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Previous: >>94859559

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck list site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer


Thoughts on today's reveals?
They sandbagged this set on purpose so we love the Final Fantasy set and see UB as the only way to save magic.
It is controlled opposition.
This is probably Set of the Year for me considering the latter half is collabslop with non Magic IPs
Hard to imagine anything topping this
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With all these Energy precons getting made I might finally try an Energy Deck
Is the Ghost of Kiev still the coolest Energy commander?
Why yes, I will be buying a on-off single and otherwise ignoring this set and not purchasing any sealed product, how did you know?
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keky booba
>Ah yes, this company wants to NOT sell this product for some reason
so, are each of the Vehicles depicted on the legendary characters get an own card or hwat?
if not, whats the point of yet another cosplay set?
>billion dollar companies would NEVER throw away a couple hundred thousands in the hopes of diverting sales to something more profitable!!!
You normoids have no fucking idea how the corporate world works. There's much more politicking than you seem to realize.
If the execs think the UB is going to be their biggest seller but they can't get the greenlight to go 100% UB, what they can do is claim that investment should be proportionate to ROI so original sets should get less funding and not have their best staff working on it, allowing them to focus more on UB.
Then UB sells better and they claim that it's because it's an inherently better product and ignore the fact that they invested more into it to begin with.
>Claims people don't know how companies work
>Explains how companies definitely don't work
>definitely don't work
Based on your decades of corporate experience, I presume?
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Companies aren't that nefarious, they're stupid and money-hungry but they don't deliberately make bad products to sell poorly. They literally aren't long-term-thinking enough to do something like that. Everything must be short-term profits now.
>biggest retard at the table winning because he full proxied 2000 dollar deck and is drawing 4 cards a turn with one ring and can survive 3 players of interaction
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Yes, because Spider Man with grown men in tights and Final Fantasy a dying franchise are more important to the core audience than appealing to your playerbase you've grown the last 2 and a half decades???
TQ: I haven't seen a single piece of art I like and I didn't even come in cynical about the set.
The type of people that give proxying a bad name
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>Final Fantasy MTG
I didn't even know about this fuck me
They won't do this.
what would the bad name for someone who paid for it be?
an accepted retard?
Doesn't seem to be any raceswaps, Square is more protective of their IP than Tolkien Estate now that Cristopher Tolkien is dead.
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companies do stuff like that literally all the time
Im generally fine with UB, but spiderman feels gross to me. If I wanted to play that Id play VS instead (lol). Whats next, UB: Lorcana?

Ironically UB is the real All Will Be One Set
>Yes, because Spider Man with grown men in tights and Final Fantasy a dying franchise are more important to the core audience than appealing to your playerbase you've grown the last 2 and a half decades???
Unironically yeah, the suits assume the core audience will buy anything anyway so they want to make the line go up chasing new customers.
>start your engines
Literally what is this mechanic supposed to even represent?
Obviously, it is -supposed- to represent the pre-race countdown, but ignoring the fact that they chose to represent a countdown of 3 seconds as 3 complete turn cycles, why the FUCK did they require damage to an opponent for it to tick up? What the FUCK is the flavor there?
"That Fucking Guy"
You're attributing malice and cunning to what is, almost certainly, stupidity and a semi-successful attempt to appeal to a more brainrotted audience.
Don't believe me if you don't want to, all I can tell you is what I've seen.
You're retarded if you think that a company is just this this amorphous uni-directional hegemony. People are looking to make their names and launch careers, to be lauded as the guy responsible for sales going up 0.3%, or to be seen cooperating with or advancing the agendas of their superiors.

Clearly people at Wizards think that UB is going to be a best seller, otherwise they wouldn't have made 50% of fucking sets UB. The fact that they stopped at 50 means someone else is sceptical and is using this year to test the waters. Mark my words, whichever sells better will be the future of Magic for years to come, and everyone who had their name attached to the winning side stands to benefit
it's supposed to represent your car accelerating, dumbass
the flavor is "hehe new mechanic players love new mechanics zoom zoom :D"
Sorry, didn't realize you're supposed to punch the guy in the next lane to make your car go
>The fact that they stopped at 50 means someone else is sceptical and is using this year to test the waters.

That's not the part that makes you sound schizo. It's the implication that they are self sabotaging the core line so they can sell *Brand* that would require them to pay royalties.
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It really should've been a mad max/mortal engines set
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Discuss the shark. Ghostly pilferer goes crazy with it. I was about to build Rielle, should I go with this instead?
Pubstomping whale if they came to the table with a real 2000 dollar deck that clearly is not at parity. Pubstomping idiot otherwise, it's a behavior I see from newer players whose first instinct is to just copy a good list they found online verbatim and then just full-send it. Zero soul, fast track to CEDH type players who basically just want to find the easiest strategies to win without having to learn or find what they actually like.

"I want to do thing, what cards let me do thing" rather than "How do I make these cards I have do the thing I want"
>they are self sabotaging the core line
Again, you have it in your head that a company is a single entity. It is not. A company is people constantly competing with each other. UB is competing with original sets, everyone who tied themselves to one side or the other has something at stake, and they will absolutely fuck over other products so the product they put their name to is the year's best seller
Might put it in my Locust God deck, less explosive than Devilish Valet, but it let's me use my wheels before LG is on the field.
Bro I know how the corporate world works
Do you really think the jews got together at WOTC headquarters and said make Aetherdrift suck, but only a little, we still want basedjaks to purchase booster boxes, but we also want to transition to UB. So hire some mediocre artists and give the coomers one decent chandra waifu and the furries get a zombie lion slop.
Then they rubbed their hands together and invented "start your engines" while assuring the investors that the lapse in fiduciary duty would only be temporary

Thats what you believe
>Bro I know how the corporate world works
Okay let's hear it.
>Do you really think the jews
Okay so you don't know how the corporate world works.
>I see from newer players whose first instinct is to just copy a good list they found online verbatim and then just full-send it. Zero soul, fast track to CEDH type players who basically just want to find the easiest strategies to win without having to learn or find what they actually like.
There's a guy like this at my shop. Comes in with some new cedh list to play against people playing precons every damn week, and frequently finds a way to lose because he doesn't actually know how to play the complicated decks he brings in.
The worst part is that games with him take 3 goddamn hours because he has to read every damn card 3 times to understand what he is trying to do and still frequently doesn't get it, so we have to watch him like a damn hawk while he takes his 15 minute turns to correct him when he obviously misreads a card.
>sissy baby man's car doesn't have violence-based acceleration
>people ITT have never worked a corporate job where politics have shifted resources from one position to another for frivolous or personal reasons.
Lel. Lmao even.
Gay Bolas
I hope we one day get a set based on this guy's Polynesian water world plane.
>what is shifting gears in a car
Sissy automatic car driver
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new pod, are you spotting it in?
The thing I hate more than anything about these generals is when I have personal fucking knowledge of similar situations and retards will go full reddit and insist that it's a conspiracy theory and they will choose not to believe it until they see proof

Same shit happened when I tried to talk about Magic art that is blatantly traced. Even though I can point to them the fucking details that suggest it was traced rather than referenced, because knowledge of these things is alien to them they choose not to believe it
That would be too cool and flavorful. Instead we will get "ISLAND PARTY" set with non-offensive island themed cards where you can see your favorite characters at an island party. No liliana, chanda or nissa in bikini's though.
Wow someone won worlds with aetherdrift already?
Wow that's crazy and an insta include in my Rex EDH deck
But doesn't that just mean the UB stuff will be getting fucked by the other side and come out just as ass?
Birthing Podracer
I like this card I think.
I might consider slotting it in Red Death
The art is A tier anyways
Now THIS is podracing.
Ok but theres a big difference between traced art and intentionally tanking a set because they want it to fail
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companies deliberately sandbag products as part of a larger goal literally all the time
It's funny to me how they've powercrept the "this creature needs an extra line of text so give them ward 2" thing they've had going for a while.
Sometimes it's astroturfing, sometimes it's argumentative retards. I try not to take it personally. What I hate most are stupid people who, when presented with clear evidence, go on some wild tangent for hours at a time to justify why they were wrong, then start a big ol' gaslighting campaign. Most of us have been here for a long ass time. Newfags stick out like a sore thumb and never ever learn. The only thing you can do is tell them to fuck off susinctly and move on.
Honestly just by the faggy logos alone I'm willing to believe in the sandbag theory. Make a shitty max speed mechanic that doesn't work in any format, and some Tarkir set that looks like a World of Warcraft expansion followed by 2 conventionally beloved IPs.
No I already told you how this goes
>be on team UB
>UB outperforms original sets
>in reality this is because it is a limited run and because it only comes a couple times a year it still tickles the consumer pickle
>but spreadsheet says UB sells X% more
>go to your corporate overlords
>"since UB sells more, shouldn't it receive proportionate investment to the return on investment?"
>numbers add up, UB now receives more funding
>"because numbers go up and we have obligations to the IP-holders shouldn't we make UB a priority?"
>makes sense to corporate overlords
>now your best staff are either solely dedicated to UB or instructed to prioritize it
>maybe your B-team gets the original sets, or if team isn't split it's at least given a smaller time-frame to work on compared to UB
Congrats you have now orchestrated the success of UB and will get to brag about number go up this time next year. No one gives a fuck about the weak sales of original sets, its accounted for in net growth, and if anything you will say that it's because the consumer actually prefers UB so the only solution is to scrap original sets.

I'm genuinely sorry if you've made it this far in life not knowing how this shit goes. That must have been very confusing for you.
Ok but that seems not like malice to me or intentionally making it bed, aside from funding the sets that were doing better? Even if they were wrong about why
You posted all that yap yet you couldn't explain why Assassain's Creed sold like dogshit despite being a limited print run and boxes are still $100 each on ebay tcgplayer and pretty much everywhere
because no one gives a single fuck about Assassin's Creed
Shifting money and resources from one line to another one too boost your own carrerr is absolutely intentional and malicious.
To succeed, others must fail.
I don't have to explain that because it isn't my point.
My point is that there are clearly opposing factions in Wizards. Someone is pushing UB, and someone is pushing back. The 50-50 split this year is intended to determine who is right.
So you have no argument then and you're just making it up, got it
Duskmourn and its consequences have been a disaster for Magic the Gathering
You are acting like market forces are sinister or something
But anyways by your logic, we should buy a billion Aetherdrift boxes so they invest less in UB.
>So you have no argument then and you're just making it up
I have never argued anything to do with Assassin's Creed, I have no idea why you even think it is relevant.
well that's the whole the point, they make it intentionally worse so less people buy it compared to Extremely Popular Brand
Your whole argument is "UB is the future and they're phasing out Magic IPs" yet you can't explain why the last UB set didn't sell well at all? Or am I misunderstanding your madman ramblings?
What's Edge Of Eternities going to be? The space thing?
Market forces arent sinister, they're observations. MBAs are sinister because they have a poor grasp of most products and use vauge generalizations broadly infered from cherry picked datasets to make line go up in lieu of actual expertise, then create composite statistic that "prove" their decisions are correct, while every other traditional indicator disagrees. They're retarded sociopaths and fall guys by and large, repsonsible for ruining basically everything.
>They're retarded sociopaths and fall guys by and large
At my company they are H1Bs, keeek
Yup, with fake inflated credentials, often paired with remedial speaking abilities and less-than-rudimentary excel skills who compensate with nepotism, ass kissing, and backstabbing. I hate them so fucking much.
Nta but you've contorted his point into something it's not just so you can save face by arguing against your own made up point.
People behind the market absolutely are sinister.
And yeah, if you bought a billion Aetherdrift boxes you probably would get less UB. But you'd also get more themepark sets because the success will be attributed to just hitting the right theme. Aetherdrift looks like an Un set, I won't be rewarding Wizards for that.
Again, it's entirely possible that its design got pushed in that direction maliciously by someone staking their career on UB.
>Your whole argument is "UB is the future and they're phasing out Magic IPs"
No, I'm telling you that someone at Wizards, probably multiple people, have staked their career on UB being the future and now they're playing silly games to ensure that they're proven correct.
>yet you can't explain why the last UB set didn't sell well at all?
Why would I have to explain that?
Do you think because it didn't sell well that this should mean that Wizards abandon UB entirely? Why?
There will have been a dozen excuses in the board room
>the set was just too small in size
>we didn't market it enough
>we just picked a bad IP
>it didn't resonate with our younger more diverse audience
Any amount of bullshit.

If anything, inconsistent UB sales prove my point exactly. The reason we have 50% UB sets this year is because they're not certain which way to go. They are doing an even split of sets, and if UB out performs non-UB or vice versa, they will have their answer.
Not to mention the fact that this shit is all planned in advance. I mean, fuck, we know every set from now until this time next year (barring the unannounced one), and we've known for months. Assassin's Creed sales came way to fucking late to impact the direction of this year.
Okay so explain his very first post in the thread then to mine and tell me how I'm being disingenuous on the matter >>94864708
>>Your whole argument is "UB is the future and they're phasing out Magic IPs"
>No, I'm telling you that someone at Wizards, probably multiple people, have staked their career on UB being the future and now they're playing silly games to ensure that they're proven correct.
>Racing set has a car
This but unironically
Cars don't belong in Magic
Personally Im excited for UB: Wacky Racers
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partner with dick dastardly
Yes, and?
>Him: They sandbagged the set to sell UB and save Magic sales
>Me: So you think UB is going to take over the Magic product lines despite them not selling well?
>Him: Yes you gotta believe me there's totally people at Wizards in my conspiracy theory that are internally warring with each other that UB will perform better!!!!

I just wanna ask you 1 simple thing then and I don't want any of your bullshit dodging like you've been doing. Let's say this whole entire shitstorm you've brewed in your head is true and they do want UB to succeed and be "Brand: The Card Game".

Why don't they just ask Hasbro to make it a separate card game? They are Hasbro's literal cash cow, and they supposedly have no influence or pull in the company to share resources? They have to struggle within the company and divide the staff and executives like it's some crazy preschool tantrum about red vs blue? If Richard Garfield, someone removed from Magic for over 20 years can get his little Keyforge licensed by them, why not Magic: Universes Beyond? I mean for Christ sake's having to make special borders and special legality rules for the cards despite pushback from players should tell you these cards were never originally meant to be mixed in. The Walking Dead Secret Lair was bad enough when they never reprinted it.

But you know what, if this is how Magic goes down from here, as long as they make every UB set print to order, who fucking cares anymore. Have your stupid IP crossovers but make the damn cards available.
Here's the real thing. If they REALLY wanted to make Magic all UB, they'd just go ahead and do that. And there are always business reasons to have your own IP to leverage. Even fucking Fortnite pushes original shit.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
the only single I'll be picking up so far
>Why don't they just ask Hasbro to make it a separate card game?
Because then it wouldn't be mtg. Idiot.
To the anon who was wondering where the white in zombies came from: It was largely Amonkhet, the rest are usually just because they also have the subtype of Knight or Soldier.
Thinking about building Faeries
Even in the bizarre mirror universe in which this were an accurate depiction of what was going on, the skeptics having enough weight to throw around to keep it at 50% UB means they'd also have enough weight to throw around to sandbag the UB sets and bolster the Magic sets. We'd expect to see a regression to the mean, not actual shit.
Do the draw triggers from multiple iterations stack? It's an unusual wording that doesn't actually grant the creature the saboteur ability.

My thought is I wish they would've errata'd werewolves with innstrad to be all daybound so my werewolf deck wasn't a schizophrenic shitshow that relies on Tovolar being out. And new werewolves that aren't shit.
I believe so, yes. If you discard in separate instances and then keep targeting the same creature, you'd get a draw for each instance of discarding.
I'm going to wait for the release notes before I commit to the idea. The wording's atypical enough that I'm suspicious.
they are absolute annoying cunts, they did good designing them for the game
Yes. Next observation?
I don't see why it WOULDN'T work that way, but fair.
>be me
>be a lead maintenance guy at a local million dollar corporation.
>new buisness boss takes over.
>sets new agenda
>maintenance is out
>safety/prevention is in
>money to buy parts down 30%
>money to buy signs to tell people not to stick fingers in moving parts up by 30%
>maintenance down sized by two people
>safety team increased from one guy to five with 100k salaries each.
>production down because no money to fix anything.
>boss wants meetings on why production is down.
>safety team is key part in meeting.
>new boss is good friends with head safety guy
You can doubt me but this is a real situation. Corporations/businesses do stupid, self destructive, selfish and personal stuff all the time. It's not insane to think a person or people have a vested interest in one product succeeding over another.
>he thinks that's going to get the LGBT+ crowd to quiet down
Boy oh boy, are you in for a surprise come June.
Mtg is a game for furries and always has been, my guy
Idk bro if I had to choose between having Jace or Gerrard, or Kain or Terra as a commander, I'd pick the latter every single time.
You talking about Final fantasy? I mean there is lota of waifus there I dont see your point.

No way we have Garruk.
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I'm aware. Faeries have always been for the straights, retard-chan
interesting. what do you do with your splash of black? black is the hardest splash for me. i never really care about tutors or more than a couple damnation. generic aristocrat stuff?
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for me its the white deck
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Is Commander's Herald a good resource generally to learn the game better? If not, what do you recommend instead besides 'just play'?
MLD bros, how are we holding up? Have you yet given up hope in MLD becoming a viable archetype?
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Forgot image
>one lore set a year
>muppet baby wacky racers
wotc is made of retards. easily the most phone it in set. worse than their clue set. i don’t buy anything with retarded set symbols. simple as.
>Three is one now
Speed is a terrible mechanic.
Casuals will hate it.
Seasoned Vets will hate it.
Everybody hates it! but its now forced!
What were they thinking?
removal, the good black and U/B faeries, bitterblossom, psychic frog, bowmasters and oppo agent
>once per game effects
were they on drugs making this set?
Vehicles are already lame, Speed mechanic sucks, art is texture-less and off-putting, card designs are either low effort or pushed.

I'm not even being hyperbolic, this is absolutely one of the worst sets I've seen.
Nice poem anon, can I try?

When preparing for the future,
the superior man strides miles without a step,
plans for decades by planning for the next moment,
works tirelessly without lifting a finger.
But the lesser man strides miles while lost,
leaves the future forsaken for the moment,
and agonizes over each step.
This is the path to madness.
Exhaust isn't once per game, it's once per instance of the game object, like every other "only once" ability.
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It's going to be like Day/Night, Venture, and Initiative. There will be several "format staple but with the thing" cards that will annoy me forever because I don't want a card with a mechanic that I have to track for the rest of the game when I have nothing else that interacts with that mechanic.
>Why don't they just ask Hasbro to make it a separate card game?
Jesus you seriously know nothing about business
>hey Hasbro, we want to launch a brand new card game that will compete with the card games you already sell! Sign off on that?
>hey Hasbro we figured out how to put unskippable ads into one of your flagship products

Give it a long think anon, which do you think it the better strategy?
Made me preorder the zombie precon, and now I might buy a bundle just to see how it feels. Lots of cards I'm interested in even if the concept is so lackluster.
Almost every card with speed looks like it only matters with max speed so you're gonna have to care about it for the purposes of max speed and then after that you won't.
Also it'll probably be mostly bad. Casual fun shit for Commander maybe and good in limited.
just buy the precon. the singles will be dirt cheap day after people collect their prereleases and dump everything.
Good morning
Nothing is going to be that bad. Or at least I hope not. That one is just ridiculous and it's incomprehensible that made it past testing in the state it released. This speed thing is like energy that you max out on after four and stop counting.
There's a few cards in the main set so far I'm interested in, but yeah most will probably be cheap as fuck. Like that one vehicle that's just Iron man without legs (thank fuck) or the other one that makes Zombies when you discard creatures
Good morning!
It's more comparable to Ascend, if anything.
Or that. Yeah, that's probably a better description of it. Once you get it you're done and don't have to keep track anymore.
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>vehicle set has meme mechanics tied to the new cards
>it doesn't even print any new vehicle cards that are any good or better than older ones
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>the precons for the vehicle set aren't even about vehicles and don't even use the new mechanics
Who the fuck even asked for vehicles? They don't belong in Magic and making a whole set of them was retarded. It's like if OTJ was 50% mounts
They said they just wanted the precons to focus on the planes themselves (fuck you Muraganda I guess you don't have enough to make a precon for).
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They could have made "vehicles" like wagons, horses, and even golem mechs work, but the whole concept fell on its face when they started with cars, trains, and helicopters. They also fucked up the mechanical implementation because the riders stay behind while the mode of transportation moves to attack. They already had vehicles solved back in Arabian Nights, and they've invented mechanics that are WAY more complicated in recent years, so there's no reason to have not used Banding.
they need something to sell in this hideous gamble
i hope both the precons have absolutely none of the shit new mechanics either or trash-tranny-rock-a-billie-able-body-bull-shit too
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>play in a casual pod for commander
>some times we have groups of 6 or more (it is infact a nightmare)
>One friend plays """""casual"""" Kinnan. It basically runs all the bullshit simic stuff you'd expect, but doesn't go infinite turn 2-3 so it's not cedh. (His line of reasoning.)
>My boros deck isn't really on the level of his, but can out aggro him maybe 25% of the time, and would constantly if it weren't for the fact he's got so many alternative cost counter spells.
>The rest of the table is uber casual and most of the time has maybe a creature and an artifact on the board turn 4.
>They do not have interactions in their deck, other than maybe 1-2 board wipes a piece.
How exactly do I approach them about fixing their mana curves and/or running more interaction without them seeming like I'm telling them their bad? Its at the point where either I have to make my deck absolute control/stax or just let the Kinnan player win basically every game because my 10 interaction cards aren't enough, and not only do I not want to pay to get cards for control, the table would just hate me more in the end.
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Fiiiine, I'll replace Hanna with this for my artifact beatdown deck
It's kind of absurd we got literally nothing from the Guidelights in the story.
Saheeli is my waifu so i must buy her.
>>hey Hasbro, we want to launch a brand new card game that will compete with the card games you already sell! Sign off on that?
Yeah? Bandai and takara tomy have multiple card games
How do you lose speed though?
You don't, normally, though they mentioned there is ONE card you can play that makes you lose speed, which MIGHT be that new Lotus they mentioned? Spend speed to gain mana?
Still debating on Saheeli vs sticking with Riku, but I'm honestly more interested in the new singles in her deck, either way.
first all the AI was sampling dan mumford
now dan mumford is sampling AI...
If you slow down, the bus explodes, so you just don't.
The zombie deck with the Scarab commander seems pretty fine. Esper zombies cheating out fatties and a reanimator subtheme. There is already more than enough support to make a cool deck.
New product is a gamble and you don't gamble on a licensed product. If they made a new game just to do UB and they fucked it, they would probably owe the licensor a lot of money on top of all the lost investment into the product itself
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Wheel of Misfortune goes to point of resolution. What are you choosing?
all players should choose 0, last time I saw it played a guy chose 23 though
0, I like my cards.
Depends on what's in my hand. I choose 0 if I want to keep and 2 if I don't.
>all players should choose 0
Unless you want to wheel, of course. If all four players choose 0, nobody wheels.
Kinnan with free counterspells is just plain pubstomping, tell him to power down or don't play with him.

Kinnan players are always like this man.
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>Choose impossibly large number
>It takes hours to say it out loud
>The game is a draw because everyone has to go home and sleep
He's has a work in progress lesser power deck, but he hates it and basically have a rule 0 that we have to not play or best decks for one game per game night (myself included) Otherwise the group would probably dissolve. But other than that one game, he's playing kinnan every game.
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Varina chads, we're eating so fucking good next set
Ridiculously cool art. It's activating my Timmy autism.
Too bad it's not Rakdos. Would've been amazing in the Anje madness deck.
no, this simply states if it does combat damage. You need Double Strike or Extra Combats to draw multiple cards, or spread around the discard targeting multiple creatures (you can target opponents creatures, which is the way i would built it)
if you would draw for each iteration, it would have a line like in the first half: "for each card discarded this way"
Saheeli’s art is nice to look at but I’m not interested in making an energy deck, might pick up the mummy one- undecided if I want to merge it with the Midnight Hunt zombie precon or not.
I fucking hate how everyone in this set looks like a power ranger's character.

I was genuinely hoping the card art would be better than the boxset.
they want the power ranger set to do well when they release it so they're making MTG power rangers preemptively
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Why are Golgari and Dimir lower than Rakdos? What's the rationale for this?
these sets are in development for years anon
Faeries are gay unless you're playing Oona and only use cards from before 2014 just like every commander deck
dont be delusional, WotC has admitted to not care about their own MtG ip, and thats why we all are balls deep in Funko Pop town.
They dont care about the "core" audience, its more profitable to gain new customers via UB slop than entertain existing ones, and Hasbro has decided to go full throttle down that path because the management sucks shit and WotC has to deliver as their sole shiny workhorse
UB wasn't "the clear winner" until 2023, and even then the two UB sets that dropped last year both sucked donkey dick in comparison to the "real mtg" sets. its clear that the only sabotage that is going on at wotc is that theres a team that is extremely creatively bankrupt, to the point of enhattening everything and there is a team that tries at least a little. there is likewise a clique of RND guys who love the hats and also suck at their job because every single hat set has abysmal mechanics even when the core concepts are good (looking at you, Cases)
>It's going to be like Day/Night, Venture, and Initiative.
So it goes into my mono-white deck along with the above plus Monarch, The One Ring, Stickers, Attractions, Smothering Tithe, and Coveted Jewel. I'm looking forward to it.
Mario Party.dec
I built it for the purpose of making the most confusing board-state possible. I should have gone Azorius for space jace and rhystic study.
shouldn't you be in jeskai then? you can add pramikon on top of space belaren. however, maybe you are looking to avoid being assaulted at the table, in which case I understand completely
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My I recommend going full Jeskai with Pramikon? Red gives you more access to putting cards into piles and Impulsive Maneuvers which I think would be worth it.
An interesting idea. I'll consider it. Thank you.
>was supposed to just be a short featurette
>got promoted to a full movie
>shorter runtime than the average blockbuster, but still fine
>made money over budget
>highly praised by critics
I'm honestly completely baffled by what kind of argument you're trying to make here
>UB wasn't "the clear winner" until 2023
Holy fuck you're just saying the same shit as the guy who didn't actually read my fucking post.
Here, you illiterate fuck-up:
>>Your whole argument is "UB is the future and they're phasing out Magic IPs"
>No, I'm telling you that someone at Wizards, probably multiple people, have staked their career on UB being the future and now they're playing silly games to ensure that they're proven correct.
>Face to Face doesn't have preorders for the precons
it was sent out to die against the last Harry Potter movie because Disney wanted to kill its traditional animation studio
Rakdos has more interesting commanders and a more fun playstyle. Dimir and Golgari are both very fun, dont get me wrong, but Rakdos is designed specifically to fuck shit up and take no prisoners.
Give it a couple days. The commanders were just announced. Give it until all the decklists are spoiled before you start freaking out.
Mummies alive lookin ass niggas
> just run this multi hundred dollar meme card bro
I mean, they're meant to be preserved dead. Withered mummies take a while to... Y'know, wither.
I'm talking about the tv show dood
He's only been dead for eight years. Pretty sure Lenin lasted at least that long before the fungus began to assert control.
I think the STRONGEST red flag someone is bad and doesn't understand the game is if they hate theft or mill.
These strategies are so weak and underwhelming compared to other things you can do, I almost immediately know you either are new or a 70 IQ super-timmy
there's only about 4 faerie cards worth playing from that time period and oona barely counts as one
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I have never heard of this show's existence.
People play this game for fun. Theft and mill are not fun.
I think the STRONGEST red flag that someone is bad to play with is when they disregard how 3 other people at the table feel about the game and only talk about whether their strategy is powerful or not.
I try to explain it to people all the time and yet the mill player always gets hated out I feel so bad for them. People will have their super cool expensive card milled and ape out but they don't notice that if they hadn't been milled 10 cards already they would have been stuck in a land patch for 6 turns.
>if he hadn't milled all this other stuff they needed he also wouldn't have been able to mill this
Wow I get it now....
Every color combo is "S Plus" if colorless is though.
Why do you say that?
Because any colour commander can run a colourless list?
It's just basic logic.
You can even make tiny splashes of the commanders colours to improve in branching ways.
Your wellcum
It's a shame how deprived today's youth are.
Adding more colours dilutes things. Colourless is capable of just about everything in magic; it has clear positives, clear negatives, and a clear but versatile gameplan. You get to run all the fun colourless tech lands, and you need to work hard to overcome your deficencies in a meaningful way. In fact, blue and red are so high in part because they're the best colours for artifacts.
You don't need 6 lands in a row.
It shouldnt be your first guess of what a company is up to, but its not like it never happens.
You autists can never resist the urge to talk about probability when mill comes up.
The card on top of the deck is the card on top of the deck. It doesn’t matter if it could have been any card, it doesn’t matter if statistically I won’t even draw enough cards to see a particular card, if the card is on the top of my deck I would have drawn into it.
No amount of abstract math sperging can waive reality
You should visit a casino anon.
What are your thoughts on Dimir and Golgari? Also, if you play one color with a splash of the other, is it still considered 2-color? What's the threshold here?

Picrel: I love this guy like you wouldn't believe
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Math anons are retarded, but in this instance they're right. In the paraphrased words of some jace flavour text: one of the most painful experiences is knowing exactly what you've lost.
Forgot to include file. I like him, but he doesn't seem fair :( Especially with K'rrik and Necropotence lol
What if I glimpsed you and you milled 10 lands and ramp cards after being flooded? Hating mill on principle because there's a chance it puts you off the specific card you needed is retarded. It's just as likely to mill you closer to drawing that card you needed
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WotC needs to stop with these overpushed new commander designs.
50-50 you win or ya don’t babyyyyyyy
I built my deck so I could play with it, not do you could put my cards in the trash
>Pop quiz, hotshots. Which new mechanic is the most bussin'? It's speed: a new trait that players can have, along with its related mechanic, start your engines! (exclamation point and all). Start your engines! is a new keyword ability that gets things rolling. Streaking Oilgorger serves as the pace car for this section.
It is Gilded Lotus with options. It’s not that good.
>anon doesn't have anyone he loves
That's just sad
It’s an Un set. It’s a fucking Un set.
Is there any reason why you would want to run this card?
Time line shift. It didn't used to exist, we just merged timelines
If it exists, it's fair. That's a neat card.

Now, in terms of splash colours, I firmly believe in the one drop rule. But I understand what you're getting at; a lot of monocolour decks are actually dual colour decks with brown as the splash, and it scales up with more colours, but that's being a bit pedantic for a tier list and effectively doubles it in size.

With regard to dimir and golgari, those are two of my favorite pairs in magic. Golgari tends to get a bit wrapped up in +1/+1 counters and sacrifice synergy, but it's very fun. Mazirek was one of my favorite commanders of all time, and the whole ethos of the philosophy is very enjoyable with the self milling then regrowing graveyard schtick. There are lots of good green cantrips that enable the deck, and the inherent land synergy is very strong. Dimir, by contrast, should be the strongest pair in magic, and has a wide variety of interesting and powerful commanders, but like golgari, it's a bit too wrapped up in milling other people. It really suffers from a lack of quality noncreature removal, yet it overcomes this gap with efficient interesting threats. Fallen shinobi might be my favorite creature in all of magic, and mindleech mass is a riot. Dimir is more control oriented while golgari is a bit more midrangey but both offer very interesting and entertaining gameplans with clear strengths/draw backs. That being said, they're a bit more diluted, more prone to "goodstuff", and less flavourful than monocolour decks because of their inherent synergies between the colours, though they are still high tier.
fucking wotc im still waiting on the secret lair second life pixel shit I paid last year. Anyone else still waiting on these ?
I bought vagisland coin. Am I retarded?
Nice, but kind of gay. How much are they before I pass judgement?
lair was $30 for 10
Because flash is insanely good and all the other cards that give everything flash is 4 CMC anyway so you basically have a chance to open the game with that for free and it’s not any more expensive to cast than any other flash enabler???
This is definitely the best Loot art, but the non-background text box ruins it because the text isn't distinct enough from the background elements.
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Nah that's fine. I run basics that cost that much individually, but they're foil.
Cars are kind of lame.
That's a nice plains
Are you all excited for Aetherdrift 2: 2 fast, 2 furious in 2028?
Ugh Im going through on moxfield and remaking my Red Death list from the ground up. Its always so hard to decide on what is the nutty nuts and whats not
If this is a timeline shift for you I'm sorry you fell into one of the worst timelines
Brother there won't even be a Wotc by then
Wizards of the Coast might still exist, but I'm hoping Hasbro goes under and all their IPs get bought up by people who actually care about them. It will be like all the stuff you like from the 80s and 90s are suddenly released from prison.
>they don't deliberately make bad products to sell poorly
let's say I have two products. Apple pie and orange pie. I want to sell more orange pies as I personally like oranges. To get more people buy orange pies all I need to put less resources to apple pies by making the less tasty and show data that apple pies are selling poorly so I can make more orange pies. this way can scoop the lost money by selling more orange pies as I dont have to keep selling both pies. if people still buy my apple pies they are always buying an inferior product compared to the orange pie.

This way I can still sell orange pies to people who are indifferent about the quality and don't care what type of pie they eat. some might even gaslight themselves to like orange pie and there will be dedicated people who would defend my orange pie production by buying them in excess bulk purchases.

So why would a WotC sell more UB than their own product? It's because of lack of creativity. Why make something original when you can just leech from others? Making something needs money and Hasbro doesn't want to spend money to get money. UB sets have rich lore you can just transform into game pieces and use their fan bases to pump up the sales. Why spend money on a writing and creating when it's already done for you? That's why it's better from WotC's and Hasbro's point of view to push UB agenda. They don't want people to be creative and they want to produce more shiny slob that looks good on promo material. Under the hood all they do is recycle boring and mid tier mechanics to sell their products. WotC's think tank has run out it's juices.
Once again forgetting you aren't the majority.
I'm so fucking degenerate I keep buying goblins, I'm now a proud owner of warren instigator and a foil underworld breach.
Hoping for good monored goblin card in this set so far nothing calls out.
There has never been a race swap for a character that has a standard visual depiction
Appeals to me far more than another sword and sorcery set.
And what do you consider to be a "standard visual depiction"?
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MMMMMMMMM That's a bad ass vehicle
Bro you dont suffer as a goblin enthusiast
t. Orc enjoyer
wizards official site is such cancer
I just want to see a card list, I dont need a reminder after every image that its available in boosters
And I dont want to see every fucking printing
Is there a chance for an Inventor's Fair reprint in Aetherdrift?
I really like this island.
I also think people saying it is a vagina are really stretching.
Just use scryfall
Is aetherdrift on scryfall?
>Have a draw engine on field
>Also have a 10/10 double strike death touch trampler
>Someone exiles my draw engine
>He has almost nothing on board
>I attack him in retaliation and he goes down to 7 life
What's the most retribution you've meted out recently in a game?
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Best commander for an Esper flash deck?
>Artifact pod
How long until White enchantment pod?
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In order to do that Wotc would need to print more parity breakers and MLD spells. Theyve printed some incidental parity breaking effects in green with land protection and mass recursion, but MLD is seriously lacking on more spells to cast. An anon can dream of a time where people vastly overestimate the strategies strength though.
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Is it really that powerful of a strategy?
No. Which is why people hate it.
MLD is just worse stax. the game is bogged down but instead of one player getting clear value from it to end the game, everybody just suffers
We get confirmation that Anointed Procession is in that Zombie precon?
5C decks can and should run 12 indestructible lands.
No lol
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tfw your deck says fuck you and refuses to be playable
>friend gets me estrid SL
>already have a 'enchant creatures and swing' deck in Ellivere
could she work as kinda a instant speed control deck? Enchant lands on my turn, untap them, then pass with mana up and do stuff with like Thrasios, Valley Floodcaller, the other Flash Fairy - shit like that?

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