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Would you want one? By Diamond/Jada/Neca/whoever, and going through all the series (so giving us Soma, Richter, Alucard, Julius) etc
Never touching Diamond Select toys again. Paid full price Dracula and was disappointed in the lack of articulation and QC. Pin joints should be banned.
The diamond select ones seem overpriced for the poor quality. I'd love some good Castlevania figures.
But the cartoon sucks.
In fact I'm referring to the game ones. If they could also nail Ayami Kojima's style it would be awesome
>It's been 16 years and these are still the best Castlevania figures you can get outside of statues
It's a shame that the series is dead and if they ever make figures nowadays, it's just going to be based on their shitty Netflix Castlevania self. As shown with Nendoroid Richter being based off the Netflix show, not his RoB or SotN self.
Lol if you find toys with 666 in the upc code, they always have fun symbols on them which is almost too obvious. Did I make this obvious enough? You mostly interact with NPCs in your life. They aren't real pieces of dirt. I suggest you start believing there is only 2 other people out there buddy bud because that's all I've managed to prove. There is me, and also an evil god who is controlling a few hundred million pieces of dirt himself. We're in hell.
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>and these are still the best Castlevania figures you can get outside of statues
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Honestly, I want some from Jada.
Same here... Well, I hope everyone is writing to them like I did. Maybe something can move...
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Got this pack on Insta from MegaCustomX / bujubu. Fits in great with Jakks and Figma for the Smash Bros collection
since jada has the capcom license i wouldn't be suprised if they made some castlevania figures.
literally anything would be better than diamond shitlect my god that company cannot make an action figure to save their lives.
>since jada has the capcom license i wouldn't be suprised if they made some castlevania figures
But Castlevania is from Konami, not Capcom
based retard
Konami is just sitting on so many great licenses. And they're just content to make slot machines nowadays...
Don't remind me that. I really hope the recent Return to Castlevania DLC for Dead Cells let Konami understand how much a new game is needed. Let's hope Evil Empire's 2nd secret game is really Castlevania (even a rougelite one would be ok for now)
Damn, that rules. But I also see why it wouldn't be appealing to someone who isn't a MOTU fan.
How is this IP simultaneously dead but relevant? I didn't like the Netflix show much, but it seemed popular until they tried to adapt Rondo of Blood. Simon and Richter have a good amount of notoriety from Smash Brothers. Vampire Survivors (which is blatantly borrowing Castlevania's aesthetic) is such a big hit that even Konami took notice, to provide... Contra DLC? (Was it too obvious or something?)
But there hasn't been an actual new game in almost a decade and a half now. How the fuck did that happen?
Remember when Konami made a Busou Shinki anime to promote the toyline and then released no more toys and killed the line?
>But there hasn't been an actual new game in almost a decade and a half
Just a decade. LoS2 came out in 2014.
For that art style I’d only want figma or figuarts to take a crack at it
>And they're just content to make slot machines nowadays...
This is just a common misconception due to gaming youtubers. Konami always been a entertainment company first and gaming company second. They been doing casino stuff for decades before the whole "Fuck Konami" trend of the mid-2010s. Infact, companies like Capcom and SEGA does the same thing as shown with Megaman pachinko machines. Like for gods sake, Konami literally sells gym equipment.
Secondly, Konami been making games. It's just not the usual Silent Hill or Castlevania. It's franchises like Momotaro Dentetsu and Bomberman that are receiving new entries and are doing great + being super successful in sales, as shown with Momotaro Dentetsu being one of the best selling games on the Switch throughout 2021 to 2023.
>inb4 then why can't they do the same with Silent Hill/Castlevania/MGS
Because Konami is struggling to move these franchises forward without their respective creator. You can't just make a new Castlevania entry without planning shit out. This is why they're releasing remasters as a test to see if people are still interested in these IPs. Or how they're letting multiple companies make their own Silent Hill so they can see which game does people like the most.
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>Momotaro Dentetsu
Yashahime articulated figure when!
>soul > soulless
Remember when busou shinki was failing at retail and the megami device edelweiss shelf warmed on AMIAMI for like 2000 JPY a set? And the Konami Store in Roppongi closing for whatever reason selling busou shinkis at discounted prices?
was there ever a shinoa figure?
>Goodsmile finally releases Richter and Alucard nendoroids
>They're the show versions
How cruel the monkey's paw can be. If you told 15 year old me that they would release a Richter figurine and I would actively not want to buy it I would've called you a crazy person.
I mean they are the most “popular” versions.

I still havent touched Castlevania Nocturne, the first 2 episodes kinda just rubbed me the wrong way.

I liked the first series though, so I wouldnt mind getting a Trevor from that series.
jada(and jakks) have the potential to fill a massive hole in the industry. people actually want affordable figures that aren't from the same 5-6 properties that have been milked for forty years.
Looks retarded, combat cross speaks volumes about the designer being a smashtard and never having touched a real castlevania game
God, what a disappointing line. I'm working on an Alucard custom right now, partly out of spite for the Diamond Select toys. I was really hoping that the Smash stuff would lead to some better game-inspired figures, but all we got were the Amiibo. Shame.
if you'd believe Neca, they said Konami is very difficult to work with, they said the same about Valve too, I'd like for playmates to get it, they might make affordable, fun figures out of it
Their nintendo and now sega stuff is pretty awesome. The altered beast figure is great, and im planning on grabbing donkey kong soon. If not jakks then jazwares, i think both would do castlevania justice.
I can believe konami is hard to work with now, from what ive read they have new management and are focused on anything but video games..
That would be cool. To be honest they're the only company I think would do a good job.
Only if they actually release monsters instead of just Belmonts
>focused on anything but video games.
read again >>10956410

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