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Sanrio uni Images.
It's cosplaying characters again. Nothing for the Angel and Monster uni yet
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omori tamagotchi tease from last thread, still no news on them
Aww fuck. I'm glad I waited on the uni. I love Sanrio shit.

More info? Sounds cool.
we don't know anything about the angel and monster unis other than that they'll exist.
a lot of people suspect that they will be angelgotchi and devilgotchi themed unis that come with codes for corresponding dlc areas.
>its just cosmetics, cant raise sanrio characters
Its that real or fanart
Nevermind I cant read
>april fool day project
I would kill for this. Even just a nano.
It's such an obvious good idea.
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I would like to propose that Digimon and Vpet general be the same thread. Agree/Disagree?
this. Stop shitting up /toy/
actually, I didn't notice there was a new digimon thread up. And I'm always looking through the catalog lol.
I'm still going to post about Tama here though.
then keep the digishit out faggot
Digimon has no toys. It's off-topic
ew no boys are gross
only us girls here in the tama thread
I'm a guy and I love kawaii things like tamagotchi
also there are no girls on the interwebs!
tits or... just kidding haha

I have a digipet color V1, a Uni that I customized, an evatchi and I pre-ordered the digivice that's coming out in June/July
I can’t find any information about this online, where’d you find this anon?
Zenin has this up for preorder. I'm considering it. But I don't really want more than one, maybe two unis. So I may hold out to see these supposed Monster and Angel ones.
the sanrio one that is
not the april fools one
no word or design rumors on the monster? I want to see what's up so I can give away my old uni and get that. hopefully a cool shell color maybe because I am tired of the purple.
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VPets? Yes, I like VPets.
I find vpets only fun when I juggle between at least 3 of them at the same time
Im running a uni a digimon color v1 a digimon X2 and a digimon 20th
Waiting for my tama ocean to arrive and join them
Also I plan on getting the uni monster if its real.
Nothing yet. They release around the same time as the Sanrio uni according to the Zenintcg listings that were accidentally revealed. So maybe news soon.
Every time i try to get orenetchi on the 4U i end up with spacytchi...
I want to kill him.
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So these things dont evolve right
Whats the selling point? Do they do something unique other vpets dont?
>So these things dont evolve right
>It says there Multiple evolutions

They GROW.
These look like regular acrylic keychains, I've noticed an uptick in keychains based on vpets being sold on etsy and the like.
Linear child and adult growth. Has you capture the others after achieving adult with previous.
Omocat officially posted them around the game’s anniversary though, I believe they are just concept art of what they would like and who will be available.
I guess Ill get it since its cheap and I never owned a gigapet Im just curious what the selling point over tamas is supposed to be
Ive seen in some videos that it has better sprite animations than tamas so thats something
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Can anyone help ID this or know where it's from? It was in storage with some old stuff, from what I remember I was given it around the late 90s maybe 2000. There's no writing on it besides Reset and Made in China. Couldn't find a match after some searching and checking some databases.
It's called a Dinopet. This site a little info on it. https://tamagotchi.dreamwidth.org/tag/dinopet
Is the R2D2 tama worth it?
Thanks anon
No nano is really worth it, too simple and boring.
Only buy if you really really really love the character
Thank anon!
I don't like raining on parades, but you're being a little wishful. Manufacturing custom chips is really expensive, and those are actual Tamagotchi designs. Unless it was a licensed thing, they wouldn't be able to do this - Not to mention Tamagotchi Connection is a defunct brand. As nice as it would be, there's not a chance it's coming. I would love to eat humble soup on this one, but hedge your bets on this one.
Previous thread?
I can only run up to two at a time, but that's rare.
Any more and I'm worrying about them too much.

I did run five ver.20th at once for six hours so I could unlock every unique egg but they prevented me from focusing on much else.
Also, forgot that each of them needed five connects, so I had to restart one, lel
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actually naa he's been pretty cool
>there are no girls on the interwebs
if only lol, farmers are such vitriolic lil shits
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Detective Conan collab was announced. Might be a new nano or maybe just some merch like the yokai watch collab
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My Pianitchi looks like a cheep slut.
What sites are gonna have this available? Can't find it HJL
Ur a girly guy
Anon, I know it’s a pipe dream but I want more digimon vpets that directly cross over with digimon toys. Scannable figures, exclusives you can only order once you raise one on a vpet device, game tie-ins, collectible figures for new mons making their debut on the vpet devices, and just more figures and model kits in general. Thus, I would like to be able to discuss both in the digimon thread.
I get that the digimon threads are slow now because we have like one model per year now, but we do have a small, ACTIVE thread there. I feel like it would dilute the vpet threads for me and the other 5 surviving digimon toy fans to talk about figures and bandai’s release schedule and fuckups here, and like it would be more frustrating for us to share a thread with other vpets.
I’ll defer to whatever the other users want, but I’ve watched the merge and split of a lot of other kinds of threads, and based on what I’ve observed with similar situations I would say that expecting digimon fans to move in here and ONLY here is a bad idea, as is expecting them to split their digimon vpet and digimon figure discussions.
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>digimon threads are slow now because we have like one model per year now
>decent amount of new models and reissues last year
>nothing until paildramon in the autumn
As much as I like amped anime accurate figure rises would do me.
Like come on, give me lilymon!
Apparently the tamagotchi some (korean meets) is being restocked (again?). No bluetooth capabilities on the some but may be worth it if you want a gene mixing tama.

I see pre-orders on websites like ZeninTCG, JYW TMGC, and both US and JP Amazon. Keep in mind the Sanrio Uni will be released overseas as well.
whats your favorite nano?
come on you can tell me
your penis lmao
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My melodytchi looks like a cheep slut
All girls are cheep sluts
don't mess with my heart...
we are so back
Why do the characters look so good in the games, but so shit in promotional art?
my wife isnt cheep
What was Bandai thinking releasing literally ahegao heart pupil eyes

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