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Ablative Plating Edition

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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What's your favorite vehicle?
I like orks :)
Anything that wasnt inspired by the brits.
So no tau, ig, or marines. I guess that just leaves something from the eldar range. Ill take the boats.
love these lanky fuckers like you wouldn't believe
wish they were smaller
>What's your favorite vehicle?
Fire Prism, but I don't play Eldar.
For an army I play, it's the Storm Speeder,
>What's your favorite vehicle?
Deff dredd. It is a travesty that we are limited to taking only 3, after previously being able to take 3 units of 3 that would split up into 9.
Lobby GW to make multiple deff dred datasheets.
Maybe we can eventually get 2000 points of dreads in multiple armies.
marine drop pod
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I miss them so much
More like lunchables deliveries.
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No, wait, what I really miss is the customization you could do with this sprue
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>What's your favorite vehicle?
Killa Kanz, though if you're not counting walkers then Battlewagons
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is it sad that I see old sprues and think "man that's a lot of wasted space"
>What's your favorite vehicle?

Leman Russ Battle Tank

They packed our sprues but limited our options at the same time. The future is so strange sometimes.
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>Thread Question:What's your favorite vehicle?
luv me dreadnoughts
>Thread Question
The Rosenbauer Panther is pretty cool
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In all of 40k no one is happier than the average dark eldar. Orks aren't even capable of the same depth of happiness, satsifaction and fulfillment as eldar are
Is that skull alive
I remember boxes being much bigger
dark eldar more like fart smelldar lmfao
Gw kinda wastes more space now unnecessarily to justify selling less stuff in their kits.
>violent, backstabbing society of psychopaths
I don’t think a single dark eldar can afford to be happy. Seeking happiness and fulfillment sounds means you’re not either keeping your rivals down or working on climbing the social ladder.
Remember, the older a dark eldar is, the faster their soul drains. They require more slaves, more torture. It’s a curve they are desperate to stay ahead of.
zamn, how will that anon ever recover now
Will the chaos codex’s bring back summoning
they'll bring back everything anon. including psychic phase, drawing psychic cards, and rolling on tables for daemonic gifts.
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You can still make them
Salamander scout tank
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I adore this piece of junk, along with its retarded tank brother. They remind me of the vehicles you could steal in Jak 2 and 3 on the PS2.
can't love it that much if you don't own a painted one
I don’t want any of these things back.
I just want to buy a utility spell, buy a damage spell, and have those spells either on the datasheet or somewhere else that’s convenient.
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My favorites are the ones I've modified myself.
I want all these things back
There's happiness in between keeping your rivals down and working on climbing the social ladder.
>Remember, the older a dark eldar is, the faster their soul drains. They require more slaves, more torture. It’s a curve they are desperate to stay ahead of.
Yes but they enjoy that process.
>Seeking happiness and fulfillment sounds means you’re not either keeping your rivals down or working on climbing the social ladder
damn so deldar are actually based on south korea??
Sorry, I'm a broke nigga and don't own anything I can't get second hand.
I read somewhere that a deldar was devastated when one of his servants that he liked permanently died and he couldn't handle or even understand his emotions that ruined him or ended his life or something and also read that a child deldar was witnessing her first torture of a victim and got traumatized by it an begged the torturers to stop it
I don't think they are as happy as you think
Please anon, convince me to get a drop pod.
Are they really so annoying to build?
How small are the old sculpt ork boyz compared to the new sculpt?

I have around 80 of the old boyz but don't want them to stick out against all the other newer releases.
just sculpt platform shoes for them lil nigga
2000 points of dreadnoughts would be a better investment.
It's absolutely miserable to build, even going at it methodically and clamping down the wings I had to do so much gap filling and sanding and filing and had to magnetize them to stay closed
Very fun to paint it up and forcing it into my games though
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just put cork under them
the custodes have some baller vehicles
shame they're resin
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not a perfect picture for comparison but its all I have readily available
the new orks are a bit bigger, not enough to really notice in a group on the table but you can see it if you're putting them side by side in a row
I dont really think its a big deal myself
Gonna need a source for both of those anon. never read any dark eldar fluff where they saw the torture of others as traumatic
it was a little kid to be fair
kids tend to be more cruel, callous and mean than adults, dark eldar chidlren would be that also. Esp since it would be a true born elite since they're the only kids in the dark city. Vat grown eldar are formed as full adults arent they?
>gap filling
Fuck I'm shit at that and I hate it.
And I'm 100% sure there is 0 chance of a drop pod refresh
recasters are the light that will save you from the dark miniatures
Surely it's the exodites that are living the life, riding dinosaurs on some pretty maiden world somewhere. Dark Eldar are coping.
Wondrous natural light makes this better than most.
What prevents Craftworlders from using vat grown techniques to replenish their declining numbers? I guess it is Slaanesh preying on them or the Craftworlders being Amish.
is it true that the ancient eldar made some panel that can grant wishes but got corrupted by chaos into a computer monkey paw so they destroyed it?
You know how the Imperium will send massive armies to planets that rebel? What would happen if they got there and demanded to talk to the governor that rebelled so they can kill him and the person on the phone said "Oh, King Whatever? He tripped down a stair case and died 2 days after he declared independence from the Empire. The guy who replaced him took a vote and we all decided to go back to worshiping the Emperor."

What would happen? Do they still attack or just leave griping about wasted resources?
They need soulstones, and those are only found on crone worlds.
The new Ork detachment is very fun. It's crazy how clutch that +1S can be.
Lmao, gottem.
That's why they bioengineered the T'au.
the tau are necrontyr
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To the anon that told me about the relatively cheap OG Lemartes on ebay, thanks again. I got one and he is on the way. Usually avoid ebay like the plague because the prices are insane for old stuff but this time it was ok. Now all I need is Corbulo and the whole retro BA gang is complete.
I didn't use clamps, I used multiple thin rubber bands and cubes of foam for the doors. That other anon isn't entirely wrong, but sometimes applying too much force can make it set funny.
You should, they feel great when you tug on em a little
Using Imperial Guard rules for Lost and Damned, yay or nay? I ask because I'm almost tempted to bite the bullet to get three of the blooded killteam to get me 3x10 not!infantry, 3xnot!Commissars and a full squad of not!ogryn and I found some really neat third party chaos guard vehicles.
Do it. What's gonna happen otherwise? James releasing a full range of traitor guard?
Idiotic fanfic
They are not.
the only fanfic is thinking the eldar could engineer a race that's superior to them like the tau lmao
Yeah fair call. If that does happen, I'll at least be ahead of the curve.
Never heard of that, got a name for it or source?
yes they'd attack, they'd ask why the planet followed him intor ebellion, why no one stopped him, who let him have such ideas as leaving the imperium. The ruling class and elite militry personal would be purged. Extermination of the population that most support him etc etc
sick, what's happening up right there though
The first story is called 'Mistress Baeda's Gift'. The archon is devastated after his daughter and heir is killed.
>What prevents Craftworlders from using vat grown techniques to replenish their declining numbers?

Craftworlders use spirit stones to keep themselves safe from Slaanesh. They can only be gathered from crone worlds which is a dangerous mission to undertake, and puts a limit on the number of births they can have.
Further to >>94867723 , consider that simply ramping up your population that way is the quick, easy option. What are Craftworlds very much set up to NOT allow?
There's also possibly an argument as to whether a vat-grown would have a 'true' Eldar soul I suppose, given their tradition of reincarnation and what not, but that's getting a bit metaphysical and also to my knowledge has never really been touched on, slightly surprisingly.
It's a mural of the silent king before the transferance
And why? It is because the material of the soulstones is one that can hold an eldar soul. And only eldar tissue can hold them.
They are harvesting the dead bodies of the eldar who died and crystallized during slaanesh birth. That is why that material is only found in crone worlds.
there need more stories like this, you're telling me people aren't tired of the same shit of Deldar being horrible and petty with no consequences?
craftworlds more like crapworlds lol
hehe we sure hate eldar here don't we fellow redditor XD
I know what race I want to play, but what specifically do I get to start playing? My friend has a 1000 point army and I want to skullfuck him
how are you genuinely tilted by that
eldarfags really are thinskinned
this but unironically
1000 points is terribly balanced
>They are harvesting the dead bodies of the eldar who died and crystallized during slaanesh birth.
Do you have a source that says thats what spirit stones are. I thought they grew on Croneworlds in unlimited amounts. Being the souls of Eldar eaten by Slaanesh on his birth would mean there's a finite amount. Even if the amount is 90% of the total eldar pop at its height
3-4 c'tan shards
If I told you the race I want to play you'd bully me
We will bully you no matter which race you choose.
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It's Tau
I also play zoners in fighting games, Protoss in Starcraft, and stun in yugioh
Tau infantry kits are neat, and their hover tanks are pretty cool too.
Do what you like anon, it's a hobby you're supposed to enjoy it.
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What a fag.
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He has my axe.
Are skaven an actual playable race?
Neat, he can use it to kill himself.
Jesus. I'm sorry anon but I have to inform you that you're extremely cringe. I'm afraid it's terminal.
they're called GSC
I hope so in light of this
guys where can I find the current 3.4.1 rules for Grimdark future? full rulebook. I've been playing this game like crack and I want MORE options too play with before I mentally crash and burn before I move too playing second edition 40k
>play zoners in fighting games
I wish you a painful death
just put rat heads on gsc
>Even if the amount is 90% of the total eldar pop at its height
More like more than 99.9%, it was totally devastating and race ending.
Also it is grimdark and adds to the dying race theme.
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>wish they were smaller
you can rework their limbs and waist to be shorter
Nah the Fall explicitly says 90% of all Eldar died at the moment of Slaaneshs birth. The remaining 10% fled to the Webway and became dark eldar, or survived on the now Crone Worlds and joined cults and conducted eldar sacrifices, until Asurman emerged from a Crone World and created the aspect warriors and pheonix lords. And then went off to save Craftworlds from the Eye founding more aspect warrior shrines.
>Also it is grimdark and adds to the dying race theme.
Yeah I like the idea but want to know if its canon or just good headcanon
Would a space marine psyker be stronger than the average psyker, or are the power levels of psykers relative?
I don't even play or care about eldar, I'm just tired of seeing the same forced meme garbage day in and day out
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or use the titanicus models for infantry
Titans are taller than space marines? What the fuck.
They actually look worse. Amazing.
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>power levels
I’m not gonna type out something as gay as “attainment” and resistance to the warp.
or print alternative hands for an armiger
I found a archive but its still only the stuff I can find on the base stuff I can find on the main website. Im going too wait until tomorrow and see if I can find the stuff I want when a new thread is up but im going to come back here and beg if I cant.
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semantics aren't the problem here
Have you even read Path of the Dark Eldar? Honestly they're probably the best written and most fleshed out Xenos faction in the game if you actually bother to read their trilogy. It's absolutely ridiculous how Craftworlders get absolutely shit on by GW yet Deldar get a god tier trilogy that no one read.
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>be me
>in UK
>hobby knife is blunt so need to order a new one
>must record a live video and submit two (2) forms of ID

It’s over
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
you guys are beyond fucked
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Speaking of can anyone recommend me a hobby knoife?
I've been using ye olde pic rel and I have to keep ordering blades because they dull so fucking fast and I'm sick of it
>Not buying hobby knives from bikie gangs and criminal organisations
How are you supposed to deal with Ironstorm Vindicators?
>Just shoot it
T11 2+ with smoke is a really annoying profile to kill with most guns in the game
>Charge it
Seige Shield
>Big guns to kill it
The stupid tank gets full reactive fire with Power of the Machine Spirit which is more than capable of killing whatever wounded it
>Just ignore it
Mercy is Weakness on the gun makes it way too dangerous, especially with oath it's shitting out like 10 attacks
Unironically how is grimdark future? I want to try the game, but nobody at the LGS wants to give it a shot despite being able to use their 40k models in it.
it works
that's more than you can say about 40k
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>Speaking of can anyone recommend me a hobby knoife?
I use pic related.
I chose it mostly because the twisting mechanism is at the back of the handle. I always found the twisting mechanism at the front of the handle where the blade is to be weird as there is a higher chance of cutting oneself.
>it works
So it is worth trying to build a OnePageRules community at the LGS?
Genuinely asking here.
Are UK knife laws the reason that the mouldline remover exists?
might as well travel to france or smth and smuggle one up your ass
my bad, is it really that good?
nta but by eldar standards yeah they're good. Eldar don't have a good run when it comes to BL
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I guess specifically I meant better blades, the handle is alright. Guess I'll just try another brand. Used to get these packs of 5 blades from my LGS now I find out I can get like a 100 on amazon for a little more money. Even if they suck I can just keep replacing them for ages.
Oh my bad.
I'll be honest I prefer to get my blades from the LGS as it is a little bit of support for the place.
>barrels aren't drilled

Reeee eee e eeeeee
Oy, you got a loicense to complain about the consequences of diversity?
NTA either but I finished the trilogy a few weeks ago, really really good stuff. Well a worth a read
The EC stuff is the only reason I bother getting out of bed right now. Sad yeah but of the 4 mono god legions they've always been my favorite so I've been waiting for this for a while. Pretty excited to get that box. Might get two. Fuck it. What's money anyway. I'll never be happy. Gotta stock up on some pink and purple paint too.
TQ: Sentinel. I like mechs. I like Humanity Fuck Yeah, so fuck Tau/Eldar. I wish IG had more mech stuff. Quad/Hex walkers, Octo-walker artillery, mech suits reminiscent of those from The Matrix/Avatar, etc. And no, fuck Knights.
Lol, I've been using folding knives from walmart.
"Hobby" knives
Lmao even
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Reposting for newly interested anons
>1 of 3
>2 of 3
>3 of 3
There's a lack of post models ITT
I remember needing cheap Aspiring Champions all over so they can get possessed and get your Greater Daemon onto the board. Which edition ended that?
i would but i haven't painted anything recently
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last thing I worked on
>more blue orks

Fucking hell I really shoulda just painted my orks blue too, it's my favourite colour after all
I've been painting the last of my Striking Scorpions to clear space for the new eldar stuff coming, but I haven't taken any pictures.
>world without xenos
blue orks foreva
I haven't painted anything 40k recently and don't want to repost too much
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What shape would the reactive armor panels be for each faction in Warhammer 40K?
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Is this a joke?
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Actually the full pic is even funnier
>just buy 8 more kits including a tank so you can get to 1k(not even)!
who wins the paypiggy off: dkk or admech?
so the Harlequins are the strongest the eldars have to offer even including the dark eldar? I mean even they seem to be scared of them which i still don't get why beyond them being strong, the deldar are also strong so what gives?
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The average harlequin is above the average eldar and deldar, but an aspect warrior exarch and Klaivex are above them. Solitaires and Troupe Master are more elite than the average clown and some of the deadliest fighters in 40k that arent named characters.
Some Clowns slaughtering custodes in that bl slop was accurate

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