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Recently got my kid into speed racer. I forgot how good this show was. Looking online, I’m really surprised there is no good Speed and Mach 5 combo. It would be an instant buy if someone like Figma came out with a 1/12 combo. I bought a 1/18 scale die cast Mach 5 and hope to eventually commission a 1/18 scale Speed. Thanks for reading my blog. What other toys are you surprised don’t exist?
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This is the Mach 5 I bought. Ertl 1:18. Just waiting for it to be delivered
Probably some weird licensing issues like with macross.
I’d buy any scale if they came out with a good line. I’d get 1/6 if they did a Blitzway style 1,500 dollar version. I mostly said 1/12 because that’s what most Japanese companies do. 1/18 will be awesome if I can get a good looking figure of Speed.
Yeah, probably. After looking at stuff online, I might just be demand. There was a flood of merchandise when the live action came out, and also when the reboot cartoon came out.
I think this show is just another one of the examples where its vastly more popular outside of japan than it is in it, so the companies that would normally make these kind of high end toys don't do it. Probably only gonna ever happen if one of the non-japanese companies like blitzway or threezero make one.
I saw a Mach 5 model kit at Ollie's, some months ago.
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This makes sense. It reminds me of Ninja Scroll.
ReSaurus is the best one, followed by the Big Sounds by Mattel, in that line they did a Shooting Star that imo looks good with ReSaurus. I'd say any of these are good buys under $50, ReSaurus is a great buy under $80

There are no true 1/18 or 1/12 options, its alllll flub based scaling.

Neither of these include the ReSaurus, but its the best one.
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it's just one more crossover I need.
One Mach 5 that I wish got more love was the one from the 1997 anime. It's such a cool take on the original, but the Tomicas are so expensive. It needs a rerelease.
My absolute favorite Mach 5 design...

And the only one that can time travel. (No the Fred wolf car isn't the Mach 5.)
Hey OP, are you still lurking?

I suggest you and your son start watching some Gerry Anderson Sci-Fi stuff. I know, more stuff with little merchandising right now, but it might be worthwhile.
Those both look really good. The one I bought got to the house and I’m pretty happy with it. Got it for under a hundred. I’ll post pictures in a bit.
This is cool. It’s almost a mix of the Mach 5 and 6.
Thanks. This is a good recommendation. I remember Thunderbirds re-runs from when I was young, but I never got into it. Now with my kid is a perfect time to.
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About time Speed killed these two annoying little shits. No more hiding in the trunk for you.
This time the one to hide them in the trunk will be Speed.
As pieces, before burying them in the middle of nowhere.
Remember the movie? It gave us some pretty cool speed racer lego sets
>I forgot how good this show was.
I've never heard anyone say the cartoon was any good. Huh.
So is the Mach 5 solid white, or does it have blue on the lower half? There seems to be both in the toys.
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I think, officially, the Mach 5 is entirely white. It's just that in Yoshida's original art, he'd heavily shade and highlight the lower half of the car with blue-ish gray to help define the shape of the body panels and suggest a lustrous, reflective finish. It became such an iconic and dynamic part of the car's look that it was purposefully replicated on some toys and models with blue-ish gray paint.

This Japan-only Hot Wheels casting actually came in two decos: a "manga" version with the blue lower half, and an "anime" version that was all white. Although, in reality, neither color scheme was exclusive to one or the other. I find most stuff with the blue shading is either Japanese or intended for older collectors.

I'm rather partial to the blue, myself.
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Yes it's pure shiny white and the lower half is be led in such a way the blue is the GREY ROAD.
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I have a Kyosho Mini-Z remote control Mach 5 that uses the blue shading. I bought a new motor for it and this thing went so fast it could break a toe. Super fun.
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The whole idea of Mini-Z was to have highly-customizable little RC chassis with tons of interchangeable parts and bodies, but the Mach 5 was already an outdated release when I bought it 15 years ago, and it was a very uncommon length and height, so it was a bitch to find parts for. Still rad as fuck, though.

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