap-4, +1 to wound on the charge and the exarch was a fucking blender compared to now.
Seems so a new trend of faggotry.
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We're so back. As runes fortold.
Fuck your elves. Half my army’s shtick is overwatching well. That’s the price I pay for only have 12 inch range on most of my weapons
What is the "traitor legion geneseed" overused homebrewing trope for factions that are not space marines?
Ynnaribros... What went so wrong? Why GW failed us?
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>Piercing Strikes on a Mirrorswords Exarch
The good shit
People have been insisting that wkrh every monogod legion ever since HH was a thing.
>I'm gona buy WEaters and.....paint em blue and white!!!
Daring today
Heresy is the good part of 40k.
Lelith deal with Vect is that she can come and go to the Dark City and be free to defend Yvraine. She will be less active with the Ynnari (who were never her faction, to begin with) but she hasn't abandoned them yet.
For CSM it is not worshipping chaos but using it as a tool or a means to have an edge over the Imperials. This is especially common among Iron Warriors players.
I was going to laught at you for playing tau, but they have longer range than 12. What god forsaken army are you playing anon? All armies I can think of have either good melee or longer range options.
when preorder? must have
if you can manage freehand you can add chapter symbols to the helmets, the chapters also use various helmet colours so you can do a black helmet with flames for salamanders for example. you could also ask your friend if he has any spare salamander helmets with scuplted details (the HH/40k salamander upgrade kit)
>Only I pragmatically use chaos without being used
Scalpers will get to it before you do.
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It’s self inflicted. You know who I am anon. It’s honestly fine. Impulsors with a ~ 17 inch move after advancing and s6 flamers mean I can melt knife ears as necessary. It is a recurring joke I’ve made that it’s not my opponent’s charge phase, it’s my overwatch phase since I usually have half my list or more made of flamers.
>you could also ask your friend if he has any spare salamander helmets with scuplted details (the HH/40k salamander upgrade kit)
Ah, no need for that. The helmet is already sculpted on the model.
How much is it going to be around? And will it be possible to get slightly cheaper if you wait a while?

For example, after the Cadian box came out, I was able to get it for my bro much cheaper than GW'd price as it was all over ebay.
My and my friends used to joke that the Exarch was more dangerous than the rest of the squad in 9th when it came to my aspect warriors. To be fair, that usually was the case, and a single Howling Banshee or Striking Scorpion exarch surviving out of the whole squad had them sweating, because that one model was about to go in and blend a whole fucking squad of space marines.
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or that the plan was already being shelved or put on halt by the time aos got released

in any case I find it way more likely that such a plan was at some point considered, it explains the timing of the releases
Is there a hard/rumored released date for the Emperor’s Children yet? I genuinely like those Noise Marines, but don’t know if I wanna commit to a whole army.
>And will it be possible to get slightly cheaper if you wait a while?
doubt it
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Anyone else think the new noise marine helmets look kind of weak? I would have really liked something more like picrel.

IMO the whole line needed less influence from AoS hedonites.
Howcome you can buy the DKoK box all over ebay right now? Will EC be different becaud
Se theyre marines?
I can't think of what the "traitor legion geneseed" trope version is for Imperial guard.
Maybe since the space marines have the monopoly and largest fan following there is a bigger pool to see more cliches develop.
But I am sure that there are imperial guard cliches. I just can't recall or think of any.
Maybe I have a guard bias because I'm a guard player.
Or maybe I am retarded.
Do you not have an available LGS near you?
They usually start ordering them 1 week or more before the official preorder to cope with demand
and if they wanted ti kill the old world they would have launched aos without having the end times

do you even listen to yourself?
>How much is it going to be around? And will it be possible to get slightly cheaper if you wait a while?
Only if it's an unpopular box. For example you could buy the kroot box on a pretty decent discount.
This? Marine piggy slop? Not a chance, it will sell out fast.
>I can't think of what the "traitor legion geneseed" trope version is for Imperial guard.
Bestest regiment that does everything. Or they are aping off krieg.
>10 WS3, S4, AP-3 D2 attacks that got +1 to Wound on Charge, and could be boosted a half dozen different ways with Psychic buffs/debuffs
Exarchs were Characters with retinues. Kinda still are.
this is just admitting that xeno shit doesn't sell because it is not popular
It's just you, you never liked the EC in the first place though and thus don't matter.
>IMO the whole line needed less influence from AoS hedonites.
There's basically none.
>I can't think of what the "traitor legion geneseed" trope version is for Imperial guard.
mechanised, highly elite, non-retarded tactics and urban fighting specialists
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Most based craftworld doesn't even take participate in yn*ari shills
the most based craftworlds kicked off eldrad or have a corsair as their special character, what are you on about?
Compared to marinepiggy slop? Sure. Something like Kroot especially. There were shitloads of unsold Imperial Agents battleforces too in my LGS. What's your point?
>I can't think of what the "traitor legion geneseed" trope version is for Imperial guard.
"destroyed homeworld"- blame tanith for that one. At least that's been less of an issue now but back when Gaunt's Ghosts was big, that was every homebrew regiment.
Ynnari bullying will continue until morale improves
I honestly can't think of any other than the CSM one the other anon mentioned. It's pretty much exclusively a marinefag problem. I guess I've heard of more than a handful renegade tau armies but that's hardly overused nor all that special snowflake
cool, what about vehicles?
not your boogieman
Why do /40kg/ posters keep pointing out an in-universe intended lapse in logic as if it's a non-canon failing of the fanbase? That *IS* how the Iron Warriors think, and it's their big flaw. The point is that they are wrong.
>the clowns don't want to fight alongside the ynnari
>the ynnari leave
>the clowns also leave
I'm convinced they did so as a joke just to insult the ynnari further
I think even secondaries know a joke when they see one so no
>The point is that they are wrong.
correct, irontards are wrong
Bring it, bat boy.
Can't say I'm the biggest fan of the moon buggy look for the land fortress and sagitaur, but the bikes are cool.
(These are old paintjobs, so they're not the greatest)
Because it's tedious when every third character/legion acts that way, whether canon or homebrew. I want my chaos blatantly evil and reveling in it, not "misunderstood antiheroes"
The fabled orange and teal
>t.colorblind retard
>"destroyed homeworld"- blame tanith for that one. At least that's been less of an issue now but back when Gaunt's Ghosts was big, that was every homebrew regiment.
Shit, being a guard regiment without a homeworld is the crux of my entire guard regiment's gimmick.
I think I'll still stick with it and bear the brunt of it being cliche ridden then.
This would mean that GW is regretting the fact they fucked over the Ynnari. But this is false, they aren't even touching that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Which I understand why they did it, but fucking hell dude it sucks as a guy who liked the Ynnari and liked the aesthetic they were going for. It's pretty much confirmed in all but name that the "Corsair" update we got was just cannibalized and repurposed Ynnari troops or something akin to it.
you could make it more interesting

the homeworld isn't destroyed but still lost, as in one day it simply wasn't there anymore
Why are Tzeentch daemons so silly?
Maybe youre just stupid and can't see it
Are you brain damaged? Cuase and effect doens't work like that.
>OW = Slaanesh
>ET = Slaanesh death
They would have killed Slaanesh in AoS, just like they had end times to kill OW.
In your glue sniffing reality End Times didn't happen, which everyone knows it did irl
because the limits of their multipart plastic moulding making at the time made them backtrack on the redesign of pink horrors of 6th edition into the older sillier designs born from the sculptor's inability to think of anything and just adding a face and limbs onto a ball of putty
>In your glue sniffing reality End Times didn't happen
think less about sniffing glue and learn to read, because I didn't say
the point is that they wouldn't have killed slaanesh offscreen because doing so in an actual event could have allowed them to sell a narrative and some books
which is the entire reason why they had the end times instead of handwaving the death of the old world offscreen and moving on with aos immediately
People praise these but I think they’re just “okay”. I’ve seen better horrors made out of leftover sprues
Notice how you're not actually justifying and explaining your claim here
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>runes of fate was so broken James had to shitcan it entirely for extra stratagems
Aeldari even fucking defeated GW this is hilarious.
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>I’ve seen better horrors made out of leftover sprues
Kind of sick of seeing how half of the kill teams are just imperial guard.
It kind of was like that. Something happened on the homeworld that inquisitors don't want the regiment to know. So they are without a homeworld. It is presumed destroyed, but some say it is still there.
The name of the regiment could be a reference to a region, last name of a hero or hive city. Nobody knows.
I bounce between world being lost, destroyed, or quarantined a lot.

I like the idea of the guardsmen being descendants (but they don't know it) of the solar auxilia forces that fought alongside the Iron Warriors that stayed loyal to the Emperor and still somewhat (as time wears down everything) carry the IW SA's martial traditions of siege warfare. This is mostly because my guardsmen have hazard stripes on them because I think hazard stripes look cool, and so many people make the Iron Warrior connection due to hazard stripes that I one day got to thinking about somehow incorporating Iron Warriors into my guard.
looks okay but i would do the center generator blade in a dark metal so it constrasts. light grey on yellow kinda blends in
>little armypainter bottle being used
What mix is that? I'm curious.
Also nice dudes.
AoS literally starts with Slaanesh already delt with off screen.
You can't make a lore event out of that starting point
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Gonna cry, bitch?
Yeah I noticed that as well. But that picture is pre-wash so it looks better after I slapped some nuln on the middle piece.
Mixture of Army Painter Rough Iron and Vallejo Game Color Hammered Copper in a 3:1 ratio respectively. Gives the dark copper basecoat that you see on the armor which I wash and highlight to look like >>94860309 when it's finished.
How does this happen every time for Eldar? They always lean towards being overpowered at the release of their codex, because I guess GW never learns how to hold back their Eldar rule writers. And every single time, they eat a bundle of nerfs just to tune them back down to reasonable levels.
>Mixture of Army Painter Rough Iron and Vallejo Game Color Hammered Copper in a 3:1 ratio respectively
Thanks! Your guys look good and that copper is perfect for victorian steampunk models or as a metallic for Blanchitsu models that want to stick to the zorn palette.
look I'm just saying Cadians stole and ran with the idea and it's not any better than the typical homebrew version was since they don't really have a unifying culture anymore other than "we really don't like chaos because they blew up our world". The whole first and best line of defense fortress world autism stuff is all gone and replaced with the most generic kind of vengeance-against-a-thing-that-wronged-me that 40k is already chock full of.

but ultimately just do whatever makes you happy. The backstory for your army is something that will most of the time never come up, so you should be making it purely to satisfy your own creative urges. Don't worry too much about what a retard on the internet like me says is cliche.
Can someone explain why EC are so popular? The black and pink scheme to me is just utterly disgusting
Fair enough. Thank you anon.
They are kinda the ones that deserve them.
They have untold variety in lore that it's impossible to represent in full armies
It is only popular at the moment because it has been newly reintroduced with updated models.
Also a lot of the EC threads are done by a throoder who will literally die if he cannot make the next thread earlier than it usually should be made. He lives and breathes to make early threads. Its kind of sad really.
They aren't regreting fucking Ynnari over, they regretting making them in first place. Now they have 3 character models that are tied to big narrative they can't squat that easly, so ynnari are in limbo as craftworld sub faction with pity rules.
Fair weather fans.
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Yes, you can, they actually made one too, even if it wasn't about killing it.
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Elfchads won.
>drastanta mention
Honestly wasn't sure if he'd be remembered, since he was only mentioned once years ago in the Iyanden supplement
and the other half is chaos, whoop dee doo, that's just what people buy
They very much aren't.
I dunno, kind of just feels like a waste of logistics. Like, who cares about navy breachers? Krieg? Karskin? Halflings? This stuff all feels redundant.
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Its fine Lelith is better than Jain Zar anyway.
lelith abandoned the ynnari too
No 1/3 of it is still imperium and the other 2/3 is shared between xenos and chaos.
>blatant lies
At this point, they should just bite the bullet instead of pretending ynnari aren’t a thing. This noncommittal attitude is more frustrating than the faction itself.
>And every single time, they eat a bundle of nerfs just to tune them back down to reasonable levels.
That's the funny part of this. The new Army Rule is better than (current) Strands of Fate, because Eldar are already decent and this just improves their already good mobility so their ALREADY GOOD firepower is more effective. Yeah popping a Fate Dice could be critical, but now we have
>Turn off Overwatch, making Spiders, Banshees, Hawks, and Scorpions a ton more effective
>Vehicles can move an extra 2"-7", WHICH STACKS WITH ADVANCE
>Units can move 2"-7" on enemy shooting even if they didn't take damage, making Wraithblades ridiculously good
>Moving 2"-7" off units that fell back, potentially messing up Fall Back and Shoot abilities
Eldar just went from brute forcing spiked rolls to being hell in wheels, and we haven't even gotten to the Detachment abilities or updated Datasheets yet.
The absolute most pussy repellent armies?
>implying Ynnari aren't just going to get their own cool unique stuff
These. Lelith didn't leave she's not a pussy like Jain Zar. She's just doing her own shit.
>Drow Carry
Is that like a princess carry but with more bdsm and 90s edge?
anything wh40k
Orks, eldar
Clown bros there is a chance for us coming back far away from the shameful soup?
>The Chad Lelith:"I'm just taking a break but I'll still have your back".
Who would have a thought that a drukhari would have a great sense of loyalty than a craftworlder.
Bros... is that dwarf MYSTERIO? OH MY SCIENCE
>Vehicles can move an extra 2"-7", WHICH STACKS WITH ADVANCE
It does not, Star Engines can only trigger when you make a normal move, so it's either that or advancing. Using the Star Engines is better, but it costs focus, and that might be a pretty valuable resource.
Wasn't it established a little while back that Jain absolutely fucking demolishes Lelith
Jain zar would fuck up lelith and you know it
We literally got orks and vespids
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Exactly, that's my point. And it still fucking sucks and is pure ass.
I've seen anons here suggest ways to fix Ynnari and how to still keep them as part of the setting and incorporate them into the ongoing conflict/over arching narrative and some of it does sound good and pretty simple.

So it just makes me wonder what GW is doing when autistic neets on a korean basket weaving forum can figure out a way to do this shit, but GW somehow can't.
>With guard tacked onto them*
Lelith wants to settle this question by challenging Jain at some point in thee future.
>hating on ratlings
Huh, missed that distinction.
Either way that's still a fucking menacing movement range for the main Eldar tanks.
>Fire Prism moves 21", vomits a squad of Fire Dragons out, and then obliterates a target
>Fire Prism does a long bomb move to get the perfect angle for Linked Fire shots
>Wave Serpent dropping a Storm Guardian squad in the back-field to clutch some objectives
Nobody cares for ynnari
>>Fire Prism moves 21", vomits a squad of Fire Dragons out, and then obliterates a target
i counted
13 imperial teams
8 chaos
and 15 xeno
so technically xenoCHADS are eating good in KT while dirty chaosplebs get the short end of a stick
>Fulgrim shows up with 2 keeper of secrets, a daemon prince, a heldrake, 2 landraiders, and lucius...
>To challenge a guy on a horse to a 1v 1
That guy is dead dead.
Orks especially if they do the voice
Good ork books?
>Jain Zar
>dies a million times and gets reincarnated through a new Eldar
>hasn't died once
Checkmate JainZarfags.
i dunno ask /orkg/
>13 imperial teams
>8 chaos
>and 15 xeno
now separate the marines from the imperials and the eldar from the xenos
CWE culture please understand
Does this mean theyre gonna kill lord solar in the lore?
This time the horse will rebuild him.
Do we know if she in fact didn't die once? Entire thing of DE is that they regenerate.
Unironically women love the voice. They think its cute when your Immorkan Joe says "I iz your reedema! Iz by my hand uze gits rize from da ashes of dis world!"
I’ve liked them since the beginning of 8th when indexes were just trickling in. I thought noise marines had a cooler name than the other cult units and liked the idea of a faction with melee bonuses that wasn’t just more attacks or hits harder like WE and BA. Admittedly a big reason I like them so much was because it made me feel like a contrarian since their range at the time was just limited to the resin upgrade sprue and Lucius
My Marines? Yeah, they are half-eldar.

All psykers of course. And their bolters fire shadow bolts that look way cool.
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Did someone say STCs?
>humies: 3 marine teams + 10 imperial teams
>xenos: 5 eldar teams + 10 other xeno teams
Space Humpty Dumpty
He will be nearly obliterated and return pieced together, somehow making him stronger.
new GK lore just dropped
>Hey boss the design docs say that DAoT humans should be NASApunk and retrofuturistic, like flash gordon.
>Okay, and?
>I have this idea for a necromunda house that uses Judge Dredd hover surfboards, but they look like a necron tesseract.
>Sounds good. No one plays necromunda and the negative PR will be get people talking about it.
Wasn't written therefor it never happened. Lelith won.
I tried this and got told to leave the store
I just said "do ya zoggin wanna go get coffee wit me? Dis git is free dis afternoon"
Why doesnt anyone play necromunda.............
Assuming Lelith pops her Once-Per-Battle,
>12 attacks, hitting on 2+ wounding on 2+, AP-2, 1 damage each
>Jain saves on 4+, has 5 wounds
Going by a quick roll simulation;
>Lelith misses 3 attacks, fails to wound on 2, Jain fails to save 4, leaving Jain at 1 Wound left
Jain meanwhile
>6 attacks hitting on 2s, wound on 2s, AP inconsequencial, 2 damage each
>Lelith saves on a 3+ due to her once-per-battle
Quick sim again has;
>Jain hits all attacks, fails to wound on one, does 6 damage
Because they don't exist outside 3 models.
If gw actually made them into a proper subfaction at least harlequin sized then more people would care.
Eldar has been in doom and gloom state forever, any major changes to their lore would be nice.
All of them.
>Ghaz book
>Brutal Kunnin
>Da Big Dakka
All fantastic reads. Good audiobooks too.
Makes me wonder if they'd be friendlier to Squats if they truly turn out to be Men of Stone.
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Thats all of them?????? Why do marines have literally 100 books
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are you gonna cry when they drop the Catachan Devils kill team later this year?
Do you even have to ask?
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Jokes aside the Lelith vs Jain Zar thing really does improve Lelith character a lot and makes Jain Zar actually look like a loser.
>Lelith has hope in something for probably for the first time in her life and wants to stand by the Ynnari even after that embarrassing moment with Shalaxi
>Jain Zar leaves the second shit gets too "hard" and immediately returns to the status quo of Craftworld Eldar shit.
While this moment does make Lelith look better it does also make Jain look like kind of a bitch.
Also Yvraine Lelith yuri when?
Marine piggies buy books
Ork players cant read
I mean in lore not tabletop.
People have bad taste and prefer regular 40k I'm sorry anon...
because GW publishing horus hereshit for 40knorms to lap up was like introducing crack to black neighborhoods
I do, but generally there are a couple reasons its harder to find groups for:
>you need an Arbiter (D&D DM) for any serious play
>different terrain than 40k or Kill Team that most people won't have
>lots of non-GW stores don't stock Necromunda models to begin with
>a bunch of the range is expensive FW and that even recasters don't bother with because of the niche

if you find a group playing Necromunda properly, latch the fuck on and never let go. its the best game setting and its what I have the most fun playing, but if I didn't have the group I do I'd never get to play.
>and makes Jain Zar actually look like a loser.
You mean besides getting killed by a bunch of night lords and stomped on by a dreadnought as a humiliation ritual? They just respawn right so who cares lmao?
>you need a fucking DM for a specialist game
Jesus christ no wonder it didnt take off. I wanted to buy the beast handler minis for my DE but saw the insane prices on them
Your math is off, Lelith misses 2 attacks, not 3 (she can also pain token for hit re-rolls) and she also has sustained hits 2, which is another 4 hits, so she'd score like 16 hits on her go turn, comfortably killing Jain Zar.
Both models have fights first, which means that neither one can charge the other without taking a smacking first, and Jain Zar actually has a ranged weapon. Lelith's only chance here is going in and trusting in her 3+ invuln to keep her alive and then whoop Jain Zar's tight butt on the clapback.
Love this artist.
Helreach is good toi
Yes besides that. The Ynnari wasn't losing much by Jain fucking off especially since they have Lelith who is lets be honest way cooler anyway.
Dumb sloot Yvraine is never getting that cronesword. Ynnari are cooked. It's over.
I did specify "for serious play". Generic skirmishes can happen fine with just two people. I was talking about long multi-session campaigns where gangs grow/shrink by taking losses and buying mercs and encounter the Enforcers (almost always played by the Arbiter)
What if she tries offering some Rubricon cure to 1Ksons in exchange or some other deal?
christ the model doesn't look anything fucking like him
Sure, if you analyse those events like a high schooler discusses anime power levels.
Unironically how do i find a gf like yvraine
I have never felt a pussy
because he got redesigned, retard
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If I go digging through previous generals will I find the new Guard codex or was it not posted yet?
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just p urself bwo ;)
How are those idiots going to get into Slaanesh's palace?
Jain Zar is not a crying butch from 14 y.o. mohawk girl fantasy, so she's way better.
I don't think its been scanned yet but Auspex did a video going over all the datasheets and detachments.
GW could for example stop selling those 3 models. It would made Eldar better.
With autism and lots of effort. At least it'd be an excuse for Chaos vs Chaos which we sorely need. Given they'd deploy Rubric Marines, they'd have an advantage in lacking any desires for Slaanesh to seduce.
WHY did GW make the ynnari?
Fulgrim is gonna grab that sword in his new book and Ynnari are gonna beat his ass with great difficulty and get it back.
Mek units already have try dat button. It works for any unit a mek is attached to, like lootas.
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Yes. The true way to pragmatically use Chaos is to become Chaos itself. You can't be corrupted if you've overtaken Chaos. No
>I-It's not like I'm fully corrupted and delusional about it!!!
Chaos Champion will ever understand this.
Which army has the most hazardous?
why choose one?
Its funny because his new dwarf book has a character that I think is basically dwarf yvraine as the MC
dread mob orks
This kind of thing needs 6 books minimum. Her going through multiple paths is a good idea. You gotta do a book per path and probably book for the faction changes. As well as do B-plots for the other cast that will join her. We have to almost live with her and see how the universe moves while she grows around it. That would have also saved her from the couple meme as well.
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Seethe, your jobber will always be less cool than Lelith.
The Visarch was an exarch who later became an incubi or something right? Don't all incubi torture an aspect warrior as part of their training? Are the Ynnari aspect warriors chill with that?
Where do the whores go in this?
No it make Jain Zar look smart, cutting her loses and not sticking to hopeless cause. Lelith if her "I will do my own stuff and call you later" isn't just straight dumping Ynnari then she's the loser one sticking around loser faction.
Ynnari aren't winning anything either, in fact they lost a lot of Craftworlder with Phoenix Lord leaving, most Eldar alredy don't like Ynnari as shown in Eldar vs Nids warzone. Besides it was Jain Zar who saved Yvraine's life, not Lelith.
Real winner here is Vect, who get's his hoe back and have his second main opponent weakened by doing nothing.
>Shoot a Wraithguard unit
>Kill one model
>It moves 7", shoots back, wipes the unit that shot it
>The dead Wraithguard gets back up next turn
Holy shit
Anyone know the proper mix & psi for putting white ink through an airbrush? I've noticed it seems to spit out somewhat large blobs of ink just as I start pulling back on the trigger. I haven't been using any thinner / flow improver for it, psi about 25ish, using liquidex. The rest of my inks seem fine, this is the only liquidex one I've got
Question for the games havers, what is the current meta that you see quite a bit at tournaments and what armies are you sick of playing against?
the phoenix lord of the shining spears, he went into self-exile when his arrogance got asurmen to die his first death
Yeah they do but it's not as strong as it seems. It still makes shootas pretty shit, which I was excited to see if that admy rule
He was Exarch(lost his personality to being aspect warrior and can't go back) of Dire Avengers, but because he somehow(lost his personality to aspect) fell in love with Yvraine, somehow dumped his exarch persona, followed her to Dark City and became Incubus Hierarch, he had not only to kill aspect warrior but also crush his soulstone.
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>Soviet lend-lease T26E3, c. 1945, colorized
Seethe and cope. I stand by the Ynnari and I believe in them they'll show you!
>psychic awakening eldar book has yvraine, visarch, a solitaire, jain-zar, and lelith fighting against slaanesh's strongest keeper of secrets, shalaxi
>shalaxi kills them all except lelith, and yvraine summons the yncarne to take out shalaxi and resurrect everyone
>shalaxi reveals that they were just an illusion with only a fraction of their power
>also the final macguffin the ynnari need is in slaanesh's palace
See the thing that sucks is that it wasn't just the Ynnari jobbing, they had to drag the strongest fighters from every Eldar faction, except the Avatar ironically
They show me pity rules in Craftworld codex and no fluff progression at all.
Now just to wait for Dark Eldar codex and see Lelith dumping Ynnari too.
>in fact they lost a lot of Craftworlder with Phoenix Lord leaving,
While most of their Drukhari allies stayed. Which is fine Drukhari are better anyway.
can we get the lord obscurus next
No because you can't take a second character in a boyz squad unless one of them is a warboss
No she won't. Seethe over it.
God I still can't get over the Night Lords beating the Banshees by just screaming at them. It makes no fucking sense
Keep dreaming, kiddon
So when will GW finally squat ynnari? 11th ed?
If Vect ever gets a model, will he just be a aura merchant or will he actually be a melee monster like he once was
I dunno ask /gwsg/
Depends on his model. if it's single dude on foot then he's melee monster, if he's back on dais then forget about melee, he's straight up auras +3 dark lance shoots per turn.
Is Eldrad even still on board with the Ynnari?
I require an apology from you when I'm right.
Never because Ynnari will be redeemed.
>Lelith spends her time fighting tortured captives in between terrorizing civilians while surrounded by her personal entourage of murderers
>Jain Zar fights Greater Daemons while travelling solo, only ever accompanied briefly by whatever Shrine may be nearby whom she tells to not be career Warriors before she departs
yeah about that...
Dwarves are incel-coded, chuddie
Now that we have a second female Phoenix Lord, Jain Zar will fall even more to the wayside.
painting my votann as power miners and tau as exo-force
He don't appear to be, he wasn't mentioned in Psychic Awakening outside that he did an oopsie with bunch of clowns and deathwatch.
It's not happening.
>Not striving for the threesome so you can make Jain howl while Lhykhis whispers in your ear
???? Like psylocke?
Even Egyptian sex dwarves?
Ynnari WILL get a major win, you WILL apologize, and I will NOT cry!
I don't think any of the eldar want to associate with eldrad
Sounds like a personal problem
More like, there is no thread problem.
Elfchads won
>already bitching
Elfchads won
>fell in love with Yvraine
And she never fucked him once.
she fucked him over aplenty
Can't compare with human dick, chud.
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GSC has quite a few.
hello everyone
hey hey people
no u
how do i get into local warhammer? do i just show up at the weekly event?
>enter LGS
I’m just getting into the game and I’m curious about strategic reserves and deploying units from the board edges.

Is this a good strategy to hold off units like eradicators so they can’t get killed t1/2 and keep my opponent scared of board edges so I can deploy or ingress them and nuke a unit? By turn 3 I can get into their backline with a cheap unit of assault marines or intercessors and wreak havoc on their home objective
Good Morning Chat
yeah, walk into a LGS, take a box of whatever army you're getting into up to the counter and the clerk/store owner will usually strike up a conversion. say something to the effect of you're new to the area and you wonder if they have any game days or leagues for new players.

any halfway competent store owner should be able to take it from there. they are usually trying to start or run some kind of onboarding player event or running group and they should get you hooked up with dates, times, point level, and probably a discord or facebook group for the store which is often where locals will arrange games as well.

if the FLGS owner doesnt do any of that, its probably not a store worth playing at
>buying a box just to get a discord link
The problem will be screening. Your opponent will know wat you have waiting in reserves and if they're smart will play around it, keeping a large chaff 'bubble' around hard targets.
are you not buying boxes of warhammer at the warhammer store?
everything they have is so...spherical
What I wanted most out of the new Codex was for Banshees to be able to avoid Overwatch again.
And now here we are.
ngl puked a little... what a design.
carnac, you samefag too much.
thanks im already in their discord but i just dont know what to do. i think ill go down there during either one of their painting days or game days. though the discord seems pretty dead. its just making me very anxious
>Poopdickanon schizopost
Fuck off
Anyone got scans of the guard book? I want to buy it but GW won't let me, and I'd like to be able to play my army.
>I’ve seen better horrors made out of leftover sprues
That might be bullshit but it's something I might try
you haven't posed your dc sloppa in a while, how come
I play eldar and I read 30 nonfiction books a year. I just finished two on machine learning
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>mfw still no 40k shipgirls
How would (you) fix the flawless blades?
Google Krusher and kerokero bonita and look down. That is literally what the flawless blade needs on their models
I feel like 40k is more suited towards Gungirls instead.
Try n do dat u spiky gitz
Which is not my problem, it's yours.
Girls Frontline is too intelligent for 40K, unironically.
>reading boring gay shit
I bet you play oofway or whatever the fuck eldars call their subfactions
JFC guys, just post hands already and call it done.
least autistic eldork
Kit building instructions aren't books anon
>BFG ships as anime girls
I always dreamed of a Chaos fleet with the lord flying in a 40k equivalent of Agga Ruter.
Soulless eldar fuck
I'd rather erase you
What you could do, is take blackhawk (the legends character) as he has the warboss keyword and also has deep strike, and then attach any mek of your choosing to it. Also not sure how it works with open deck, given its an army rule and not an ability
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That's kinda boring, my dude.
what instances of mad science happened in 40k?
you know shit that deldar and warpsmiths/darkmechanicus and the Necron would do
Marines don’t have anything down there
The Tech War in the Pariah Nexus which featured DAoT superweapoons vs Necron superweapons.
People called me a madman when I said EC would have 0 sexy.
They're sexy for chasers, which was always their target audience.
Canonically marines do in fact have fat cocks, they just don’t get aroused by anything and are probably sterile.
There once was a madboy who had the idea to paint himself purple
He disappeared mysteriously and has never been seen ever since
In the Jain Zar books there's an Archon who had himself transformed into a sentient giant brainstem connected to several ebony and golden skeletons, and who utilized stasis tech to surround himself with frozen 'trophies' of both his rivals and favored subordinates.
He tried to literally mindrape Jain Zar, and nearly succeeded.
>I read 30 nonfiction books
Post the top 10.
The volcano holocoaster that admech shoved a bunch of tau civilians into.
Coneheads are sexy if you have a conehead yourself LOL
I bet they didn't stand a chance against the Necrons
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they didn't...
We have Fabius Bile with his project of mass producing chaos marines, modification to marines(had his own entire faction about it in 8th) and creation of New Men, his perfect creations to replace common humanity.
And of course Dark Eldar Haemonculi do what they feel is fun at the moment, some are thrilled by experiencing every death galaxy have to offer, others are interested in specific ways of killing, including killing ideas like hope, they did kill people with fear alone, not touching abyone, and there was one situation where haemonculi made Night Lords afraid of darkness. There was also collaborative effort between Dark Eldar and Bile, when Conven build it's mobile base out of still living bodies of their victims and ones who pissed them off, Bile helped them keeping it alive. Sometimes when Haemonculi feel like researching particular genes, they have Talon pain engines eat victims, then vomit them on table, where DEldar ressurect said victims for experiments. They also kidnapped bunch of raven guard, messed their gene-seed and allowed them to be rescued, 100 years later gene seed in still living marines and new ones made from tampered stock triggered flaw from Heresy that from lack of better words mutated RG marines into spawns. Convens got entire codex supplement back in 7th full of this stuff.
They're marines, were you expecting twinks bending over and showing hole?
No, I expected pretty much exactly what we got. The most marine marines.
I keep hearing about Bile this, Bile that but the truth is the dude has done nothing.
What are ship girls?
how do they resurrect people?
He created shitton of chaos marines. Dude is singlehanded making sure his faction don't go extinct.
Yeah well too bad they aren't loyalist marines because nobody gives a fuck otherwise
The Imperials won
Headswap with leftover helmets from the normal marines.
They have huge cocks they just csnt get hard
Marines have tiny 2 inch chodes
but enough about the SM players
Necrons invaded the Pariah Nexus. Imperium Won.
Tyranids invaded the Galactic West. Imperium Won.
Chaos attacked across the galaxy with a fleet of space hulks. Imperium Won.
It has never been more dire for the Imperium.
Weird Dark Eldar surgery + weird Dark Eldar Tech.
That doesn’t fix the gay crop tops, homo
>protagonists of the setting win
not sure why would you expect anything else
Guilliman invaded Yvraine's womb. Eldar won.
I always thought kommandos should be painted purple for this reason.
Show me on the model
Theyre growers..
fucking how?
I expected psychic soul manipulation or ancient Eldar tech usage
are eldars just as disgusted by humans as regular eldar considering they are not above doing sexual acts with them? (even if said acts are horrible and forced)
>I expected psychic soul manipulation or ancient Eldar tech usage
It isn't situation, like with Dark Eldar where they regrow entire dude just from his finger, here human or whoever just get eaten by pain engine, then is vommited on table and stitched back together on table. Perhaps some ancient eldar empire tech is involved, you never know with this weird fucks, they use portals to bad part of webway as grenades.
>Imperium, the main faction of """""good"""" guys don't lose and is not eliminated
WEEEEW mind blowing.
I mean...they ARE Marines.
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>singlehandedly trained a generation of chaos medics
>batch bakes chaos marines for legions and warbands
>has a ton of geneseed and pretty much the only cunt able to grow any for chaos
>doing experiments on captured primaris to make CSM even better
Even abbadon begrudgingly admits he’s so fucking useful to chaos that despite having a heap of enemies he’s too useful to be killed off
very based, filthy xenos do not deserve anything better
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Some of the models do look pretty good with the hh scheme. This one wouldn’t look out of place in a traitor EC army
>Eldar get basically 6 extra strategems outside of their detachment and a seperate pool of 4 free CP for it every turn
Of fucking course. This is honestly going to end up being more powerful than the current iteration of Fate Dice.
21" move and shoot fire prism go brrr
My local Eldar player is constantly whining how Eldar got nerfed to being nearly unplayable and how everybody else always gets buffs in stead of him.
I'm sure he will continue even if they become overpowered as shit again.
The no overwatch is gonna be such a fucking priority bait mechanic, and it's gonna cause so many fucking arguments. The timing trigger is fucking ass, and it should be triggered by starting your movement phase.
Why are eldar players like this?
Female anthropomorphizations of ships.
Is there a bad moonz detachment
Not in the Eldar codex.
All of em.
Do butcher surgeons from the WE ever learn from him? Since he's EC and all.
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>tfw almost done with the model, some 90%
>Think it looks amazing
>Worried that the last 10% Ill do will completely fuck everything up

So stop at 90%. From arm's length away no one will notice anyway.
that last 10% is the base anon. I cant exactly skip it.
that and I want to punch up some OSL effects and im scared itll fuck everything up
my wife sold my aquilons because she said i had too many armies
Some dude's wife sold me some aquilons for hella cheap. I feel kinda bad, because she said she was selling them since he had too many dudes already, but his loss is my gain!
For me it's the Tau
Especially the Ghostkeel
Congrats, you are a faggot but at least now your household (wife) has more money LOL
Purple and gold is just a kino color combination.
They're terrible players who want an army of utterly broken rules to carry them to victory. They incessantly whine whenever Eldar are remotely balanced.
Nothing of value was lost kek
(Theyre so fucking bad bros)
>buying one of the worst teams
Might as well buy vespids
Chaos knights, but I have 30 traitor guardsmen as chaff (6" scouts with grotmas detachment buff) and 3x infiltrating nurglings to be annoying.
Concept is WW1 Battlefield with renegade knights stomping over trenches and traitor krieg.
I get a relatively cheap army and there are still lots of soft targets for my opponent to engage with.
Yeah or nay?
But I play guard. I'm not gonna play KT, that's a bullshit nonsense sidegame.
Traitor Kreig is big gay, but the actual army seems like it'd be pretty fun to play against.

Oh, and fuck taking nurglings, that unit is fucking aids WAAC bullshit and doesn't work with the theme at all.
Chaos knights but you don't actually run any knights so that both you and your opponent can have a good time
Better rules than 10th and armies actually have flavor.

I wouldn't put it that much higher than 10th, though
osl is super specific imo, maybe practice on a model you don't care as much?

but do your base for sure, just take your time
what the other guys said >>94863261 if you want Nurglings for flavor just put them on the Knight's bases running around for fun
Okay I don't wanna be aids (pun intended) I just already own some daemons.
Any other suggestion? I considered doing ogryn as the big accursed melee cultists but I haven't looked into the size of them yet and I know it's a weird mixed unit
Post a picture, will be easier to give you some pointers. If you actually want them, of course
>Traitor Kreig is big gay
Big corpus.
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I do either yellow, red, or black helmets with checks on the crest if they're special dudes. I gotta pick up some heads for all the anons here at some point
Because kreig is already big gay. Making them traitor makes them more big gay. Chaos guard is cooler when they're not just "regular guard of some flavor I painted a star onto."
Traitor Guard would never be gay and it will be extremely popular, hopefully someday GW will see this too.
Anything guard is gay
gay by default
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>chuds when gw discourages kitbashing
grr you're stifling my creativity
>chuds when gw encourages kitbashing
grrr why aren't they showing the basic kit
What's worth running in ironstorm currently?
I'm in a literal sea of robotea double oath stomp lists and just want to blow those fuckers up from across the table.
>Humans show up
>Get off our planet
>We were here first. There's no record of humans ever being here.
>All planets belong to humanity
>Then it's war.
>*Several Months Later*
>Get off our planet, aliens
>We can't. You shot down all our ships.
>Then you will work our labor camps till dead.
>Actually, this is taking too long. We're just going to have you march into a volcano.
>What? What about the labor?
>Ehh... we'll have some servitors do it.
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sorry for bad quality picture but do the Brotherhood Champion on the right with his red/yellow stripe.
little bit early chief
honestly that looks awesome anon. I like the little details like the grots nose or the color shift on the exhaust pipes. how did you do those?
>and also has deep strike
I dunno where you're getting that from. are you maybe confusing it with precision?
What's a good source for IG penal troops.

I wanna run some catachans and model them as a penalty unit (the scout move representing them being sent in first)
wargames atlantic cannon fodder
Iirc since they have basically complete knowledge of biology they can simply stitch everyone and everything together no matter how broken down. It's only a problem with Eldar with their souls getting devoured by Slannesh, but they can deal with this as well. They are rebuilding and regrowing Eldar as usual with every other living being, but also generate so much pain and suffering during the process from their subjects and slaves that it forces Slannesh to vomit devoured soul, which they can then put into resurrected Eldar again somehow.
>but also generate so much pain and suffering during the process from their subjects and slaves that it forces Slannesh to vomit devoured soul
I don't remember this part, I only remember that the tricky part about the homunculus arts was fishing back the soul BEFORE demons get to it, which sounds like something that happens immediately but due to how time (doesn't) works in the warp it gives them room to operate
>That doesn't seem to be the case. In his short story, it's mentioned that he doesn't have the data-wafer slots typical of non-AI Imperial robots, and that his cover would be blown if a tech-priest were to open him up.
So your argument is that because his disguise won't stand up beyond a certain level of scrutiny, like any disguise, it is not a disguise?
Generic modular Imperial Guard. None of this Cadian shit. We need a 10/20 man squad with just generic armor. And then at least two drastically different helmet styles (and bare head options). 21 lasguns in the box but 7 each of 3 different patterns [classic mk4, kantrael, new lasgarands] and a smattering (1/2 each) of other patterns. Full set of 2x special weapons each (grenade, plasma, meltagun, flamer, sniper).

And then a HEAVY WEAPONS TEAM. It was a mistake to take these out of line infantry squads. Even if they limit the squad HWTs to missile launchers and heavy bolters/heavy flamers and leave the lascannons/autocannons /mortars to dedicated squads, that'd be good.

That should provide a good baseline for a generic IG refresh that allows as 'yourdudes' as possible.

HAving said that, we all know modern GW won't do that. So as an alternative answer.....Tallarn Desert Raiders. If Cadians are the stock, Krieg are the siegers, Catachans are the scouty jungley ones, Tallarn can be the rapid mounted ones. Tallarn Desert Riders as Battleline, special mounted stuff, maybe a lot of Infiltrate/deep striking. Go full Allahu Akbar/GLA with suicide bombers and technicals. But not Chimera-specialists, leave that to the Steel Legion.

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